Lock Pages In Memory

Feb 8, 2009

I was doing some benchmarks with Sandra & noticed in Windows 7 that my memory bandwidth was reduced from XP & Vista...but why?

So I looked all the way at the bottom of the bench to see a exclamation with a warning. So I double clicked it & it brought this up.

" Warning W5010 : Cannot use large page memory pages due to lack of privileges.

Fix: Use the Local Security Policy to give yourself lock memory pages privilege.

Large memory pages greatly improve performance when large memory blocks are allocated."

So I gave myself privileges to enable this and was very surprise with the performance increase although I still don't understand what it did & why so much of a memory bandwidth increase...

Screen-shots below say it all... from 62% (6497mbs) memory bandwidth efficiency to 65% (6838mbs) with lock pages in memory enabled.

Does anyone here know what this does exactly & can you explain it to me to where I understand if this is a setting that is good or bad to have on for system performance.

btw, I have 4Gbs of installed memory on Windows 7 32bit.

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Memory Card Lock Unlock Software Free Download?

Feb 21, 2012

Memory card lock unlock software free download

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External Hard Disk Is Lock And Lock Recovery Key Lost

Nov 7, 2011

my external hard disk is lock and lock recovery key lost?

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Convert A Shared Video Memory Into Dedicated Video Memory And System Video Memory?

Aug 12, 2011

how to convert a shared video memory into dedicated video memory and system video memory? me and my friend have the same specs computers but the same game runs slow in my computer but it runs smoothly in his computer?

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Pages Are Getting Cut Off?

Sep 6, 2011

when I go to print out pages , the writing is getting cut off . How do I fix that ? Do I need to set margins or something else.

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Troubleshooting Excessive Memory Use (Memory Leak) After Playing Video

Oct 6, 2012

i am having a problem with my memory getting tied up / used up and not being able to access it again until i reboot.

machine: dell xps studio 8100
os: win 7,
processor: i7 2.8
ram: 16gb (max it will take)
video: ati radeon 5700 (running 3 monitors)

versions: as far as i know i am running current versions of everything, including video drivers, flash, chrome, etc. (i've tried running chrome with both the build in version of flash and the system version -haven't seen a difference)

browser: i nearly exclusively run chrome / canary with auto-updates so am at the latest builds.what seems to cause me to use up / run out of memory is after i play videos (Internet, netflix, etc.), the memory seems to get used, but is not returned to the system, even if the browser is closed and re-opened.right now for example things are working fine; i rebooted my system a couple hours ago (but have not played any videos). i have adobe lightroom running, picasa, chrome and canary (currently 4 web browser windows open with 52 tabs open). task manager currently shows me using 8.20gb of ram, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

normally my system will keep running properly (if a program is closed, memory is freed up) right up until i start to play any videos (Internet, netflix, etc.) then it will start using up more memory. (of course i expect it to use more memory during playback) however, even if i restart the browser, the memory does not get freed back up. for example, just prior to the reboot, with everything closed, i was using right around 8gb of ram. once i rebooted, i was using 1.something gb of ram prior to opening any programs.however, once i start playing some videos, i never seem to be able to get my ram freed back up again unless i reboot the whole system. this is not just a problem with how much memory the system shows as being available, i frequently actually run out of memory. (task manager will show me as using around 15gb and then everything starts swapping out like crazy).

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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Certain Web Pages Not Loading?

May 25, 2012

Strange thing has started happening, i have upgraded to 100MBb broadband and i am connected via Ethernet and speed test showing average 94mb. yet random web pages links i click in Google open in an new window but the page will not load, never happened before when i was on 50mb, i have run anti virus and spybot which found maybe 1 or 2 things but it has not resolved the issue,

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Web Pages Won't Fit Screen

Sep 26, 2012

Why are most of my web pages to Large i have the setting on the recommended resolution, windows 7, i have a 19inch square screen in Landscape mode and it says the resolution should be 1280- 1024?

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IE, Not Loading Pages?

Jul 16, 2012

a week ago the IE stopped loading pages, i have also firefox installed which is working fine. googled the problem and show a suggestion to reset the IE (tools - internet options - advanced - reset). but this option was in grey. i tried tune up utilities to fix the win but it didn't heventually i removed the IE9 (control panel - programs and features...). the problem was solved or so i thought. the problem came back again in the next time i run ie8. i tried to re install IE9 but the problem was till there. i removed again the IE9 and again i thought the problem solved but it came back in the next time i run ie8.

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Maximize All Pages Always?

Oct 17, 2011

I want every page to open maximzied in windows 7

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Lines Across Web Pages

Feb 8, 2013

when im browsing through web pages suddenly, horizontal black stripes appears on my pc?

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Only Want To Print Pages 13-17 But It Prints 1-10?

Apr 25, 2012

I only want to print pages 13-17 but it prints 1-10

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3893 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1722 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 79899 MB, Free - 3595 MB; D: Total - 396937 MB, Free - 86756 MB; H: Total - 99 MB, Free - 60 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1425
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

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Parts Of Pages Transparent?

Jun 12, 2012

I have recently purchased a Sony VAIO Laptop, running Windows 7 Premium. On my attached screenshot, you will notice parts of the pages are transparent, I can see my desktop and other images which are underneath. Is this normal on Windows 7 or should I return it to the store from which I purchased it?

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IE 9 - Cannot Bookmark Favorite Web Pages

Jun 13, 2011

Just installed IE 9 and cannot get it to bookmark favorite web pages. Tried uninstalling 9 and going back to IE 8, but still wont add new favorites.

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Pages Won't Load Without Several Refreshes?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm having a strange problem that I have never seen or heard of. Every time I try to do anything in windows 7 that requires an internet connection, it gives me a "Page cannot be displayed" or "Page not found" message. The only way I can get some pages to load is to refresh them several times, after wich they will finally load.It is not just a problem in IE8, as Chrome, and firefox do the same thing. Windows will not update anymore as it cannot get a connection, and I cannot purchase items from steam or itunes because they give me a "cannot find a secure connection" error. I recently reformatted and the problem still persists. Other PCs on my network do not have the same problem. I recently moved all of my components to a new chasis, and am wondering if the ethernet port or controller could have been damaged

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Wouldn't Load ANY Pages

Aug 19, 2011

I was using Google Chrome and it just suddenly wouldn't load ANY pages. My internet is working fine. So I used Firefox instead, as that seemed to be working fine. But today, that's being really slow. And most of the time goes into "Not responding." if it needs to load something like a video.

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Some Pages Do Not Load In Any Of The Browsers

Dec 22, 2011

I just formatted my windows 7 a month ago and re-installed it . Few weeks ago i changed my modem to Netgear N150 modem + router . After that Most of the websites don't load . Eg : Facebook , yahoo , ms support , etc . I was scanning for any malware or virus but i didn't find any . And i hardly installed software in my computer . Even this forums is not loaded fully . My connection is really bad its oly 512kbps connection but most of the websites load in >10secs but now a days in any browser they are not loading at all. Not loading in the sense they are loaded half or not at all . Otherwise the loading thing is going on and on . It never ends. I checked my connection speed with speeedtest.net and got 524kbps which is my speed . When i download things i get the correct downspeed which i used to get early . But now most of the website are not loaded . I have norton and malwarebytes installed scanned the computer like ten times now . I first taut that dey both wer blocking web traffic and so i shut them down and i didn't find any improvements

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IE9 Doesn't Load Certain Pages?

Dec 2, 2012

i am having a problem with ie9 it loads basic pages like google but it just won't load Internet and stuff all the way.

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Web Pages Not Loading Correctly

Dec 7, 2012

I have a really weird issue that I just cannot figure out, but it is annoying as ever.I use Google Chrome and sometimes when I am loading a webpage, the entire page doesn't load properly. For instance, below are 2 pictures.This first picture displays how everything is messed up and did not load correctly.how the website should normally load up to look like.Notice the difference between the two? And it's not just this page that does it, it's almost any page I go to and it happens randomly.how all of the smiley faces didn't load and all of the images above the message box? I don't think it's my connection. I've called my ISP a few times already and seriously questioned different reps and none of them can see any kind of problem with my connection.

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Browser(s) Sometimes Do, And Sometime Don't Open Web Pages?

Dec 8, 2012

I have a problem with BROWSING the WWW when i am logged into tunngle, i am also unable to log into uPlay for example, which is used for playing Far Cry 3. The weird thing is, that my P2P and Skype continue to work without any issues.If it's any good, my internet connection isn't stable neither when I'm NOT logged to tunngle.Some times my browser works normally, sometimes it doesn't work at all and it acts like I'm not connected to the internet , however, P2P works all the time, even when the browser is "dead".

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Full Screen Pages

Oct 30, 2009

just installed Windows 7 pro, but i'm getting frustrated with tring to drag the windows to full screen, i used to do this by dragging to full screen, refresh, then close by pressing the top left of the page. the windows stayed thats size for good.

but when i try it now, i drag to the top and it goes full screen, i refresh, close but the windows goes back to a letterbox size.

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Some Pages Not Loading On New Computer

Jun 4, 2012

This is a brand new Acer Aspire x1430g desktop. I cannot get some microsoft websites to load and windows live messenger will not sign in. Is it possible that Windows 7 is not compatible with my Westell 327 router/modem? Is there a setting that needs to be changed?

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How To Lookup Ip Address Of Pages

Apr 14, 2011

if i add an entry into the hosts file, shouldn't it stop me from trying to access that webpage? i'm also wondering, how to lookup the ip address of pages i visit, or servers i connect to so i can prepare similar file configurations to hosts and firewall settings.

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Way That Can See Which Pages Are They Going To Or Which Files They Are Downloading?

Jun 23, 2011

I am using cable internet with a wireless router (NOT DIR-615, a netgear one).From the router settings, I can see which machines are connected, but I cannot see how much they are using the connection resource such as how much they are uploading or downloading.Also, I see a device with a static IP. How does this device getting a static IP?Also, is there any way that I can see which pages are they going to or which files they are downloading?

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Interent Pages Not Loading?

Feb 13, 2013

sometimes when I click on a link or a website etc...it won't load up or it takes a while to do so but when I use the browser back then forward arrows they will load right up with no problem? Whats causing this? Happens on Firefox and Explorer.

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Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)

May 22, 2010

Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)When I starting the Windows (in the first few hours) everything is normal But after 1 day or 2 (sooner or later) the amount of available memory gradually goes down and the physical memory usage increasing. This increasing, continues until the memory usage reaches near the 88% and at that point , there isn't any memory available to operate any software . Also when memory reaches that point, I can't access any drive in the HDD; because everytime I want to open any folder, the following error appears :c: is not accessible.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service At this point, I even can't shutdown or restart Windows normally; I must restart windows manually by pressing the restart button.after restart, everything goes to normal again; but this problem appears again and again ...

my system :
OS : Windows 7 x86
Cpu : Intel P4 3.0GH
Vga : nVidia 6600
MB : Gigabyte GA-8I915G Duo
PSU : Corsair 750W
RAM : 2GB DDR-400 Transcend
(I have these memories for 2 years)
Physical Memory: 2000 mb
Paging File: 2000 mb
Virtual Memory: 6000 mb

0- using some optimizing and freeing softwares like (Memory Booster Gold - RAM Saver Pro - CleanMem)

1- Scanning my computer with antivirus and antispywares

2- Changing antivirus software

3- Updating windows with all updates available via Windows Update

4- Updating drivers of all hardwares

5- Downloading and installing the following hotfixes that are related to memory leak : The memory of the nonpaged pool may leak when you enable IPsec on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2 A memory leak occurs when an ADO Recordset object calls the UpdateBatch method A nonpaged pool memory leak occurs when you use a WFP callout driver in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2

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Increased Memory Usage With Added Memory?

Nov 5, 2011

I just built a new computer and started with 8GB of memory. A few weeks down the line I purchased another set of the same memory because it was on such a good deal and had great reviews (newegg). It also was working well for me, so I figured maybe more could be better.

I haven't noticed any decrease/increase in system performance except Alt-Tabbing has recently got slower. Also, Windows 7 was sitting tight on 1.3gb to 2gb of memory usage prior to the extra 8 (now 16) being added. Even when gaming, it went up to like 3gb. Now that I've added the extra it's going up to 4.5gb or better. Also, is it possible to speed up my alt-tabbing? It seems to have a good 3-4 second pause in it instead of being immediate like it was.

Computer specs:
Windows 7 HP 64-bit
gSkill 16gb 1866 memory (BIOS shows it at 1866, too)
Intel i5-2500k Sandy Bridge (OC'd 4.6 with factory Overclock presets)
ASRock z68 Extreme4 mobo

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Why Do New Cnet Pages Convert To Xml Code

Aug 3, 2012

I experience duplicated unread mail notifications in my Inbox.OS Windows 7-64, IE8 and IE9, MS Outlook 2003.I do not have this problem with my XP computer (IE8).

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Can't Change IE Homepage And Can't Resize Pages

Oct 29, 2011

Recently, my IE has changed to MSN.com and the IE pages are not full-page. I have go to IE Tools and Internet Options to change my homepage back several times, but this has not worked. Also, I have drug the pages to the bottom of the screen but each time I open IE the pages are not full-page. I think that I may have inherited some malware, but Malwarebyes and Spyware S&D have found nothing.

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Cant Access Secure Login Pages

Mar 11, 2012

my problem is that when i try to log into facebook,paypal,gmail,Internet,twitter,minecraft,..the works it continues loding then it says the connection has timed out.

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