Hibernate Issue

Dec 26, 2009

Hibernate issue - cause by ATI Radeon X1200 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM) driver

I cant just download from the site because it isnt compatible with Windows 7

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It Shut Down Instead Of Hibernate

Jun 21, 2012

My laptop is a vaio ( VPCEA12EG). newly when I hibernate it , it automatically shutdown and after turn it on again the following massage apears.

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Windows 7 Won't Hibernate

Sep 17, 2010

I see hibernate. I have chosen hiberate by lid and power button. It will hibernate once then come back on will not hibernate again.In fact it goes off into some weird power state each time, of sleep, then a few minutes later waking, or never sleeping and waking right away. It disables my keyboard light until I restart.

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Computer Won't Hibernate?

Jan 5, 2011

Have new PC and it used to hibernate after a period of time. The fans will shut down, monitors shut down etc. When I wake it then fans start back up, I have to relog in to Windows etc. Suddenly it no longer does this. I do not recall changing any setting and have gone to screen saver and set power saving settings etc. This is my first Windows 7 machine so not sure if i need to do something elsewhere

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Can't Use Sleep Or Hibernate

Dec 20, 2012

I have a dell XPS1702x laptop Windows 7 64, this problem came up in the last 5 days after I installed a logitech M705 mouse and software.When ever I put my laptop in sleep or hibernate and start up again I get a blank screen, but the laptop seems tobe running I have to turn the computer off and then on again using the power button. My computer then restarts and opens in the Error Recovert Screen stating that the computer was turned off improperly and ask if I want to restart Windows. I have preformed a complete Virus scan with Nortons 360, I have updating all my software, uninstalled the mouse and returned to my old mouse and the software for the new mouse and the problem is still there.

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Cant Sleep Or Hibernate

Dec 28, 2012

I have been trying to make my computer go into hibernation but it comes out of it 5 mins later. I have tried everything. disabling mouse to wake up, turning off power management on lan, turned off wol, and disk defragmentor.

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Wake From Hibernate When Not At Home?

Sep 15, 2012

Title says it all. There are some things you can do from a distance using other pc's, a phone, etc, but I hate leaving my computer on. Anybody have any creative ways to be able to wake a computer up from a distance? Hibernate preferable but I understand it may be unreasonably difficult, perhaps sleep would be better? Still, sleep doesn't give the energy saving advantages as hibernation.

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BSOD Waking From Hibernate?

Oct 8, 2012

Just built the girlfriend a computer:

Asrock Z77 Extreme4
Ivybridge i5 3570k
2x4GB Crucial DDR3 1600 DIMMs
OCZTech 600W PSU
Generic CDRom, Seagate HDDs mirrored, WD Primary HDD.
No GPU connected as she won't need one.

At first I tried a mild overclock at 4.4ghz and stability tested with P95 for a few hours with no errors at all. Everything worked fine!Come time for her to actually use it, of course, BSOD's ensued, followed by boot looping.Boot loop would not stop until one of the DIMMs was removed.Naturally I thought the RAM was the culprit and tested the sticks using Memtest86, 4 passes each with no errors.Next tried single sticks of RAM in each slot, booted up fine. Tried with two sticks (1&3, 2&4), and it seemed to work fine if booting from a clean shutdown (as opposed to BSOD).Reverted to default BIOS settings and it seemed to help a little, as in it would actually wake from Hibernate a few times, but then out of nowhere would BSOD again.I read somewhere that a bent cpu pin might do this, but since a single stick worked on each of the 4 slots, I think this can be ruled out.BIOS are upto date with latest 2.20 version as well.Right now the computer is working fine with only one stick of RAM, the last BSOD happened with two sticks in, opening up Photoshop and InDesign at the same time with stock BIOS settings.

Code: ==================================================
Dump File : 100812-23337-01.dmp
Crash Time : 10/8/2012 10:55:04 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x0000000a
Parameter 1 : 00000000`0013213f


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Hibernate Goes Off But Laptop Is Still Working

Sep 29, 2012

i am facing the problem with hibernate before today when i hibernate laptop displays goes off but the laptop is still working and stop when the battery is empty and when again start the laptop it shows windows not shutdown properly and no BSOD ,error detail but now when i press hibernate system goes to sleep and when press any key or move the mouse system instantly show log on screen this is 2nd time 1 month ago same problem occurred but find no solution so ultimately i have to re-install the O.S but this problem occurred again.

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Windows 7 Not Going To Hibernate Mode?

Oct 28, 2011

I am using below Configuration,OS : Windows 7 HOme Basic 64 Bit Laptop : Sony Vaio - VPCEB44EN I've reistalled OS , after that Win7 is not going to Hibernate mode ..

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Hibernate Feature Not Working

Jan 25, 2011

I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit intomy Toshiba Laptop. Before I activated the Windows 7, the Hibernate feature is working fine. After I've keying in the License Key, the Hibernate Feature is keep going to Sleeping Mode.

The exact output when I type this at an elevated command prompt. powercfg -a The result as follow:-

The following sleep states are available on this system: Standby < S3 > Hibernate Hybrid Sleep The following sleep states are not available on this system: Standby < S1 > The system firmware does not support this standby state. Standby < S2 > The system firmware does not support this standby state

how to disable the Hybrid Sleep?

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PC Reboots After Going Into Hibernate Mode

May 15, 2011

After almost a year of "no problems" operation my PC has suddenly developed a strange will of its own on shut-down.I always put my PC into hibernate mode rather than switching it off. I use the START/Shut Down/Hibernate series of steps. Suddenly recently, my PC still goes into hibernate, as previously, but after approx 2-3 seconds the PC suddenly restarts! The only way to end PC use is now to shut it down completely which is a pain as it takes far longer to restart next time I use the machine.

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BSOD On Sleep Or Hibernate?

Jan 2, 2012

I've got a new ASUS gaming laptop with Windows 7 64-bit OEM and I've been getting a few BSOD errors while bringing my laptop out of sleep/hibernate. Its not always but its often enough to be a nuisance. My drivers are all up to date

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Black Screen After Hibernate?

Aug 16, 2012

I have bought the Windows 7 Ultimate x32 bit for my macbook pro and after a Start->Hibernate Windows does not reboot anymore, I just have a black screen.The problem comes from the Start -> hibernante, I did not change any driver or did any updateI can't get the safe mode F8 working and the same if I try booting on the Windows DVD I have the same black screen.If I boot on my Mac OS X partition I can have an access to the Windows 7 files. Maybe I could delete or modify some files to be able to boot on Windows 7 normally, without the Hibernate process.

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Hibernate Using Monitor Power?

Feb 23, 2011

ive got my system to go into hibernation using s3 acpi, and usb remote. also it will come out of hibernation using the remote and or usb keyboard. My system is used as a htpc and was wondering is there a way to hibernate the system with the power button of my tv (monitor) ie:- when monitor isnt detected.is there a setting im missing. basicly i have a plasma tv and onkyo 607 receiver. connected via vierra link. so when i power the tv down the receiver powers down . now it would be fantastic if it put the htpc into hibernation also..

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Booting From Hibernate Image

Mar 18, 2011

I have a system that will probably end up loosing power before a proper shutdown more often than not. I need to boot into an image that will allow me to write to a SATA array, remove the array, and install a clean array for the next power up. Could this be done with some type of hibernate image(and how) or would I need to figure out how to boot from an ISO image?My main goal is to boot the system with the same settings every time and write data to the SATA array. The array will be removed and cleaned before power is returned. It would be great if there is a way to change a setting if need be and not need to take more than 20 minutes to redo the image.

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My Laptop Hp Cq42 Can't Hibernate?

Apr 1, 2011

if i press hibernate button,my laptop still can't hibernate completely.the power light wasn't off,the fan still works,whats happening to my laptop

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Sleep / Hibernate Greyed Out

Apr 20, 2011

I have two new laptops (an HP and a Gateway) with Win 7 Pro on each, and set up exactly the same. On the Gateway, the sleep and hibernate work fine.On the HP, the sleep and hibernate are greyed out.Using cmd: powercfg -a The Gateway shows " the following sleep states are available ... Standby (S3),Hibernate Hybrid Sleep"..The HP shows "sleep states not available..system firmware does not support standby state" "legacy driver vgasave .. prevents this standby state"..How can I get my HP to support sleep/hibernate?

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Laptop Is Turned Off And Not On Again Because Of Hibernate

Jun 8, 2011

my laptop is turned off and not on again because of hibernate in windows 7.

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Ask For Password From Sleep But Not Hibernate?

Oct 24, 2011

Is this possible? I have my hard drive on my laptop truecrypted. So when I wake it up from hibernate I have to enter my password at the bootmanager, and then a windows password when I log in, too much work. Especially when the bootmanager password is like 30 characters and the windows one is like 20. So is there a way to only ask for a password from sleep but not from hibernate?

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What Is The Difference Between Sleep & Hibernate

May 6, 2012

I never used the sleep & hibernate in windows 7 & I would like to know what they do & what is the deference between them.

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Auto-hibernate When Over Heat?

Jun 11, 2012

I have windows 7 home premium 64-bit running on Dell 1558 laptop.My laptop getting powered off as its getting over heated once in a while (once a day).I would like to setup auto-hibernate (in order not to lose data and suffer from improper shutdown) when its over heated.

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Windows Doesn't Hibernate

Jul 16, 2012

I followed it thoroughly and unfortunately I still have no hiberfil.sys file. The system locks, the screen goes into energy saving mode, but Windows doesn't hibernate. It all began when I upgraded Ubuntu (have a dual-boot), made a clean install of the 12.04 version, seemed to get all partitions encrypted, then messed up the grub, and finally I had a hard time assigning auto-mount and read-write privileges to all of them.Ubuntu seems fine now, and Windows sleeps but can't hibernate (or allow the hybrid sleep).Windows' partition is listed as "boot", I disabled the option of auto-mount for Ubuntu, but it still doesn't work.

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Problem With Sleep And Hibernate (again)

Jan 21, 2009

my system (ASUS A6Va laptop) I have trouble with sleep and hibernation. Computer can enter sleep mode normally, but when I wake it up I get the black screen and have to hard reset. Now I know this a somewhat common problem with no universal solution, but the more interesting problem I have is with hibernation. When I choose hibernate option computer tries to go to hibernate mode but after some time (not longer than 20 seconds) it just gets back to login screen with my session active. The interesting part of all that is that my hiberfil.sys file is smaller than my RAM. It is only 1.4 gigs in size, when I have 2 gigs of RAM. I tried disabling and enabling hibernation but it's still only 1.4 gigs big.

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Can't Put Computer To Sleep, Only Hibernate

Nov 18, 2009

I upgraded to Windows 7 when it was first released and for some reason cannot use the sleep function. My power options in the control panel are set to "Balanced." I've opened up every menu I can think of and changed the settings but can't figure out why I can only use hibernate.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep When Hibernate Set To NEVER

Nov 18, 2009

2 hour hibernation for both CPU and monitor worked perfectly for about two weeks, waking up with a touch to the spacebar. Then a few days ago the monitor would not wake up but the computer did. Now if I turn off the AC .

power to both units and then re-boot the monitor will turn on but will go back to sleep in about 15 minutes with the blue light blinking. The computer will complete a DL or backup with monitor sleeping so it appears OK.

Checks so far:

1. Updated drivers for both monitor and video card with latest available. Also updated chipset and BIOS (504).

2. Swapped monitors between computers and the problem went to the second monitor. Main monitor worked all day on second computer.

3. Spoke to ASUS tech support and was told that the monitor is controlled by the OS. Suggested I enable ACPI 2.0 support (default disabled) and disable ACPI APIC Support (default enabled) in BIOS. Won't boot to OS when ACPI APIC Support disabled.

4. Found a few similar cases on the Internet but no solutions.

5. Even tried turning off hibernation and setting monitor timeouts in the Powercfg using CMD prompt.

6. Re-installed OS, big mistake as it took several hours to get re-registered.

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Cannot Access Shares After Hibernate

Feb 12, 2010

from my Windows 7 x64 system I'm accessing data on a WinXP-SP3 system or a shared directory on a NAS.Unfortunately this fails after the Windows 7 system had been put to hibernate and waked up again.The network adapter, however, works fine. It can access the internet, it can ping the other system.Explorer times out, net use returns with "System error 53 has occurred. The network path was not found."After I reboot the Windows 7 system everything's fine again.

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Desktop Hibernate Then Wake On Lan?

Feb 2, 2012

power savings (greening our labs) for our Windows 7 labs. These systems are part of a large Windows Domain. Currently we run a 'sysctl' task at night (written in Perl) that does various things like archiving Event logs, random nightly reboots (a random period between 0 and 4 hours so not all the thousands of systems are rebooting at the same time), etc. What I'd like to have happen once all that has run and the system boots up is to put the system into hibernate mode until some prescribed time in the am (before classes start, etc.).

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Hibernate Shortcut - Create

Dec 16, 2009

How to Create a Hibernate Shortcut in Windows ?

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Hibernate - Enable Or Disable

Feb 27, 2009

How to Enable or Disable Hibernate in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Not Turning Off - Can Only Hibernate

Sep 19, 2011

My laptop does not shutdown. I can only hibernate it and after starting again, it does not ask password.

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