Copy/Move Stops At 100%?

Aug 2, 2012

Every time I copy/move files to USB sticks it run like it should but when the bar fills up completely it stays there for quite some time before if actually finished... It says Time Remaining: About 5 seconds and 0 bytes left but it stays like this for like a minute or so but it wasn't allays like this... This started happening a month ago... I did't change anything it just started happening.

If I stop the process (click the x) it stops but the file is already copied/moved and if I stop it at that stage it doesn't get corrupted

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Windows 7 Getting Stuck - Cannot Move Cursor / Keyboard Stops Working

May 1, 2012

I'm using
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz
2GB RAM, Win7 64bit, 160GB HDD, Geforce 9400GT.

Recently my PC is getting stuck for no reason. While browsing, watching a movie, when I leave it idle for a while its getting stuck. Screen is as it was and I cannot move the cursor, keyboard isn't working. Then I restart it manually and go to the option "start windows normally" or something. This happened previously and I thought it has smthin to do with my HDD, but I checked it n re installed win7 64bit. It was working normally for about 3 months and now it started again.

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Very Slow To Move Delete And Copy

Aug 9, 2011

when I move, delete, takes a long time.It appears that before anything can happen W7 wants to read and load the icons from the files.

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Move Or Copy Drivers To A New Hard Drive?

Sep 6, 2012

I recently purchased a new notebook which has Windows 7 HP on it. Because of all the bloatware put on it by the mfg and since I have a spare hard drive I wish to do a clean install of Windows. Since I do not have the drivers anywhere but on the original HD, I need to transfer them to the new HD. I tried using DriverMax and found it to be very unsatisfactory. What are the other options?

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Copy Or Move Files Using Right Click Reg Code?

Sep 12, 2010

Hope someone can help with this as I am very frustrated trying to get it to work correctly!

I currently have a reg file that moves a single file to my reg hack folder.


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Can Only Copy/move One Group Of Files At A Time

Jul 15, 2010

Is it just me or has Win 7 stopped the ability to move more than one group of files/folder at a time?

For example, I'm trying to transfer some music album folders to a USB or another folder. I drag and drop the first album in there, but I have to wait to the progress box to finish before I can drag the next one/group in there.

I KNOW this was never a problem with XP, where every group of files/folders your moved/copied would open a new progress box, each doing their own thing. Why would such a basic function have changed?

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Copy/Move Outlook Contact List?

May 17, 2011

How could I copy Outlook 2007 Contact List over to Outlook 2010?

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How To Move / Copy System File To Another Location

Dec 20, 2012

I want to move my 'catdb' file which is a system file to another location so as to shrink my c drive. What is the procedure to get rid of the problem and how to copy and delete the same file in safe mode.

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Remove Userfolder And Desktop From Copy To Move To Context Menu?

Oct 30, 2011

Can i possibly remove this things?Uploaded with

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Can't Copy Or Move Files - Error Message "open In Other Program"?

Dec 29, 2011

When moving or renaming files I frequently get an error messages informing me that "The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program". This typically happens with the second or third folder I try to rename or move. Navigating away to another folder and then coming back or closing explorer and reopening it usually helps but on the second rename or move I'm back to square one. I've been reading and searching on the forum and this is what I have tried so far:stop the windows media player network sharing servicepause indexingtemporarily disable antivirus softwareused the system file checker to check integrityall to no avail. This is without a doubt the most annoying "bug" I have run into so far as it makes it virtually impossible to get anything done or organised. Has anyone found a real solution to this problem that does not involve manually unlocking every single folder before working with it (using 3rd party software

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Context Menu - Add Copy To Folder And Move To Folder

Jun 16, 2009

How to Add COPY TO FOLDER and MOVE TO FOLDER to Windows 7 Context Menu ?

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Download Just Stops On Opera Speed Changes To Unknown And It Stops Downloading

Oct 5, 2011

I have a problem with downloading a file above roughly 80MB it just stops I tried chrome,firefox and opera and nothing works. On Firefox and Chrome the download just stops on Opera the speed changes to unknown and it stops downloading.I don't have a wireless connection I use modem and my net connection should be okay since on my old comp with same net it worked without problem.

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Outlook 2010 Stops And Says It Needs To Reboot Or Stops Responding

Jan 29, 2013

I'm running Outlook 2010 with about 5 separate POP 3 accounts. I archive regularly and compact after archiving. After a lot of trouble cloning a new C drive to an SSD, Outlook, along with a lot of other software, began acting strangely. Everything has pretty much been resolved except for the Outlook problem.

For no reason I can isolate, Outlook will suddenly close, giving the message that it had to close and it will now try to retrieve my data. It does so, unless I was in the middle of composing an email - that will be gone! Sometimes, instead of closing, it freezes and says application not responding.

I checked the disk for errors using scan now and it's fine. I've run memtest and it's fine. I've run in safe mode and it just shut down with no comments. In working my way through suggestions on this board, I just ran Sysinternals Process Explorer until the error occurred and went back to normal. In looking at Process Explorer, I'm afraid the actual data is overwhelming to me. However, I'll attach everything I have.

Event Viewer shows Error 1000. General:
Faulting application name: OUTLOOK.EXE, version: 14.0.6126.5003, time stamp: 0x505b1685


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Windows Explorer Only Allows "Move", Not "Copy" To CD/DVD Drive

Oct 13, 2012

Today I tried to burn a disk of mp3 files as I've done many times before. When I tried to copy the files from the C drive to the D (CD/DVD drive), Windows Explorer only would allow "Move," not "Copy". I tried to copy with CTRL+Right Click and that didn't work either - when I hover over the icon for the D drive it says "Move." I was able to copy and burn a disk (in CD format) with Windows Media Player, and the CD drive works fine for playback. Also, when I plug in an external hard drive Windows Explorer allows copy of files to the external hard drive.No other recent changes have been made to the computer.

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Transfer Data Through Windows 7 By Copy And Paste Perfect Copy?

Jan 15, 2012

I have one internal drive with 1 TB. The data there is very important to me , so I bought External removable drive for backup. Now, I want to copy the data from one drive to the second drive but I have to be sure I have a perfect copy of the data. The data is mostly songs movies and documents. I'm using windows 7.

My question is this:

1.If I'll transfer the data through windows 7 by copy and paste, I could be sure i have a perfect copy? 2.There are tools for comparison Between the original data to the data that was copied?

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Copy Discs To ISO Files And Burn These Even If Copy Protected

Nov 11, 2011

What is the best free program that can copy discs to ISO files and also burn them, even if they are copy protected?

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Have Copied Files Named 'Copy Of' Instead Of '- Copy'

Mar 17, 2012

How can I get Windows 7 to name copied files using the scheme "Copy of" (used in Windows XP and earlier) instead of the default scheme "- Copy", whenever a file is copied to the same directory as the original file?In other words, if you copy a file named "Foo.txt" in a directory to the same directory, Windows XP would have named that file "Copy of Foo.txt", but Windows 7 names the file "Foo - Copy.txt". I want the copy to be named "Copy of Foo.txt".There are several reasons why I prefer the XP style file name:

1. It is familiar :-)

2. I have existing files that use the XP style file names, and I want all my file copies to use the same naming scheme. I guess I can do a massive file rename across all my backups, but that would solve only one of my problems.

3. Most of my folders are sorted by name, and using XP style would sort all copies together. On other forums it has been suggested that one can simply sort by date (to get the copies sorted together), but that advice assumes that all copies are created after all other files are created, which is actually not often the case.

4. I often work with long file names, which means that the end of the file name is often obscured, unless I have wide windows (not always possible) and use lots of horizontal scrolling every time I want to select a file. Hovering over a file to get its full name is a cumbersome solution.

5. On other forums some have given the advice to always make copies in subfolders, but I often make copies or copies of copies while I work (it allows me to roll back or to check earlier versions of a file quickly, during my work), and using subfolders would slow me down tremendously (not to mention confuse me).

I know that when TeraCopy is made the copy handler, it renames files in a different way than Windows 7 does, though unfortunately not the way Windows XP did it. Also, if one installs a third-party directory program such as Opus, it asks for a file name every time a copy is made, but I need something that simply names the file correctly immediately.

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How Do I Upgrade From Win 7 Evaluation Copy To Original Copy ?

Nov 30, 2009

I have installed windows 7 evaluation copy build 7201 and i want to find out if i will be able to upgrade it to the original copy and how? Any suggestions?

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Cards Don't Move When Try To Move Them

Aug 20, 2011

Win 7 Freecell "sticks" The cards don't move when you try to move them. If you keep trying you get the message "freecell is not responding" or "problem with freecell executable". Could this have anything to do with a recent Norton upgrade? I have tried turning windows games on and off and it doesn't help. If so, where can I get a clean reinstall?

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For Doing Xp The Format Always Stops

Feb 7, 2013

Have this laptop hp pavilion g series windows 7 i need to install windows xp sp3 but the format is stop allways what i must do to install win xp sp3.

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Add "Copy Path" And "Copy Name" To Context Menu?

Dec 4, 2010

Do you know how to add "Copy path" and "copy name" to context menu? Like this screen shot!

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Download Stops Itself Without Any Warning

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to download the windows 7 OS into a DVD,however after certain period of time the download stops itself without any warning.I tried this different times but the same problem.I checked with my ISP in order to look if there is any problem with my Internet.

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Internet Just Stops Working After A While?

Jan 14, 2013

I could be on my computer for hours at a time and after approximately 6 hours of being logged in, my internet browser just stops working. When I try going to a web page, it doesn't even try to load. It gives a very quick blink to the icon on the tab but that's it. I'm not receiving any windows errors. The way that I've been working around this problem has been to log off(or shut it down) then log back on, then I have a few more hours before it does it again. When the browser stops working, "bittorrent" still runs (a program that needs internet access). This isn't a recent problem that I'm having. This has been going on for almost a year now.I'm running Windows7.

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My Computer Stops Responding

Apr 16, 2011

about 2-5 minutes after logging in (fully loaded, I'm assuming) the computer seems to stop responding. If there's a scan, it will freeze, whatever I choose to do, it will ignore it, but the computer isn't frozen completely since I can still access the start menu. Computer works fine in safe mode. (I'm in safe-mode right now)


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My Browser Stops Working

May 10, 2011

I have Windows 7. I am using IE 8. My browser will stop working. I do a restart and it will work good for awhile. Then I have do do the same thing about every 5 Min.

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External USB Hub Stops Working?

Mar 6, 2012

I just bought a brand new Dell Optiplex 390 running windows 7 64bit.I plugged in an external USB hub with 3 devices attached (2 cameras and 1 stepper motor controller).At first the computer recognized the three devices and I can communicate with them just fine. After a few minutes, they stop working and the generic USB hub gets this error: This device cannot start. (Code 10)I tried uninstalling the device, I tried updating the drivers (sais drivers are current), nothing works.This hub works fine on windows XP.

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Windows Stops From Defragment Of SSD

Aug 10, 2012

I have read that one should not defragment a SSD Drive. If this is true then... My OS is windows 7 64bt. I am have 2 256GB SSDs running in raid 1 as my 'C' drive and 2-2TB hard drives are 'D' & 'E'. My system tells me that windows is handling the defragmentation of my drives. What I would like to know is if there is a way to stop the system from defragmenting my SSD 'C' drives, but let the OS defragment my D and E hard drives. Also is there a way to control which drives the system is defragmenting?

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Windows 7 Stops Running?

Dec 28, 2011

I have been running windows 7 for about a year and it has been running fine up until a few days ago when all programmes seem to jam up and my only option is to turn the power off to reset it, I can open excel and word but can't print,email or send anything to disc, I can't even open photoshop, I have bulldog for antivirus but it won't do a scan, I have tried to Restore to an earlier date about a week ago but it isn't able to complete the task, if I try to start in safe mode, it gets as far as a pnp file then jams up.

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System Stops Functioning When On Net

Nov 27, 2011

Bought a new HP computer with Windows7. Has plenty of memory and large hard drive. I copied my old files from an XP machine. Have not installed any new hardware. Every time I use the machine, and especially when on the net, the system stops functioning and I get the BSOD with a warning it is performing a crash dump. The screen stays on for a few seconds and then I am asked to restart windows. I cannot understand all the messages but it does mention problem with new hardware or software.

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Computer Randomly Stops

Jan 16, 2012

i will be listening to Internet and playing a game (minecraft) while having a skype conversation. all is working fine, no cpu spikes, no high memory, then everything just stops.all audio is cut, all screens display what they had and nothing more (no update/movement), the mouse doesn't move and keyboard does not respond either.according to the hard drive activity light, there is no activity either.pressing the reset button on the case has no effect until pressed about four/five times in which then the computer will reset.system log has no relevant data on the complete stop, crash happened around 5:15pm and no log between 4:57:56pm - 5:26:36pm except for logons and logoffs.will be picking up canned air and removing all dust from the machine to rule out over heating.this is not really a constant issue, just keeps happening randomly, no really pattern.

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Print Job Stops Randomly

Mar 27, 2012

Randomly on Windows 7 64 bits users can't print anymore whatever the printer choosen. Printers are shared on a network server .

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