Installing Xp Error

Nov 2, 2009

I have some problems with some compatibily issues and i dont want to talk about them.

So, when i insert the WINXP installation disk i want to directly install the OS.But surprise, the text "Install Windows XP" is written in gray, so i cant select it.

After that, i rebooted my PC and waited for some message like: Strike any key to boot from cd..."" ,but no text appeared, and windows started normally.I googled some keywords like How to install windows xp on windows 7, but none of them helped me.Please tell me what to do in order to give up on windows 7 and to install XP.

Note:1 the installation disk is good, on other computers works.

2 i am a pretty advanced user, so dont tell me noobish things please.

3 if your really want to know why i am giving up on Windows 7 ask me.

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Error Installing Win 7 - A Disk Read Error Occurred

Jan 17, 2009

I have on my computer XP pro installed on C:

Then I have a partion E: for the windos 7 beta 1 with 50 Gb

I started the computer with the WIndows 7 DVD and the win 7 start to install and extract the files and then restart and the follow error comes:

A disk read error occurred

Press CTRL+Alt+DEl to restart

But I can't do anything, the computer hangs

I must backup the xp, because the boot of xp was overwrite.

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Error 2503 And Error 2502 While Installing

Jun 24, 2012

I know there are a couple threads on this, but I am having a lot more issues than others (or so i believe). Whenever I attempt to install iTunes, or any other programs, a window pops up telling about an error 2503, and then another window pops up telling me about an error 2502. Keep in mind, all the users on my computer have ownership of files (I'm pretty sure).

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Re Installing Windows 7 Error?

Feb 18, 2012

I burn Windows 7 ultimate image on DVD using roxio burn I used that DVD on my PC to boot that PC , PC took 5 minutes after saying" Press Any key to boot from dc/dvd" and the windows boot manager run and gave the options to run the windows 7 setup rather then starting automaically , and i selected that options to install., windows file started loading... But i want to install it on my laptop so when i boot it , after saying boot from cd/dvd , it takes 15min that says this error "UNEXPECTED I/O ERROR" do you still think there a problem in DVD or in my DVD writer

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Error Getting While Installing Program

Oct 30, 2011

I am trying to install a program onto a laptop but I keep getting a message saying "cant on current operating system" even though I have already installed the same program on my desk top which is running windows 7 as well.

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Got An Error When Installing Drivers And Said To See The Log?

Jun 8, 2012

I couldn't find anything wrong specificlly and I the file wasn't something I could open so I had to copy and paste it so sorry if it's hard to read.

Catalyst� Install Manager
Installation Report
06/08/12 18:04:58
Hardware information
NameATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics


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Gears Of War - Error Installing

Mar 8, 2009

Ive been trying to install Gears of War for a while now, ive changed the compatibility/ran as administrator, asked google for helps, but still cant get it to work.

The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

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Stop Error While Installing

Jun 2, 2009

I Have Problem With Win 7 In Installing when Restart Windows in first time after copying files that error Is : *** Stop : 0*00000(......)

In the Black Screen.

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Error After Installing Win XP On Partition

Sep 16, 2009

I have Windows 7 64 bit installed on my computer but needed to install a program only compatible with 32 bit, so decided to create a new 3GB partition using the in-built feature in Windows 7 and install Windows XP on it.

I booted up XP, formatted the partition again,a nd let it run through the set up, but as soon as it had copied the files and rebooted, I got the error message 'error loading operating system'.

I really don't know how to fix this - I'm not bothered about installing XP, I can do without it, but the main thing is getting back onto Windows 7 as I have all my files there. I didn't bother making a back up as I thought any problems that could occur would be limited to the partition that I installed Win XP on.

I tried the 'start up repair' utility on the Windows 7 boot disk, and although that said it had repaired a problem, I still get the same error. Although one strange thing I've noticed is that it says that Windows 7 is located on '(E: ) Local Disk' when it was definitely installed on the D: drive - E: was the new partition of size 3GB with Win XP installed, but according to this it is 400GB + with Windows 7.

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Error Installing KB973923

Oct 5, 2009

I get Error Code 643 when trying to install the Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package, here are the details from the failed attempt:

Security Update for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package (KB973923)

Installation date: ‎10/‎5/‎2009 8:47 AM

Installation status: Failed

Error details: Code 643

Update type: Important

A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise
your Windows-based system with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
Redistributable Package and gain complete control over it. You can help protect
your computer by installing this update from Microsoft.

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Error Installing KB974431

Oct 15, 2009

When I try installing this update, it fails with code C004F050. Any ideas? I used an "orbit30 loader" to activate my Windows 7, if that is relevant.

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Lua Error When Installing Programs?

Aug 12, 2012

Any time I try to install a program from [URL] I get an error that says

"Lua Error!
[]Error Evaluating if(FIRST_BUNDLE ~=nil and not offer_events.loaded==true )
then startIntegratedOffer(1180402,1591,true) end --
C:/BM/2.5/_WEBINSTALL/BINARIES/downloadcom/production/setup.exe.nsi:Line 1372.2
Error:[[C]:-1](field addConnection)


This happens for every program that I have tried from, but I haven't had the problem with installing programs from other sites. I have a second computer and I have no problems installing programs from onto that computer. I've searched the internet for a solution but I haven't found anything like it. I can still install programs from everywhere except (at least I haven't run into problems yet), so it's not a huge deal but it would be really nice to be able to download programs from because it is a very useful resource.

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Error 80073712 When Installing SP1?

Sep 26, 2011

I have been trying to install SP1 since Apr 2011. I keep getting the error 80073712. I have been able to install all of the other updates. I have downloaded and run system readiness tool. I have run troubleshooting/fix problems with windows update I have run sfc/scannow. I have run MS Fixit as well.

I seem to have a corrupt manifest file. My laptop came windows 7 loaded so I only have recovery disks and a recovery partition. I don't want to have to do a complete recovery and have to install all my software again.

Here is the message in the checksur file.

Checking System Update Readiness.
Binary Version 6.1.7601.21645
Package Version 13.0


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0x80070570 Error While Installing?

Dec 21, 2010

I always get this error while installing Windows 7 Professional x64 OEM on a system I just built. It always occurs when about 16% done expanding files.

Specs of this system:

Intel Core i3-540
PNY 1333MHz DDR3 2x2gb
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 250GB
LiteOn SATA 24x internal CD/DVD writer
CoolerMaster Elite 300 Case
CoolerMaster Elite 460W PSU

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Error While Installing Windows 7?

Nov 14, 2011

i've recently decided to reinstall win7 64bit because my computer started freezing up occasionally while browsing, playing games or even watching Internet videos... the freezes would pass after a few minutes and the computer would recover and start up/shut down would take a long time as wellso i thought that reinstalling windows might help as i havent done it in a long while. but i ecountered a problem while installing win7 64biti receive these errors (0x8007045d and later after trying a few things it changed to 0x80070002 both times it stated something about files missing or being corrupt) while on the "extracting windows files" section of the setup.

i've done a clean install every single time and formated my hdd (seagate barracuda 7200.10 320gb) but got an error every single time but at various %'s (once it went up to 70% other times it would get stuck as soon as 5%). i'm really out of ideas now, i've tried switching ram's, switching dvd drives, disconnecting my gpu but nothing seems to... has my hdd died? or prehaps my mobo or cpu is acting upoh, and i burned my win7 iso's myself via imgburn - i've used the slowest possible burn speed (x2) and did it multiple times but every single dvd gave same error.

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Getting Error While Installing Windows 7

Feb 15, 2012

I am upgrading to Windows 7 on my laptop. When I inserted the disk it went through some of the installation then when it got to the Expanding Windows Files I got an error message. I looked it up and everything I read pointed to my dvd drive. I was told to bypass it you either by an external drive or use a usb thumdrive. I had an 8GB one laying around, followed all the steps on [...] -usb-stick, it installed fairly fast, now I'm stuck on the Completing Installation part for about 30-45 minutes now, is this normal? From what I've read it works for alot of people if they remove all their USB devices however thats what I have Win 7 on. Would I still need it in my usb port? Or could I take it out since its on the completing installation step and everything is already copied over? I can post my comp specs here if that would help anyone. It's possible I'm just anxious and it could normally take this amount of time on a Laptop. It's somewhat new Dell Studio XPS with what i would say above average specs.

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Windows 7 Installing Error?

Sep 22, 2012

When I wanted to re-install W7 I wiped all disc partitions, and then tried to install windows 7 (64 bit ultimate), but gets the following error: Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate and existing system partition. See the Setup log files for more information.

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Getting Error CODE 3 While Downloading And Installing IE9

Jun 6, 2011

getting error CODE 3 while downloading and installing IE9 within windows auto update

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Installing Java Error 1606

Feb 15, 2012

I have tried numerous of time to install the latest version of Java. Everytime I try to install it I get Error 1606. It tells me that it is unable to get in contact with the network. I even trie using an offline installer & I still receive the same error message.

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Error BIOHD 3 After Installing New Hardware

Dec 29, 2011

i just installed a new cpu, motherboard, and 8gb ram and the computer wouldn't boot up. So i hooked up the original parts and tried to install the drivers for the new motheboard. I turned off the computer and put the new parts in again. Nothing worked so I plugged the original parts in and i got a black screen with a blinking white line in the top left corner. I also ran a diagnostic and it gave me an error code on the hdd that said BIOHD 3.

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Error Code 0x80070057 When Installing

Oct 11, 2012

My relatively new seagate harddrive failed on me last week so I requested a replacement. It arrived (refurbished model..) and upon putting it in and trying to install Windows, the following occurs.

After selecting custom install windows attempts to copy files. It hangs at 0% for 10-15 minutes and then spits out an error message stating "Windows could not format a partition on disk 0. The error occurred while preparing the partition selected for installation. Error code: 0x80070057".

And then I notice a new 100 mb partition appears. I cannot get by this step. I cannot install windows onto this harddrive. I've done some searching but most solutions require being able to boot into a functioning version of windows, which I cannot as the drive is "new".

The motherboard is an Asrock B75M running Uefi bios The attempted install of windows is Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 The harddrive is a Seagate 1TB drive

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Stylish Error When Installing Codes

Nov 19, 2009

im trying to use stylish to change firefox into glass theme and to change google to dark theme , when i click install with stylish i get a message saying "sorry an error occurred loading the code".

is there anything i need to configure in firefox to run this

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Error Upon Installing MSN Messenger Live

Dec 1, 2009

This error keeps on appearing as installing MSN Messeger Live.

Any tips on solving this crazy msn error.

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Error Installing Acrobat Printer?

Mar 10, 2012

i've installed the Acrobat printer without problems in Windows Xp but i keep getting this error when installing it in windows 7 sp1 64.I install it from Start- devices & printes- add printer -> add local printer-> create a new port-> local port-> give name-> go to the printer directory-> click on Adobepdf.inf-> select first (or any other) adboe pdf convert-> Get Error

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Error While Installing Network Drivers

Dec 4, 2009

while trying to update network adapter drivers on my gf's pc i had an error.

now i cant get it online.

ive tried using asus latest driver but it fails.

ive also tried a few older drivers.

but says not compatable with win 7

if i do a win 7 repair. will it reinstall the network adapter.

or do i need to do a full format?

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An Error Has Occurred While Installing XLiveRedist.msi

Sep 5, 2009

games for windows live 3.0

i am running windows 7 64 bit rtm version

tried the registry key fix with no success compatibly mode too get this no matter what i try

Installation Error
An error has occurred while installing XLiveRedist.msi

Fatal error during installation.

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An I/O Error Occurred While Installing A File

Jan 15, 2013

I downloaded an ATI Graphics driver from the sony website then when I launched the installer, it says: "checking system information.." then after that something will pop up saying "an I/o error occurred while installing a file. This is normally caused by a bad installation media or a corrupt installation file." What's wrong with this? I used internet download manager to download the file, although while I was downloading it, there was a blackout but when the electricity came back I quickly resumed downloading it.

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Bootmgr Is Missing Error After Installing New Hdd, But Only Sometimes

Dec 18, 2012

I recently decided to move a hard drive I've had in an external enclosure to inside my case. After I did this I got a bootmgr is missing error on startup.

Things that may be useful to know:

I have 3 hard drives (this new one being the third), one 60gb for my operating system, one 160gb for other junk, and now this 1tb one I've just put in.

My 60gb operating system drive is connected using an IDE cable, the other two using SATA cables.

I've checked all plugs and connectors in the case.

I've checked the boot order in the BIOS, sometimes the 60gb drive doesn't even show up, sometimes it does. My boot order is CDROM, then HDD(60gb one obviously). So startup will go like this: Bootmgr is missing, go into BIOS, check boot order, HDD not showing up, restart, Bootmgr is missing, go into BIOS, HDD is there, exit and startup ok. except sometimes I have to restart it a few times before it'll show up.

If I have posted this in the wrong thread, then let me know which would be the best thread to post in and Ill move it there.

Update: Just crashed with a blue screen, it restarted itself but now I'm getting "a disk read error occurred" message. I restarted it and I got "Bootmgr is missing" again.

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Error When Installing Windows 7 Pro From MSDN AA

Sep 6, 2009

I recently downloaded the iso of Windows 7 64-bit Professional from my University's MSDN AA site. However when I boot up using the DVD it states an error in the Windows Boot Manager.

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."

3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

Status: 0xc0000225

Info: An unexpected error has occured.

I have looked at other threads on this board and I have already tried toggling ACPI but there was no change. (It currently is set on and set to both S1&S3)

I have tried 3 different burns of the DVD a 16x using Nero 7 Express and 4x using Nero 7 Burning Rom, and lastly a 4x using ImgBurn and all of them turned out the same error.

I was formerly using Windows XP on my IDE drives listed on my hardware and I added the 1TB Sata to install windows 7 on, (however my IDE with XP Pro is still connected). I have also tried only having the Sata drive connected but it still amounts to the same error.

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How To Over Come Error:0x80070017 While Installing Windows 7

Jul 5, 2012

I made a horrible mistake by formatting local disk C while installing windows.[URL]...

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Error 1305 When Installing Softwares?

Dec 15, 2012

currently having this problem and i don't know why... i look up google but they said it is DVD problem, but im trying to install from the Desktop itself not from the DVD-ROM. What's the problem? one of my friend who studied IT says its a virus.. i don't want to reformat my desktop.. a lot of important things. This thing made me can't install software or update my softwares

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