Menu Taskbar On 2 Screens

Nov 18, 2009

Out of the box, Windows 7 does not allow for the Windows Menu and Taskbar to appear independently on two screens when running on dual monitors in extended desktop mode. This forces one to have to move the cursor (sometimes a long way, if we're talking about high res displays) from the second screen to the main screen in order to access resources on the Windows Menu and Taskbar. Is there a registry hack that makes the Windows Menu and Taskbar appear on both screens while in extended desktop mode?

If not, I challenge the customization gurus around here to develop one. A couple of you rose to the occasion when I asked about changing the taskbar click behavior. This is saving me tons of time (even if time has no mass, and only wait)!

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Why Is Context Menu In Start Menu And Taskbar So Small

Feb 10, 2012

I know that the full version can be achieved while holding the shift key, but is there way to bypass that and have the regular full sized menu by default?

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Cannot Unlock Taskbar AND Cannot Pin Anything On Taskbar Or Start Menu

Jan 3, 2013

So about a month ago I restarted my computer and when it came back on all my programs pinned to my task bar and everything that was in my start menu was gone. From there I could not unlock the taskbar and nothing would pin in either the start menu or taskbar. I researched everywhere about it. I tried unlocking the taskbar in properties and registry with no luck. I finally found some posts about how my user profile was corrupt and from there I went on and made a new profile and copied everything and BOOM it all worked fine now. Well today it happened AGAIN! I restarted my computer and everything disappeared. So I think it is still a corrupt profile, but this is the second time it has happened.

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Cannot Pin To Taskbar, Start Menu Or Unlock Taskbar

Jan 16, 2013

I have a client that has laptop with windows 7 Pro. He had a faulty network card, so I have added a new, usb network card. That said, He can not pin anything to taskbar or start menu. I cleared both folders of shortcuts(567 of them) but to no avail. He also has no options under his desktop Context menu for New. He is also using a roaming profile, of which I will disable next time I am there. I have a feeling that might be the issue. I did scour the internet trying all the usual suggestions, but do vaguely remember something about an entry in cache somewhere that if it is too big or corrupt, it could cause this behavior. I am unable to find that post anywhere now.I mention the network card because one post had taskbar issues until he disabled his faulty network card. I have disabled the faulty network card.

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No Taskbar, Start Button, Or Taskbar/start Menu Properties?

Aug 13, 2012

Yesterday, the task bar and Start button mysteriously disappeared.I've also found that the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" windowdoesn't come up. There are two places to click on in Control Panelthat should bring up this window, but it doesn't. The Control Panelborder changes color as if something is starting to happen, but thennothing happens, possibly indicating that some program starts to runbut then finds something wrong and exits. I didn't see anythinginteresting in the error logs. The desktop icons appear normally.The problem exists only when logging onto my son's account. When Ilog on as administrator, the task bar and Start button appearnormally.The usual tricks don't work: Ctrl+ESC, or bringing up Task Manager andtrying to rerun explorer.exe. I tried sfc to check for corruptedfiles, but none turned up. I ran an AVG scan and it did find one fileit considered a threat, which it removed, but that didn't solve theproblem.

I found a web site that referred to the registrykeyHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorerwhich has a NoSetTaskbar value that can be used to disable the"Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window. On the administratorlogin, the Explorer subkey is there all right, but doesn't haveNoSetTaskbar. (It does have NoDriveTypeAutoRun.) But when I log ontomy son's account, the Policies key had no subkeys at all. I triedadding an Explorer subkey without adding any values, but this didn'tsolve the problem. I haven't yet tried adding a NoDriveTypeAutoRunvalue, but since this seems to pertain to AutoPlay it didn't seemrelevant to this problem.Any thoughts as to what might be going on or what might fix it?

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Customize Start Menu & TaskBar?

Feb 3, 2010

Registry Hacks To Customize Windows 7 & Vista Start Menu & TaskBar Useful links: Ultimate Windows Tweaker - Features PC Tools Registry Guide Back Up, Restore, aintain the Windows 7 & Vista Registry While there are several freeware Windows Tweaking Utilities , like the freeware portable Ultimate Windows Tweaker ,available, there are some who just love to tinker with the Registry. This article is for those such. Most ot these tweaks are applicabe to Windows 7 too. Do remember that it is risky touching the registry and as such do back up the registry and / or create a system restore point first.To customize your start menu options, you have to modify the DWORD value data and set it to either 0 or 1. To modify the value data, you rt click on the name and select modify.

Then in the value data box, you set its numeric valueetting the value of respective DWORD to 1, means that it will have the effect as described in the Value NameSetting the value of respective DWORD to 0, means that it will have the OPPOSITE effect as described in the Value Name.If the DWORD ValueNames do not exist, you will have to create them. To create them, rt click in any blank space in RHS Panel > New >Dword value.The following are some of the recognized DWORDValueNames.NoTrayItemsDisplay : Hides the Task Bar notification areaNoToolbarsOnTaskbar : Do not display any custom toolbars in the taskbar QuickLaunchEnabled : Enable QuickLaunch bar display in the TaskBarNoSimpleStartMenu : Disabling it will force the Classic Start Menu NoStartMenuPinnedList : RemovePinned Programs list from the Start Menu NoStartMenuMorePrograms : Remove �All Programs� list from the Start menu NoStartMenuMyGanes : Remove Games from Start Menu NoStartMenuMyMusic : Remove Music from Start Menu NoStartMenuNetworkPlaces : Remove Network from Start Menu NoTaskGrouping : Prevent grouping of Task Bar items HideClock : Hides from the Task Bar notification area NoSMBalloonTip : Remove Balloon Tips on Start Menu items NoAutoTrayNotify : Turn off Task Bar area cleanup notification LockTaskbar : Lock the Taskbar and prevents the User from moving or resizing it NoSearchCommInStartMenu : If enabled Start Menu search will not search for Communications. NoSearchProgramsInStartMenu : If enabled Start Menu search will not search for Programs. NoSearchInternetInStartMenu : If enabled Start Menu search will not search for Internet History NoSearchFilesInStartMenu : If enabled Start Menu search will not search for Files This list is not exhaustive. You can simply study the registry key's DWORD's, illustrated above and see that there would be many more such tweaks or hacks available. The ValueNames are roughly indicative of what they would do.

Take the example of NoRun. Its value is set at 0. If you open Taskbar & Start Menu Properties > Star Menu Tab > Start Menu > Customize. You will see a checkbox to Add Run command to the Start Menu. But if you now go back to regedit, and change the DWORD of NoRun to 1, and now go back to the Start Menu properties box, you will see that the item to Add Run itself will be missing ! So, enabling or disabling such options through Vista Registry, will allow or prohibits users, from executing such actions through the Properties box. Incidentally, there used to be a Registry Restriction Tool from Microsoft, which went on to become a part of the Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit which went on to become Windows SteadyState. You may find SteadyState of interest. If you are interested in such Registry Hacks you may find this Registry Guide for Windows of immense interest. It provides an extensive range of registry tweaks, tricks & hacks for optimizing, enhancing and securing the Windows� operating systems including Vista.

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Remove Entries On The Taskbar Menu?

Feb 18, 2013

How do I remove toolbar menu entries from the taskbar menu? I am talking about the menu you get when you right click on the taskbar. I have two entries under TOOLBARS that I would like to remove. I don't mean uncheck the box to turn it off I mean remove it from the list of toolbars. I added a toolbar and now I wnat to remove it.

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Taskbar Button Right Click Menu Is Cut Off

Sep 2, 2010

The red x icon for the close window option is cut off. Using stock skin. Probably easier to understand if you see a pic, What's caused this and how can I fix it?

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Right Click Menu On Programs In The Taskbar

Aug 22, 2009

In Vista and older versions, if I right clicked on a program in the taskbar I could then move the mouse up ever so slightly to click "close."

Now there is a weird little "box" that pops up instead of a menu, and I have to move my mouse significantly further to get to "close." Sounds trivial, but if I am shutting down several applications in a row it is much slower this way.

Is there a way to return the right click menu to normal?

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Taskbar & Start Menu - Duplicate Icons?

Nov 25, 2010

I recently bought a second user machine from a colleague of mine. He re-installed Windows 7 so that everything was fresh and set up a new profile for me but I wasn't happy with the name of the profile that he had set up. Anyway to cut a long story short I created a new profile, copied the old files across and deleted the old profile I wasn't happy with.Everything is working fine and as it should be but I have a now have a couple of annoyances with a number of the programs that I have pinned to the taskbar and the start menu. For example when I pinned Firefox and Thunderbird to the taskbar it has named them as Firefox (2) and Thunderbird (2) as if they are duplicate programs/shortcuts. The same is true with some of the programs that I have pinned to the start menu. For example when I pinned CCleaner to the start menu Windows named it as CCleaner (2) even though it wasn't present in the first place. If I try to rename it to CCleaner (as it should appear) Windows tells me that there is already a program by that name pinned there and it asks me if I would like to rename it CCleaner (3).As far as I can tell it doesn't affect the performance of such programmes, its just really really frustrating. Would it have anything to do with the files that I copied across from my old profile?

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Permanently Lock Taskbar And Start Menu?

Mar 30, 2011

Is there a way to permanently lock items on the task bar and start menu? I can for example lock the taskbar, but can still drag icons onto or from it and rearrange them. I want to lock everything permanantly so no one can screw them up. I'm using Home Premium.

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Possible To Change Taskbar Buttons Context Menu?

Nov 16, 2011

I don't like the new fancy context menu of taskbar buttons. Can I return the old simple Windows XP one or is this also not possible?

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Taskbar And The Start Menu Has Going Missing Suddenly

Aug 24, 2011

My taskbar and the start menu has going missing suddenly.

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Can't Open Any Program From Start Menu Or Taskbar

Jun 23, 2012

I can open any file from my saved files but can't open any program from start menu or taskbar

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[CRASH] Computer Blue-screens Or Black-screens Cause Of Win32k.sys

Feb 13, 2011

my computer keeps crashing cause of win32k.sys

Computer Specs:

Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3
I5 760 2.8ghz quad core
.Zalman 9900aled CPU cooler
G. Skill ribjaws DDR3 1333mhz 8gb ram
Evga gtx 470 1280mb video card
1tb WD black caviar 6gb/s 7200rpm 64mb cache
Thermaltake 775 modular psu
24x DVD/CD burner
Added a 200mm blue led top exhaust
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Antivirus: Bitdefender ts malwarebyte

i have done a memtest and it was successful without fail also this is the 3rd time I have done a clean install before was cause of ntoskrnl.exe so did a clean install now its cause of win32k.sys?

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Changing Taskbar Right Click Menu's Font Style?

Dec 6, 2011

I recently added started using AeroVG Windows 7 's transparent theme and I like it very much. But it changed something and I would like to change it back. A picture would describe it much better so here it is:These are menus that would appear when you right click on your pinned applications. What I would like to do is to remove the black "glow" outline of the font color.

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No Icon On Taskbar And No Link In Start Menu For New Users

Sep 25, 2012

I wish that all new users of Windows 7 SP1 had no icon on their taskbar and no link in their Start menu.

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How To Pin Program From Removable Media To Taskbar / Start Menu

Dec 21, 2010

If I mount a removeable media such as USB Stick or a TrueCrypt file volume (with rm option) then I cannot pin prgms from these medias/drives to the taskbar nor pin files to the Start menu. Is there really no way to disable this No-Pin-Protection? Under WinXP this worked without problems.

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Programs Invisible On Start Menu - Accessible From Taskbar And Shortcuts

Jan 2, 2013

Like the title says, most of the programs listed in the start menu are gone. They can still be accessed from other places, like the task bar and shortcuts, at least most of them. I would show a picture, but I can't access Paint. The only things that remain are Mahjong, Chess, Solitaire, Purble Place and Magnifier in the main menu and under All Programs: IE, some accessories (not including paint), McAfee, Google Chrome, The startup folder, and WinRAR.

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Remote Desktop - Displaying Laptop Taskbar And Start Menu Instead

Jun 7, 2012

I am connecting to a remote desktop that I have been connecting to for months now but suddenly today the taskbar and start menu from the remote computer disappeared and I can only see my laptop's menu and taskbar. This means I can't get into the Computer or folders of the remote desktop as there is not a shortcut on the desktop. It is also generally annoying.

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Pin Links To Folders/files On Removeable Medias On TaskBar/Start Menu?

Apr 23, 2011

Unfortuanteyl it seems to me that Windows 7 does not accept if users want to pin folders or files which are on removeable medias (USB-Sticks, DVDs, TrueCrypt volumes,...) to the TaskBar resp. Start menu.

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Clicking On Start Menu And Taskbar Items Doesn't Launch Program

Aug 25, 2011

Essentially, upon starting up my computer, from time to time, I have no yet been able to isolate what may cause this issue, I will find that I cannot launch programs from their shortcuts in the Quick Start or Taskbar menu. As of right now I have not tried to launch said programs from the original .exe file in this scenario.I've noticed that when I try to open these programs from the Taskbar, the icon will be surrounded by a square to indicate that it is active, but, after a period of maybe 5 seconds or so, sometimes longer, it will disappear and the program will no longer look active. Opening up the task manager, the programs usually show up in the Processes under the appropriate name. Multiple instances of a program can appear, even when, under normal circumstances, multiple instances aren't allowed (such as with Firefox). The processes will usually show a static amount of memory used, like 108k for any firefox.exe in the process list, and will simply sit there until they are ended, despite the program not actually running. When this happens I generally have to restart the computer and hope it works on the restart.

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Desktop Icons Freeze But Start Menu/Taskbar Work Normal?

Mar 23, 2010

I`ve got a weird problem that keeps happening. Without any errors or warningall of my Desktop Icons become frozen. I cannot activate any of them. If Ihave any windows open in the Taskbar or programmes running in the System trayI can left/right click on any of them and they all workfine(Programmes/Window Explorer/IE7 etc). I can access the Start menu andis the solution if it happens in Windows Vista but this

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Lost Start Menu, Desktop Icons And Taskbar Manager In Computer?

Jan 22, 2013

Lost start menu, desktop icons and taskbar manager in computer?

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Unable To Start Most Programs From Taskbar And Start Menu?

Jul 1, 2012

When I start up my computer, my Steam starts up, then I manually start Chrome. Chrome comes up fine, Steam does too, but when I try to right click on Steam and click friends, all it does is create another steam process running at 100-108 K. Then if I close Chrome and try to reopen it, it will do the same. This happens with EVERY program after I start up. There's a 5 second window where I can open programs without issue, then after that it will only start 108 K copies of them. It takes me around 30 restarts just to get it working properly, if not more.

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New Context Menu - Remove & Restore Default Menu Items

Oct 23, 2009

How to Remove and Restore the Default Windows 7 New Context Menu Items ?

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How Add Custom Entry To Start Menu Shutdown Menu

Jan 4, 2012

I need to know if is possible to add a custom entry to shutdown menu, that's in the Start Menu.

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Edit Windows 7 Os Selection Menu Description Menu?

Jul 17, 2012

how to edit windows 7 os selection menu description menu ?

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Drag Top Border Line Of Taskbar Downwards To Hide Taskbar?

Aug 20, 2011

Is there a method/hack or a 3rd-party program that allows the user to hide the taskbar by dragging its top border line downwards, after un-locking the taskbar? I remember I could do that under Win9x.

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Context Menu On Start Menu Don't Work?

Mar 26, 2011

1. When I open Start Menu and right-click some icon on "program or open recent program" the menu context don't show "fixed on the taskbar".

2. When I right-click on "open recent program" icon on Star Menu I can't delete from list.

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Can't Pin Items Onto The Taskbar Because Of A Program On The Taskbar

Jan 8, 2012

I had a program installed called Spiral Knights, and I pinned the icon onto the taskbar so I could quickly launch it. When I was done playing it for good, I uninstalled it and it looked like the icon was off the taskbar, but it wasn't. When I tried to put another program onto the taskbar, called minecraft_server.jar, it pinned to the Spiral Knights icon, even though SK isn't installed anymore. Wherever I try to put the minecraft_server.jar onto the taskbar, the SK program is still there, and it says if I want to pin the minecraft_server.jar onto SK.

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