Error Updating Drivers AMD Radeon 6650M?

Mar 9, 2012

I tried to upgrade my graphics card a AMD Radeon 6650M an Acer 5552G, but appeared to me this strange screen: (Photo below).

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ATI Radeon HD 4350 Not Updating Drivers On Windows 7 Ultimate 64

Nov 29, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon HD 4350. Currently I am using the WDDM 1.1 drivers that came with my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit install (store-bought). It's been working fine for normal use, but the drivers are 2 years out of date and no games want to work on my system.

I tried installing the Catalyst 11.11 driver package, rebooted and... the result was that Windows suddenly treated my video card like it didn't have ANY drivers; it defaulted to the Standard VGA drivers and didn't even want to acknowledge that the proper drivers for my card existed on my computer. When I brought up Device Manager to manually install the new drivers, it listed the new drivers as ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 along with the old ATI Radeon HD 4350 (Microsoft Corporation WDDM 1.1)- which I kinda/sorta get but don't really. What's the difference between the 4300/4500 and the 4350? Red herring; ignore that.

Anyway... I can revert back to the original 4350 drivers and the screen looks fine, but I'm not getting to use any of the games I've got installed now. I also noticed that, while looking through my System Information, the 4350 is causing some sort of hardware conflict with the PCI-to-PCI Bridge. Which completely drives me bonkers because it WORKS with the WDDM 1.1 drivers.

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JIT Debugger Error & Program Crashes After Updating Drivers?

Jan 15, 2013

I recently went to update my mobile video card drivers on my ASUS G73JH laptop and after doing so, on boot up I would see this error message after saying my CCC.exe has crashed...I also couldn't access any programs that make use of the video card, every time I would open one, it would crash before opening.So I rolled back my drivers and everything is fine, but obviously, I would like to update my drivers for my video card, but not really sure what to try.

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Updating Driver For Radeon Xpress 200m

May 23, 2009

i installed win 7 RC1 (32 bit) on my laptop a couple weeks ago..its been great, however i hit a bit of a snag now..

now when i installed it, windows got all my drivers and everything was fine, lately i decided to reinstall a game i usually played, and notice that it crashes once in a while.(screen goes fuzzy, then eventually get a BSOD)

i checked the driver in device manager it was an old version (from 2006) for the past hour ive been trying to update it to the newest version and nothing at all is happening, i downloaded the drivers from hp website (used the vista 32 bit drivers), tried installing it..nothing the drivers from ati's website, try installing them..and still it refuses to update my drivers

has this happened to anybody before? any ideas as to how i could get around it?

i also tried uninstalling the driver fully..then reinstalling the ati drivers manually, to no get the computer working properly again i had to manually make windows download an update to fix it..

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Updating Drivers

Oct 21, 2009

I ran a scan that showed that I need to update 5 drivers 1 Realtek Hi Def,

4 nvidia drivers what is the easiest way to do it and should I just wait till the Windows 7 comes out in a couple days?

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Drivers Not Updating

Jan 2, 2010

I need to update all my drivers. I have tried to do it the traditional way through the control panel but my drivers claim to not need updating. Is there another fix?

I would prefer not to download driver update software that requires me to pay them for updating my drivers.

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Error Occurring When Updating Windows

Nov 23, 2011

I am occuring a strange error when I use Windows Update on a fresh installation of Windows 7 Pro. What happens is that when I install the first batch major updates. which is around 100 security and straight updates before Service Pack 1. I restart Windows to install them and during Stage 3 my computer restarts and then goes back and finishes the installation. Then when I get back into Windows I have a Error in Event Viewer with the ID of 7023 stating that Windows Modules Install had exited with error code %%16405. Windows Updater says that everything installed correctly and has no failed updates and doesn't show a error. Searching the internet has only given me a few hits and the one suggested installing SP1 before updating which I did and did not stop this problem.

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Updating Drivers Windows 7

Sep 16, 2010

I used to try to keep all of my drivers up to date with the latest release. Earlier this year my video card died. I found out that there had been a bad driver released that altered fan operation. I think that may have been the real cause of the card failure.Since then I've wondered about that. I think if you're not having any issues maybe the best policy might be "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

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Security And Updating Drivers

May 27, 2012

I've read security tips that urge you to update your drivers. Why is this important from a security standpoint? How can outdated drivers' vulnerabilities be exploited?

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Drivers Updating Questions

Dec 27, 2009

Really know nothing re Drivers, except that it is apparently a good idea, always, to use the latest.

Anyway, was thinking of possibly downloading the latest drivers for my Radeon graphics card from the ATI site.

(But my questiosn really relates to any drivers, not just those for my graphics card)

My understanding is that one is supposed to delete the present drivers from the control panel prior to downloading and installing the new ones.

BTW: I looked in "Control Panel," but it is not clear to me how one deletes, safely, the present drivers for a particular program. How is this done, please ?

So, what happens immediately after the deletion of the present drivers before any new ones are installed ?

Will my graphics card (or any other program where I have removed them) still function even without "any" drivers at this point ? How is it possible ?

If someone could explain this for me, would be appreciative.

Also, I read that one should use in addition a "driver cleaner".

Why is this (also) necessary ?

What would be your recommendation for a good free or inexpensive one that is

also safe ?

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Installing And Updating Drivers In Win 7

Nov 30, 2009

All the steps.

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Updating Drivers Intel Chipset?

Sep 8, 2012

finally my new computer rig arrived today, but my problem is the store has already installed everything on it including windows 7 ulitmate and its intel drivers etc.. the problem is they used the DVD that comes with the motherboard so its an old drivers being installed in my desktop.. how to update this drivers? intel chipset drivers, realtek HD audio etc? i have already downloaded before hand the drivers for it, but i dont know how to install this when they have alread

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Updating Windows 7 - Received Error Code 8024402F

Jan 31, 2012

I have this Acer 722 Aspire One 11" screen mini laptop which I use for traveling. I have not used it since 15 Dec 2011 and tried today to update any changes to W7 but receive error code 8024402F. I attempted it several times but receive the same error code. How can I correct this situation.

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BSOD After Updating Drivers - HP EliteBook 8530W

Jun 28, 2012

I have a HP EliteBook 8530W. And always when I start some sort of game I get Blue Screen Of Death, and I get it if I change my resolution... I am using a NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M. The problem wasn't before I updated drivers...

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After Updating Drivers Event Viewer Warning?

Oct 5, 2011

After updating my drivers today I am now getting the following Warning in Event Viewer: 'An error was detected on device DeviceHarddisk0DR0 during a paging operation.' I formatted my hd and did a clean install on Sunday and the warning wasn't there then or soon after. It didn't start to appear until I updated my drivers. I booted up at 5:28 and there are around10 of these warnings at boot up. If so what driver will I need to roll-back? I have an HP p6520y computer.

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Updating Asus Crosshair III Drivers To Support Win 7

Feb 27, 2010

I have been researching up on the Asus Crosshair III before i purchase. I have been reading reviews about how you need to download Win7 drivers and the most recent bios from the Internet which is not a problem. However i came across one concern. I am building a computer from nothing, and the drivers that come with the Asus Crosshairs are not for win7. I also read that in order to update the drivers to win7 you need vista.

I just need confirmation that this is true. Is it possible to update my motherboard's drivers/bios just by purchasing the full version of Win7? Or do i have to purchase vista and update the drivers/bios and then buy the upgrade for win7? Just a little confused as to what needs to be done.

I went on the asus website and found the drivers. Just need clarification on how i install them.

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Updating SP1 (Error 800B0100) Windows Standalone Installer Not Working

Nov 27, 2012

I just Formatted my pc and all updates have been installed only for SP1. I've tried The windows standalone Installer nothing is working ???

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Windows 7 Pro - Updating Drivers For Acer Aspire 5735?

Oct 28, 2009

I have just installed Windows 7 Professional on to my Acer Aspire 5735 and now half of the functions of the laptop don't work, such as the card reader and volume control. How I can fix this or find updated drivers as I cannot find anything on the Acer website.

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Updating On Board Audio Drivers For Sound Card On Windows 7?

Dec 7, 2011

i need to update my sound card drivers.... i am on windows 7 and went to the biostar website to update my on board audio drivers and there was nothing available for windows 7.... only vista,xp, etc.

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Updating Windows 7 - Computer Turned Off Due To Power Failure / Showing Fatal Error

Apr 24, 2011

I was updating my window suddenly it shut off due to power failure but problem is that now my computer is not booting and showing a fatal error. Now tell me what I have to do. I am using Acer Aspire (5738G) window 7 ultimate 32-bit.

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ATI Radeon HD 3850 Install Error

Feb 25, 2012

I recently got a ATI 3850 for my PC, i set everything up and i come to install the CCC & Driver i get an error message which says Failed To Load Detection Driver when i boot my PC in safe mode the monitor is clear which is normal but when i boot it normally (Windows 7 64 Home) i get lines going horizontal across my screen.

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Ati Radeon HD4670 Error Code 43

Jan 6, 2010

My new HD 4670 displays a Code 43 at the Device Manager. I installed the latest catalyst version and even the agp hotfix, they don't work. Any suggestions?

Hardware ID's:





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ATI Radeon 3100 Drivers? (32-bit)

Aug 25, 2009

I was looking for CCC drivers for my ATI radeon 3100.

One problem: They have drivers for ATI Radeon 3100 HD, But NOT 3100.

Whats the difference between the two?

Is it possible to just use the ATI radeon 3100 HD drivers on my ATi radeon 3100?

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Radeon Xpress 200 Drivers

Oct 30, 2009

I have installed win 7 about 4 weeks ago and I have a hp laptop dv5115nr which uses the ati mobility radeon xpress 200, win 7 uses some generic driver which is ok but not what I am used to (xp pro), is there a a site to download the driver free?


The latest drivers are here.

Use the Vista ones, for 32 or 64 bit, whichever you have.

Answer 2:-

Check the following link:-

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ATI Radeon 4870 Drivers

Nov 3, 2009

i have Windows 7 ultimate x64 and the drivers to run my ATI Radeon 4870 work and have already been installed when i switched to windows 7 from windows vista.

I try to download the control center where i can overclock and change settings for my PC and whenever they start to install i get the blue screen and my comp restarts... What can i do?

p.s i did go to windows 7 x64 on the drivers list on the ATI wedsite and didn't accidentally click another OS

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Radeon X1650 Drivers

Nov 12, 2009

I have upgraded to Win 7 and the graphics will not install properly.

Its an AGP Radeon X1650 card.

I can't find a driver for it from ATI and was wondering if the fix some have done for other graphics cards (3850) will work on this?

Any ideas please? Also how do i do it please?

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Drivers For Radeon 9250

Nov 14, 2009

i have just installed windows 7 on an older system with a radeon 9250 128mb agp video card.

i tried installing the latest catalyst driver package just to see if they would work but they didn't detect the card, and i couldn't manually update the drivers via device manager since the card would not see any compatible drivers.

is there any supported drivers avaialble for this card for windows 7?

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Getting AMD Radeon HD 545v Drivers?

Jul 6, 2012

I currently have catalyst version 09.7 so i figured it was about time to update to the latest catalyst driver. However when trying to install the ati mobility HD 5*** drivers it gives me a pop up message saying something about incompatible software/hardware. After downloading the autodetect driver tool it told me to install radeon HD drivers. Should i go with this or manually install the 5 series drivers?

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AMD / ATI Radeon X800 Xt Drivers

Jun 28, 2009

I got a temp card in my Cluster Frag and am wondering if any one has found a driver besides W7 for the thing ? I have fried three cards due to uncombatiple drivers and dont want this to be the fourth ( last card in inventory lol) so any suggestions would be nice.

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Drivers For ATI Radeon X1650 Series

Jul 11, 2009

Ok so unfortunately the only OS i have is Windows 7 as my XP disk do not work. Yes I know that sucks.

I'm usually good with this sort of problem however this time im uncertain Of what i need to do. I kind of understand whats been said in other topics but I would like someone to make it clear on what i need to do with a little more detail then provided in other topics. I need to get Catalyst installed as well ..

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Drivers For ATI Radeon Xpress 200 Series

Sep 23, 2009

Looking for the Windows 7 drivers for an ATI Radeon Xpress 200 series video card and an Ensoniq ES1371 and 1373 multimedia sound card. This sound card is a Sound Blaster original but made by Ensoniq.

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