Folder Propeties Sharing Tab Missing?

Apr 8, 2011

exactly what the title says, just out of nowhere disappeared also the file and printer sharing wont turn on in advanced sharing options, been searching around for a fix but haven't found one that works.

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Cannot Access Its Own Sharing Folder

Nov 26, 2012

We have a server machine running windows 7. just a few days ago, it started not being able to access its own sharing folders. From network, I can see all other computers(Xps and Window 7s). I can access other computer's sharing folders too. But when I try to access the server's own sharing folder, it gives me this error message:

"Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click diagnose. "

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Sharing A Folder On A Different Domain?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to share a folder from (server 1) on (domain 1) to another computer linked to (server 2) on (domain 2). I have taken the following steps and can't get past the last one:ExplorerNetwork(server 1)Here it won't show the files available to be shared on (server 1) until I put in a password. I have credentials to log in to that server to get access but I don't know how to type the username and password. I have tried username@domain (which worked on a windows xp) & just the username and password, but it doesn't allow me through. so my question is:

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Not Responding When Trying To Set Up Folder Sharing?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to set up my boss's computer with a folder on her C: drive for her scans from our office copier. Her laptop is part of our network. Our servers run Server 2003 R2. Her laptop is new and is a 64-bit Windows 7 pro. When I try to set up the sharing it gets hung up and says Sharing Files (with the green progress bar going and me being alerted that it may take a few minutes). Then it just says at the top after a long while that it's not responding. If I wait it out it then says that the folder is shared but when I try to do things like view its properties it just starts to not respond again.

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Folder Sharing Windows 7 / Xp?

Apr 15, 2012

Can someone give me baby steps to share files and folders between windows 7 and my other computer with XP?. I have scrapbook folders on both I would like to share.

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Turn On Internet Connection Sharing Is Missing?

Jun 1, 2011

Basically I'm creating an ad hoc for my other laptop to connect to a 'main' laptop that is of course connected to the modem. So can anyone explain to me why is the 'turn on internet connection sharing' is missing. I can find my created ad hoc but since internet connection is not turned on I can't have access.

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Sharing Folder In Programme Files(x86)?

Nov 29, 2011

I cannot today share a folder which was shared last week.No matter what I do with Sharing and Permissions I can no longer access it from another machine on my network.It's shared to Everyone with full access and has a share name, yet trying to access it gives 'Access denied'.

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Sharing A Folder To A Vista Computer

Oct 11, 2009

I know this question has been asked several times, and I've done a lot of research into it already, but I still can't seem to change my folder (in this case D:Movies) to be shared an accessed by my Vista x64 primary computer.

When I go into my Network and access the computer, it lets me view the shared folders that I've set sharing on, but when I actually double click the folder to open it I get this error message:

Windows cannot access XXXXX-DownloadsMovies

Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. The error code is 0x80070005.

When I diagnose it tells me that the folder is available but my user account doesn't have access. However, I've already disabled password protected sharing, and I've accessed the Public section of my sharing settings and enabled everything that I read in previous posts, all to no avail.

I also read up on selecting the folder, then clicking the Share With.. tab and selecting "Everyone Read/Write", every time I try doing this as soon as I select the Share With.. tab again it's defaulted back to Nobody.

Here's the part I'm not sure could be causing all of this:

This folder, Movies, was originally on my Main Desktop PC (the Windows 7 machine is my new downloads machine) I bought a new 1.5TB sata2 hdd and set it up on my x64 vista (main) and transferred my movies folder on to it, then I uninstalled the hard drive and reinstalled it on my windows 7 x64 (downloads/secondary pc)

So the folder was originally on another computer, but was swapped via my new 1.5 TB hard drive, I'm not sure if this is related as I'm not a guru when it comes to any OS.

Regardless, I really need to get this folder on my Windows 7 machine accessible on my Windows Vista primary as soon as possible. If you need anymore information regarding either of my computers please let me know and I'll gather it as fast as I can,

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Folder Properties When Sharing Over Network

Dec 30, 2009

If I change the folder properties accessing a shared folder (say pictures) over my home network, will it alter the folder's properties on the drive on which it resides or just the folder on the machine I am using to access the folder?

I am accessing my pictures folder on my desktop from my laptop from the other side of my house. The pictures and videos folders are set to "general items", the customize tab of the properties on the folder is set to "general items" when I access it from the laptop. If I switch the pictures to "pictures" and videos to "videos" on the laptop, will it alter the folder in the desktop on which the folder resides?

Hope this is clear enough, Thanks for any help, I have a hard time with sharing and permissions.

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Windows 7 File & Folder Sharing?

Jun 30, 2011

windows file & folder sharing

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ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) Service Missing - How To Install

Jun 24, 2012

As I wanted to enable the ICS on my machine it tells me that I can't and that the service that is being enabled does not exist as an installed service and that is ICS.I did a lot of digging on the net about it and it's weird, but I can't find anything concrete about this particular problem.The PC I'm talking about is a work PC with Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.I don't think that someone at my work removed this service (I'm not even sure if you can remove a service) but it is missing from the list and it can't be enabled.Is there any way of manually installing it on my windows 7x64?

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Software To Audit Access To Sharing Folder

Jun 3, 2011

I would like to know if there is a program I can use to Audit who access a share folder, which files has been changed, date and time, who deletes a file(s) (or maybe I can restrict to Modify but not delete). I have a workgroup of computers and an external hard drive connected to one of them (I do not use a NAS or networked HD because I need more speed in this computer to receive all the info I received almost daily).

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Sharing Folder From Vista To Only Windows 7 Laptop

Apr 12, 2011

I'm attempting to share a folder from my desktop, running Windows Vista HP, to my laptop, running Windows 7 HP. I've been able to set up the sharing without any difficulty, but I'm trying to edit permissions so that this folder is only available to my laptop and not any other computer on the network. When I try to add a new set of permissions on PC, I can't search any location other than the name of my PC.

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Windows 7 - Sharing Folder To Specific XP PC On Network?

Apr 14, 2011

How can I share a folder to a specific pc on a network instead of sharing it to anyone that's inside the same network? I'm on windows 7 64 ultimate and the other pc is using xp 32. Is this possible?

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Sharing Files Between Two Computers On Same Network - No Access To Folder

Aug 28, 2011

Whenever I Click on the folder of next network computer on Network of my Computer then it says 'windows cannot access to saurav-pcphotoshop" both the computers are mine.. how can i share that file between these two computers?

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Sharing Folder From Windows 7 To XP Machine - Permissions Error

May 25, 2009

I have gone through my Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7RC and turned everything on except Password Protected Sharing. I have joined both Windows 7 and Xp machines into WORKGROUP. I can access my Public folder and my shared printer from my Windows 7 machine on my XP machine. I'm trying to share my Mp3 folder, thats on a secondary HDD in my Windows 7 machine.

Path being "E:StuffMp3z". No matter what I change as far as permissions, adding HomeGroupuser to the Advanced Sharing dialog...everything I've tried, my XP machine can see the share, but I get the " not accessable. You may not have permissions...." error in XP trying to open the shared folder. And what's up with not having a folder icon with a Share symbol in Windows 7 so by looking in Explorer you can tell a folder is shared?

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Homegroup - Change File And Folder Sharing Settings

Dec 2, 2010

How to Change Windows 7 Homegroup File and Folder Sharing Settings ?

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Folder Goes Missing?

Jan 2, 2013

Yesterday, all of a sudden, a folder containing several movies vanished from my system. I tried using file recovery softwares, and recovered 6 movies only. Checked every other folder, to see if i had accidentally misplaced them. Then, i did the system restore. Well, I store the movies in folders, with the movie file (.mp4, .avi) and the subtitle file (.srt) in each of them. After the system restore, I got several movie folders back, but only with the subtitle files! I tried searching for the movies in the start menu.

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Startup Folder Is Missing?

Apr 6, 2011

I reinstalled windows 7 and now there isnt a startup folder..

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Folder Icon Missing?

Jul 23, 2011

Today i noticed that ALL of my folders on my computer running windows 7 home premium have a weird icon. I tried to install styleXP on my computer and said that it didn't work on windows 7 so I uninstalled it and I think it might have removed the icons or something? Some have the default white window icon, some have a External Disc (USB or HD) icon. I have done the IconCache thing but it didn't do anything. Also, some icons in my computer are missing. My desktop icon in my computer has dissapered. My folder icons in start menu, under all programs have also been replaced with the white icon.

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Sub Folder Missing After Copy?

Jul 1, 2012

I was preparing to re-install my OS by copying all my important files, installers, etc. into one folder. When I copied a folder from My Documents to this new folder on my desktop, one of the subfolders disappeared. I've been unable to locate the missing folder or files through either windows search or Pandora Recovery. locating it because it contains the source code for some tools I've written.

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Documents Folder Is Missing?

Aug 19, 2012

I'm about to back up my Gta save file,and it should be located on my documents folder,c:usersamielmy documentsgta user files but unfortuntely I don't see My documents folder just like I used to.I only saw Documents,My Pictures,My Music and Contacts.

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Missing C:WindowsInstaller Folder?

Oct 20, 2009

I first noticed it when icons for my MS office 2007 documents became the generic ones. I tried to change the icon using the software Types, where it shows that the icon files are directed to the WindowsInstaller folder, WHICH IS MISSING from my computer.

I can't even reinstall MS Office as the setup will crash before it finishes loading. Uninstalling keeps failing.

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System Folder Is Missing

Jan 15, 2013

Trying to do an update and am told I have an error that windows/installer/2803558.msi is missing. I don't even have windows/installer folder. What might be going on other than the grinch stole it.

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Old User Folder Is Missing?

Apr 27, 2012

Last night, I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my new solid state drive; and labelled such as drive W: (my Windows drive; am I not clever?). Because of this, my C: / drive inherently remained. All of my data on said drive is evident based on its size; however, my original user folder is missing; even when enabling hidden files and folders; and attempting to access such results in an Access Denied error. I have well over 100 gigabytes of data in said folder and can not afford to lose any of itone of the reasons that I purchased a solid state drive was to copy most of said data in the first place.

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Desktop Folder Missing?

Jul 11, 2012

my windows 7 is working fine except there is no desktop folder.

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Winsxs Folder Missing Files?

May 16, 2012

I ran an Avast! virus scan because my computer was slowing down (significantly). It found 91 infected files. All in the winsxs folder. I then deleted them. I really really really shouldn't have.Now, Windows Update will not work (error codes 80073712, and 80070002). One of my games will not work, and several other applications will not work (usually with a "missing gdiplus.dll" type error).I tried a system restore, but there was no option to restore to a point prior to the date I deleted the files. sfc /scannow in the cmd did not fix the problem. I tried restoring the individual folders in winsxs but they don't have an early enough version either.I tried using a file undeleter to see if I could recover the missing .dll files. When I tried to run the program, I got a missing .dll file error. No they're not in the recycling bin. Basically they're absolutely nowhere on my computer.

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Missing Folder In My Documents - Windows 7

Nov 6, 2012

I have a folder I use to collect files for a program. It is subordinate to My Documents. Three days ago it disappeared. It is not, however gone! I can put the path into the address line of Explorer (the files version - not the browser) and it magically appears. Also I can search and find all the files/folders in that folder individually by name with 'search'. I've set cursor on My Documents and opened >Tools>Folder Options>View and checked "Show hidden files folders and drives". I've tried this at various levels as well. I also ran a batch attrib e.g.:

@echo off
Echo This script will unhide all files in the current folder and all subfolders.
Echo If there are a lot of files, it may take some time to complete.
Attrib -H /S /D
echo Unhide Complete

This obviously ran for a few minutes from C:

Wierd. I can get to the files, but the folder does not show up under My Documents as it should. I've tried to recreate the folder directly subordinate to My Documents, and get a warning that the folder already exists. This is not a total loss since I can get to the folder, but would be nice to simply open My Documents, scroll down and find it.

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Contents Of Documents Folder Missing?

Jun 3, 2012

I was using Chrome looking at some info on Cisco's website and my browser crashed, and all the contents of my Documents folder are missing as well as the desktop shortcuts associated with them.I've tried system restore but that didn't even complete, and EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional and I have not been able to locate them.

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Missing Programs - NOT In Windows.old Folder

Oct 29, 2009

Before installing Windows 7 on my (hitherto Vista) VAIO I effected a full backup on an external hard drive.

I then installed Windows 7 and noticed all my program files were missing. When I went into the Windows.old folder I was able to see a good deal of them, seemingly most of those that I had installed myself, such as iTunes, 7Zip, etc.

The programs that were already installed on the VAIO when I bought it from the VAIO store, however, were absent. For example the whole Sony Recovery tool program, Adode Photoshop and others.

When I connected the hard drive to the laptop I was able to see the backup I had done just before Windows 7 installation but when I tried to expand the folder down (hoping to see 'Program Files') I only saw a series of strange looking (albeit large) files that didn't mean very much.

Presumably this is the way in which my backup was encrypted or stored, but is there a way in which I can access the individual programs from the hard drive so that I can put them back on my laptop?

I was able to find all my music, videos and documents in the Windows.old folder, and have restored them, but the missing programs worry me. Also the amount of free space on the laptop is identical now to when I still had Vista on there, making me think that perhaps the 'missing' programs haven't been deleted at all but may just be hiding somewhere in the 'Windows.old' folder. But I could well be wrong about that.

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Mp3 Files Missing From Music Folder?

Mar 31, 2012

Suddenly, this morning, all my individual mp3 files contained in the "My Music" folder have disappeared. What's interesting is that folders in the "My Music" folder with mp3 files inside have not disappeared. Just the individual ones outside.

Last night (12 hours ago) all the files were intact. I haven't installed anything, my computer is not infected with anything (as far as I know) and I haven't moved or deleted anything.

I've run "undelete plus" to check if some of the files could be recovered, and the most intriguing thing of it all is that is has found some of the files missing, inside a folder called "Deleted 2342323" (can't remember the exact name) in C:. That folder doesn't exist at all (and I'm running with administrator permissions).

But really, after 16 years using windows this is the first time that such a thing happens

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