Locale ID 2057 When Booting Games

Jan 1, 2012

every time i try to boot a game, the screen goes black and the system crashes. I think this may be caused by the GTX 460 that i just got. But most of the time the card boots works and plays games fantastically. Just sometimes out of nowhere the game will run but as soon as the game has to be rendered the computer bluescreen's but i dont see this because of the monitor saying that it has lost connection. [code]

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BSOD Happening Randomly - Locale ID 2057

Feb 21, 2013

Randomly crashing PC. The BSOD and restart used to happen when watching videos online or attempting to play games, but now it happens often no matter what I am doing. I have done a format of my PC and a clean install of Windows 7 64 bit, but the same thing started happening almost instantly.
System Specs:
Processor: AMD FX-4100 Quad-Core, 3.60 Ghz
8.00 GB RAM
System Type: 64-bit Operating System
Hard drive: hitachi hd T721010SLA360 ATA 1TB (899 gigs free)

Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA). This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This problem might be caused by a thermal issue. The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

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BSOD Whilst Generally Using Computer Local ID: 2057

May 19, 2012

whilst generally using my computer it will blue screen and state that it is dumping memory, there have been several codes but the latest is:

Local ID: 2057
Additional information about the problem:


I'm currently trying to run "Windows_NT6_BSOD_v3.03_jcgriff2_" but every time i try my computer blue screens so will try and update if it manages to complete.

Edit: how should i attach the system diagnostic report as it saves as a html and says invalid file on upload.

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Computer Not Booting / Freezing During Games / BSOD Not Shutting Down

Jun 1, 2012

Recently, my computer has been behaving quite oddly. It hasn't been booting up, but hasnt given any error messages. When I try to boot, it will open up to a black screen where the Starting Windows stuff is supposed to appear, but nothing will happen. I'll restart it a bunch of times, and eventually I'll get one where the words Starting Windows are there, but still nothing happens. If it offers me the option to load the repair program, it will open the screen that says windows is loading the files with the loading bar at the bottom, but nothing will load. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 restarts before i'll seemingly just get lucky and it will turn on.Also, I've been freezing lately while playing BF3. My video card drivers are up to date, along with the other main drivers. Sometimes, I'll get a BSOD if I wait long enough, but it doesnt ususally happen. Also, when starting, sometimes when it says on the boot screen "Verifying DMI pool data", nothing will happen, and then it will suddenly say: Disk read error, press cntrl + alt + delete to restart.This leads me to believe that it's a disk error, which explains a lot of the symptoms i've been having lately, but I just dont know where to start the diagnosis.

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Bluescreen Error Locale ID:1057

Aug 27, 2011

i had trouble in OS win 7 always show blue screen

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1057


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Windows Could Not Set Offline Locale Information

May 23, 2012

I get this when i try to install windows 7 on my old laptop.Windows could not set the offline locale information. Error code: 0x80800000 tried searching online for this error, but found nothing. the laptop was dropped before. fell on its power cord side. I decided to reformat and this is the error i get.

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Unable To Find Locale Data Files

Jan 28, 2013

Unable to find locale data files. Please reinstall.what is this mean?

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Computer Has A Message That Says Install Locale Data Files?

Nov 24, 2012

my computer has a message that says install locale data files an how do i do this?

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BSOD Playing Minecraft And MW3, Locale ID 1033, BBCode 116?

Apr 29, 2012

While playing Minecraft and MW3 I often get BSOD's within a few minutes of starting to play. I've been looking for months now for a solution, [CODE]

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BSOD After ITunes Update (Locale ID 1033 / Bad Driver) No Safe Mode

Dec 3, 2011

BSOD and subsequent boot failure. Windows Startup Repair can't fix the computer automatically and I'm at a loss. The problem occurred after I updated to the latest version of Itunes a few days ago. Right now, I can't even boot into safe mode, so I don't know how to run the utilities.

Here is what I got from Startup Repair:
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: StartupRemairOffline
Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown
Problem Signature 04: 21200795
Problem Signature 05: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 06: 9
Problem Signature 07: BadDriver
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

Details about the computer:
Acer Aspire AS1830T-3730 laptop
Core i3 - 1.2GHz
WD Caviar Black 750GB
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 - (retail re-installed)

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BSOD After Changing System Locale Then "Insert Proper Boot Device"

Aug 21, 2012

Trying to play a game and since it's Jap, I had to change the system locale to Japan. After rebooting, because it requires a reboot, I got a BSOD in about a minute. I thought it was okay and wouldn't happen again because it ran out of memory or something. After I reboot, I got another BSOD and now it's saying "Reboot or insert proper boot device.

I went to the BIOS and my HD was the first boot priority. I'm a total noobie when it comes to computers.

I have an ASUS K52F-BBR5 Notebook. Could my HD be corrupted or is there a way to fix this? I'm currently finding my installation disk to see if I can do a startup repair.

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WINdows 7 ERROR:BSOD Locale ID 1033 Error?

Apr 18, 2011

Just installed windows 7 about a month or so ago, running great, only every now and then if my system is idle and I wiggle the mouse to make it come back on , it just reboots automatically[CODE]

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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CD Rom Auto-start Games Function Not Opening Games Directly

Sep 19, 2011

The autostart function is not working properly. When introduced a CD Rom into the drive, it has all the autostart functions for movies, pics, documents, but instead of starting the games directly, It allways ask me to open the file, movies or pics, but the game never starts automatically as It used to do in the past Windows versions, and in Windows 7 BEFORE SP1. It's imposible to play games that require the insertion of the disc into the CD Rom Drive, for the same reason.Im running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and have a LG Super Multi RwDVD +R DL Light scribe multirecorder.

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Suddenly During Games GPU Started Overheating Quickly During Games?

Nov 5, 2009

ok so i have a problem thats been driving me insane. my toshiba F50 was working totally fine until suddenly during games my GPU started overheating quickly during games (Was not doing this before) i noticed that my fan didnt seem to be spinning as fast as before. i cleaned it still no avail, tried riva tuner and ntune and all of that jazz and all of them have the fan control options greyed out? (cannot use them)i noticed that when i start the laptop the POST test on the fans guns the fan to 100% speed so i know its capable of doing it. it seems like the fan doesnt know to speed up when it gets hot and it keeps shutting my system down and i reallllly dont feel like damaging my GPU. i tried rolling back my drivers and running the latest drivers.

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Games Explorer Folder - Restore Default Games

Nov 28, 2009

How to Restore the Default Games in Windows 7 Games Explorer Folder ?

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Games Not Showing In Games Window?

Dec 16, 2011

When I click on games in my start menu only the games on my c drive show. I ran out of space on the c drive practically the day I bought it (SSD), so now I install games to my D drive. I tried dragging the .exe start file over to the games window and it did copy the icon over but I get a message that the game has stopped working when I click it, followed by automatic error reporting to Microsoft after.

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Games Explorer Folder - Add Games To

Sep 22, 2009

How to Add a Game to the Windows 7 Games Explorer Folder ?

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Play Games For Free At Hp Games?

Oct 9, 2012

may i know how to play games for free at hp games?i dont have money to buy a games

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Windows 7 Won't Allow To Retrieve Saved Games From " Documents/my Games/oblivion"

Oct 26, 2012

Windows 7 won't allow me to retrieve my saved games from my " documents/my games/oblivion" Says it cant find the codec. What codec is that? Did search on codec and it appears I don't have any.

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Booting From SSD?

Jan 6, 2013

I have four physical drives in this system. Until last month, I was booting from a drive with three partitions, C:, D:, X:, where C:contains Windows 7 Pro; the others are data. The other physical drives are also data (not bootable). I added an SSD and cloned C: onto that drive with Acronis Trueimage. In order to get it to boot, I had to add an entry to the BCD on what should now be the old c: and keep that as the boot drive in my BIOS. I'd really like to NOT be reliant on that spinning drive to boot, so I found EasyBCD. Booted from the SSD, I told EasyBCD to designate c: as the boot drive.When I tell the BIOS to boot from the SSD, I get a Disk Read Error. So I go back to booting from the spinning drive.

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Booting From USB Instead Of DVD?

Jan 15, 2013

Booting from USB instead of DVD, I wanted to boot from the USB instead of doing this from the DVD knowing that the DVD contains the Windows 7 Operating system. All what I did is copying the DVD to the USB.

I managed to give the USB the first option for booting, nevertheless, the machine doesnt respond to boot from the USB

What might be the issue? What should the USB contain to be bootable?

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W7 Only Booting With DVD

Oct 27, 2009

I guess the problem is related to the setup and installation process I'll leave it here, feel free to move the thread though.

I downloaded Windows 7 from DigitalRiver, made a bootable .iso, burned it and started the setup. I then formatted C: where Vista was located and had Windows 7 installed onto C:.

It works perfectly with the DVD inserted, but whenever I try to boot without the DVD the Bios says something like:


status: 0xc0000428

Info: windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file

What I did now was to go to the setup and open up a command line and then I did chdsk /R which said the partition was NTFS, could not be locked and that it was read only.

Then I did ScanOs which gave me 0 installations found. Afterwards FixMbr and FixBoot which were "completed successfully" and last but not least RebuildBCD which said 0 was fixed but it was again completed successfully.

Long story short, nothing has changed. Still the same error.

Plus: After that message in the bios I can press either esc or enter. Enter will then get me another screen where I can choose the OS I'd like to boot and it only says Windows Vista there but that selection takes me back to the initial "digital signature blabla" screen.

So, is there still a little part of Vista left somewhere that messes up the boot process or what's up?

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Booting From Usb How To Do It

Jan 7, 2010

I have an acer laptop that i upgraded from vista to 32bit windows 7 which was installed a few months ago through my USB because my cd drive doesnt work. Now I am getting the unmountable boot volume blue screen error so I am trying to boot the installation from my USB. It gets past "windows is loading files", then it goes to starting Windows with the logo... but after that I get a black screen with just the mouse arrow.

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Booting Xp VHD On XPM

Oct 15, 2009

Ok so i have created a VHD of my system (dual boot of xp and Windows 7) using Disk2vhd. It's now sitting on my USB HDD which i am able to create a new VM in XPM using that as a HDD. Turned on the VM and everything looks fantastic. Selected windows 7 boot and it booted fine. But when i go to boot Xp it just load and then goes black.

I think this is a restrictions on XPM not allowing to boot to a Xp VHD, Y/N?

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OS Not Booting?

Apr 22, 2012

Computer will not boot up bios check seems fine It shows a black screen can not get into F8. Im running win 7 home premium 64bit on an hp pavilion a1220n. I have tried a system restore from win boot disk will not restore. I tried start up repair and it cannot detect any problems

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My PC Keeps On Booting

May 17, 2012

It started like this. I was searching something at the internet and then it restart. first it says no monitor Or no connection to the GPU then when I turn off the PSU or the whole system I waited for about 20 minutes then turn it on again but after like 10 minutes it turns off again but the 2nd time success the restart it goes to the bios etc (normal restart without me doing something) then it always restart this probably the 6th time.. and I only get chances to stay on windows maybe the record only is 20 mins then restart again. so when I manage to restart and success go to the desktop menu There is check for solution problem then I click more details and it says The error is "blue screen" which I din't see any bluescreen and below there are number I only remember is something like this "100000007"

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Booting From HDD Instead Of SDD?

Jun 18, 2012

i recently bought a OCZ Vertex 3 SSD 60gb (though i think i should have gotten the vertex 2 as my mobo is SATA 2) and installed windows 7 professional 64bit on it. 2 days later i realize i left some important configurations on my original boot drive (Western Digital Caviar Blue 500gb)game configurations, currently downloading/ unfinished torrents, seeding torrents, etc. were all there.i need to know how to boot back from my WDC 500gb drive instead of my SSD. i remember seeing the os boot list on bios when installed win 7 on a laptop drive for a ZBox that didnt come with a dvd drive.

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Windows 7 32-bit Not Booting With GT 240?

Mar 23, 2012

I just recently upgrade my system's OS from Win XP to Win 7 but I'm facing some problems with my Win 7. Whenever I boot up my system without my GPU installed, it boots up just fine. But as soon as I install my GPU i.e., GT 240, Windows 7 doesn't respond after "Starting Windows" screen or simply fails to boot. I also faced the similar problem while installing my Windows 7. I resolved that one by removing my GPU while installation.

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Windows 7 Is Not Booting

Feb 3, 2013

I have a Medion Laptop and it froze so I forced it off. Now when i load it in any mode (safe mode freezes after avg file) It will go to a black screen or a 0xc0000009 I/O error message.I've run it in start up repair and there aren't any system restore points available and start up repair took 17 hours before i decided to turn it off! What is going on!? My hardware doesn't make any strange sounds and my bios recognises my Hard Drive.Luckily, there's nothing important on the laptop so i don't mind if we have to reset it to factory settings as i have the Windows 7 installation disc as well!

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Windows 7 Isn't Booting

Jan 19, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 with Windows 7 (32bit) and it's not booting. I tried safe mode with and without networking as well as the startup repair and system restore options.Startup Repair basically said that it couldn't repair this computer automatically and this: [code] System Restore said that it couldn't access a file and something about anti-virus as well as "An unspecified error occurred duing System Restore. (0x 80070005)"..Seems like my only bet is to do something with Command Prompt... but I seriously don't have the slightest clue as to what.

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