Internetwork Troubleshooting Guide

Jan 15, 2010

How to troubleshoot computer internetworking, the right way ?

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Internet Troubleshooting Guide

Jul 26, 2009

Dinesh's Complete Internet Troubleshooting Guide.

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Windows Media Player Troubleshooting Guide

Jan 21, 2010

Windows 7 has some fine in-built diagnostic tools to help you troubleshoot Windows Media Player issues, which you may be facing. This tutorial will give you some steps to fix common problem you might encounter with Windows Media Player 12.

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Nov 13, 2008

How to Open Troubleshooting in Windows 7 ?

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Troubleshooting Shortcut - Create

Jan 7, 2010

How to Create a Windows 7 Troubleshooting Shortcut ?

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Troubleshooting Age Of Empires 2 The Conquerors?

Jun 29, 2011

while playing the game no game sounds came.only i can hear the taunt sounds.

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Hp Photosmart Printers Troubleshooting?

Mar 25, 2012

I bought a hp photosmart 5100 printer and I cannot get the cd to install software and drivers. Can I download these?

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Administrator Does Not Changes To User Troubleshooting

Jan 1, 2013

my administrator account does not changes to user and the user account does not changes to adminstrator account. i had changed my administrator to user and guest account to administrator. now another account is also is not being created.

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Drivers Guide

Nov 30, 2009

I've put together a guide to updating and finding drivers in my sig - hope it helps!

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Troubleshooting Reverting Back To IE7 In Windows 7

Sep 19, 2012

I am working with Windows 7, and I am trying to revert back to IE7, I have tried reseting thru the tool menu and going to internet options and reseting, but that does not not work.Tried reinstalling IE7 but error came up saying IE7 is not supported on this operating system.

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Constantly Troubleshooting Network After Boot

Jan 24, 2009

hardware concerning: ethernet, specifically nforce4 network controller (drivers

situation: Assigning pc to static ip of router (wrt54g) ie; default gateway, and primary dns as

problem: upon bootup the network can not find the proper route and has to diagnose/troubleshoot to fix the problem, which was a nag every time and gadgets like weather and such would not be updated until this was resolved. If leaving network to dhcp the problem would not occur or nag. Yes dhcp set on router.

solution: simple really, going to nvidia's site and installing the latest nforce4 platform drivers fixed the problem (which i think is just a reinstall of the drivers as i think they are the same that are packaged with Windows 7 7000. Have not checked this yet to confirm

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Error Occurred While Troubleshooting 0x80070002

Jul 14, 2012

What does this mean and how do I fix it.

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Computer Guide Missing

Jul 19, 2011

I know that is a horrible Title for this post, but I'm really not sure what to call it exactly. The left part of the window that opens when attaching files to an email is gone, as shown in the picture below. Anyone know why this would be happening? The left portion, notice how the C:/ D:/ nothing is there.

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Is There A Guide To Making A USB Install?

Jul 3, 2009

Id there a set of instructions or a guide online that will help me take an iSO and put it on a USB drive for installation now and for the future?

I just got a 32gig USB card and want to make an XP, Vista, and Windows 7 Install disk (or USB)

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Guide To In-place Upgrade

Dec 6, 2009

A simple guide to a successful in-place upgrade

You have most likely heard that a clean (custom) install is the preferred install method when migrating to Windows 7. That is most certainly true. However, there are situations when in-place upgrade is more practical method to use. Tens, maybe hundreds of gigs software installed, no install media found for the software and so on.

You might have heard horror stories about non-working Seven and how it’s all in-place upgrade’s fault, or how an in-place leaves so much unwanted and not used pieces and bits it seriously puts your system in danger, at least making it slow. Most of these horror stories come from two types of users, those who have never done a Vista to Seven in-place upgrade but have heard third hand information and rumours, and those who have not prepared installation as it should be prepared.

I have done a lot of in-place upgrades, both from XP to Vista and lately from Vista to Seven. I have even successfully tried a one-session XP to Seven via Vista in-place upgrade (in-place XP to Vista, installing service packs and drivers and then directly in-place further to Seven), to show some colleagues how to do a safe and working upgrade. I have never encountered any upgrade related problems; I do have had my share of installation problems and issues but I’ve always found out that after failing to do an in-place upgrade, the same issue has occurred also after a clean install. Most often the reason is non-compatible hardware. You cannot blame in-place if your hardware refuses to work with Seven.

First, let’s take a look at the chart about in-place options:

As you can see it is not possible to "downgrade when upgrading" i.e. you cannot in-place upgrade from for example Vista Ultimate to Seven Home Premium. You need to have the same or better edition (notice that you can in-place upgrade to Seven Professional only from Vista Business). Your current Vista needs at least service pack 1 to be able to upgrade to Seven.

Notice please: You can only in-place upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista. Older Windows versions (XP, 2000 etc.) can not be in-place upgraded to Seven You cannot in-place upgrade a 32-bit Vista to a 64-bit Seven or 64-bit Vista to a 32-bit Seven The language versions have to match, you can in-place upgrade an English Vista only with an English Seven.

So, let’s start. This guide will show you how to prepare and do an in-place upgrade from Vista to Seven. Following these steps you are most likely to get it right first time.

1. Check the compatibility issues

Download and run Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor Follow any instructions given Uninstall all incompatible software, update drivers and software if Advisor tells so

2. Prepare your system

Update (flash) your system BIOS to most current version After flashing BIOS, restore it to factory defaults 3. Prepare your software setup.

Uninstall all applications and software you never use or which is expired (test and trial versions, software you know you are never going to use like the game you tested but didn’t like etc.) Update AV and Firewall software to the most current versions, including virus definitions Turn off AV, Firewall and all malware software. Remember to turn them on again after installation is finished Check and run Windows Update until it tells you Vista is up to date Clean up your system deleting all unnecessary files like temp folders etc. Backup your system 4. Prepare your hardware setup.

Check Device Manager to assure all devices are working Disconnect all external devices, leave only the main display, mouse and keyboard If upgrading a laptop, be sure it is connected to an AC power source. That’s it. Insert the install media and start doing an in-place upgrade. Please notice this is the most boring part of the process; an in-place upgrade can take hours.

An in-place upgrade can easily take longer than doing a clean install and re-installing all the software. If you don't have too much personal files to transfer, only have a limited amount of applications to re-install and if you have all install media, I recommend doing a clean install. Remember though there's nothing wrong doing an in-place upgrade. It works well and fine when done right.

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Program Guide Not Updating

Jun 6, 2009

I've searched on various forums and have had mixed results from years of this similar problem arising on XP and Vista as well. My Media Center no longer updates the program guide, making media center essentially useless. I've tried re-setting it like others suggested, but now it gets stuck at "Downloading TV Setup Data".

Everytime I try to access the program guide, it pops up a message saying my list is expired and needs to be updated, but it never actually updates. My internet connection is fine, the system is fine. Nothing has changed to potentially cause this conflict to arise. Is this a problem Microsoft has addressed or? Any help on fixing this would be appreciated, as I rely on MC to act as a DVR.

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Cannot Open Windows Troubleshooting (Error 0x80131700)

May 23, 2011

I recently had to reinstall Windows 7 and now I cannot open any aspect of Windows Troubleshooting or DiagPackage, including Program Compatibility. I get an error message of 0x80131700. I read another site saying to go into Program Compatibility to fix this, but it will not allow me into it!I also cannot open the Diagpackage file at all due to this error.

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System Restore General Troubleshooting To Fix Issues

Mar 11, 2010

If the System is not able to create System restore point try to Create the restore point manually. If you are unable to create a system restore point manually then you could try these steps.

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Windows Media Not Opening Guide

Mar 22, 2011

When I click on its icon I get a brief flash of Media guide, but it is immediatelly supplanted by a blue on-line stores and I cannot therefore open the Guide.How can I stop this?

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(error) IDM Integration Guide For Firefox

Dec 21, 2009

I have

-Windows 7

-FireFox 3.5.6

-IDM 5.18

This error appears when I try to download any file.

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Can't See TV Program Guide In Media Center

Nov 1, 2009

I recently purchased a Leadtek DTV2000 H Plus TV tuner card. The card has many cool features, and is supplied with software from Leadtek.

I have managed to configure Media Center for the new card, however whilst I am using Media Center with my new card I am not able to access any program guides, to see what other channels are showing, determine what I want to watch next, etc.

Program guide information is displayed when I use the Leadtek software, just not when I am using Media Center.

If anybody has any suggestions on how to enable program guide information in Media Center it will be greatly appreciated.

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Guide To Installing Un Signed Drivers In Win7 X64

Jun 22, 2009

Since I made the Move to 64-bit a while back, Every once in a while, I would run into a Problem where I needed to Install Driver that was Un-Signed.

As A Security measure in the 64-bit Versions of Vista/7, All Drivers must come with a Secure Digital Signature.

This is not a large problem anymore with the fact that Most Drivers are Signed nowadays. But Older Hardware Drivers tend not to be Signed.

There is a Simple way around this Block.

Open the Command Prompt in Admin Mode (Type "CMD" into the Start Menu and press "Ctrl+Shift+Enter") Enter this Command: bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS Now when you Re-Boot, You should be able to Install those Pesky Un-Signed Drivers.

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Programs In Program Guide No Longer Open

Jun 11, 2011

Hadn't opened Media Center for awhile, though the last time I did, everything worked fine. Internet TV Program Guide now lists some new Classic shows and I thought it would be cool to watch some old I Love Lucy... but nothing. And no other show opened either. Not one. Click on it and it makes that sound... but then nothing happens. Its not crucial, I can live without old reruns of I Love Lucy, but it bugs me that the program is not working as it should.I already re- ran set-up again 3 times. I read in some other thread about TunerFree MCE and I downloaded that, and it works fine. (Now I have access to hundreds of shows from all over the world I'll probably never watch!) But it obviously does not fix my problem. Most of the shows that are supposed to be available in the Program Guide I'm not even interested, but all of them used to open easily, no problem. So I'd like to be able to watch the ones I want.I have not tried to re-install Windows 7. Wasn't the hassle if I screwed something up. But I did update Silverlight, and that didn't do anything either.

Also, I no longer even have an icon for Internet TV, and I swear I did! Now there's just Recorded TV and Program Guide. I download anything I want to watch, either hours or days after it airs, so I don't have cable or any TV service, nor a TV tuner in my laptop. But downloading is time consuming, and takes up room on my hard drive, if I don't watch things right away, so I would love to be able to access Internet TV.There also used to be an whole section of documentaries that aren't there any more. I did already watch most of them, and I loved them. But that entire section is gone now. I think it might have been in Extras Gallery, but I'm not sure. All new weird stuff that also won't open is in there now.

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How To Block Open DNS Guide After Closing Hotmail

May 8, 2011

Why is it when I log out of my hotmail account I redirected to open DNS guide? With HMI TWW MSN Logout in the search menu.

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To Download User Guide For Kodak Mini Camera

Nov 22, 2011

just bought a kodak mini camera, how can i download the user guide. the info that came with the camera is no good and does not tell you how to use it.

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Get A Copy Of Packard Bell Ixtreme M3720 Guide?

Oct 26, 2011

How can I get a copy of the packard bell ixtreme m3720 guide?

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Troubleshooting Excessive Memory Use (Memory Leak) After Playing Video

Oct 6, 2012

i am having a problem with my memory getting tied up / used up and not being able to access it again until i reboot.

machine: dell xps studio 8100
os: win 7,
processor: i7 2.8
ram: 16gb (max it will take)
video: ati radeon 5700 (running 3 monitors)

versions: as far as i know i am running current versions of everything, including video drivers, flash, chrome, etc. (i've tried running chrome with both the build in version of flash and the system version -haven't seen a difference)

browser: i nearly exclusively run chrome / canary with auto-updates so am at the latest builds.what seems to cause me to use up / run out of memory is after i play videos (Internet, netflix, etc.), the memory seems to get used, but is not returned to the system, even if the browser is closed and re-opened.right now for example things are working fine; i rebooted my system a couple hours ago (but have not played any videos). i have adobe lightroom running, picasa, chrome and canary (currently 4 web browser windows open with 52 tabs open). task manager currently shows me using 8.20gb of ram, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

normally my system will keep running properly (if a program is closed, memory is freed up) right up until i start to play any videos (Internet, netflix, etc.) then it will start using up more memory. (of course i expect it to use more memory during playback) however, even if i restart the browser, the memory does not get freed back up. for example, just prior to the reboot, with everything closed, i was using right around 8gb of ram. once i rebooted, i was using 1.something gb of ram prior to opening any programs.however, once i start playing some videos, i never seem to be able to get my ram freed back up again unless i reboot the whole system. this is not just a problem with how much memory the system shows as being available, i frequently actually run out of memory. (task manager will show me as using around 15gb and then everything starts swapping out like crazy).

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