Homegroup Netbook Won't Connect

Aug 15, 2011

My netbook and main PCs both have windows 7 64 bit. Both have sharing enabled.Both have the exact same setup in networking. Both are set to home. Both have the right password.I have disabled all firewalls.I have synchronized the clocks.I updated windows.I have enabled and disabled ipv6 and attempted ipv4.Machines have had their homegroups disabled and re-enabled.They have been rebooted numerous times.I have had the propper services enabled.The netbook can see and access files on the PC but even though the PC sees the netbook as a media device, it cannot see it as a computer and cannot see it in the homegroup, thus it cannot access any files.

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Can't Get Laptop And Netbook Linked Via Homegroup

Aug 12, 2009

Have one laptop running Windows 7 Build 7100.

And a netbook also running Windows 7 Build 7100.

On the laptop I am running Kaspersky Internet Security 2009.

On the netbook I am running Avira anti-virus (although this problem existed when there was no anti-virus program installed).

I created a homegroup on the laptop and shared all folders.

I then joined this homegroup from the netbook (and shared all folders there too).

So under homegroup on either machine, I now see the other computer's name.

If I click on that name it brings up the libraries- documents, music, pictures, videos.

But if I click on any of them, nothing happens. If I right click, then properties it says 'the properties for this item are not available'.

Something seems to be preventing the machines from sharing these files properly.

I have tried looking in Kaspersky but can't see what might be 'untrusted' that I should mark 'trusted'.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Homegroup was the main reason I installed Windows 7 on the netbook!

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Netbook Can't Connect To The Internet

Jul 25, 2011

I just got a new netbook, and I'm trying to connect to the internet via the lan ethernet cable. When I do, it says "unidentified public network" even though when I turned it on during set up, I specified home net work. Does 7 Starter only support wireless internet, or something?

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Cannot Connect To Homegroup

Jul 29, 2011

I have a laptop, HTPC, and a desktop, all connected to my internet wirelessly. All of the systems were connected to the homegroup perfectly last night, but then I started having problem this morning. The HTPC was connected to the homegroup, but unable to detect any of the computers. Same with the rest of them. So I left the homegroup from the HTPC thinking I could just reconnect. Big mistake. After that the only option that was available to me was to "create a new group". After many restarts and settings, I decided to create a new homegroup. I then left the original homegroup from my laptop, so that I could join the new homegroup, but alas, the same thing happens, I could not see the old homegroup from the desktop, or the new homegroup from the HTPC! The only option available to to create another new homegroup! I did the same thing again with my desktop, and now all three machines each on its own homegroup.

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How To Connect Netbook With Wireless Network?

Mar 22, 2012

I need to connect to my wireless network at home I have to be nearby the router, if I try going upstairs I lose connection and network is not recognized anymore.

At first it was a problem with the range of the router but I booted on my Linux distro and on exactly the same physical spot Win7 doesn't recognize anything, I get a 60% availability and everything works perfectly.

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Unable To Connect To Homegroup?

Aug 12, 2010

i have three computers. 2 laptops and one desktop when i go on network ansharing they all say that they are connected to homegroup. whenever i try to access any of the files on any of the computers nothing shows up all i get is a message saying not connected check that homegroup is active and that computers are not off/asleepany.

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Cannot Connect To Network PCs In Same Homegroup

Sep 20, 2011

I have been using windows 7 pto and xp pro on my laptop and desktop respectively. It was connected in same network from very beginning. I was in same workgroup. But as I reformatted my laptop cpl of days back I needed to connect it again with my xp desktop. since then I am not able to do so. Have been tried almost everything. I am in a same workgroup also have run the network wizard from xp. But nothing working. But just few hours ago i uninstalled few drivers (IPv6 related , not sure) while trying to connect from device manager.

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Computer Can't Connect To Homegroup

Jun 27, 2012

I have a Desktop computer with Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and a laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

The Laptop can see the desktop, files and printer But the Desktop cannot see the Homegroup. The desktop does not have the option to allow remote desktop connections, I don't know if that is connected to the same issue or not.

When I try to modify the Homegroup on the desktop, I get the error message mentioned above. this computer can't connect to homegroup

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Can't Connect To One Computer In Homegroup

Aug 28, 2012

I have a 2 computer setup both have successfully joined the homegroup I created. From comp A, I can access everything on comp B but comp B cannot access anything on comp A. I can see what's on comp A but if I try to go there it asks for credentials. Also tied to this (I assume), when I try and access the printer on comp A, the "Install Printer" button literally does nothing (screenshot).

I have no idea where to begin with this problem. The homegroup advanced settings are set up to share files and printers. I've allowed File Sharing in Windows Firewall on both computers. I've completely left the homegroup and made a new one.

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Netbook Won't Connect To WPA2 Protected Network

Nov 15, 2012

I 'm trying to connect my netbook to my wireless home network but it won't recognise the security key. I have Windows 7 32 bit installed. I have successfully connected it to my sister's network which is WPA2 protected, but when I try to connect to my own d-link dsl 2680 router, it keeps telling me that the security key or passphrase is incorrect even though I am typing in exactly the right password. My router is also WPA2 protected but for some reason the netbook fails to connect. My other laptop and my PC have no problem connecting at all though. It's just the netbook that seems to be the problem. It will however connect with a cable and also if I change the router's security setting to WEP. However I don't really want to leave it as WEP as this is less secure than WPA2. I've tried changing the SSID and password but it still won't connect. Before I installed Windows 7 I had XP running on the netbook and then it connected no problem. I don't know why I can connect to my sister's network but not my own.

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Cannot Connect 2 Windows 7 Computers Via HomeGroup

Jun 16, 2012

I have 2 Windows 7 computers one is a Hp Laptop and another is a Compaq Desktop I have been dealing with this problem for quite awhile and each time i go to try and correct the trouble i get unbelievably frustrated as in the end i never seem to make any progress. I have attempted to create a home group from both machines and when i do create a homegroup the other IS able to see the other but when i attempt to join from either one to the one that has created it always yields an error stating that "window cannot setup homegroup on this computer" The desktop is hardwired to my Dlink router and the laptop is connected wirelessly.

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Connect Media Player On PC Homegroup

Mar 19, 2011

I'm new to windows 7 and i want some help. I have one apacher 460 media player which i would like to connect on my homegroup so that i can stream movies from my pc.

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Cannot Connect Printer To New Network Or Homegroup

Oct 9, 2011

I had my computer at my home, connected to my home network. I moved to a Corporate apartment, which has a different network, and now I can't print to my printer, which I brought with me. I did set the new network as my 'home' network, and folowed instructions, but it does not seem to be working.

THe printer is a C6280 Photosmart, and is wireless enabled, but my new place doesn't have a router to attach to. Basically, I'd just like to connect the printer directly to my computer, since I will be the only one printing to it.

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Cannot See Homegroup Computer And Connect To Networked Computers

Nov 15, 2011

i have 4 networked computers (all connected through ethernet cables) They used to talk to each other fine. Now one (Call it KPC) is able to access all of the computers but none can access it. Another computer (RPC) says that it does not have permission to access it, even though i have all my file sharing turned on.

It used to ask me for a password and even though i would enter the correct password (the same on all computers) it said "logon failed: wrong username or bad password".

Also I have added KPC to the RPC homegroup using the password and it just doesnt show up on the RPC homegroup page. I really NEED RPC to be able to access KPC's everything (documents, printers etc) the rest arent a big deal at all. What happened and why did it just stop working??

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Windows 7 Control Panel Homegroup Not Revealing Homegroup Password?

Aug 3, 2012

I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and I also have a desktop running Windows 7. I am trying to connect my laptop to my homegroup with the password for my homegroup, but my desktop will not reveal it. Is there any other place that I can find it?

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[HomeGroup] 1 Pc Not Listed / Identified In Homegroup?

Aug 28, 2011

I have an issue which I can't find anything obvious on.I have 4 Windows 7 machines, 1 x W7 Pro, 2 x W7 Home Premium & 1 x W7 Starter all in the same Homegroup.The W7 Pro machine can see all the others under Homegroup in Windows ExplorerAll 3 of the others can see each other in the same way but the W7 Pro machine isn't listedThe 3 others can access the Shares on the W7 Pro Machine by going to Network rather than Homegroup in Windows Explorer.

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Windows 7 Desktop Will Connect To Modem, But Will Not Connect To Any Sites Programs?

Jun 7, 2012

just last night after i was finished playing skyrim for the night, i saw on steam that i had no connection. so i looked towards the internet bars icon next to the clock and saw a yello triangle with a "!" in it. so i disconnected and reconnected but still the yellow "!". so i just decided i would try again tomorrow (today).when i woke up today it didn't have that error, so i decided to go to Internet on chrome, but it had that "webpage not available" (wouldn't work for ie either). i figured it would soon fix itself like it always had, so i tried playing mw3 on my xbox, but it wouldn't connect to live either o.o and when my mom wanted to watch netflix on the living room xbox, she couldn't connect either! then i figured out it was definatly my modem that was refusing to connect to anything.

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Connect To A Network It Keeps Telling Me That Windows Is Unable To Connect?

Mar 5, 2011

Can anyone advise how I would go about fixing this. I am trying to connect to a network (I have a dell running on windows 7) and it keeps telling me that windows is unable to connect to the network-this is before I can even enter the security key. I know it is not a problem with the wireless because other people are able to connect to it fine.

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How To Connect Mobile With Through Laptop Which Is Connect With Data Card

Jul 19, 2012

i am having mts data card and samsung laptop(R439 has wifi) now i need to connect my Sony ericsson mini pro through wifi to use Internet

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What Is Best OS For A Netbook

Dec 12, 2011

I was recently reading a tech magazine which I borrowed from my school's library earlier today. While checking this magazine, I found ( at the 82nd page ) a review about about JoliCloud (or Joli OS), which is an operating system optimized for small notebooks and netbooks.At first look, it seemed a good OS, so I decided to look for it on the web, and read some users opinions about it , ect.Unfortunately, I didn't find any review about it at Cnet, but nevermind.After about an hour of surfing, I've found a bunch of operating systems that are optimized and run smoothly on netbooks, rather than Windows 7 , perhaps.I got confused, so I came here to ask for help to choose the best operating system to run it next to windows 7, for some reason. My prefered way to run it, is on a virtual machine, but please tell me if running it by another way is still better and easier.Well, to help me (more) finding an OS that fits my needs:

1) Free, absolutely free please!
2) Power saver, just to keep more battery life.
3) Customizable, I like to give my special touch to the OS interface and apparence, just to be happy with it !
4) Good for web surfing, and mini games, because that's what I usually use my netbook for.

Characters in bold are more important, if the other recommendations are not available, it's ok.I have a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom CPU (2CPUs) and an up to 900MB of RAM. (HP mini 311-1000CA)I am currently running windows 7.

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Netbook: Win 7 HP Or Pro ?

Oct 29, 2009

My girlfriend, a student planning on taking advantage of the student deal going on right now, is going to be getting a new netbook. Unfortunately, Windows 7 Starter is sort of lacking in some features and she wants to upgrade.

Since they're both $30, what it comes down to is this:

Should she get Windows 7 Home Premium or Windows 7 Pro? It's going to be on a netbook, so I'm thinking HP is the way to go, but if Pro doesn't require any additional resources, it might work as well.

Also, this will sound very noob-tastic, but: Would it be easier on the netbook to install the 32-bit version of the OS, or does it not matter (32 vs 64 in terms of system resources)?

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My Netbook Won't Boot

Aug 2, 2011

a day ago, while using my netbook (asus eee 1001p) to look at videos on Internet, the shockwave flash plugin became unresponsive. shortly after this, my pc froze.


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Netbook Won't Boot Up?

Mar 23, 2012

I go to start my netbook and it doesn't boot into windows but it goes straight into startup repair. I can't press F8 or anything, it is really annoying.

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Netbook MSI Xp Sticker Key

Nov 4, 2009

I have a question I have linux installed in my netbook. I was going to installed windows xp, but the problem is the key is faded out some letters and digits I can't figure them out there to faded out.. I deleted the partition since I installed a clean install. Now what can I do here? Is there something I can do online? Is there something MSI can do?

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Lenovo Netbook S10

Dec 25, 2009

i recently ordered the lenovo ideaPad netbook s10 and should be getting it soon, it comes with xp, so i purchased a windows 7 upgrade from win741. for $32.00. they link you to a download .iso and .exe. i downloaded both files and have a product key.

so the question is how should i go about upgrading? do i just copy the .exe file on my desktop? i take it that the .iso needs to be burned to disk and installed by disk drive, but not available with my netbook.

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Keystrokes Not Right On New Netbook?

Jan 18, 2012

setting up an Acer netbook for a friend and come put in her email the @ comes out as " and vice versa.

Thiscan only be a software or hardware problem if the latter then I've spent the best part of four hours of setting up and Windows updates.

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HP Netbook With Win 7 Starter

Dec 27, 2009

i got a new netbook from hp (hence no dvd rom drive), it came with windows 7 starter, i want to get ultimate or home premium the digital version, my questions are:

1. once i install either upgrade, how do i restore to out-of-the-box state incase it screws up in the future?

2. many "installing windows 7 to a netbook" videos show disk part on usb drives and putting it on a usb and booting into it, can i go with "custom" installation from windows and reach a successful finish without booting into setup from bios?

heres my favorite video to show what im referring to:


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Windows 7 64 Bit On A Netbook?

Oct 20, 2010

I just got myself a netbook for when i am out of the office. I intend to use it for a bit of web browsing, office 2010, corel draw and a bit of gmail.

I have both windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit. which one should i install on my netbook? some people say that 64-bit will draw more power, some say 64bit its more efficient bla bla bla, i think half the time nobody has actually tried and tested it.

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How To Format Hp Netbook

May 18, 2011

i'm having problem with my hp netbook where the machine cant start the windows..i'm using windows 7 basic.

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How To Reformat Hp Netbook

Jan 21, 2012

how to reformat my hp netbook i don't know how

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Netbook Not Booting Up

Mar 19, 2012

i tried using the start up repair nothing i tried opening in safe mode nothing.i tried starting normally nothing. it comes on and then loads the gigabyte screen but then the screen goes black with just the mouse pointer it but does not do anything after that

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