My Dell laptop always opens with the display sideways. I have learned to hit the key next to escape which allows me to choose extend and that fixes it, but I have to do it every time. I found a post on this forum which said to change the orientation in display preferences from landscape to portrait and I tried that, but then it's permanently turned sideways.
My cat changed the orientation of the display from horizontal to vertical and I don't know how to retun it to normal. I did reboot to see if it would fix it and it didn't.
I installed the latest update for my graphics card and i tried opening a game and when it starts it auto minimizes and opens personalization>display settings and shows me a specific resolution different from my 1440x990 depending on game so i click ok for the game but when i maximize it just opens up again after a few tries it does work but during play if i minimize i can not maximize again and have to end task from task manager and all my game data not saved is lost.
My weimaraner recently pressed something on on the keyboard of my Dell Studio 1737 (Win 7 Ultimate 64bit), and now each time Windows loads it loads with the login screen sidways. I have to change the orientation each time, but how to I reset it?
I connected my computer to the TV screen so my brother can see what I'm doing, when my mom comes up and tells me to get off the computer. I argue with her and then she starts pressing "Ctrl, Alt, Delete" for all she's worth. Somehow it flipped my computer screen SIDEWAYS.I figured out that if I disconnect my computer from the TV it goes back to normal. But I want to be able to connect it to the TV in the future so I can watch Netflix on movie night, ect.
Somehow I have enabled a "feature" that caused the screen to rotate 90 degrees. How do I get it back to normal? (key strokes?) Gateway laptop, brand new.
My screen has been turned sideways on laptop and I cannot get it to go back the correct way around my niece was playing her games and cannot remember what she pressed
My computer screen has flipped sideways i get it to go back straight but when i close the computer and reopen it goes back sideways how do i keep it from doing it? i went to my control panel to fix it and that dont work i pushed ctrl-alt-up but that didnt fix it.
My daughter was on the laptop and it " went to sleep".. When she went back , and was gonna sign in the password , everything is sideways. We cant get to the control panel. Contl atl up doesnt work. We're just seeing the blue windows sign in like when u first start up the computer and have to sign in with a password..We cant get to the control panel and the control alt up arrow didnt work.
After I had to reinstall my Windows 7 OS and the Samsung drivers onto a new internal hard drive, my screen images appear to be somewhat stretched sideways from normal. I right-clicked the desktop screen and was given only two screen resolutions to pick from, thinking perhaps was the problem, but neither option changed my problem.
Off without any message and when switch on again, does not open.shall remove the battery and leave 1 hour off.after press power button, it starts to open the black page and off again. sometimes when passing this stage, but will freeze regularly switches the screen and have to detract from the currents that off.restart fails to do ever. made and formatting clean but still the same problem.
I have a 32" screen and i am sitting more to the right side of the screen. I am getting sick of turning all the time the screen to see on the left side so i want to set all windows to open on the right side of the screen and not to the left(standard). I am running windows 7.
I installed Lotus smartsuite 9.8.2 and prepared a worksheet. When I go to the c drive and try to open the worksheet it only opens in wordpad( which produces garbage). I right clicked the worksheet and hit open. It recommended I open in wordpad and when I hit browse Lotus doesnt appear. How can I open the worksheet in Lotus?
Yea basicly all the programs on my computer now opens with notepad. This happened because i opened a program with notepad and now my computer thinks that every program is supposed to be opened with notepad >.
I work in a school environment and have come across an intermittent, non-user specific and non-machine specific issue. Sometimes when people log on and start typing it will open up a piece of software, and always the same one and the same 'A' key on the keyboard. It is not a huge problem, you can minimise the program and it wont keep opening up, or you can log off and back on again to cure the problem. I am just curious if anyone has seen this before, or maybe has an idea how we can prevent this. I have search many forums for similar problems people have experienced.
I somehow choice my power2go program as the default program for all my programs. All my icons turned to power2go icon, I have done this before and in the past I would delete the program causing this (power2go) and the problem would be solved. I did this and nothing happened, the program was deleted but all my icons are now blank. When I go to open any other program I get the default box asking me to choose which program to use to open it. I mean for everything word, internet explorer, I mean everything. For example when I tried to open windows media player I get a box that says " The selected file has an extension (ink.) that is not recongnized by windows media player, but the player may still be able to play it. Because the extension is unknown by the player, you should be sure that the file comes from a trustworthy sourse. When I select yes I get windows media player cannot play the file the player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file. When I try word I get the default box and when I select word it opens still how do I get the defaults restored. Some programs don't do anything they just time out. I did a system restore and nothing how do I restore my defaults for all my programs. Is there a way to make sure this never ever happens again. The box that say always use this program to open this type of file is not checked which it usually is I am afraid to check it for each individual program fearing I might make things worse. Is there anything I can do?
I have a different problem with COM Surrogate. I noticed something wasn't right when I got random freeze-ups playing audiosurf which is sensitive to CPU usage. I opened task manager and saw about every 15 seconds, there is a spike in the CPU usage. I checked the processes and saw dllhost.exe (COM Surrogate) is opening up and closing in just a few seconds, and repeats this about every 15 seconds which is eating my CPU. I do NOT get any error messages anywhere. I can view photos just fine. HOWEVER, I do see that any new photos' or videos' thumbnails are not updating. Any videos and photos I had before this problem have thumbnails, but not any new ones I create. I am running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.
Every time I click on any particular link, whether in an email or anything else, and it normally goes to that link, I now open up a google search window. How can I fix this so that I can navigate to the link desired?
My external hard drive"Volume J" opens every time I boot up in a window titled "Auto PLay". I prefer that it not do that and I'll open it when I want. As far as I can tell, it's not in the start up tab of MSCONFIG. How do I stop that window from opening automaticallY?
I am Opening IE9.I made the settings to open a New tab in same window whenever i click the web link in that opened window.Just i am trying to click any web link.The New tab is opening But it displays Nothing(Blank Page).
I'm trying to download iOS 5 from Apple's website. (,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw). The download starts if i visit this link from my laptop(running Windows 7 64bit) but my PC(running windows 7 32bit) shows Unable to Connect. I have disable Norton internet security on tested on different browsers. Please tell me what to do??
my father somehow made by mistake that every extension on his laptop opens with KM Player (video player), how to get it back to its default state, i have no backup, he cant use anything on his pc because it opens with this video player.