How To Uninstall Bluetooth Windows 7

Sep 30, 2012

my Bluetooth is not working and i downloaded a bluetooth software and i want to install it but while iam clicking on the setup it says that Bluetooth is installed. it needs to be removed.iam asking is there any way to remove bluetooth from PC.

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Uninstall Bluetooth Driver From Windows 7?

May 22, 2012

How to uninstall bluetooth driver from win7

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How To Uninstall Bluetooth

May 6, 2012

initially bluetooth driver was installed in my system(win7-32 bit).now its not working.whenever i try 2 work it ,a msg is shown"bt device not connected".i have uninstalled i want 2 work with an external bluetooth device coz d in-build one is damged...but wen i tried 2 install d external device it is showing me bt driver already installed n configured...n now i have 2 remove d bluetooth stack..whr i could find those stacks.

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How To Uninstall Bluetooth

Dec 3, 2012

I am trying to upgrade to windows 8 but I get a message saying I have to uninstall broadcom bluetooth software. There is no evidence of this software still being there though. What do I do?

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How To Uninstall My Bluetooth Driver

May 5, 2011

how can i uninstall the bluetooth driver coz its like when i try to put it on my pc brings up a bluescreen error driver IRQl not less not more or something.

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Atheros BlueTooth Suite Won't Uninstall?

Oct 27, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade Windows 7 to Win8. The compatibility checker flagged the Atheros BT Suite as follows: "Uninstall this app now because it isn't compatible with Windows 8."I removed it using the program uninstaller. It appeared to finish cleanly and prompted to reboot. Then, Win8 says it's still installed and has to be removed manually.

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Bluetooth Driver For Acer Aspire 5253-BZ661 But No Bluetooth Hardware?

Jun 2, 2011

Does anyone knows whether the Acer Aspire 5253-BZ661 laptop has a built-in bluetooth device in it? Reading from articles on the internet, I don't see any information regarding this laptop's particular model having a built-in bluetooth device in it but has a bluetooth driver and suite ready for the download at the acer main site.

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How To Uninstall Windows 7

Dec 3, 2010

I had Windows XP on one of my laptops and installed Windows 7 on a seperate partition to see how it would cope. Well.... it doesn't cope at all.I have the dual boot screen when I start the laptop and the default is of course the last O/S system loaded. i.e. Windows 7.Unless I am quick enough to change the bootup, it tries to load Windows 7. And when I say tries, I mean 'tries'. Windows will load after about 20 minutes but is unusable. Nothing will respond. Nothing will function.I cannot change the boot sequence on XP. I have to 'be in' Windows 7 environment to edit the boot sequence, but I cannot get there.How do I either competely uninstall 7 or at the very least change the boot sequence without 'loading' Windows 7?

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How To Uninstall IE In Windows 7

Aug 1, 2011

How i can uninstall IE in OS 7?

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How To Uninstall Windows 7 From HDD

Jan 10, 2012

I have windows 7 installed on a other hdd and I don't need this installation any more. Is there any way I could uninstall them?

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How To Uninstall Windows 7

Jan 16, 2012

One of my friend, who has windows 7 x64 enabled in his laptop, lost his administrator password and then, panicked and installed another windows 7, partitioning his disk drive. Now, he has access to this newly installed windows 7 OS, but he can't log on to his old windows 7 OS, which has all his important files and other media. he says " I see an error related to the memory when i try to load my old windows 7 OS " and then.

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Cannot Uninstall Windows 7 SP1 - Won't Start

Sep 29, 2011

Laptop won't start after an update which I think was SP1 Only 1 restore point available which was yesterday and lists SP1 - tried restoring to then - no good Also gone to Command Prompt under Repair Your Computer and tried WUSA.EXE etc which failed Also tried safe mode - no good -- Last Known Good Configuration - no good

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Uninstall Windows 7 From Secondary HDD?

Feb 4, 2012

So basically, a couple days ago, I installed a new ASUS Mobo, Intel CPU and Vengence RAM. But when I tried to boot into Windows 7, it would act like it was loading just fine, and then get a BSOD so quick that I couldn't read it, and fail to boot (I do not have an OEM copy of Windows). With not many options, I decided to reinstall Windows to fix my problem. And in that install screen, it listed all of my HDDs, without letters. I was like "uh-oh, which one is it?" So, I pick one, and it's the wrong one. But, instead of removing Windows from what was my D drive and now is my C drive, I'd like to just remove Windows 7 (the still corrupted one) from my now D drive. Is that making any sense? lol So anyway, I know that you can't just "uninstall windows", and I've read about just deleting the file folders... but that I have to give myself permissions to do it. Of course, I can't seem to do that. I have several to choose from, including "trustedinstaller" "creatorowner" "System" "Administrators" nothing seems to work. They even have full access and permission, and when I try to delete the Windows folder, it says "you must have permission to continue" I click okay, it continues, and then says it can't delete the folder. When I try to give permission to one of those names, it denies access for the Windows folder.Oh, also, formatting is really out of the question, as this D drive has all my precious files on it that I can't lose. But, I do have enough space to maybe partition it, copy it all over, and then format the windows partition?

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Where Are The $Uninstall Files In Windows 7

Apr 24, 2011

in XP, we have those $uninstall files after Windows Update each time. i can delete them to free space, then i go to add/remove to remove the update, it will say something that the uninstall file is no longer exist so i can remove the relevant entry from Add/Remove completely.

how to do that in Windows 7?

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How To Uninstall Applications In Windows 7

Dec 23, 2011

Where in C.P. do you access the Uninstallation of Applications ?

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Uninstall Wordpad From Windows 7?

Aug 9, 2011

how do i uninstall wordpad from windows 7

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Uninstall Ubuntu From Within Windows 7?

Aug 11, 2011

I installed ubundu on my system, since this dvd has put in genuin windows it did not ask for partition instead it asked whether to put in entire disk ]or in the last disk space. I hope that I selected the entire disk. So now only ubundu is seen in my system will windows is gone how do I get windows

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Uninstall And Reinstall Windows 7?

May 24, 2012

I want to reinstall windows 7 in order to get some drivers to work, but I'm not quite sure how to do it. If already have windows 7 so does that mean I would lose all my files and have to back them up?

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How To Uninstall Ubuntu From Windows 7

Jan 25, 2013

i installed UBUNTU 12.04 along with Windows 7 by mounting iso with a pendrive. But now i have not the UBUNTU file in my pen-drive. How to uninstall UBUNTU now?

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Uninstall Hidden Programs In Windows 7?

Dec 23, 2009

I want to uninstall a program off my laptop. It's not showing up in the uninstall programs list so I presume it's hidden for some reason (The program is First Class - according to the applications website the removal route is through add & remove programs).

I know in XP there is an file which shows all installed programs and some have the word hidden at the beggining of the file name, which keeps the program name out of add & remove - I presume the same is true of Windows 7?

how to "unhide" the program

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Uninstall Windows 7 From Broken Computer?

Sep 27, 2012

I installed a retail version of W 7 on a Fujitsu which broke 6 months ago and cannot be restarted. Now I cannot activate the installation on my replacement computer and the support is less than useful, always referring back to an automated system. I transferred the HD from the old computer to the new but cannot see a way to uninstall the windows 7 from that disc. Trying help by telephone was impossible because of excruciating bad connection.

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Windows 7 Uninstall Panel Cluttered?

Mar 14, 2012

Basically I've got a question about the uninstall feature with windows 7. See, I just tried out windows 8 and noticed that the uninstall window only had the two programs which I had manually installed, Firefox and Xfire.Windows 7 has all the programs I install, just seems like there are duplicates. Here's a screenshot of part of my uninstall window.

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Cant Uninstall AVG 2011 Free For Windows 7

Apr 20, 2011

I run Windows 7 on a Dell laptop and I want to uninstall AVG 2011 Free Edition. For some reason I cannot complete the process. I'm using the Windows uninstall program from the control panel because its the only place the program actually shows up in the menu to be uninstalled. After the program runs for a few mins I get an error code 0xC0070643 or a general internal error. It says AVG Watchdog could not be stopped. I've tried to go into the Task Manager and shut down all processes having to do with AVG but they dont stop!

I have Revo Unistaller on my pc but it doesn't even recognize the program. In other words, AVG doesn't even show up in the list of programs that can be uninstalled. I simply want to get rid of this and install Microsoft Security Essentials.

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Uninstall Windows 7 Tablet Program?

Dec 31, 2011

I have a Wacom Bamboo tablet and whenever I try to draw online, it uses the Windows 7 Tablet input. I'm unable to make quick marks due to the "flick" and if I hold the pen down for too long, the cursor will spin in a circle and a pop up box will appear, kind of like a right-click. I'd like to turn all of this off- everything that has to do with the tablet that was already installed on the computer, except for the basic Bamboo Driver.

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How To Uninstall Windows Live Mail ?

Dec 22, 2009

I want to remove Windows Live Mail but it's not listed In Programs and Features. I can't find an uninstaller listed any where. How do you remove this thing from your computer. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

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Uninstall XP Sp3 With Dual Boot Windows 7

Apr 28, 2011

I Had Windows7 and Windows XP sp3 installed on duel boot menu Now I Want to format C: Drive on which XP is installed and again fresh Installation of XP sp3, I Want to keep Windows7 installation intact , But the problem is when I will format C: the bootloader will also formated then I will not able to boot .

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Uninstall Linux And Install Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2011

My friend had another friend get rid of windows 7 and put linux on her computer and she wants windows back.I am just wondering if their is an easy way for someone who is not 100% tech savy to re-install windows. ive read the other forums and there is a bunch of stuff about partitions and GRUB that im not sure of.

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Looking To Uninstall Windows And Reinstall On Different Drive

Apr 1, 2012

I have 3 ssd's. 60gb 120gb and 256. Currently the60 is not installed and may still have data on it from a previous pc build. Windows is installed on the 120 right now with the 256 being a second drive for my steam games. I want to erase all data on all of the drives and install windows onto the 60gb (new c drive) and make the 120 and 256 an e and f drive. Here are some of my questions.Should i hookup the 60gb drive so my pc recognizes it and then go about reformatting and erasing all data from the 3 drives? Except the os.Then after erasing all data do i delete the partition from the 120gb drive and reinstall to the 60gb drive?Does installing windows to a drive automatically default it to the c drive?

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Don't Have A Uninstall A Program Windows 7 Anymore?

Jun 16, 2010

Uninstall a program window does not open, the link is not working. How I'll open that window?

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Uninstall Media Player That Comes With Windows 7 Pro?

Oct 20, 2012

Is it possible to uninstall the media player that comes with win 7 pro? It's worthless to me and it takes up space.

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What Happens If Uninstall Windows 7 Live Mail?

Jun 26, 2012

What other features/options will be affected... or will I *not* be able to do in Windows, if I uninstall this program?

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