Microsoft Is Not Addressing

Nov 3, 2011

I am currently trying to determine if MSE is having a problem that Microsoft is not addressing.If you check the Event Viewer and show a SxS error or a Microsoft Anti-malware error, it might be caused by a problem with MseSysPrep.DLL.It seems running the Scheduled Task related to Application Experience will show a problem with MSESysPrep.dll. Many folks are showing the error and I am having a problem with the MSE real time protection shutting down because of "updates".I do not feel shutting down the real time protection for MSE updates is appropriate, so I will be watching to see if Microsoft addresses the problem.

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Simplify The Email Addressing Procedure In WLM?

Jan 17, 2012

When addressing an email, I begin by clicking on "to". Then the list of contacts appears and I have to click on the contact's name, select from "to/Cc/Bcc" and then click on the 'okay'. This seems to me to be a rather laborious procedure. Is there a way to modify WLM to simplify the addressing procedure. For example, after selecting (to/cc/bcc), a single click on the contact adds the addressee without having to move the cursor over to the far end to hit "OK"?

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Mar 4, 2012

I have a problem regarding my MICROSOFT ISATAP x422 and MICROSOFT TEREDO TUNNELING ADAPTER.going to device manager there is a yellow mark on MICROSOFT ISATAP x422 and MICROSOFT TEREDO TUNNELING ADAPTER icon and i was wondering what was wrong.

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Cannot Copy And Paste From Microsoft Word 2010 Into Microsoft 2007?

Feb 15, 2012

I am taking an online college course. When answering questions we were advised to first type our answers into micrsoft word and then copy and paste into the website.The school website only has basic spell check that is the reason for copy and pasting.I have Word 2010 and Windows 7.

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Microsoft Framework 2.0 Is Only 32 Bit - How To Get The 64 Bit

Jun 22, 2011

Lexmark all in one printer x6650 needs m/s framework 2.0 to run

Productiivity Studio software so I can print photos. Framework 2.0 only <div> comes in 32bit and my w/7 is 64 bit. I have no idea what is going on here

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Microsoft's .NET Does Not Load

Nov 17, 2011

When using Microsoft Update, there is a security update for .NET Framework 3.5.1 R2 SP1 for x64 systems
( that would be my machine) - KB2518869 & KB2572077. I download them, yet the install fails and the following " Error Encountered Code 80073712" is called out.1st I am not knowledgable of the purpose of .NET and its workings so cannot talk intelligently about it.AND I have tried to down load this a few times ( even with some tech support help from AVG ) and they too could not crack the code.

Here is the Hijack-this log file:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 4:20:00 PM, on 11/14/2011
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7601.17514)
Boot mode: Normal


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Non Microsoft Location For SP1

May 29, 2011

I want to install SP1 on my home m/c but it's a slow link (file size is approx 1GB) and I want to download SP1 on another machine (XP) with a faster link and then run it on my m/c.

When I try and download from Microsoft it says XP m/c illegal action (or some such). So far I have been unable to find a copy I can download on a XP m/c.

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How To Contact Microsoft

Mar 12, 2012

I purchased Windows 7 pro and I have a license that lets me install it on three different computers. 2 of the computers are not longer running and I need to reinstall it on two of my new computers. I need to reset the key to enable that but I am not sure who to talk to to make that happen or what number to call.

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Microsoft Games Won't Run?

Jan 17, 2012

I have a new HP Compaq DC 5700 64 bit computer that has Windows 7 as the OS, 1.86 GHz Intel Core 2 processor and 3 GB RAM. I can play Chess Titans, but all the other installed games hang when I try to play. I get a message (see attached screenshot).

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Microsoft Games Won't Run?

Jan 21, 2012

I bought a new system (Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit OS, 1.86 GHz Intel Core 2 processor and 3 GB RAM). However, when I try to play the Microsoft games that came with it, the only game that runs properly is Chess Titans. When I go to START and click on the Solitaire, Mahjong, Hearts, Minesweeper or any game other than Chess Titans, the game looks like it's starting, the freezes and I get the message "Executable for (game name) has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly."I tried stopping the processes for the games in the program panel and re-starting them, re-booting after each procedure and also running an sfc /scannow. Nothing works

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Microsoft Cd Rom Fix For Windows 7?

Apr 27, 2012

donde encuentro el driver para reinstalar microsoft cd-room version 6.1.7600.16.385

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Microsoft Outlook 64-bit

Sep 15, 2012

i want to download the best vesion of outlook software.

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Where Is Microsoft Word On Windows 7

Oct 31, 2012

where is Microsoft word on Windows 7

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Upgrading From Microsoft Website?

Feb 5, 2011

I bought Win 7 Ultimate from a third party dealer on that turned out have a bogus product key. Since Ultimate is installed on my computer now, can I buy the Anytime Upgrade from Home Premium to Ultimate? It's only $139, and it would seem to be perfectly honest. I had Home Premium before I installed Ultimate.

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Microsoft Money Plus Is Now Available For Free

Aug 6, 2010

Microsoft stopped making new versions of Microsoft Money, their personal money management software package and now they've made it available for everybody for free well, sorta.The new Sunset versions were created so that existing customers could continue to install MS Money without requiring activation, but that also means anybody can download and install it.From their page: The Microsoft Money Plus Sunset versions are replacements for expired versions of Microsoft Money Essentials, Deluxe, Premium, and Home and Business. They allow existing customers to use Money Plus to continue accessing their data. Changes to the new versions include file conversions from older versions of Money, no required activation, no online services and no assisted support.

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Microsoft FIX IT SOLUTIONS Not Working

Apr 15, 2011

For some reason the Microsoft Fix It Solution Centre will not accept, and so help me, with problems. Instead, I get the message :Fix It trouble Shooter cannot continue because an error occurs.This Trouble Shooter doesn't apply to this computer.I have been able to make use of this facility since my PC was new (last May) and this is a recent message.I see, from Google, that others complain of this problem butseemingly no solution has been given, although the failure to install Update KB976902 has been suggested as a possible cause of this problem.I have checked, and this update was installed successfully on my PC.

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Microsoft .NET 4 Wont Install

Sep 27, 2011

I was recently helped out by gringo_pr for a virus and now I am back for more help. Today was the first day I tried to run a program that involved .NET, which failed to run. The .NET repair did not work nor did uninstalling .NET 4 and reinstalling. Through my searching for solutions on the internet I found that I should uninstall all .NET versions and reinstall them and I used microsoft fix it tools to do so following the instructions step by step, besides reinstalling .NET 1.0, 1.1. and 3.5 since I don't think they are used on windows 7. Now windows updater and the .NET stand-alone installer fail to install .NET 4. I have tried microsoft fix it tools to try and fix the windows installer but that doesnt seem to work either. And now i am stuck.

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Windows 7 Updates From Microsoft?

Feb 20, 2012

1.Is there a way to find out if this key is retail,OEM or MSDN?

2.In case that this key gets blocked from Microsoft,will i be notified by Microsoft?

3.In case my key gets blocked will i still beable to get updates and will my Microsoft Genuine logo will be still on my PC?

4.Is Microsoft will deactivate my licence?and i need to buy new one?I have just realise that the seller site is not that genuine,but i have already bought the key,so i think i learn my lesson.I just hope that the key they have provided me with is Genuine not some used key which will be blocked.

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Why Can't Trace Any Of The Microsoft Site

Apr 23, 2012

why i cant trace any of the microsoft site in windows xp?

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Update Drivers Microsoft

Dec 8, 2009

When using update service in Windows 7 sometimes I get some drivers update and I wonder which drivers are this? are the made by microsoft or they are the real deal from hardware manufacturer.

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Microsoft - Hotfix For TDX.sys Bluescreen

Mar 2, 2009

Error message when you use applications that are based on legacy Transport Driver Interface (TDI) filter drivers on a computer that is running Windows 7 Beta or Windows Server 2008 R2: "STOP 0x000000D1

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Microsoft NForce3 Support

Mar 9, 2009

Looks like Microsoft listened, because with the new 7048 Build they have windows drivers for nforce 3 chipsets, particularly the networking controller that we havent had support for. So glad they were able to get us a driver! Not sure if nvidia had anything to do with it since it was not off their site, it just recognized it and installed automatically.

So to anyone else that has avoided the beta, or is using a PCI Network card, now you can pull it out and use the native driver with the 7048 build.

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Support Microsoft - Buy Windows 7

Jun 10, 2009

With new builds appearing almost weekly & the RTM just around the corner, i thought i'd ceate a poll just to get a general view of how people will go about accuiring the RTM when it hits the shelves.

BTW, in support of Microsoft I voted for 'Buy it'

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Reporting Win7 UX To Microsoft

Feb 2, 2009

I'm posting this using WinXP (my usual OS), and Windows 7 runs on the same hardware except it's a separate boot disk (ie, not a dual boot system).

I know I can click a link on the Windows 7 desktop to report problems etc, but how can I do the same from a machine not running Windows 7? Is there a URL that can be made sticky on this forum, perhaps?

In particular I want to direct them here - a solution (albeit trivial).

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How Do I Report A Bug With High DPI To Microsoft ?

Dec 18, 2009

I believe I have found a bug in Windows 7 which makes high DPI (150%) virtually unusable, how do I report this bug to Microsoft?

Also could someone else test this on their Windows 7 to see if it is just my setup or maybe an NVidia bug.

Here are the steps to repeat the bug. Ensure you are running Aero Go to Display->Change DPI to 150% Log Off->Log On Open a non DPI aware program such as Itunes, Spotify, Vuze, VLC, Chrome (NOT FireFox, Explorer, Outlook) Try to drag the window around or resize the window When I do this on a clean install of Win 7 Home Premium (64bit) with all latest drivers/updates I get very unstable mouse flicker as shown here.

I have reported the bug to NVidia here with of course no reply but I want to find out from ATI users whether it affects their machines.

I even emailed Steven Sinofsky (President of Windows) and he said "its something your end" which made me laugh, at least he replied I guess.. more than I was expecting.

Anyway all help appreciated I really want to be able use Windows 7 on my projector, many thanks. if it is not present on ATI I will buy one tomorrow!

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Microsoft Feedback Types

May 4, 2009

With RC coming out tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to inform everyone of the types of feedback Microsoft is looking for this time around.

• Issues that prevent installation or upgrade
• Any issues that involve corruption or data loss
• Security issues
• Regressions from Windows Vista SP1 or Windows 7 Beta (things worked before, but do not work now)
• Any application or device issues that would prevent you from using Windows 7 as your primary OS.
• Reproducible crashes or hangs (issues that you cannot reproduce will be captured by CEIP Telemetry)

Even though Microsoft have removed the feedback links, its still possible to send them feedback by running the command:
rundll32.exe FeedbackTool.dll,ShowWizard.

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Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro

Feb 4, 2011

Laptop Keyboard types gibberish after plugging in Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro.I connected my Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro to the USB port on my Samsung R70 laptop and the device automatically installed itself OK and keyboard worked.BUT I then disconnected the keyboard, reverting to the laptop kepboard, and some of the keys have changed.I was only able to get the laptop keyboard working again by doing a system restore.I checked the keyboard driver and it only has 1 listed.

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Microsoft Sidewinder X4 Self Typing

Sep 11, 2011

I recently bought an X4 keyboard to replace my G15 but I have found the X4 great until it has a burst of random typing without human input. I was playing CSS and found it was randomly controlling my player, I checked console and it was typing a lot of c, d, e ,f

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Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook?

Apr 10, 2011

I have a brand new Dell 580 with Win 7 & Office H&B 2010.After transferring my .pst file from an old machine, I shut down for a phsical move of the new dell.Ms installed 29 updates.After restarting, I get the message above, while the balance of MSOffice works just fine.

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Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook

Jul 18, 2012

Yesterday my outlook was fine in the morning and suddenly I keep getting this message and cannot open it to get my emails! I run a business from home so am desperate to access these emails.The error message is...."Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Outlook requires Microsoft Outlook Express 4.01 or greater. You can install Outlook Express by running IE5Setup.exe from the IE5 folder located on your CD or through the Windows Update website".Now I've googled this and quite a few people have had this problem too and I've tried various answers that have worked for others but they don't work for me!The most common answer is to go to regedit and then find........ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}In the right pane there should be a value named IsInstalled. The data value for it should be 00000001. If yours ends with a zero, double click on IsInstalled and change the zero to a 1. Then try starting Outlook.But when I got to that folder there is no IsInstalled file there to change the data value on. There is a folder below it similar ending 00AA00B6015F which has an IsInstalled file where the value is already '1' so doesn't need changing!

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Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook

Aug 16, 2012

This is the error message im getting when trying to launch Microsoft outlook 2010, using Windows 7 home x64.No error code is provided, see attached image for the error message.I tried all the solutions provided in other threads, none worked.

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