Internet Sharing Using Cross-Over Cable

Dec 26, 2009

Networking betwen two PCs .

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Share Internet Connection Via Cross Over Cable

Jul 20, 2009

Is it possible to do that ? I knew it might be possible but I found some saying that if the ADSL modem is connected using LAN then it will not work.

So here's my setup:

PC A and PC B (Both using Windows 7 64)

> PC A got two LAN port (LAN C and D)

> PC B got one LAN port

Cross Over cable

ADSL Modem - Connected to PC A via LAN C

What I want to do is connect the crossover via my PC A's LAN C to PC B's LAN to share the internet connection. Is it possible ? I had managed to make the PC B joined my PC A in homegroup, which mean file sharing has no problem at all. I just doesn't know how to set the IP, DNS, gateway to make my PC B access my PC A internet. Any help ? Please let me know it is possible.

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Cross Shown Between Network And Internet

Aug 15, 2009

My laptop is connected to a router (DLink DSL 524T) via network cable. Although I could still connect to the net through the router there is a cross shown between the Network and Internet in the Networks and Sharing Center.

This isn't a big deal (since I connect to the Internet) but I was wondering why the cross is there? Is there a way I could get it off?

P.S. - I've attached a screen-shot of the network and sharing center in case my explanation was a bit confusing

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Sharing Between Windows 7 And XP Via Crossover Cable?

Jul 19, 2011

I've searched through the forums and other places, and tried many "solutions" but they don't seem to work. So the situation is I have two computers, Windows 7 and XP. They are connected via a crossover cable. Currently, I can access my shared folders on the XP computer from the 7 computer, but I can't access folders on the 7 from the XP. I can map the network drive, but it says that is not accessible and access is denied.

I configured the network settings and disabled the firewalls so that both computers can ping each other. On the Windows 7 computer, I have made the network identification into "Work". I believe I made the correct options for the "Advanced Sharing Settings" tab. They are both in the same work group. For the shared folder on the 7 computer, I went to "Advanced Sharing", checked the box, and allowed "Full Control" for "Everyone" in the "Permissions" tab.

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Internet Sharing Finds Ip Address No Internet Connection

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to share my internet connection thru my laptop wit my ps3 but iyz not working for some reason.when I search for a network wit my game it finds the ip address but no internet connection.

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Internet Connection Sharing: No Internet Access?

Jun 19, 2012

internet connection sharing: No internet access!?I am trying to setup internet connection sharing between my laptop (Connected to WiFi) and my pc which has no wireless connection. I've spent a day or two troubleshooting problems such as 'LAN' doesn't have valid configuration and such, i found a solution and I've got the two connections to be able to see each other, but i can't get an internet connection to go through.I have my ipconfig /all for both computers available: (Both have had excess trimmed off to save on character limit)[CODE]

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Internet Connection Sharing / No Internet Access

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to setup internet connection sharing between my laptop (Connected to WiFi) and my pc which has no wireless connection. I've spent a day or two troubleshooting problems such as 'LAN' doesn't have valid configuration and such, i found a solution and I've got the two connections to be able to see each other, but i can't get an internet connection to go through.I have my ipconfig /all for both computers available: (Both have had excess trimmed off to save on character limit) [code]

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No Drivers With Internet Cable?

Feb 4, 2013

When I was in Lebanon I gave it to a guy at a store who formatted the whole computer and added the software/programs I requested, but there was one thing he didn't do or forgot or something went wrong..I can't connect to the internet through internet cable, which means I don't have the drivers for this thing I guess. For some reason it didn't install on my Packard bell computer. I have had similar problems before with other computers, though the sound was my issue and back then I used to have Everest to discover what was missing. This time I have windows 7 and I doubt the Everest-version I had works and honestly I don't know what to do..I have Wifi internet to use the net, but I want the ability to use the network cable where the internet is 100/100 mb.

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Cannot Connect To Internet Without Cable

Mar 20, 2011

My problem is i cannot connect my laptop using wireless network connection list. but i can if i connect through cable. i had trobleshoot da problem (router & acces point do match to wireless.)

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No Internet With/without Ethernet Cable

May 5, 2012

I have a Toshiba with Windows 7 and I was able to connect to my internet wirelessly and then I went through my computer deleting many things and now i can't connect to my router without an ethernet cable.

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Cannot Connect To Internet Suddenly Through Cable

Jul 8, 2011

How to restore my internet connection with cable for my Toshiba e205 computer running win 7

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Internet Ethenet Cable Not Detected

May 5, 2011

Net was not connected , the logo show multiply marking and i was check the device manager and local area connection they working properly. LAN port was not detect the cable

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Cannot Connect To Internet By Ethernet Cable Or Wirelessly

Jul 12, 2011

My girlfriends parents have bought a new compaq laptop with windows 7. Connected up to the internet by cable & wireless no problem. Yesterday couldn't do either and found it nearly impossible to get into the routers settings to check them. Kept saying limited access. I've tried various things to no avail. Then I noticed that my iphone could connect to the router, so I ruled out a router problem. I brought the laptop home and it wouldn't connect to our router, so I'm presuming it's a settings problem. But now I'm stuck!

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LAN No Internet Access When Connecting To PS3 With Ethernet Cable

Jul 19, 2012

I'm a 3g dongle to connect to the net, I previously set up the ps3 to connect through same via the wired connection. That work fine for a bit, until I updated the firmware, Since then the PS can't seem to obtain an IP address and after setting a static IP it gives me a DNS error. On the flip side, my LAN is giving me a no internet access problem(ipv4) and also an unidentified network

I've changed the cable, released and renewed and reset the ipconfig and also flush DNS. I'm having the same problem with my laptop. Both were able to share the connection with the PS3 before.

(Pc runs windows 7 32 bit and laptop win 7 64bit)

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Slow Surfing With High Speed Cable Internet?

Jun 3, 2011

im running windows 7 home premium,with 2gb of ram,2.2ghz,on a presario CQ62 notebook. i have high speed cable internet through roadrunner.i have no viruses,nothing at all running accept for the services that normallly run on this computer.cpu usage is at zero,and everything runs fine,that is untill i start surfing the internet. im only getting 6mbps or even lower at times,when i should be getting 10mbps or more.i have run multiple different speed tests through road runner,and they basically all conclude that my download speed is 6mbps or lower,sometimes reaching as low as 3mbps.alot of times it will start out at 20mbps and then dramatically drop to almost upload however seems normal and never changes at 49.i have another computer thats a dell with 4gbs of ram and a faster processor and im getting 20mbps+++ fast! does having a faster processesor and more ram make a difference while surfing the net? i have an emachine with only 1gb of ram and windows xp,and its faster then this new presario at surfing the net using this same line.its really noticeable just flippin through pages or doing searches

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BSOD While Connecting To Internet With Mobile Via Data Cable

Jun 17, 2012

Last day my desktop crashed with blue screen error while trying to connect my mobile internet Via data cable. Blue screen error I got:

STOP : 0x0000009F(0X00000003,0X829FEC08,0X83562AE0,0XBA430F20)
And the DUMP FILE I got: 061712-19640-01.dmp

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Unstable Internet Connection When Changing From Cable To Wireless?

Jan 20, 2012

I have this problem with my laptop. If i am using a cable to connect to the internet and then unplug it and switch to wireless connection, the internet connection gets unstable. The thing is it says it is connected to the right wireless connection AND it claims to have internet connection. - And i do - for a few minutes.. If i deactivate/activate the wireless internet i am able to surf around for a few minutes again, but then it does the same thing again - shows up as having internet connection but im unable to connect to it..Strangest thing is that i am sometimes able to connect to the internet ONLY if another computer is using the wireless internet too.. It still shows up as recieving a nice signal with internet access even though i cant connect to the internet.

The same problem also occurs sometimes when im switching from one wireless connection (at home etc) to another (work etc)..I've had this problem for a few months now.. Comming to think of it i might have had this problem ever since i got my laptop.. Rebooting my computer fixes it every time, but it's not a permanent solution.. Im running original Windows 7 Home Premium x64 which came with the laptop.. Also im not using static ip or anything like that - switching to static ip doesn't do the trick.. Running ipconfig /all command from cmd also shows me as connected to the right router.. The problem occurs every time i switch between cable and wireless and not only at my home or work but also at friends..I'm not sure if i need to leave any more details, if i've left anything out just let me know.

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Sharing Internet Via USB

Sep 10, 2012

attempting to connect my 360 to the network to play online/stream NetFlix. The Univ. posted this PDF detailing how to connect a console to the network. I picked up a Belkin USB->Ethernet adapter from campus IT the other day and began to follow the guide. While enabling Internet Connection Sharing from my local connection, it kept getting an error stating "An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled. The dependency service or group failed to start. I checked it's dependencies, Remote Access Auto Connection Manager and Remote Access Connection Manager were set to "Automatic" but both bounced back with "Windows could not start the RA(A)CM service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start."

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Connection Betweenaccess Point Router Or Cable Modem And Internet Broken?

Oct 22, 2011

can't connect to internet it says connection between access point router or cable modem and internet is broken

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Internet Connection Sharing

Feb 13, 2012

Working with a Windows 7 home premium and also tested a windows vista ultimate machine. enabled internet sharing in the network connections area of 'network and sharing' in the control panel. Proceded to the internet sharing service to set to automatic... then set recoveries all to 0 seconds. on each machine the service stopped immediatly after starting. I write to inquire what have i missed in the proper configuration of this feature.

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Sharing Internet Connection?

Apr 18, 2012

I have searched online for this and I am still unclear if it is possible. I have a laptop connected to my tv for watching videos. It is connected to my home network through a wireless connection. Can I share the internet with my blu-ray player through the laptops ethernet port? The blu-ray doesn't have wireless and it's too far from my router.

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Ad Hoc Internet Connection Sharing?

Jan 10, 2009

It was easy for me to share my wired internet connection in Vista SP1 through ad hoc network.But in Windows 7 the internet sharing option is gone... how to share Internet connection over ad hoc in W7?

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Internet Sharing Using Bluetooth?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a PC with windows 7 Ultimate and has a bluetooth dongle connected to it. And then I have a dell inspiron N5010 laptop with inbuilt bluetooth and it runs on windows 7 home basic.The PC is connected to the internet with ethernet cable and I can able to connect PC with the laptop using bluetooth and exchange files. My question is how to connect to internet from laptop using bluetooth

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Internet Connection Sharing?

Feb 2, 2011

i have my windows 7 laptop connecte to modem(not wirelessly), and i set up an ad hoc network so that i can share internet on the other windows Vista laptop. The ad hoc network is connected, but the internet sharing is not enabled i tried checking the "allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection." but no luck and im even confused what should i choose as the private network connection below the option.Also when start adhoc network wizard, after entering the name and network key and next, there is no option that says "turn on internet connection sharing" i dont know why??

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Internet Connection Sharing?

Apr 25, 2011

I am unable to share an internet connection between two computers in a homegroup.File sharing is OK. The ADSL modem is connected (via USB, no ethernet) to a desktop, the desktop to a laptop via a router. The problem is that after opening network/adapter settings/LAN/properties on the desktop, NO sharing tab appears, only a 'networking' tab. On the laptop both tabs appear...How can I get around this? I know I should really get a modem that connects directly to the route, but don't want to waste any time/money if it doesn't resolve the problem

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Internet Sharing From XP To Windows 7

Sep 6, 2011

i have an old dell laptop with windows xp. It has a USB wireless adapter, and an ethernet pc card. then i have an emachine desktop with windows 7, and an ethernet port, but no wireless. this seems easy to do with 2 windows 7 computer but i can't figure it out in xp. i want to share the internet connection i get from xp to window 7 via ethernet.

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Sharing A Printer Over The Internet?

May 19, 2012

I've spent the last day running in circles trying to find a simple solution. I have two Win 7 machines located a few hundred miles apart. I currently have computer A (Local) connecting to computer B (remote) via UltraVNC. This works perfect except, when printing documents, I need to print to my local printer, which means on my remote machine I need to add a printer that is physically here locally. I've looked at IIS, IPP, Google Cloud drive, another service which costs. I think IPP could be the answer, but I can't find any step-by-step style of instructions out there. I have a limited understanding of this stuff, so really looking for a detailed solution.

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Internet Sharing With Router?

Dec 6, 2012

I got a friends permission to use their wireless internet. I can only connect in a certain spot in the house. I want to connect wirelessly and then share the connection through the ethernet into MY wireless router, and broadcast through my house. How would I go about doing this??

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Sharing Internet Over College LAN?

Sep 14, 2011

I live in a dorm that is lucky to get 4mbps down even though I'm connected to 1gbps lan.I have a computer on the same 1gbps local network at an office that gets far superior download speeds.Office internet:Dorm internet:Is there anyway to "pipe" this connection over the LAN to my dorm?I've been able to ping the office computer from my dorm, so I know it can see it.Also, I made a VPN with windows 7 on it, but even though I try to connect with the computer name it still tries to connect with the 4mbps internet instead of the 1gbps lan. The bandwidth is there on the lan side to support a faster connection, but it keeps falling back to the internet even when a local computer is used for a VPN.

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Can ISP Stop Internet Sharing

Feb 19, 2012

I've a wired (ADSL) broadband connection, which is connected to my main comp(runs on W7, W8) via an Ethernet. I've second computer(runs on xp) and is connected to my main computer via another Ethernet.The internet sharing ran fine for couple years till on a normal day it stopped just like that. I tried everything to make the sharing whole again but now it's been 6 months and I've pretty much given up. Second comp was formatted with fresh OS many times. On my main comp tried through W7 and W8 differently with different settings. I then followed dozens of tutorial which appeared on google's search. Still no success. I even tried setting up VPN between these two computers. On second comp, in control panel it says connected to broadband from main computer but in reality no internet app(browser, torrent client etc) find the internet. Other stuff such as file, printer sharing, lan based apps like multiplayer games are working fine.

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How To Configure Sharing Internet

Oct 23, 2012

How to configure sharing internet

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