Logged On With Temporary Profile - Something Related To Registry Keys

Sep 12, 2012

A few days ago, I logged in and my desktop and files were wiped clean and I got this message: "You have been logged on with a temporary profile. To fix this, log off and try logging on later. Please see the event log for details or contact your system admin." I shut down and tried again a half hour later and it was fine. Every day for the past few days, the same thing has been happening and yesterday it took about 8 reboots to get my regular profile up.

This is a new PC that I got late last year, and there are no signs of a virus or any other problems. I have not touched my profile or made any changes. This came out of nowhere. A brief search online has brought up some suggestions of changing the registry keys, but that can be extremely dangerous unless I know exactly what I'm doing.

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Windows Logged On With Temporary Profile?

Sep 21, 2011

I logged onto my account on my laptop, and when it loaded, a message came up saying "User logged on with temporary profile. Log in later to fix this problem." I couldn't access any of my files or folders, and it looked like a guest account. All the other accounts work. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary on my computer lately. I burned Ubuntu to my flash drive for my other computer using Live USB Install last night and then logged off. Someone else in my house logged onto their profile and when I logged onto mine a few minutes ago, I got that error message. I tried logging out and logging back in, and it didn't work.

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How To Avoid 'logged On As A Temporary Profile' Error Reoccuri

Nov 7, 2012

For the past 2 months, i have had re-occurring issues with logging onto my computer (windows 7 64 bit) and getting the error message 'you have been logged on with a temporary profile'. It got the the point where this was happening nearly every time i switched on, and had to do a system restore to get the computer working again. i spent hours reading forums and trying to fix the problem, but nothing worked with my limited computer knowledge. So i finally caved in and wiped the whole computer and have reinstalled everything. How do i stop this happening again. I have turned off windows automatic updates as it was mentioned it may be caused by an automatic update-is this advisable?

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Only Allows To Log On To Temporary Profile?

Nov 23, 2010

My acer computer with windows 7 64-bit professional home edition will not allow me to log on to my user profile. Only to temporary profile so i cannot access my personal files. It started out not letting me log on at all and then when it finaly did it did what i described earlyer.

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Have Logged On With A Temp Profile?

Mar 11, 2011

well, i have an acer laptop (the small ones, notepad??!!) it went wrong couple of days ago - my background image on desktop was missing ,and was just a black screen with icons on , so it was suggested to do a system restore - which i did do, now when i log on, i get a message saying "you have logged on with a temp profile" etc, and iv logged of and on several times since then, and it still appears

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Creating A Temporary Profile On SSD?

Dec 13, 2011

Right now I have my system set up so that my windows files are on my SSD, but my users file is on my HDD.

Thing is that I am going home for xmas and wish to take only my laptop. I took the HDD out of my laptop and set it up in a RAID0 array with a couple other drives.

So I wish to just install my SSD into my laptop and run windows off of it, but I cannot do so without a user profile. So I was wondering if there was a way to set up and temporary user profile for myself without having to change all the registry settings?

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My Desktop Keeps Going Into 'temporary Profile' Mode

Sep 25, 2012

I apologize this is a long post and hopefully I am making sense.I got this computer in January 2012, its a HP TouchSmart 610 All in One Desktop with Windows 7.Approx around 10 September 2012 my computer went into temporary profile mode.

''You have been logged on with a temporary profile.

You cannot access your files and files created in this profile will be deleted when you log off. To fix this, log off and try logging on later. Please see the event log for details of contact system administrator.''For the first few days I shut own the computer and restarted and there was no major dramas. But that opinion quickly became a no quick fix.I called HP and over the phone that an automatic Microsoft Updates must be corrupt, hence the problems. I was walked through a Microsoft System Restore. This was down when the computer was starting up and by pressing F11. We went back a few days but this message popped up after Microsoft System restore.

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Windows Starts With A Temporary Profile?

Dec 10, 2012

I have a problem with my Windows 7. Every time when I log on, I'll get a Temporary profile.I open RegEdit and check: C:HKEY_Local_MachineSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList and there is a .bak file on my true User profile. So I rename the temp_userfile to .fault and delete the .bak on my true User profile. I also change the value in the State Word to 0 (there's always a number here: 36840). After that a press F5(Update) and restart my computer, and everything works like a charm!
Then, on the very next day when I start the computer I have to do it all one more time!Why is the State-word always overwritten?

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Laptop Keeps Starting With A Temporary Profile?

Oct 28, 2011

For about a week now my laptop has been starting with a 'Temporary Profile' It says that i should retry logging on later, but i have tried logging on many time, the thing is, as well as it loading up onto a Temporary Profile, it litterally takes 10 minutes for my laptop to load, it say the 'Welcome' screen for ages, then says 'Preparing your desktop' then loads the temporary profile, i've tried rebooting, system restore, but it does exactly the same thing?

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Check The Last Time Someone Logged Onto User Profile?

Jun 26, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 home 64bit processor on my Lenovo laptop. There 3 user profiles. How do I check the last time (not this session) somebody logged into my user profile?

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Really Slow Startup And Forced Temporary Profile?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Windows 7 laptop bought less than a year ago which is experiencing some weird symptoms. On startup, the login screen comes up rather quickly, but takes about 10-15mins to load Windows, eventually landing me in a temporary profile.The computer seems to freeze when using video after ~15 minutes of viewing also. The stress has lead to at least one BSOD, which I couldn't obtain fast enough. Every attempt to go into the event viewer freezes the computer if let run enough, with loading bars realted to "snap-in" not functioning correctly. The same occurs in safe mode, with windows taking even longer to run and flat out freezing the computer upon trying to open the event viewer.Occasionally, and in the same event of the BSOD, I can hear a clicking inside the machine, which I believe but cannot be sure is the hard-drive. I want to check this on the event viewer but cannot open it.I want to attempt to re-install windows but have lost the disc. I know of other ways to get around this but want to try all available options before doing this. This issue very much sounds to be hardware related anyway, but being unable to view the event viewer I cannot pin down this error. I have MSE on the computer with scans being done in safe and normal modes which nothing found.

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Computer Takes Very Long To Log In, And Having Temporary Profile?

Dec 12, 2012

i've been told to be as detailed as i can, so i'll try and put my experience and problems down as comprehensively as possible. i'm running windows 7 (64-bit).yesterday morning, my computer took unusually long to log in. i didn't think much of it because it worked fine for most of the day besides being slow now and then when opening a program or two (the main one i recall is having trouble opening libre office).late in the evening, however, my opera browser had some kind of problem while i was on Internet. i'm not sure what i did, but it's happened once before; the video took up the entire screen, was difficult to manage because i couldn't bring it back to the usual size, and i had to close down the browser itself. when it started up again, opera was having the same issue as the last time this happened; the top and bottom of the screen had changed and i couldn't access the minimize/restoredown/close buttons. i figured i would have to re-install opera again, since this fixed the same sort of problem last time, but i tried restarting my computer just in case.

the computer took a long time to log in again, and it seemed like it had frozen. after waiting for a few minutes and seeing the loading icon wasn't moving, i used the power button to shut it off; unfortunately i noticed the icon moving again just as i did this.i started it up again after that, and it took several minutes to start up when it normally takes less than one. i think it spends the normal time booting up, but logging in takes abnormally long (it lingers on the "welcome" screen). when it finally does log in, i would get put into a temporary profile.while all my files do seem to still be present, my desktop is empty except for browsers, game icons, and a few programs. my text files, documents, folders and the like are elsewhere (but seem to still be present), and none of my programs' preferences are saved (my browser settings are reset, my instant messengers don't remember my login info, etc.). i wouldn't be so worried, but the long login time concerns me, and i hoped i could put things back to the way they were before.

my anti-virus didn't turn anything up after this began (i have spybot - search and destroy and webroot secureanywhere).first, he directed me to reboot in safe mode and attempt to use system restore. i was able to get into safe mode, but it still took a long time to log in, it still put my into a temporary profile, and there were no restore points available.next, i followed the directions here http://www.sysprobs.com/fix-temporary-profile-windows-7 up to the 2.f section. it seems that i am now out of the "temporary profile" loop, but nothing has changed except that this profile is no longer considered temporary. on my first attempt to log out and back in after following those instructions, i had the chance to log into a new "other user" profile, but it required a name and password which i could not fulfill (i didn't have a password on my usual account, since it was the only one). after logging back into this account (titled "owner", which isn't the same as my old one), that new one seems to be gone anyway. the accounts that remain are "owner" and "guest". owner is marked as an administrator, and guest is "off".

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Stuck In Temporary Profile After Partition Resize?

Nov 22, 2011

I've been trying for a couple days to get my windows seven out of temporary profile mode.ast weekend I downsized a document partition to grow the windows partition by 15gb, using ubuntu's live-cd gParted program. And now I'm stuck with what to do.So far I have tried fixboot, fixmbr, rebuildbcd with no luck. (with windows cd recovery console)I am unable to access any type of administrative tools when i fire up windows (after starting explorer.exe manually). I have a basic windows desktop available to me, but like I said I can't open explorer or control panel, as i get either an error : "explorer.exe No such interface supported"r"::{string of numbers and letters} No such interface supported"Concerning cmd.exe, I can launch it and explore my partitions but everything else seems locked, and I can't run it as administrator.It seems like windows has rearranged its letters too; windows used to be on E: but now finds itself on D:, and the cd drive has gone from D: to E:.Trying to run regedit says that it can't find D:Windows

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Guest Account Logs In With Temporary Profile?

Jun 22, 2012

I did not see a hive with the .bak extension in the HKEY_USERS section. I am loathe to delete the user account and files since Guest is a special account.

p.s. I typically keep the Guest account disabled, but I do enable it once or twice a month.

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Windows 7 Logging Into Temporary Profile - Cannot Access Admin Account

Sep 14, 2012

I've been having a lot of trouble with my computer and have only just sorted out a problem saying my copy of windows is not genuine (when it is) and I have been getting another problem with that. This concerns Windows 7 logging me into a temporary profile when trying to access my main admin account. It started off happening quite infrequently, and I was able to get onto my main account with a few system reboots. But now I can't get into my main profile at all.

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Need To Replace Some Registry Keys

Nov 21, 2012

I have been using a registry cleaner that has removed some system keys. The computer runs most stuff okay, but I am getting some failures on things like the window that used to come up and ask what to do when I plugged in a usb. Researching this is how I found that some registry keys were missing. I have been trying to get to the install / repair the exsisting winows part of the install cd that comes up when installing the program. I did it once before, but haven't been abble to get there again. I am not talking about the first repair options that come up at first, like restore from a restore point or from a system image. It's the one that comes up during the install process where you can choose a drive and format. The repair choice in that section uses the install cd and not a backed up file. The registry cleaner I was using did back up the registry every time it was run, but replaced it with the new back up each time. and the system image was replaced a few days ago, so no help. By the way, I no longer use the registry cleaner

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Registry Hidden Keys

Nov 5, 2009

When I open regedit.exe and go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NlaSvc not all existing keys are shown.

In fact these invisible or virtualized keys are only shown when opening regedit.exe with the Run as administrator option.

What's the mechanism behind this?

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Registry Keys As Files On C Root?

Feb 6, 2013

I just noticed my system has a bunch of registry keys as file names on Drive[CODE]

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User Registry Keys Not Displaying?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a windows 7 pc and various users who use it. Each user that logs on creates a local profile ok. However when you logon with the admin account and open the registry editor and look under the HKEY_USERS key only the S-1-5-2xxxx entry is there for the admin account and the standard system entries but each key for every user that has logged onto the pc is not displayed.Under windows XP you where able to see entries for all users who had logged onto that pc. Has something changed with Windows 7 by design or is there something wrong with the installation/setup of this machine.

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Ran ComboFix, Now All Registry Keys Marked For Deletion?

Dec 12, 2011

I have a serious problem on a work laptop. I have some sort of malware.I believe I got it from downloading pdf files but I'm not sure.The symptoms are I am getting a lot of disk type errors. Also, my desktopicons are mostly gone. Also there were a bunch of windows popping up.My Desktop walpaper is now black rather than the default. Now, after running ComboFix, everything I try to run says Illegal Operationattempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion

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Registry Keys And Residual File Names?

Apr 30, 2012

Previous suggestions for removing residual file names from "Save/Save As" dialog boxes involve deleting the following two keys from Registry (complete paths/strings omitted from this thread inquiry):

"LastVisitedPidlMRU", and


I noticed though that, in addition to those two keys in that Registry location, there is another & similar key entitled "LastVisitedPidlMRULegacy".

1) Is it advisable to also delete that third "...Legacy" key as well, and if not, why not?

2) What is the function of that third "...Legacy" key?

3) What would removing it do, or not do?

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To Capture Folder Of Registry Keys And Make An Exe Batch

Aug 19, 2012

I'm modifying an old game.. including patches, and modifications. I want to make my own installer using WinRar but WinRar doesn't do registry keys. I thought I'd make a self executing batch file with all my needed registry keys and point WinRar to that during install.

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Registry Editor Error - Tried Safe Boot But All Keys Were Not Imported

May 19, 2011

I am having problems running Morrowind, due to my MP3 file association be off, screwed up by another program or something, but I need to fix my registry and when I try to merge a file with the correct association I get a registry error saying I cannot import it and that not all the keys were imported. I have tried merging in safe boot mode but I still get the same messages.

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Registry Entries To Set Default Folder / Control Panel View For User Profile?

Oct 29, 2010

I would like to set the default folder view to be set to details, and control panel view set to small icons. I would like this set for the default user profile. What the relevant registry entries are ?

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Error Message: Missing Registry Keys. Slbcsp.dll, Sccbase.dll, Gpkcsp.dll & Enum

Jan 7, 2012

I recently upgraded a windows machine which was running XP to Windows 7. When I tried to install the software for an HP scanner, I received the error message: Missing registry keys. slbcsp.dll, sccbase.dll, gpkcsp.dll & Enum.

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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In Dell Laptops Certain Keys Are Not Working After Press The Function Keys?

Oct 19, 2011

In am using Dell N5010 after i press the function keys the keys below that line that is numerical keys 1 to 10 and - & + (except backspace) are not working kindly advice what will be the reason

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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Driver Sweeper Can't Delete All Registry Files In Registry Editor?

Dec 6, 2011

I've unistalled Amd Driver from Device Manager, Unistalled Catalyst software and ran Driver Sweeper. There is only 3 registeries that the Driver Sweeper CAN'T delete and these are under SYSTEM folder. I've tried to change user privilegies but this far I've not succeeded.

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My Keys Are Turning Into Shortcut Keys In Middle Of A Game

Mar 22, 2012

I am having issues with my laptop. Sometimes when i type the letters turn into shortcut keys and when i am in the middle of an important school asignment I loose my work, because i can't do anything. I can use my mouse, but when i try to use my keyboard it is almost inoperable. I have even tried to use an external keyboard and the samething happens. I have used Rkill, malwarbytes, norton and ccleaner, but nomatter what i do it keeps happening. The only way i have been able to temperarily fix it is to restart the computer and the problem can come back in 30 minutes or it can come back in 10hours . it even happens when i play games.

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Registry After Windows Update And Registry Optimization Tool

Jun 16, 2012

While windows was uploading some updates yesterday, I cleaned my registry using Iolo's system mechanic tool and that's where the problems started. (I already read and understood your message: don't use those tools and stay out of your registry. A lesson I learned too late, unfortunately.)My computer rebooted and after a couple of minutes I noticed the message: " failure configuring windows features reverting changes ". I managed to bypass this loop by running in safe mode and recover my computer to a restore point in the past. This only worked partially: I get windows to run in normal mode but I get this message: "system failed while restoring the registry from the restore point. Restore point damaged or was deleted during restore". So it didn't restore but I can get into my windows now.So I don't get the 'reverting change loop' anymore, so I can access my computer but what's the mess? Well my computer is slow as hell.Like mentioned above, I already looked around on this forum and wrote down what I already tried. [code] My computer is terrible slow because of a registry defrag/optimization of a registry tool (in combination with windows update) --> I need to find a way to get back my old registry files but system recovery ain't working.

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