Java Keeps Downloading And Update

Dec 3, 2012

I have Windows 7 and I use Avast antivirus. For some reason Java keeps downloading and update and trying to install Java 7.0, but it is everyday. I have taken just to denying the update after hearing that Java 7.0 might have security issues, but does anybody know why it won't install or keeps trying to install. Under the Java control panel it shows I have Java 7.

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Keep Getting Bsod After Java Update?

Feb 14, 2012

0x0000000A (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0xfffff80002a79b7e)this it the error i get every time i start my computer now. i was using it and it did a restart that wasnt prompted or anything and all i did was accept a java update from my eset security. i can load safe mode but dont know what to do in it. i would rather not do a reinstall of windows. This is what i got from windows

Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: a
BCP1: 0000000000000000
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: FFFFF80002A79B7E


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Java Update Flashing Popups?

Nov 7, 2012

Every once in a while I keep getting a flashing pop up at the bottom of my screen saying a Java update is available wanting me to click it. In the past I have done that and got a virus from it. (Bleeping computers helped me get rid of it)I run a scan with avast and malwarebytes that I have installed but they never find a virus. I am just asking if I can trust it or is it a virus thats hidden so well that it cant be detected by avast or maywarebytes?

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Java Update Causes Windows 7 To Not Start

Nov 11, 2012

I am having an issue with the latest update of Java in Win 7. I am running Win 7 (64 bit) with IE 9 and also Norton Internet Security 2012 The default version of IE9 is that I have always used in Program Files (x86) folder (32 bit version I believe) I keep getting asked to run the Java Version checker which tells me there is an updated version that I should instal. It installs but it does not appear to do a Java version check after update like it always has previously. IE add �ons then shows additional entries of Java version 7 update 9 Each time I agree to update, my computer is unable to start at the next switch on, without doing a System Restore, removing the version 7 update 9 Control Panel & IE Explorer show the following (after System Restore) Under Programs � Java, it shows Version 6 Update 20 Under Programs � Programs and Features it shows Java 7 Update 7 (Version 7.0.70) Java (TM)6 Update 20 (Version 6.0.200) Java FX 2.1.1 (Version 2.1.1) In IE 9 add ons it shows Java Plug-in SSV Helper Java Plug-in 2 SSV Helper7.0.70.10?

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Java Version 6 Update 26 Won't Install?

Jul 14, 2011

I really need some help installing Java Version 6 Update 26. I was clearing junk out of my computer and I deleted the Java folder in Program Files(x86) by accident. At first, I'm like "Oh, well I guess I could just go to the site and redownload it." This is where the problem is. On the website it says to uninstall any traces of Java before reinstalling it. I have unfinished/corrupted traces that wont let me uninstall. So I went ahead and tried downloading it. That comes up, so obviously the corrupted install is in the way. So, I just try to reinstall as it says. Then this comes up: After that, this comes up. I've looked everywhere on Google. At first, I thought it was a problem with my Windows Installer, but it says Windows Installer 5.0.7600.16385 when I type MSIExec in the Command Prompt. Before I knew that, I thought it was because I didn't have Windows 7 Service Pack 1, then I got that. It didn't help the problem I'm having.

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Windows 7 Update Not Downloading?

Jan 29, 2010

Windows Update was telling me it was downloading an update but it just stayed at 0%. When shutting down I get the message Windows is configuring Updates etc. but nothing happens so I have to turn the power off. I tried restoring to an earlier point but it keeps happening, even with Automatic Updates turned off.Which leads me to believe there's some temporary files or something at work here.Currently I have disabled the Update service & everything is fine. What I want to know is which files I can delete which will hopefully solve my problem?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Java Program Update Installed

Jul 24, 2010

My installs of Windows 7 was working fine and all of a sudden it wont boot anymore. Yesterday I put in a required Java Program update install and I think Windows just added a couple of critical updates as well. I have tried booting in every way possible, rolling back, safe mode, etc, and nothing works.

I keep getting the screen telling me there is a problem and must do a system repair. Then the repairs and all it wants to do is shut down. I managed to pull up some error reports and it seems two files are corrupt which are TCPIP.SYS and one called FWPKCLNT.SYS.

TCPIP.SYS is located in C:/WIndows/System32/Drivers
FWPKCLNT.SYS seems to be in drive F:/ which is not an actual drive. It must be a temporary boot drive created by Windows 7.

I have an older XP on another partition on the same hard drive so I booted in XP to see if I could possibly delete the reported corrupt TCPIP.SYS file and replace it from another Windows 7 install from my laptop just to see if that might work. But it wont let me delete the TCPIP.SYS file. It says it is in use, but I can't understand that since I am trying to delete it from the Windows 7 partition while I am booted up from the XP boot partition.

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Inspiron N5110 BSOD Loop After Java Update

Apr 8, 2012

while watching Internet, got many popups about java update. when it was updated, computer went re-booting and after the dell/win 7's logo, a warning to start in safemode appeared and it starts doing(safemode) itself. ater crunching, it gives bsod with error mentioned below. (btw it gives you system restore option when pressing f' keys, but ends up in the same loop after crunching and restart. command mode option shows, but does not comes up when hit. dell's diagnotstic cd for 32bit shows no hardware problems.)

dell n5110 inspiron
cpu i5 2.4ghz, 4gb ram, bios a09
win 7 home prem 64bit
i have no recovery/windows 7 disk

dell n5110 bsod errror:

problem signature: problem event name: startup_repair_offline
problem signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
problem signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
problem signature 03: unknown


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Java Update Prompt Won't Stop On Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 11, 2012

On Windows 7 Laptop, incessantly prompts to update Java. I've said yes, I've said no, I've changed the settings to turn off automatic updates several times. It won't stop. It prompts about 80% of the time I boot computer on. I've read a few things about messing with registry edits, but really don't want to start with that.

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Flash Java Not Working In Windows 7 Any Browser / Can't Update

Jul 11, 2012

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop).i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine.i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites.currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else.i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph) i've tried pretty much everything i can think of, as to manual installation and so forth.nothing works, nor changes anything.

so far it's only facebook (of websites) not working, and then of course flash and java.i would like to avoid comments such as: "just don't use facebook then *hurhhurh*" as the problem runs somewhat deeper than just not being able to use facebook. this computer is just about 4 months old as well, and i'm breaking my skull trying to figure out what the heck is causing this. on a side note i am up to date on both anti-spyware and anti-virus, and i've run several scans in both secure and normal mode.all comes up empty.

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Downloading And Installing With Windows Update?

May 25, 2012

Can I use then internet while downloading and installing with windows update?

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Error 1723 DLL Missing File By Java Update 6- 29 Version

Dec 1, 2011

How I could to remove my missing DLL of Java? Also I need you to send me email about this information.

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Cannot Install Update 'Acer Chrystal Webcam' After Downloading?

Nov 27, 2012

Cannot install update 'Acer Chrystal Webcam' after downloading I must Delete the currant version but that version will not Delete.Could it be about 'Windows Installer?

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"The Wizard Was Interrupted Before Java(TM) 6 Update 29 Could Be Completely Installed"

Nov 9, 2011

i am having issues installing java on my pc it will not install i have run registry cleaner and c cleaner also have used the msirepair and allowed in firewall it starts to install gets all the way to the end then says "The wizard was interrupted before Java(TM) 6 update 29 could be completely installed. to complete installation at another time, please run setup again.i went to the java website and it says they are aware of this problem and are trying to repair it figure maybe you could offer a resolution quicker than they could .

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Windows Update Error / Not Search Or Update / Install Critical Items

Jan 30, 2011

I'm out of ideas. I've been running Win 7 on this machine for more than a year without issues in updating etc. Now it will not search or update/install critical items. I'm running Symantec (even tried turning the firewall off without any success). I get an error code 80072F7C. When I run hijackthis, I get an error message that my system denied write access to the Hosts file. I proceed with the scan but am unable to produce a log file. I've included a screenshot from the windows update error as well as the error I get when trying to run hijack this.

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Optional Update In Windows Update Is Giving A Blue Screen

Nov 3, 2012

The update is called:

nvidia - Graphics adapter WDDM1.1, Graphics Adapter WDDM1.2, Other hardware - NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M.

After installing it, whenever my laptop tries to use the Nvidia card, I get a blue screen and the system restarts. I looked in installed updates to uninstall it, and it is not there. I did a system restore to four days before I installed it, and I still get the same effect. Lastly, I installed some older nvidia drivers that used to work using the clean install option, and I still have this problem.

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Auto-update Property Sheet Extension File Update

Oct 12, 2011

Is this file safe to have operating on my computer???

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Unable To Update Using Windows 7 Update (Code 8000FFFF Error)?

Oct 30, 2012

A while back, after successfully downloading and installing some updates in the Windows Update, it prompted me to restart the computer to finish the update installation process. However, I continued to use the computer for quite some time before restarting it, and then when it tried to configure the updates on the start-up screen, it showed that it was not successful in doing so. In the past, I noticed that this would typically happen when I did not restart the computer immediately (or within a short time) after the updates finished and I got the prompt to restart. I would have to go to Windows Update and do it over again, and then upon immediate restart, it would always work properly. But this time, it did not, and I keep getting the 8000FFFF error message instead.

Also, now, every time I start the computer, it shows that it's "Preparing to configure Windows... Do not shut off computer" (presumably the updates that never got completely and correctly configured) in the start-up screen... gets to 35%..fails... shuts down (screen goes black)... restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, shuts down and restarts again... tries to configure again, fails again, and finally it apparently gives up and says "reverting changes" and finally goes to the desktop.I've looked at the answers in several threads at the forum that were started by people with similar problems, and also tried several of the Microsoft "FixIt" files on the Microsoft site, but none of them worked. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Cant Uninstall Java 7?

Aug 13, 2011

on my computer I have java6update 29 and java 1.7.0-01,I have tried to uninstall java 7 by following the prompts eg uninstall,it then says preparing to uninstall,then up pops;dO YOU WANT TO ALLOW THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM TO UPDATE SOFTWARE ON THIS COMPUTERiT DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER i CLICK YES OR NO ,it still wont uninstall,I havesuccessfully been able to delete other programs without this happening,I have windows 7 home premium

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Could Not Download Java

Jun 28, 2012

I searched for a solution to my problem on here and followed the instructions and it didn't work, so here I am.

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Java Does Not Work

Dec 26, 2011

I am currently running Java JRE5u22.If JRE6uxx is installed, then the Java Control panel does not open, and java works randomly. For example, (URL) will display the version that is installed, but (url) will succeed. Some applications that depend on Java will not work, but they did before with a JRE6uxx So something happened that render JRE6uxx partially broken.

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Java Will Not Run On New Machine

Oct 24, 2012

I have a new Dell Inspiron 660 with Windows 7. I have downloaded Java numerous times using the three standard browsers and it will not take/work. I know Java isn't the best program in the world to have on a computer, but I use it for playing games (which is my primary "entertainment" use of the computer). It is frustrating for this not to work.

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Cannot Get Java To Work

Nov 10, 2011

I just installed the 64bit vesion of java. I am trying to save a video from keepvid, but it keeps showing that java is not installed or disabled. I installed it and it said that it was in fact installed but it does not show up in program files, browser, or manage add-ons. I have tried quite a few things after searching around. Nothing seems to be working.

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How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Sep 18, 2012

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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Can't Install Java Sdk

Jul 26, 2011

i use windows 7 ultimate x64 and im trying to install java sdk. But i only get the error This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exist and that you can access it,or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

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Java Not Functioning?

Apr 25, 2012

Several times I have installed/reinstalled java but Win 7-64 Home Premium does not allow this to run.Programme is installed but applications, e.g. ping test speed test are reporting Java requires to be installed.

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Java Dll On Windows 7?

Feb 21, 2011

Java dll on windows 7?

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How To Get Minecraft SP To Run X64 Java

Oct 14, 2011

For the last few weeks in rarely touching minecraft, whenever I did, I'd get an "Out of Memory!!" Error message and quit the game. Well, I detected that I was playing Minecraft SP on Java 32 bit, when I have a x64 OS. I tried downloading and installing x64 Java but it made no difference. I tried uninstalling the x86 version but when I opened Minecraft it gave me an error saying that it was missing some files prior to me uninstalling the x86 version of Java 7.

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Cannot Install JAVA?

Dec 17, 2011

Have been trying install Java and at the end message comes up "Windows installer not installed correctly" how do i fix?

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Java Not Working 64 Bit

Apr 1, 2012

i already installed my java 64 bit but still my psp emulator pops " the required version of java is not been installed.. anyway my java 64 bit version is

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