My Computer Is Unbearably Slow But Not Infected

Feb 1, 2013

My computer seems to be very bogged down. Many programs freeze up and do the "not responding" thing and the internet constantly needs to have pages refreshed.I have malwarebytes pro on here, I have a regular defrag schedule, I uninstall programs that Im not using. Im not sure why its doing this. I checked the task manager and there is like 50 tasks running- is that normal? The task manager cpu graph also spikes to 100 about twice a minute with zero programs running. When i run the internet the task manager cpu graph is steady 50-100. My internet is crazy slow, takes about 30-60 seconds per page to load. I make music on one program and when i render out or when im transfering a file through or something "heavy" I cant do anything else, my mouse gets all choppy and slow and clicking on like another tab or something isnt happening. It basically doesnt do anything until the big things are done.

I dont understand, I used to run my media player, browse the internet with like 10 tabs open, and run like a paint program or something all at the same time. I have an external hard drive for all my music stuff so there really isnt anything on my computer, like 1 decent sized game and some personal files. I dont really do much on here.Is it possible i deleted a program or something that is a part of the computers natural operating system, and it is tripping over itself or what? Doing a system restore would basically be impossible because I have been baring with this for a while and I dont know when this started and what programs/files I would lose if I restore back a few months.

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Unbearably Slow BIOS Boot?

Jan 15, 2013

I have Windows 7 64 bit, on a Alienware Area 51. Lately when I start or reboot my PC the BIOS is taking about 2.5 mins before my startup begins on the PC.The BIOS is the latest available, and I have changed boot order but still takes so long in the BIOS mode.

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Formatting Infected Win 7 System Partition

Oct 7, 2009

Just yesterday Windows 7 got infected with some kind of bug that cause it to lag, crashed programs and was apparently capable of piggybacking off USB sticks- as my eeePC could tell you. I've reinstalled a new copy of Windows 7 on a different partition of the same HDD but now I can't seem to format the old partition in either Windows Disk Management or EASEUS Partition Master. I checked the status of the disk and I think it might be because that partition is classed as Primary or System or something.

Does anybody have any programs or advice that can help?

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Windows\system32\services.exe Is Infected With Trojan Horse Patched_c.LYU

Aug 16, 2012

My windows\system32\services.exe is infected with Trojan horse patched_c.LYU what can i do to remove it?I'm running on Windows 7 ultimate.

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My Private Folder Program - Deleted Programs Infected By Virus / All Document Damaged

Oct 17, 2012

I install Microsoft My private folder program. I upload in there documents and photos. One day my Kaspersky note me that inside program are virus. And all my files recognize as virus. I just think in that time maybe I install bad program and in there is virus. I remember that virus was: $e. So I just done mistake and delete them. After that I open folder and all my photos and documents was damage.

Kaspersky not have option BackUp my deleted virus. I try Restore point and no luck. So what I use Recovery programs. I try 3. But only from one I get files back. So my question is, can I recover my files with program or with other option? Or This is it and I not have any option recover? Here is one photo how look recovered files. And two files I give in here.

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Computer Freezes Randomly

Mar 25, 2012

Computer runs very slow. Computer freezes randomly. Does not want to boot past windows startup except for in safe mode(SOMETIMES). IF IT BOOTS takes and an incredibly long time to get to the desktop (20-45min). Does not want to run programs. Runs EXTREMELY slowly (makes a windows 95 pc look like a speed demon.) Random restarts, restart loops, and shutdowns. Sometimes after turning on it will immediately shut off then turn back on. Keeps recommending windows repair on startup. Wants to run chkdsk, then freezes on it.Malware detection programs. Hardware diagnostic programs. registry tools. disk defrags. Driver updates. Windows updates. BIOS update. System restore. Windows repair tool. Repair installation (twice). WINDOWS 7 CLEAN INSTALLATION (twice).Exactly the same as the first day it started happening. So not only did I lose all programs and files, but my pc still runs like crap. Also, this is a higher end pc under a year old. [code]

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Found An "infected File" Which It Deleted?

Jan 21, 2012

So, my antivirus (avast 5.0) found an "infected file" which it deleted. Shortly after that, he asked me to restart the computer for a startup analysis, which i tried. My computer then restarted, and I got to a "startup repair" window, trying to resolve problems. This windows runs for about 25mn to finally tell me that it is unable to correct the problems.I of course tried to boot in safe mode, tried "system restauration" a few times, and I allways get to the "startup repair" window.I also don't have win7 installation CD because they don't give it to you with your laptop when you buy it around here (yes, I made reclamations to get it but they just answered me that if I wanted the cd I had to pay the windows7 license again, this was out of the question).

I'm actually booted on a linux usb device (and hopefully I have access to all my datas!), and I have two questions for you (maybe three in fact):1- Is there any way to reinstall the startup whole thing without the installation CD?2- Is there a file where avast's last actions are reported? I went through the log files, report folders and journal folders in my avast folders, and couldn't find any clue about the file he deleted. My idea was simply to get the name of that file to replace it manually.

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Computer Is Very Slow

Dec 11, 2011

I hsve a very new computer an acer. I also have high speed internet . the computer is only a couple of months old.

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Computer Seems To Slow Down

Jun 9, 2009

i have a toshiba laptop 4 gb ram 2.66 processor 9800mgt video card.

this week i have installed windows 7 and whenever i open a new window my computer seems to slow down like the window comes but slower.

and in flash games whenever i play a flash game it's slows down like when you get low fps on normal games.

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Computer Is Slow

Sep 2, 2009

I put out a post a day or two ago about my 64 bit Windows 7 on my Intel E6550 was slow. After the response I got from you guys I am going to stay with the 64 bit no matter what. So I figure I can go out and just build another computer and reload Windows 7 (64 bit from scratch) or find a program which I though you guys could help me with. There are dozens of programs out there that say it will make your computer faster, fix your registry, Hard Drive problems and so on.

I had one of these programs about 15 years ago but I quit using them as I got better with computers but I feel I could use one now because I generally don't trust them but if it screws up my computer, so what, I have backups and I have other computers and I really don't care or mind if I have to format and re-load, it might give me something to do in my old age. So my question is can you recommend anything?

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Computer Is Not Slow Other Than Startup

Aug 4, 2011

So I bought a new Hitachi Deskstar 2 SATA-600 2 TB (3,5'') harddrive yesterday. (I had a WD 320 GB harddrive before changing to the 2TB.)And now, my computer takes maybe 4-5 minutes to show the boot screen (the screen that first appears when you boot your computer, often a green, blue or black one). And while the computer boots up, I can hear this ticking noise from the fans. Demonstration (the best I can):and so on. But when it finally boots (when the boot screen comes up) the fan-noise stops, and goes back to the "normal" noise.But my computer is working fine otherways. My computer is not slow other than the startup, and every program or game is working perfectly fine.I think maybe it have something to do with the size of the harddrive? Could there be problems changing from a 320GB to 2TB? [code]

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Computer Has Been Extremely Slow

Mar 18, 2012

my computer has been extremely slow. I tried uninstalling programs, rebooting, updating, shutting down processes and basically a lot of stuff. I think thee first time it started being slow was after a windows error recovery. Since then I have had about 3 more error recoveries, and from what I can remember it showed a black screen stating that "the system has been shut down to prevent damage" or something like that. Another thing I can remember was it saying something like "pool error".I'm usually patient with my computer and just wait for it to load, even though the computer shouldn't take this long to do anything considering that it's a pretty good computer and still not very old. But now I can't take it anymore! It's unbelievably slow and I am VERY lucky just to be able to use the internet and type this post right now.I originally thought there was a problem with my browser (Google Chrome) so I tried using rockmelt instead because I liked the chrome interface. Rockmelt actually worked better than Chrome for a while but then started being almost as slow, plus, changing browsers isn't gonna fix all the programs, they were just as slow too.

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Computer Is Running Very Slow Lately?

Sep 8, 2012

My computer is running very slow lately.

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Computer Startup Very Slow?

Feb 10, 2013

My computer's startup is very slow. I'm pretty sure my system is clean from any kind of malware, I just think it's all the programs that run on startup that is causing this problem.

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Computer Seems Slow And Sometimes Freezes?

May 6, 2011

I am having trouble with my computer which is still farely new (got it at christmas time),. The computer was built by Cyberpower has Intel Core i5 CPU 650@3.20GHz 3.19GHz, 4.0 GB RAM, 64 bit operatings system in it. I have recently been having trouble where I click to go from one page to another whil on internet, and it seems to freeze up and take a minute or so to catch up. I have 94% free memory so it does not seem it should be freezing or running slow as it is. I run Norton security on it and if anything it only ever comes up with tracking cookies.

When I go into Hijack this and click on run scan and safe results I have a box that comes up saying For some reason your system denied write access to the Hosts file.If any hijacked domains are in this file, Hijack This may not be able to fix this.If that happens, you need to edit the file yourself. To do this, click Start, blah, blah, blah....I did that but the notepad came up saying This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. There is also an example of a hosts file but then it says localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.1. How to I go to DNS and what do I do there to make the program workroperly.. I want to upload the data from my scan and have someone tell me if there are any files I need to remove because I do not know enough about this program to do it on my own

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Computer Extremely Slow?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a laptop with i3 for a few months now and I got my first issue. As soon as a start surfing around and open more than 5 tabs on Google Chrome or Firefox it starts to freeze like hell.I've searched around the net ad I found about Adobe Flash Player that could cause this. So I have uninstalled this and so far no laggs, but if I install it again it will freeze again

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Computer Running Slow?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a issue with my computer running very slow at times. Don't know if I have a virus but something has slowed things down. What can I do?

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Computer Has Been Running Slow Lately?

Sep 21, 2011

My computer has been running slow lately. It is maintained. I checked start up programs, deleted programs. I did the things I know how to do. I have a Hijack This report.

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Low CPU/RAM Usage But Slow Computer?

Dec 14, 2011

My problem is that my computer is very slow on startup and in general even though very little resources are being used. In the task manager the CPU usage rarely exceeds 10%. I have disabled all unessential startup programs and services and have defragged my HDD. There's a very little possibility of malware as i run Avast! which is fully updated.

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
Intel Pentium T4500 @ 2.30GHz(49 �C Average)(>10%)
174GB free in HDD.
4.00 GB DDR2 (22% used on idle)

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Computer Slow On Restart

Feb 27, 2012

My computer has been running very slowly lately after I restart it. On average after I restart, it takes noticeably longer to launch and run programs. If I leave it sitting on my desk running, somewhere between 12-36 hours after I restarted, it will run just fine. I defrag my drive regularly, and also run virus scans regularly with Malwarebytes and a few other tools. This has been a problem for a while and I've tried a lot of things to fix it with no luck, including registry defraggers / optimizers, cleaning temp files, CleanMem, and several other tools. I'd love some ideas for things to try.

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Computer Very Slow (Not Responding)

Feb 20, 2013

I am having a number of issues of this computer being slow, outlook not repsonding, once screensave goes on, then programs cannot re-open, have to use task manager to close and relaunch.

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Computer Gets Slow And Hangs After A While

Feb 22, 2013

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Service Pack 1
Lenovo Thinkpad Edge
Intel ® i7 ® CPU 2.10 GHz
4GB of RAM

This laptop will work fine when it is booted up and for ~30 minutes after that. Then it starts to get slow to the point where web pages refuse to load and it takes a good 2-3 MINUTES to open up Task Manager. CPU usage is not high at all when this happens. I have run Memtest86+ as well as Seatools for Windows and the diagnostic tools from the BIOS to rule out a hardware problem. I have backed up my files and reinstalled Windows, only to have the same thing happen. Scans with Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essentials have come up clean as well.

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Computer Running Really Slow?

Jan 2, 2011

I can type like a whole sentance before it shows how come...?

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Computer Become Slow And More Ram After Upgrade RAM?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm using Windows 32 bit, after I upgrade to 4GB RAM, and change my OS to 64 bit.

1) I see my computer really slower. I'm using one background program is Norton internet security 2012. does it make my 64 bit computer slow?

2) Before I upgrade from 2GB to 4GB, I just use about 1-1,5 GB RAM (and when no software use, just 800 MB). But, when I use 64 bit version with 4GB ram, windows start with 1,4 GB ram, and when i use software (like before), it turn to 2,5-2,7 GB?

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Computer Goes Very Slow Even After Reformatting

Mar 18, 2012

My dad's laptop had gotten a bunch of viruses/rootkits, so I decided to use KillDisk and erase everything with one pass.

Everything gets done and I reinstall Win 7 Home Premium 64bit. Install everything and use the laptop like normal.

For the first five minutes, everything is fine. Loads programs up in a couple of settings.

After the five minutes, it starts getting very slow. The mouse is lagging. Everything takes a couple of minutes to load. The only thing I even did besides have it on was install Windows Update when you first reformat.

After a few more KillDisks and reformatting. the same problem is happening. I know rootkits are harder to kill than most, but can it be possible it is STILL alive?

I also am thinking maybe something inside the laptop is wrong (CPU, HDD.) How would I be able to check this to let you guys know? I will try the HP Recovery Manager in a while and see if there is any difference.

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Computer Slow At Startup?

Sep 30, 2012

have a problem, when i turn on my computer i need to wait almost 5 min to operate normal. In that first 5 minutes, a cant move a mouse how much is slow. That happened suddenly yesterday, when i restarted computer. My AV eset smart security 5 didn't find anything.

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Slow Internet Only On One Computer

Dec 1, 2012

I made a thread in networking url...I feel like it might have to do something with the drivers or some setting on windows 7.

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Computer Start Up Running Slow?

Jul 24, 2011

i am trying to fix my moms netbook it is running very stow at start up and in general, i have done defrag and desk clean up , also ran anti virus.

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New Computer, VERY Slow Downloading Speed?

Mar 29, 2011

I bought a new computer last week, and i am connecting wirelessly to my router for internet, just like my other 3 roommates. My download speeds are in the 11-20 KB/S range while theres are in the 400-500 range! even my old low RAM computer is getting dl speeds in that range. I don't know why it is doing this, one of my roommates said he still downloads stuff on his win XP computer bc his new Win 7 comp is just as slow as mine! Is this a common problem with new computers in general?Is there an easy way to fix it, such as utilizing more priority to download speeds?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6200 @ 2.13GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3884 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1718 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 283244 MB, Free - 246902 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

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Computer Suddenly Becomes Extremely Slow

Mar 18, 2011

I can be away from the computer with no programs running besides the start up (which is just basic functions, kaspersky, and skype) and come back and the computer will respond like normal, except everything will jump around and take about 1/4th of a second for the mouse to move properly where I try to move it, if I am talking to anyone on skype their voices get chopped.

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Slow Computer/Cannot Connect To Internet

Aug 8, 2011

My co-workers computer is extremely slow and will connect via WiFi but not when connected to an ethernet cable. It is a Dell Inspiron 1545 with Windows 7 Home Premium x64. He thought it had a virus. I ran HiJackThis and it looks like some files are missing. He does not have any discs for it.

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