IE 9 - Cannot Bookmark Favorite Web Pages

Jun 13, 2011

Just installed IE 9 and cannot get it to bookmark favorite web pages. Tried uninstalling 9 and going back to IE 8, but still wont add new favorites.

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Favorite Folder Stuck Inside Another Favorite Folder?

Aug 6, 2012

heavy-handed cruising down my Favorites list accidentally drags an innocent Favorites folder inside of the folder above or below where the disappeared folder was. I confidently go to "Organize favorites" and pull up the list of favorites. Problem is: I can't just drop & drag a folder that's stuck inside of another folder. It just gets jerked back inside of the wrong folder. The stuck folder is forever stuck as it seems like all I am allowed to move are folders which are lined up neatly against the left margin of the list, not one that is hiding in the wrong place.

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One Click Bookmark / Add To Favorites In IE 9?

Jun 14, 2011

Is there away to put websites into my favorites in IE 9 with just one click instead of the three it normally takes?

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Bookmark Backup/Sync For IE?

May 28, 2012

Is there such a thing? Chrome and FF import of bookmarks and backup is seamless. It took me half an hour to update IE bookmarks. And sorting them A-Z. is there an easier way? I'd like to start using IE some again--but this is WAY too labor intensive.

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On Screen Keyboard Bookmark Shortcut?

Sep 20, 2012

Is there a way to create a shortcut for the On-Screen Keyboard that can be attached to the Bookmark area in IE and Firefox?

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How To Extract The Bookmark Stored In The Browser?

Jan 23, 2012

Anyone know how to extract the bookmark stored in the browser?My previous laptop died on me.I have transfer the hdd into an external casing

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Firefox Won't Bookmark Some Sites/links?

Sep 28, 2011

I sometimes have a problem where I try to bookmark a specific page in Firefox, but it won't add it to my bookmark list. It's extremely URL-specific, for example, one particular video on Vimeo won't add in Firefox, but other videos on the same site, with the same URL style, will. No problem adding the "problem" bookmarks as favorites in IE8.

Why is Firefox so finicky about refusing to add some sites to the bookmark list and is there a workaround?

This is on Win7x64. It's an older Firefox version (3.5.19), but not ancient.

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Multiple Bookmark Saving Places

Jan 25, 2012

I notice when I would like to save a web page in two different bookmarks it deletes one and therefore I can not save in two different folder locations. Is it possible to change this so I can save a web page in two different bookmark folders ?

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IE 8 & 9/ Windows 7 - It Takes Too Long To Bookmark A Link

Sep 10, 2011

I am running IE 8 , latest as of 10 Sept 11, Windows 7 Ultimate on an Intel Quad Core (9300), 8 GB RAM, 1.5 TB Drive. When I hit "Add to Favorite" on IE to book mark a link, it takes 20-40 seconds until I am prompted to save the link some 30-40 seconds later. Needless to say, this is very annoying. I tried the following troubleshooting to isolate the problem:

1- Installed IE 9 - Same Issue

2. I removed all my existing favorite links/folders from the "Favorites folder" under C/ Users) - thninking that the number of existing links/folders may be the cause - Same Issue

3. I uninstalled IE 9 and defaulted to IE 8 - Same Issue

4. I uninstalled IE 8 - i.e. no IE browser left in my OS since IE 7 can not run on Win 7- then reinstalled IE 9 - Same Issue

5. I tried firefox, it works like a charm.

I restored to earlier versions of windows backups but it did not help. I suspect that this issue has been there for a while - may be some file or registry entry is corrupted.

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Upgraded To Windows 7 Pro - Cannot Find Actual Bookmark Link Via Explorer

Jul 25, 2010

I have recently upgraded to windows 7 pro on a nice new 1TB hard drive. I have removed the previously installed win xp drive, and that is now in an external caddy. I have been in the process of moving the files from the xp drive to the Windows 7 drive. I forgot to backup my IE8 bookmarks before the switch over, and have tried to find the actual bookmark links via windows explorer but can't find them. I have tried looking in dos and setting users favourites...but the bookmarks are not in there.

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How To Set Up Favorite Folders

Sep 1, 2011

When I save a file, I would like to have a panel of my folders - like My Documents, Desktop, and all that, on the left of the dialog box like there used to be in Win XP. Is there a way of doing this in Windows 7

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Missing Favorite Tab?

Mar 11, 2012

I have lost the toolbar that my favorites tab was on . how do i get it back

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Favorite Bar Is Missing

Mar 21, 2012

just turned on my computer and the favorite bar is missing. what to do?

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Favorite Links Disappeared?

Sep 7, 2011

I got the rogue fake virus, the one that looks like MS windows doing scans etc... Anyhow, I got rid of it but my links in the favorites bar have all but disappeared. I can locate the favorites file with a search and all my links are in there but for the life of me I can't remember how to move them back to where they belong, in the favorites menu bar in IE.

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Favorite Entry Keeps Appearing?

Jun 10, 2012

A folder named "Favorite Bar" keeps appearing in my Favorite list even though I keep deleting it. Is there some way to remove it from the registry for good?

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How To Add Favorite To IE8 Crashes Browser

Feb 26, 2011

When I try to add a web page to my favorites in IE8, the browser crashes. I get a popup saying that Internet Explorer has stopped working, and that Windows can check online for a solution to the problem. Clicking on Check online for a solution and close the program just makes the same popup come up again.

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Importing To Win 7 Favorite Folder

May 18, 2009

Last night, early hours of this morning I undertook the herculean task of tidying up my favorite folder in internet explorer on my XP Home PC, I then exported the lot to a folder on my XP desk top. I then transfered that folder to a back up drive, then transfered it to my new Win 7 desk top on another PC.

So now I have this favorites folder but can't seem to find a way of transferring/exporting it contents into Win 7 favorites, how do I achieve this please?

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Favorite HDD Testing Utility?

Jun 10, 2011

I want to make triple sure that a certain drive is good.What's the best utility to use to confirm or otherwise...??My baseline assumption is to pull the mftr's own bootable utility disc and use that.

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Lost The Icon For Favorite Game?

May 27, 2012

I have lost the icon for my favorite game. I do not have a OS disk. It did not come with the computer. I would like to recover the icon for that program. Where do I look

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Explorer Refreshes After Adding Favorite In IE9

Dec 8, 2012

Im not entirely sure how to say this. Its a tiny issue that I'm not sure if its a feature or a bug my windows has developed. Anytime I add a Favorite in IE9, I notice my desktop refreshes (Assuming this is Explorer refreshing)

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Icons For Websites In Favorite List Defaulting

Feb 19, 2012

I am using IE 9.0.5 on Win 7 x64 Ultimate. In my favorites list many of the links have icons preceding the description that are unique to the site. But may on them have defaulted to the IE icon--a sheet of paper with the "e" on it.

I imported some of these bookmarks/favorites from Firefox but not all of them have defaulted.

Is there a setting in Internet Options that allows these icons to be recognized and displayed in the favorites list?

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Favorite Folder Not Working Properly - Inaccessible?

Jul 1, 2012

Recently when opening Favorites to put in a link it stutters and shakes and I cannot access any folders. It goes to Favorites instead of the folder I chose for it to go in.

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Create A List Of Favorite Internet Sites?

Oct 23, 2012

How do I create a list of my favourite internet sites

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Gmail Standard View Fails To Load In IE8 From Favorite

Dec 4, 2009

Periodically I have problems loading the Gmail inbox from an IE8 favorite, if using Gmail "standard view". Gmail "basic HTML" view doesn't have the problem. Likewise Firefox 3.5.5 nor Chrome have the problem in either Gmail standard of basic view. IE8 version: 8.0.7600.16385. Happens with both 32-bit and 64-bit IE8.

Problem only happens if loading from an IE8 favorite, not if manually going to Gmail and logging in.

Typically the problem manifests as an indefinite wait while loading Gmail. However sometimes one of the following two errors happen:

""We're sorry. It seems there is a problem. Please try using Gmail with a supported browser. If you're encountering this error while using a supported browser, we suggest alerting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) that a proxy is failing to accept cookies on HTTP redirects."

OR error loading page (yellow icon on IE8 status bar), where error details are: Read more at the forums...

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Favorites In Left Pane Does Not Display All Favorite Folders?

Aug 3, 2012

When I open Explorer, Favorites is displayed at the top of the left column, as desired. However, not all of the folders I have designated for Favoriates is displayed in the left column. When I left click on the word "Favorites," then in the right column the entire list of Favorites folders does display. (Meaning:there's a list of nine folders on the right side, but back in the left column under Favorites only seven are displayed.)I've tried all of the solutions described above and none fixes this problem. If I try to drag a folder from Right to Left, two things happen: (A) A copy of that folder is created on the right side (so I'll see the original and a version with "(2)" after the name; and (B) on the left side, one of the folders that used to be in Favorites no longer displays.I don't know why a copy is made on the Right, but the action on the Left leads me to believe that somehow the left column Favorites is set to display no more than seven (7) items, but I can't find where to change that setting

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Pages Are Getting Cut Off?

Sep 6, 2011

when I go to print out pages , the writing is getting cut off . How do I fix that ? Do I need to set margins or something else.

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Certain Web Pages Not Loading?

May 25, 2012

Strange thing has started happening, i have upgraded to 100MBb broadband and i am connected via Ethernet and speed test showing average 94mb. yet random web pages links i click in Google open in an new window but the page will not load, never happened before when i was on 50mb, i have run anti virus and spybot which found maybe 1 or 2 things but it has not resolved the issue,

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Web Pages Won't Fit Screen

Sep 26, 2012

Why are most of my web pages to Large i have the setting on the recommended resolution, windows 7, i have a 19inch square screen in Landscape mode and it says the resolution should be 1280- 1024?

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IE, Not Loading Pages?

Jul 16, 2012

a week ago the IE stopped loading pages, i have also firefox installed which is working fine. googled the problem and show a suggestion to reset the IE (tools - internet options - advanced - reset). but this option was in grey. i tried tune up utilities to fix the win but it didn't heventually i removed the IE9 (control panel - programs and features...). the problem was solved or so i thought. the problem came back again in the next time i run ie8. i tried to re install IE9 but the problem was till there. i removed again the IE9 and again i thought the problem solved but it came back in the next time i run ie8.

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Maximize All Pages Always?

Oct 17, 2011

I want every page to open maximzied in windows 7

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Lines Across Web Pages

Feb 8, 2013

when im browsing through web pages suddenly, horizontal black stripes appears on my pc?

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