Installed Win 7 Twice By Accident (two Diff Partitions)

May 21, 2009

Dont ask me how, but I ended up installing Windows7 twice on two seperate partitions. I now have two "Windows 7" options when my boot screen comes up. I obviously only ment to install it once so I want to get rid of the second Windows 7 option on the boot screen (and the bootscreen itself aswell actually).

How do I remove the Windows7 installation thats on partition "D"?

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Until The Partitions Read "Windows 7 Cannot Be Installed To This Disk?

Feb 16, 2013

Wasn't sure whether I should put this in WIndows 8 discussion or WIndows 7, butconsidering it's going from eight to seven, it would be more relevant to go into seven, especially since I think I've cleared eight almost entirely from the machine, but I'll explain that later. Also excuse my English right now, I've been awake for.... well longer than twenty four hours, so my mind is a bit scrambled and I'd just like the peace of mind of having this up here before I head off to sleep.
Well anyways, it feels a bit impolite to show up with nothing but a problem to present, so I'll make it a point to at least present myself. I've found this site many a times when dealing with viruses and other such problems through Google search results. I had noted what a great site this was, from the generally friendly people to the fact that anytime I would find a thread here pertaining to my problem, it would either be solved here or I would be pushed pretty drastically in the right direction. This was always my "go to" place if I ever really had a problem I needed worked out that I couldn't figure out myself. As you've already guessed, that's why I'm here in the first place.

So to sum it up shortly my friend had asked me to revert his new Windows 8 laptop back to the Windows 7 interface, me knowing more than him enough for him to trust me with it.However, I'm no IT, I'm just someone who happens to have picked up knowlege over the years from dealing with my own problems and such. It didn't seem to be an IT job, so I felt it was within my league. First thing I do is fish out the WIndows 7 installation disk. After fiddling with Windows 8 for a while trying to figure out how to boot from disk (is it just me or did Windows 8 overcomplicate that way too much?), I managed to get to the boot order settings. However, the CD drive was entirely gone from there. I assumed it was something involving the new laptop and not having the proper drivers installed or something, so I followed through a guide and got it all onto a flash drive so I could boot from that instead of dealing with the phantom CD drive this laptop seemed to have.

One step done, I felt I was heading in the right direction. However, things began taking a turn for the worst when for whatever reason it wouldn't load from the flash drive. It was recognized at least, and there was a noticable pause at start up where the light on the flash drive began blinking frantically as if it's trying to do something, but then it just skipped over to the regular Windows 8 log on screen. I tried just about all the basic troublshooting steps under the sun here, different USB slots, formatting the drive and cleanly setting it up to be a boot disk a few more times, changing the boot order again, etc. I started poking around online for solutions, and, well my fatigued brain is having a bit of a hard time remembering if I did anything other than this, but if I did I know I wasn't just poking at random switches and such in the BIOS, even I realize the danger of that and all, and if there was something other than this I know that it was only one other thing, which I suspect is what actually made it work. Now for the big delivery, MISTAKE #1 : There was a setting somewhere in there that I changed, I'm guessing I misread what was said online, but I changed it from UEFI, to CSM.

Saved changes and restarted. Booted fine from the flash drive and I was pretty happy, until the partitions read "Windows cannot be installed to this disk, The selected disk is of the GPT partition style" Now here's where I started to panic. So much so I engagued into big mistake #2. I deleted the partition containing Windows 8 and tried to make a new one for 7. That would work right? It would build the next partition to fit what Windows 7 needs to install right? Not the case, still remained with the GPT error on the newly made partition. So here I am, with a Windows 7 that refuses to install, and when I load it normally I get this wonderful screen[CODE]

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Whats The Diff Between Upgrade And Full Retail Win7 ?

Jan 31, 2010

whats the difference between upgrade and full retail of win 7?

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Windows 7 Installed-how To Setup Partitions/boot Loader To Install Linux On Second Hdd

Nov 11, 2011

I have a PC with 2 hard drives- the first hard drive has a single partition and windows 7 64-bit is installed on this hard disk.Now I wish to install CentOS 6 on the first partition of the second hard disk.I have created the dvd for installing Cent OS also.How do I configure the boot loader in Windows? If I install Linux on second hard disk, will this overwrite the Windows Boot Loader? How do I create a dual boot system so that the windows boot loader correctly shows linux as an option, so that I am able to load either Windows 7 (existing) or Linux(on second hard disk- not yet installed)

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Disabled Firwire By Accident?

Oct 4, 2012

I was disabling irq's and accidentally disabled my firewire pcie. How do I enable it?

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Changed Shell32.dll To Notepad By Accident?

May 12, 2012

I'm far from a computer expert, other than games I don't know much at all.I was trying to get a file for a game to work so I turned to google for help, It looks like I've gone onto something I shouldn't have.The instruction on the website was to click start and type "Shell32.dll" into the search box.The next instruction was to open it with Notepad, which I did... The box saying something like "always open using this program" was ticked.After spending time googling what I'd just done it seems like that was a huge mistake, I have no idea how to change it back to its original state.So far everything seems to be fine but from what I read on another site the shell32.dll file has something to do

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Deleted Administrative Account By Accident?

Oct 7, 2012

I thought I was deleting a guest acct. but it deleted admin. acct... now I can't load any programs etc. how do I get the admin. acct. back ... I've tried all the stuff I read in earlier posts but they don't work

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Installed Ubuntu Deleted The Ubuntu Partitions

Jul 4, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Mini 110-1116NR, then deleted the partitions that had Ubuntu on them, not knowing that Ubuntu comes with GRUB2, and sets itself as the default boot for that system. Now that GRUB2 is not installed, since it was on my only HDD, it looks for the GRUB2 partition, which does not exist.

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[IE8] Deleted A Registry Key On Accident And Now Internet Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2011

While struggling to get rid of the win7 security 2012 virus I believe I accidentally deleted a registry key that had to do with my internet instead of one of the ones for the virus. I am not very tech savvy but I can navigate around a computer fairly well with the right guidance. I did not make a copy of the registry keys before attempting to edit them, and for some reason I have no restore dates before I made this mistake to use system restore. Now whenever I open my internet browser (internet explorer 8) I receive a: internet explorer cannot display this webpage. I have connectivity with my router but limited access. I tried trouble shooting and got a message saying there was an error with the DNS. Possibly just a list of what registry keys could possibly cause just my internet to go down. If I can find out which one I deleted I should be able to manually type it in.

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Disk Check Accident During BSOD Repair Attempt?

Oct 7, 2012

I have a Lenovo z360 laptop that runs Windows 7 Home Premium x86 on an Intel core i3 processor. When I turned it on last Friday, the Windows logo showed for around 5 minutes then the BSOD flashes. Technical information:UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME 0x000000ED (0x87E0D798, 0xC0000183). I put in a repair disk and chose to use cmd so that I can chkdsk /r C:. After it successfully checked, I decided to also chkdsk D: so I wouldn't need to go past the recovery options menu again. It took around 5 hours before my maid unplugged it while cleaning, so it died while I was eating. I charged it somewhere else when my brother discharged it to use the desktop computer. He said that it said "Deleting index entry from index $0 of ... 25" when it died again. When I booted it again, it still shows the windows logo for 5 minutes but restarts with no blue screen

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Set Blank Partition To Active Primary On Accident, Now Won't Boot?

Jun 7, 2012

I just bought a cheap laptop from Walmart yesterday with windows 7. I am not a fan of it so I wanted to see if I could dual boot windows xp. Luckly it is a IDE machine not sata. So I Downloaded a copy of windows xp (I have a license key for all the people who would shun me for it, it is paid for). Well when I was making a new partition to install windows xp on I set the new partition to active, rebooted and wala, my computer won't boot because I'm a bone head sometimes. I have access to another windows 7 comp that is Extremly slow and I put emphasis on Extremly

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Installed Windows 7 In Laptop,but Accidentally Installed It In D-driv?

Nov 19, 2011

i had installed windows 7 in my laptop,but accidentally i installed it in D-drive,now both C & D drives are showing program files,program files x86,windows folders,my D drive is full

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Are Partitions Necessary Now?

Apr 24, 2012

I am thinking of replacing my old Dell using XP, with a modern one. I partitioned the old one so the OS & programs were on one partition & documents on the other. I suppose this will not be necessary with the large hard drives available now? I don't foresee having any problems backing up the documents. What do others think?

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Any Way To Get HD To Be Seen As Two Partitions Instead Of One?

May 25, 2012

I have two physical HDs in one of my machines. The first is C. The second physical HD has two partitions, which are D and E. This drive has failed, and I took a HD from another machine, and added it to this one we are talking about. Windows 7 sees this HD as D, because unlike the one that failed, this "new" one was originally formatted with only one partition. I would like to get Windows 7 to see this HD as D and E (and transfer files as necessary), so when I load my music template from my sequencer, it will find all of the necessary audio files.

If the second HD is only D, the template is not going to be able to find all of the files automatically, even if they are physically on the D drive - this is b/c the sequencer is looking for some of the files on E, which doesn't exist. I can browse for, and point to the the files on D, but it gets to be a PITA if I have to open eny old templates or projects. So, what I would like to do is somehow get Windows to see that second HD as D and E, instead of just D. Is there any trick that I can do to make this happen? Trying to avoid having to reformat.

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Partitions During Recovery?

Aug 26, 2011

I just partitioned my C drive and now have an I: drive that I use for data, music and movies and such.My question is this: if I have to do a system recovery. Will I lose that partition? Or will Windows 7 re-install on the C: drive without touching that partition?

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What Are All Af These Hidden Partitions

Feb 2, 2012

This is a 1TB HD with Win 7 pre-installed on a 100GB partition (C and a remaining 809GB or 811GB depending on what I use to look at it on a second partition, I would like to partition the remaining 811GB (D however I ran into a confusing snag. Even though Windows shows only 2 partitions,when I run my partition manager it shows that there are 4 partitions, 100MiB NTFS, 101GiB NTFS, (extended) 809.65GiB,sda5 809.65GiB NTFS.

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How To Merge Two Partitions

Feb 25, 2011

.I originaly partitioned my hard drive and I dual boot with XP and 7.I would like to know how to merge the two partitions back and just use Windows7.Just remember that you are not dealing with a rocket scientest here,hope to make it as easy as possible.

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Is There Anyway To Merge Partitions

Aug 17, 2012

why i chose 2 partitions, i thought it could help me organize my stuff better.Now all my stuff is on OS C: Since it's split into two there is less space's screwing with some of my programs that depend on each other.

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Possible To Backup To 2 Partitions?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a 320GB Seagate Hard Drive. It has 2 partitions and I used 1 for projects and recordings, and the other for backup. Now I have a WD Caviar Blue 500GB that I plan to use for projects and recordings. Is it possible to backup to both partitions on the Seagate hard drive? Someone on OCN told me that you can't already do it with native Windows backup.

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How To Merge Two Partitions

Oct 16, 2010

I want to merge two partitions, D: (doens't contain nothing) with F: (my partition of backup, contain many files).But, is there any problem if the partition D: is on the left side of the F:? It's possible to do this with the Disk Management in Seven?

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USB Partitions On Windows

Jun 11, 2012

What is the policy for Removable USB Drives in Windows? Does it only recognize the first partition? Is there any difference between FAT32 and NTFS? I am asking because time to time, I am not able to see the partitions in Windows, and I wanted to learn about its policy (rules I mean) about Removable USB Drives (What I mean is Flash drives I guess, when the USB Drives are connected; it is not showing up in the drivers, but in Removable Devices).

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Merge These 2 Partitions Together?

Sep 7, 2012

is it possible to merge these 2 partitions together? F into D? installed RAM is 4GB(2.99GB useable) <- can somebody explain to me what does this means? does another 1.01GB is wasted?

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Merge Two Partitions

Nov 16, 2009

After discovering Speccy, I saw this and now I'm curious. Do I have one hard drive that was shrunk to have two 70 GB partitions or do I have two hard drives? If they are two partitions, can I merge them(formatting XP)?

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How To Merge 2 Partitions ?

Nov 26, 2009

I decided to delete my recovery partition since I can't burn them to disks because I don't have the appropriate program. So now, I have 10.88GB of unallocated space that I want to merge with Partition (C). How do I do this?

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Merging Two Partitions

Nov 30, 2009

Because of recent problem while trying out Ubuntu, I had to partition my harddrive

My hd capacity - 500 gb

C: - 48.8gb - Windows 7 OS + programme files

D: - 416gb - Storage memory - nothing so important

Total - 464.8 [could this be 500gb in marketing terms?]

I would be more happier if I could have a single hd with Full ~500gb in it

Could anyone help me doing this - even if it takes to format the WHOLE hdd, I am ok

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Partitions And Drives

Dec 1, 2009

Dont ask me why I want to know, I am not really sure.

A single physical hd can be split into multiple partitions and so multiple drives if you wish.

Q. Can you partition(?) 2 physical hd`s into 1 virtual drive ?

Just curious is all.

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Windows 7 On One Hdd 2 Partitions

Nov 22, 2010

im due a fresh install of Windows 7 64bit the way i do this is to make a copy of my existing OS and put that on a second drive, i then keep this and use it as my main OS, i then put a new copy of Windows 7 on my main drive and move the stuff over from the back up that i want to keep, this way i know i wont lose anything. this time i want to partition my main drive and have dual boot one for normal use and one for gaming but when i did the back up the hdd drive i was using had a partition on it and the OS told me that i had to delete the partitions so i could install Windows 7. is there something i need to do first to be able to have 2 OS's in 2 partitions on one drive or is it just not possible to do?

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How To Merge Partitions

Nov 24, 2010

I just did a reformat/install of windows 7 home, i created a new partition to install the OS to(422.32 GB), after installing windows 7 to the new partition and deleting the "old installed OS" I tried to delete the partition and merge it back with my new "C" but the extend volume is greyed out and i cannot figure out how to merge the partitions back into one.

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Deleting Old Partitions?

Apr 13, 2011

In error from a brand new hard drive (and build), I installed the 32-bit version of windows 7 onto my SSD. Upon the product key screen was when I noticed the issue. I input my product key, got windows loaded and then booted from the 64-bit CD instead.Here I chose the custom install feature and went to overwrite my old partition from the 32-bit version but it would not let me. I tried deleting it as well and I could not. I've since loaded 64-bit windows but I do notice that approximately 8Gb is down on my SSD.So at this point, I think I may have 2 options but I'm not sure how to go about either:1) Format the SSD completely so it is in a state like it came out of the box.2) Delete the old partition and gain 8Gb of space on the SSD while using 64-bit windows.

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Partitions Not Being Recognised

Jul 10, 2009

I'm currently running Windows XP SP2 and wanting to upgrade to Windows 7. I have set aside a 20GB partition and i'm wanting to make a fresh instal, not fussed about keep XP. I have 2 internal hard drives @ 149GB each. But, Win 7 fails to recognise them even when i have set a partition on the empty HD! It says something like 'setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate existing system partition ' What does this mean?

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