Is Defragging Necessary In Windows 7 Or Does Windows Defrag Continually

May 3, 2011

Is defragging necessary in Windows 7 or does Windows defrag continually?

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Auslogics Defrag Versus Windows 7 Built-in Defrag?

Dec 25, 2009

Auslogic's Disk Defrag is a free utility. how it compares to Win 7's built in defrag utility? Is it worth downloading over what's already there?

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Defragging Solid State Drives?

Jan 17, 2012

This isn't recommended, I know. But would it serve any purpose at all? As far as I understand the matter, aside from the wear and tear issue, whether an SDD is 0% fragmented or 100% fragmented makes no difference to the performance, due to the way the information is read from the disc. Is that so?I run MS Flight Simulator from an SDD (my O/S is on another SDD too) and I am starting to get some performance issues. Some have recommended I defrag the disc - when I analyse it, it shows 100% fragmentation, but if what I wrote above is true, it wouldn't make any difference. Right??

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Windows 7 Continually Freezes

Jun 24, 2012

I tried reinstalling windows and formatting the hard drive. That works for about 3 days till windows installs its huge update. Then it starts freezing again. So then I do a system restore to a day before those updates happened, when the computer was fine and I turn off updates. It now becomes very slow for five minutes and then freezes. Now it won't even take me to the login screen. I am almost a 100% sure it isn't a virus since I always have malwarebytes Microsoft security essentials and avast on, and I really haven't gone to any shady sites in the last 3 days. I am running windows 7 64 bit

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Windows 7 Update Continually Failing?

Nov 11, 2012

I have 23 important window updates, and every time I try to update my computer these fail! I have tried the fix it tool thats reccommended but that didn't work either.It says the file or directory is corrupted or unreadable and the error code is

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Continually Losing Wireless Connection To Windows 7

Oct 22, 2011

I recently purchased a wireless router and we have three laptops and a desktop using it. All other stay connected except my notebook which has windows 7. I also recently downloaded skype to talk to family overseas. Almost every time I am having a conversation, I suddenly lose the connection. However, I lose a connection at other times also. Skype doesn't have to be running for it to lose the connection. There seems to be no ryhme or reason for this. I ran a scan on my virus protection, but it reveals no threats. I am not so computer savvy either, only the basics.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Defrag

Aug 19, 2012

I normally dual-boot Windows XP and Windows 7 from separate partitions on the same physical drive. Now I cannot get Windows 7 Professional to boot after defragmenting the volume on which it resides from a different OS (Windows XP). Upon selecting Win7 from my boot menu, it initially gave a bootmgr error that a critical file could not be found.

I booted from the Win7 DVD and selected to repair my Win7 installation. I clicked on the details and the log indicated that partmgr.sys was found to be corrupt and had been replaced. Upon restarting, the Win7 animated logo appeared, but after that the screen went black and the computer rebooted.

I confirmed that partmgr.sys was replaced by booting into XP and looking for the file on the Win7 partition. I ran startup repair from the DVD again, but it said it replaced the same file- partmgr.sys - again. Chkdsk comes up clean, and the sfc /scannow command won't run because "there is a repair operation schedules that requires a reboot ."

There has got to be a way to get back into Win7 given that all I did was defrag..

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Windows Defrag Showing 1%, Instead Of 0%

Dec 26, 2011

So I have defragged my system multiple times to optimize my overall system performance and every single time it shows 1% defragmented, eventhough I have ran the built in defragger for windows 7 64-bit home premium x amount of times to fix this.

I know that its not an immediate concern, but is this something I should be concerned with, since something seems to be wrong during file allocations when defragging.


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Cannot Get Windows Defrag To Work On A Schedul

Apr 12, 2011

I cannot get windows defrag to work on a schedule. It works if I do it manually but not on schedule. I like to use built in Windows defrag because it does not delete system restore points but 3rd party software defrag deletes restore points.

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Windows Defrag Running In Idle?

May 4, 2012

Is the Windows defrag running in idle? I think it is a new feature since Vista right? I have checked it and my sytem drive is 16% fragmented. I have waited with performance monitor on for an half hour and there where no harddisk access from defrag?

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How To Turn Off Defrag And Optimize At Boot Windows 7

Sep 29, 2012

How do I turn on and off Windows 7 defrag and optimization at boot time? Is there an option for periodicity? I don´t want to let HDD running at 100 pct for hours. How do you choose optimization of the system files too? And can I run it not only on drive C:?

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Windows 7 Wont Load After Power Down During Defrag

Dec 29, 2012

can i copy a windows 7 ios from another computer that i have.i powered down my system during a defrag due to the computer freezing up for over an hour now windows 7 home premium wont boot not even to put in password

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Programs Continually Not Reponding

Feb 25, 2012

My friend has been having issues with her computer programs not responding. Everything will be fine and then all of a sudden Chrome, Firefox, Picasa, Windows Explorer, or whatever else she is in at the time will freeze up. It eventually unfreezes, but you have to walk away or else you'll go crazy waiting. Here are her specs from Speccy(UrL)

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Office Continually Reconfiguring Itself?

Apr 23, 2010

I just installed the RTM version of Office 2010 from Technet however now when I try to lasunch a program like word or excel office wants to configure itself every time. I have uninstalled and re-installed it several time but no luck. I am lofgged in as adminstrator and running Windows 7 Ultimate x 64 ..have to wait for it to reconfigure when I want to use word opr excel and even outlook .. for some strange reason powerpoint seems ok ???

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USB Ports Continually Don't Load After Reboot?

May 24, 2011

Have a Compaq CQ61-313us. For some reason the USB ports don't work after reboot. If I go to device manager, and disable, then reable them one by one, they'll work fine until reboot and I'm back to errors on them. I also can uninstall them and have windows find them again, works fine, until I reboot again. I'm about to give up.They all say "This device cannot start. (Code 10)" until I reinstall. Have done all my updates and mutiple scans with mutiple malware /virus programs.

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No OS, Or Bootloader Wont Start Restarts Continually?

Mar 19, 2012

On my computer, i have dual booted ubuntu 10.10 32bitand windows 7 ultimate 32 bit.i partitioned my drive into 2 partitions, 85 gb for ubuntu and the rest for windows 7. Right now i am running ubuntu live off of the installation disk.A few days ago i was using grub to boot ubuntu/ windows all that happens is, it shows the HP logo, then shows a flashing dash, and restarts, and deos this continually.

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Continually Getting Invalid Email Msgs When Trying To Fill Out Webforms?

Oct 12, 2012

Continually getting Invalid Email msgs when trying to fill out webforms.My operating system is windows 7 ultimate and i use gmail ... everything formatted correctly but i keep getting "invalid email address" messages when I try to fill out any web forms.

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When Running Any Video On New Toshiba C660 Laptop It Continually Starts And Stops

Nov 22, 2011

When running any Video on my new Toshiba C660 laptop it continually starts and stops.

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Home Wireless Connection, Continually Identifying Network, No Internet Access?

Feb 9, 2011

I have recently been having difficulties with connecting with my wireless connection. We have a in-home router that is connected to two computer's downstairs by cable. I however own a Acer, Windows 7 laptop that I mainly use upstairs and I get a Excellent signal strength.I have connected to my Home wireless connection before with no problem but recently the connection keeps coming up as ~Identifying... No Internet Access.Also when I have had connection to this network prior to this problem the connection is under Home. But when I try to connect to the same network it comes up as Public or just keeps Identifying. I have the connection set to Connect Automatically.Also the yellow triangle with the exclamation point almost always pops up immediately when I reboot my system or after I Disconnect and Connect the network again. I have tried Disabling and Enabling the network in the adapter settings and this does not work either. In the manage wireless networks tab, I have repeatedly deleted the connection and reentered the security password and again put it as automatically connect but it still comes up as Identifying. I have seen many people with this same problem and have tried many of the suggestions to no avail.It is rather bizarre because my connection will be in this Identifying state for a while and randomly connect properly and I have no idea what makes it go off and on so erratically. I just had it working again for a few days and it is again acting up.

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Defrag Won't Run

Aug 14, 2011

Windows home Premium, tried safe mode and administator mode. No go. The button will "push in" with the cursor but nothing happens. I have it set to run automatically under Task Scheduler once a week. The system runs ok, but .I can't tell if it has run, or when it quit running, and sooner or later it's going to need it. Somebody told me if defrag doesn't run, that isn't the only thing that's broken.

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Can't Defrag HDD Below 30%?

Mar 18, 2012

Using Defraggler, I cannot get my 1TB boot drive below 30% fragmentation.

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Try To Defrag But It Crashed?

Dec 8, 2012

HP Pavilion laptop purchased in June 2011 - still under a 2 year warranty, but would prefer to resolve this myself if at all possible.In the last few days I've started experiencing some BSOD issues, which got particularly acute late night...constant BSODing as well as just system freeze ups. I ran Avast antivirus scan, as well as a MalwareBytes scan and the Housecall scan. I used CCleaner, downloaded what windows updates my computer said were available. Was going to try to defrag but it crashed again. On a netbook right now.this is the BSOD error I get:---kernal_data_inpage_error***STOP: 0x0000007A (0x0000000000000020, 0xFFFFFFFFC000009D, 0xFFFFFA8006E0F078, 0x0000000000000000)Physical memory dumpy FAILED with status 0xC000009CI have no idea what that means - not super troubleshooting saavy beyond the basics

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How To Defrag An Ssd Drive

Jan 20, 2013

know how to defrag an ssd drive?

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What Defrag Program Do You Use For W7?

Dec 15, 2009

I was using Defraggler as my defragmenting program for a while, but would like to try some of the other contenders. So what Defrag program do you use? and why?

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Disable Disk Defrag On SSD?

May 3, 2009

I read an article titled "Windows 7 gets SSD-friendly" a while back that Windows 7 was supposed to take more consideration regarding computers with Solid State Drives. One of the mentioned steps would be to disable the Defrag option (something to do with SSD not getting any benefit from the defraged drives yet the extra work could actually lower the lifecycle of the SSD).Quote: At last week�s WinHEC techfest, Microsoft announced it wanted Windows 7 to make better use of SSDs. �SSDs are on the path to reach their full potential� says Microsoft senior program manager Frank Shu, who in a conference session on Windows 7 Enhancements for Solid-State Drives outlined how Windows 7 will be more SSD-friendly than Vista or XP. After recently installing Windows 7 onto my Lenovo x300 (which includes a SSD) I noticed the Defrag schedule was not disabled.

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Full Defrag Option Via Cmd?

Oct 19, 2009

The defrag tool in Windows Vista and Windows 7 seems to skip fragments larger than 64MB in size in order to cut down on defrag times.This problem was easily "solved" by going into command prompt and using the "-w" parameter.Example: defrag c: -w This option seems to have disappeared in Windows 7, and as such, large fragments are left unoptimized.

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Disk Defrag Error

Nov 28, 2009

when i try to run my disk defrag it says "Disk defragmenter cannnot start because the task scheduler service is not running. Start the task scheduler service and try again" I tried to open the task scheduler but that isnt working. When i open the task scheduler it says "The remote computer is not found." If anyone knows what i can do i would appreciate it.

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Registry Defrag Program

Dec 30, 2009

Is there such a thing as a free registry defrag program that anybody can point me in the right direction of ?

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Clear Defrag History?

Jan 30, 2011

Is there a way to clear the 'Last Run' date and % fragmented in Disk Defragmenter in Windows 7?I've cleared the event viewer application and system log files and also completely disabled and reenabled the defrag service. I'm not sure what else to try.I ran Analyze on my SSD (did not run defrag) to see what it would say. I just don't want that history showing it as fragmented. I understand it's a trivial complaint though, but don't like seeing it. That data has got to be saved somewhere in the OS and I want to blow it up

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Any Program To Defrag Or Clean Registry?

Jan 14, 2009

Should I use any prorams to clean or defrag my registry. If yes which once are recommended both free and paid.

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Scans And Defrag Freeze Computer

Dec 15, 2009

Whenever I try to do a scan either with McAfee or Windows Defender.. And even disk defrag. it freezes the computer

I hear a noise which i think is from the hard drive.. it sound like.. Tick, tick, tick, tick.

And when it does that I am not able to open any programs and the scan stops. But i am able to move the mouse and open the start menu.

Any Ideas?

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