Filezilla Can't Access Files On Windows 7 PC For Transfer To Website

Jul 4, 2011

I use Filezilla to transfer files to my website bobsmart. My copy of Filezilla can't see the updated file on my computer. It only sees the file dated 2010 instead of the current file. I suspect a security problem with windows 7 that is blocking this FTP client from making changes to my computer. How can I tell windows 7 to allow Filezilla to do its thing?

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Trying Using Windows 7 Explorer For FTP Instead Of Filezilla?

Oct 28, 2012

I tried using Windows Explorer for FTP instead of filezilla, and filezilla is so much faster.

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How To Transfer XP Transfer Files To Windows 7

Apr 6, 2010

I used XP Transfer Wizard to store my files (over 200GB) on external hard drive. Now I have Windows 7 machine and can't use them directly.I tried to use Virtual PC XP mode to import files but Virtual PC can only handle something around 136 GB virtual hard disk, so after 6 hours of transfer it stopped... I don't have the XP machine anymore - I'm stuck with Windows 7 and can't figure out how to move these files over..Is there a way to actually open all these Wizard IMGXXXXX.dat files and read them?

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Can't Access One Website

May 16, 2012

I have two computers connected to a cisco router, one is connected with an Ethernet cable, and the other through wifi.the thing is, recently, i cannot access one particular website "www," with the computer connected through ethernet, but the wifi one is ok.The computer with this problem has a win 7 OS while the other(wifi) is on win XP.I already tried dns flush command, and reset the modem(router). When using tracert and ping i got all packect from ping and tracert found the webpage. if i use a web proxy such as (Url)i can access the website no problem. I contacted my ISP, which did noy give me much help, but told me its a problem i have in my computer. Contacted also the IT guys for this website and asked them if I was blacklisted but i was told that i was not.

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Cannot Access One Website?

Nov 26, 2011

For some reason I am unable to access a website I have been visiting for five years. As I am editing an online magazine for the group and am in the middle of producing the latest issue I need to be able to access the artcles already posted as soon as possible. I wondered if a programme might be causing trouble and decided to try System Restore to get back to an earlier time. SR., however, will not work. I keep getting the message :failed while copying registry from restore point Error 0x80070570I can access other sites but not the one I desperately need

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Can't Access A Website?

Jun 27, 2009

I have a strange problem: I cannot access websites on a certain server (Firefox gives me "Network Timeout", Windows network diagnostics says "website is online but isn't responding to connection attempts"). The problem is quite annoying since that happens to be the server that hosts my own websites.The problem is limited to this computer because I can access the websites without problem from other devices (another computer, a mobile phone) connected to the same network. That should rule out server, ISP or router problems.The problem is not browser related, because none of the browsers on this computer can access the website (I have tried Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari).

I can ping the server IP with no problem.But I cannot access the server by entering the IP to the browser (this results in the same error message -- but works fine on other devices).I can access other websites hosted by the same hosting provider on different servers.The hosts file looks ok -- it's the default Windows 7 host file.I have tried reconnecting to the network, dnsflush, rebooting, emptying caches, deleting temporary internet files, but none of this helps.This has happened a few times now, and then gone away after a while. It just starts working again. But now it's been over two days that it hasn't worked, so it seems like it might not come back at all.

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Cannot Access A Certain Website

Jul 6, 2011

I am unable to access this website - BleepingComputer Discussion Forums I am getting an error saying -

The connection has timed out The server at Bleeping Computer - Computer Help and Discussion is taking too long to respond.

I have tried on FF and IE but no luck what so ever. Just a few minutes ago I was on that site and now I cannot get on it.

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Can't Access Certain Website

Oct 19, 2012

Up until a few days agao everything was working fine but all of a sudden I have not been able to access a certain webiste on any of our computers at home or through using our internet but if i turn off wireless on my phone i can access it through 3G and if we take the laptop to our neighbours house we can access the website.

Ive spoke to our internet provider and they have said there is nothing wrong their end, ive cleared the history and cookies etc from our computers, checked all the virus settings etc and nothing seems to be working.

how we can access the website would be great as it is pretty important we can access it.

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ONE WebSite Access Only?

Jan 13, 2013

I have 3 laptops, all of them need to access just ONE specific Website, no other sites. Infact, we dont need, any email, any sound, ...) Id prefer to remove the Hard drive and just have them boot up from a CD, That way I dont have any problems about Anti-Virus software, Hard Drive Failures, etc ... They are just outdated laptops with built in Wireless LANWhat Id prefer - is if a guy could make a Bootable CD, (either with the Windows product thats in them, or something like "puppy linux" for example) and just have a way to use something like firefox or what comes with pupply linux that could limit the access to that one single yet!... an .ISO I can download from somewhere would be AWESOME! - (I was thinking about Puppy Linux, but I dont know enough about Linux to make it happen)o this with a couple of Windows 7 machines, - but I have a priority for the laptops at the moment, figured I might be able to kill 2 birds with one stone

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Firefox Can't Access Website

Jul 9, 2010

Ever since 2 days ago, I haven't be able to get to onemanga while all other website are still perfectly normal.

At first I thought the site was down but siteknocker confirmed the opposite and my friends said it's still up and running for them. In addition, when I switched to IE, it still load the website like normal. If I keep trying to reload the site, I can get through but then got kick out again after around 10-15 minutes or so.

Clearing cache, deleting cookies restarting firefox/windows, reinstaling firefox are equally useless.

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What's A Good Website To Keep Files On From Windows 7 Safe

Jan 28, 2012

I have a "passwords file" which contains all the passwords for every account I have made. Now I know this isn't the safest thing, since it's on my computer where I can get a trojan and I can get every one hacked. So I wanted a place where I can store this file (maybe online storage)? So it's safe and not on my hard drive. I'm thinking Dropbox? How do I know it's safe and reliable there?

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Cannot Access Secure Work Website?

Feb 23, 2013

I have an HP, p6710f, AMD Athlon II X4 640 processor with Windows 7 Home Premium on my desktop, as well as on my HP laptop. I am a medical transcriptionist, so I access a secure website to work. Suddenly my desktop will not access the site, but my laptop will. Tech support from my company did a remote access on my computer and could not figure anything out. I took it to a computer shop, they removed a virus (which they said was nothing major), and were able to access the website. I got my computer back but it still will not access the website. I made sure my modem/router firmware is up to date, but the laptop uses that as well. The interesting thing is my computer will not ping the website I work on, nor will the laptop, but yet the laptop connects and works but the desktop will not. Any ideas why this would happen or what could have changed on my desktop? Oh I will say that I restored my desktop, as did tech support, to a week earlier when it was working fine

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"Windows Easy Transfer Can't Transfer Your Files And Settings" ?

Aug 4, 2012

I saved my files and settings from a previous installation of windows 7 to an external hard drive using windows easy transfer. Now when I try to transfer those files and setting to my new installation I get the following message:

Windows Easy Transfer can't transfer your files and settings.

The message pops up only a few seconds after the transfer begins.Why is this?! I need those files and windows has screwed me.Everything is basically the same as before I reinstalled. Same computer, same windows 7 installation just recovered to factory settings.Same system language as before.BTW I'm on a Toshiba L505 laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I have tried all the usual suspects such as a clean boot and uninstalling my antivirus to rule out third party interference. I have more than enough space on both my computer and on the external hard drive. I have tried only transferring a user account a few MBs large. I have reinstalled the OS twice just in case something went wrong there. I have clicked on the .MIG file directly. All lead to the same error message.The transfer file seems to be intact and not currupt

Is there another software other than WET that can use the same transfer file that WET created to restore my files? Please help me solve this if you can or at least point me in the right direction because right now I'm clueless. I can't emphasize how important those files are to me. I've searched for solutions on several forums and it seems that this is a problem people have been having for years now and windows hasn't provided an answer yet.

An interesting note, When I reboot the laptop after trying to do the transfer, a new user account appears at startup alongside the one I normally use.This new user account has the same unique name of the user account I am trying to restore but that's where the similarity ends.All the settings for this account are default settings and empty folders.

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User Profile Blocking Access To A Certain Website?

Apr 10, 2012

There is a user in my office who needs access to a website. The site has been added to the "favorites bar" in IE. The user had access to this site last month and now when attempting to access site they recieve the error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the Webpage" When I log on as a different user, and user the same shortcut from the other users favorites the Web page opens normally. I believe that this is a profile problem but unsure of how to address it.I don't want to delete the user profile.The Machine is a Dell E6400 with Windows 7 and Office 2010, Internet Explorer 8?

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Ping Hostname Is Good, But Cannot Get Access To The Website In Browser

Feb 25, 2012

This afternoon, I first found that ie8 stopped working, but chrome was still good. So, I restart the machine. I cannot get access to any websites any more even my router's admin page.

I can ping Google etc without any problem. There are another two PCs behind my router and they have no problem. The problematic PC has no problem accessing files intranet, remote desktop, ftp. I tried toggling DHCP, changing IPs, Firewalls, no luck.

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"Successfully Blocked Access To A Potentially Malicious Website?

Jan 9, 2012

I am a tech; I have a customer's PC that while using WIFI (only) recieves constant pop up's from Malwarebytes AntiMalware v1.56 that it has "Successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website....No way to stop it that I know of or can Maybe a good app that shows/deletes svchosts or finds what to do next. Kills processes, etc

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Disable File Extension Recognition For Uploading Files To Website?

Jul 4, 2011

I need to be able to upload jpeg files to our website and the software package I use for that requires that the filename be entered in lower case in the format "filename.jpg". However, I've recently upgraded from XP to Windows 7 and note that JPG is being added in uppercase after my typed fileneme so that I end up with "filename.jpg.JPG" which is rejected by the uploading software. My web designer tells me that this is attributable to automatic file type recognition in Windows 7, and not to the upload software. How can I switch that off?

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Transfer XP Files To Windows 7?

Mar 12, 2012

I have files backed up on a WD My Book external hard drive from my XP computer. When I plug in the USB in my new HP Touchsmart, it opens the jump drive, but says the folder is empty. I also have files on my PNY jump drive from the XP and another Vista computer. It opens the jump drive and sees the Vista files but not the XP files. The Vista computer sees all files on the WD My Book and the PNY jump drive. Any suggestion to get Windows 7 to see the files. My old computer died, so I can't use Windows Easy Transfer.

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Transfer Of Files From Old XP Pc To New Windows 7 Pc

Dec 2, 2011

I was using XP Pro and am getting new Windows 7 Dell 8300 XPS i7 Home Premium 64 bit.

Last time I got a new one, I just installed the old drive as a 2nd drive in new computer and all my files were there as well as all my software I accumulated. Most of the programs worked but some did not, but no big deal.

I am thinking of doing the same thing when I get new computer again; probably will get it tomorrow. Since I am going from XP to Windows 7, will this be a problem?

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Transfer The OS Files For Windows 7 To The New HDD?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a very specific task that I wish to accomplish. Right now I have one HDD where all my files and folders exsist for my computer. Only one.

I want to expand to two HDD, one for the OS and one for my games, videos and music.

How can transfer the OS files for Windows 7 to the new HDD?

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Transfer Files From Xp To Windows 7 Via LAN

Jan 27, 2011

I want to transfer files from xp to Windows 7 via LAN. however, i want the files to go to a specific partition that i just created for these files. Im unsure how to select the proper partition. there is nothing on the new partition, no OS, i just want to use it as storage.I have a 1tb hdd in the computer the files are to be transfered to. when i did a clean install of Windows 7, i created a 100gb partition to use as my primary, (with my OS and basically everything), leaving the other 900gb unallocated space. i just created a 24gb partition to use to back up files from another command prompt as administrator, in diskpart, i selected the new volume, but im not seeing a new drive designation for the new partition in which this volume is supposed to be located.i also did not choose a label for the new partition, such as C; D; E;....

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Transfer Files From XP To Windows 7?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm finally going to move on from my XP home edition to Windows 7. I really dont want to download and install all my games again and all of my other files. I heard that theres a file transfer program that lets you move your xp files to your new windows 7 OS. Is this even possible or is is there another way?

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Windows 7 To XP Transfer Of Backup Files?

Oct 20, 2011

I had a Windows 7 HP system that the motherboard was going out, so I sent it back. I did a reinstall of Windows 7 at first and it had me to back up my files to a drive, so I did. I sent it back and now I have my XP system. Can I retrieve those files from that external HD and have them on my XP system?

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Can't Geting Files To Transfer To Windows 7?

Apr 17, 2012

My friend asked me to transfer her photo's from the LG UX300 to her Windows 7 computer and I can't seem to get it to work. I have the data transfer USB cord and installed the correct drivers but the phone is only appearing as a modem and won't let me access any files.

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Transfer Files From An Xp Pc To A New Windows 7 Desktop?

May 17, 2012

I intend to transfer files from an xp pc to a new windows 7 desktop. I have the belkin transfer cable to accomplish the transfer. Question: With one monitor, how do I negotiate the graphic instructions from one pc to the other?

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Transfer Windows 7 System Files To Another HDD

Aug 31, 2011

I recently built a new computer and, mistakenly, had both hard drives plugged into the board when I installed windows. I was having quite a bit of difficulty getting windows to install because of some memory problems and when I finally got it to work I accidently put the 100 MB's of System Files on one of my hard drives and the rest of the partition on the other drive.I wanted it all on my new 1.5 TB drive and instead the System Files were loaded onto my old 320 GB drive from my last computer. I'm only using it as a storage drive anyways.I was wondering if there was an easy way to move the System Files onto the 1.5 TB drive without having to format the drive and start over.

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Windows Easy Transfer And Email Files

Mar 12, 2011

I recently used Windows Easy Transfer (cable) to transfer all my files from my old XP Pro laptop to my new 64 bit Win 7 laptop. All my music, pictures and docs transferred easily, but for some reason I can't find my old emails or email contacts. They aren't showing up in WLM. I understood these would transfer from Outlook Express to WLM.

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Transfer Settings, Files And Bookmarks From An XP Machine To A New Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2013

I got the transfer key from the old computer and entered it into the new computer to start the transfer over the network.The transfer started and it says it will take over a day to completer.I was expecting somewhere along the line to be able to select which files and settings to transfer. I never saw anything like that.

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Transfer All Files/folders To Windows 7 From Vista Without Having To Reinstall Everything Again?

May 4, 2011

Right now I'm using Vista Home Premium but I'm thinking about upgrading to Windows 7 Ultimate. Is there a way to transfer all my files/folders to Win 7 from Vista without having to reinstall everything again?

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Mac OS X Airdrop To Wirelessly Transfer Files Between Two Computers Running Windows 7?

Oct 9, 2011

Is there anything similar to Mac OS X Airdrop to wirelessly transfer files between two computers running Windows 7?If possible without an internet connection, but I'd still be fine if it requires one, since one of the computers doesn't have a wireless card.

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Can't Transfer Files To USB

Dec 4, 2012

I can't transfer any files that are bigger than 1mb to any of my flash drives. I've tried many different sizes and types of files using different USBs and different ports and even formatted the USBs. I can transfer files in between my two internal HDDs without any problems. Also it seems if the file system is FAT32 it transfers files normally. When the file system is NTFS it has a speed of 600-1000 MB/s which shouldn't be possible since they are usb 2 flash drives. I wouldn't really mind but i need to transfer 4+ gb files.

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