Computer Won't Start - Ntldr Is Missing

Sep 1, 2012

Computer wont start ntldr is missing

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NTLDR Missing During Install?

Sep 7, 2010

I've just recieved Windows 7 Ultimate but when I try and boot it from the CD it comes up with the error message'NTLDR is missing press ctrl alt del to restart'.The confusing part of this is that I've not yet installed the OS, this is after I select which drive to boot from, but before the Install page comes up.I've also tried installing from my current Windows XP OS, but when I do so it comes up with the error code 0x80070490 ~ which means it can't 'Find a location to store temporary installation files.'[code] It's not a matter of me burning a bad .iso file as I bought the DVDs whole from Microsoft, so I neither downloaded or burnt them.

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NTLDR Is Missing In Windows 7?

Jun 27, 2011

I have 3 physical hard drives, we'll call them A, B, and C. Hard Drive A has a partition for Windows 7, a NTFS partition for storage, a EXT3 (Linux), and swap (Linux). Hard Drive B has 1 NTFS for storage. Hard Drive C has 1 NTFS for storage. I am trying to replace Hard Drive B (with nothing related to Windows 7 on it) and when I try to boot into Windows with my new blank drive installed I get "NTLDR is missing." From what I've read NTLDR was only used up to Windows XP. The drive I am trying to remove isn't even associated with Windows 7 anyway. When I put Drive B back in everything works fine again. why I cant remove drive B even though it has nothing to do with the physical or logical drive containing Windows 7?

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NTLDR Is Missing At Bootup?

Aug 16, 2011

I installed Windows 7 again after a couple months on XP, and I was just getting everything moved and copied from my secondary hard drive which stores my Acronis backups, and all of my data.The last thing I did was install Acronis, which wanted me to restart my PC. No problem, it worked just fine. Made a backup, and turned on Acronis Startup Recovery Manager (ASRM)... Everything worked perfect until I restarted for some reason, I don't remember what it was... I got NTLDR Is Missing, press Alt+Ctrl+Del to restart So I did, and it came up again, and couldn't find a way to fix it...Even trying to use "fixmbr" from a Win2000 disc's console didn't work, which usually, it fixes things like that.... I set it down for the night...Woke up, and had the strange idea of unplugging and removing the hard drive that contains my data files and Acronis Secure Zone.... And wow, It can I plug my hard drive back in and be able to boot up? Remove Acronis? Turn off ASRM?

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Ntldr Is Missing Boot From Usb

Feb 13, 2012

I have used wintoflash to make a bootable usb to install win 7 but when I restart the pc to begin the installation I received the messege ntldr is missing

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Windows 7 Installation NTLDR Missing?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to install win7 from a usb (created from windows 7 usb dvd download tool) onto a formatted drive. I keep getting ''NTLDR is missing press ctrl + alt + delete to restart'' on my screen. Every 'solution' i've come across so far requires me to have some sort of boot disk or a previous version of windows on the drive. neither of which I have.

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Ntldr Is Missing In Dual Boot Xp?

Mar 1, 2012

I have two disks 0 & 1 in my PC & each has two partitions. I had first installed Win xp on 1st Partition of Disk1 & checked the system is running perfectly. Afterwards I installed Win7 on 1st Partition of Disk 0 & checked the system booting/working in Win7 perfectly but now I can't acces my Winxp. Whenever I try to boot from Disk 1 it gives a message "NTDLR missing".

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NTLDR File Missing In Bootable DVD

Feb 28, 2010

i prepared a boot-able win 7 dvd, but while booting NTLDR file is missing is shown.

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NTLDR Is Missing Press CTRL + ALT + DEL?

Nov 12, 2012

I used Active @ KillDisk to wipe the hard drive completely clean on a machine that was running Windows 7. After ejecting the Active @ disc, I restarted the machine with the Windows 7 disc in the cd/dvd drive, after already having changed the boot order to boot from the cd/dvd drive, and recieved the infamous "NTLDR is missing Press CNTRL + ALT + DEL" message.

I've tried multiple Windows discs (Xp, Vista, AND 7) to no avail. Still receiving the same error message. I can't even get to the stage of being able to run the Windows repair.

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Formatted HD, Trying To Reinstall Windows 7 - NTLDR Is Missing?

Apr 26, 2011

put together my barebones system, installed Windows 7, and everything was great.Then Iinstalled Sony Vegas 10. The next time I tried to boot up, I got several BSODs and couldn't boot in any mode. Everything was not so great.After trying a few things, I formatted the HD in the hopes of starting fresh.Upon first bootup, I got a message saying that "NTLDR is missing."I've tried using the boot CD & USB method described [URL]but it hangs up in a DOS-looking screen on a line that says "[0.762735][<c01034a7>] kernel_thread_helper+0x7/0x10"So that's where I am right now.

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Windows 7 Wont Boot, Says NTLDR Is Missing On Startup?

Dec 3, 2012

So I recently upgraded from windows xp to windows7, I went about installing well the wrong way. I Installed windows 7 from the downloaded file onto a empty hard drive I had attached to my computer. I did this all while xp was still running. Anyway it worked and windows 7 always booted up and worked just fine. But NOW!! I removed the attached hard drive where xp was installed and I try to use win 7 but it says NTLDR is missing at startup

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Windows 7 WD ESATA Hard Drive Crash NTLDR Is Missing

Jan 13, 2012

Had a dual-boot system (Win 7 on drive 1, XP on drive 2) installed. Got an NTLDR is missing error on the primary WD drive on which Win 7 was installed. XP wouldn't boot either because the MBR is on the primary drive. So, I had to reinstall XP and all the software on the 2nd drive and test in original and another computer. Worked fine. When plugged into the motherboard, the Win 7 eSATA drive is not recognized by either of the 2 computers in the BIOS. It won't boot and I can't even look at the drive to see the contents - it's a non-entity as far as Windows is concerned. I plugged it into a Mac with an external eSATA to USB adapter and the Mac saw the drive but said that it was unreadable and asked if I wanted to format the drive. Since I thought I might want to try to recover files, I didn't. Anyway to see the contents of this drive with Windows and recover them or does it seem to be dead from the description?

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Created New Partition And Made It Primary - NTLDR Missing On Boot Up

Aug 31, 2010

I created a new partition, and accidentally made it my primary partition (C: being my primary one and D: being by other one) now whenever I boot up I get NTLDR missing ctrl+alt+del to restart. So I downloaded the windows 7 repair files from one website and tried to fix it, but I failed and now I wanted to know is there any other way I can fix using command prompt or will I just have to reinstall windows 7.

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Remove The PATA, Change The Boot Order From It To The SSD - NTLDR Missing?

Mar 11, 2012

Well, i ve had the XP for quite some time and got the trial win 7 version installed.The XP is on a PATA drive. The 7 is on a new SSD OCZ drive. Windows 7 boots everytime (after i manually select it) when the PATA is connected. Once i remove the PATA, change the boot order from it to the SSD - NTLDR Missing. I want to remove the PATA drive from my system but it wont load the 7 without the XP

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The Program Can't Start Because CRYPT32.DLL Is Missing From Your Computer

Dec 4, 2012

I have a lenovo g570 model number 4334. My roommates borrowed it one night and got a virus on it from watching p--n. I did a system restore on it to get rid of it. Now my computer wont go past the starting windows screen and instead goes to a windows box and says," The program can't start because CRYPT32.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem." I borrowed somebody's computer thats exactly the same as mine and created a boot disk to try and fix it but then it stops and says that its missing ootmemtest.exe or something like that.

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USB Windows 7 Boot "ntldr Is Missing Or Corrupt"

Dec 21, 2012

I want to install Windows 7 home premium and got the ISO done with windows 7 usb download tool and unetbootin. When i try booting the USB i get "ntdlr is missing or corrupt press ctrl alt delete to restart"

I swiped the whole HD so there is no current partition on it. The usb is new and fat32 formatted with the 3GB windows 7 iso imgage on it..

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"NTLDR Is Missing" During Bootup

Oct 20, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 and everything seems fine so far.

The issue came when I reboot the machine where it stopped with the error "NTLDR is missing". Strange is it can boot up just fine if I put the Windows 7 installation DVD in the optical drive, even if the boot up was set to HDD as first in BIOS. Without the dvd in the drive, the boot up will stop again with "NTLDR is missing".

Tried the Startup Repair and some others but to no avail.

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Get The Message "NTLDR Is Missing"

Jul 15, 2012

Iam trying to do a clean install of win 7 64 bit, onto a an ntfs re formattted hard drive. The bios is configured to boot up on cd drive. But all that happend is that i get the message "NTLDR is missing".

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"Select Proper Boot Device" Now "NTLDR Is Missing"

May 5, 2012

Computer Specs:
CPU: I5-2400
MB: Asus Pz868
Ram: Corsair 8GB Vengeance LP
Using on board VIdeo For now
Maxtor HD Sata
WD Raptor Sata
HP Lightscribe DVD-r Drive Sata

Problem I was having once I completed my new build with old system parts was as listed in title. It started out as select proper boot device, and now it states ntldr is missing. From what I have been reading it seems as if my partition with my windows 7 install is not set active. I do not have my windows 7 DVD only my old vista DVD. I tried to boot into it to make use of CMD and attempt to make my partition active but I was unsuccessful to even get into CMD. I went into bios and forced booted from the drive with the OS and still same error, also I attempted to disable the other sata and run the computer again with no success also. Look forward to hearing from someone soon. I will be sitting by my laptop all night until this computer gets running.

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Computer Doesn't Start Can't Get Into Bios Or Advanced Start Up Setting

Sep 17, 2012

When i got home today didn't my computer work, my girlfriend has been the last one using it. So don't know how things were just before the shutdown or anything.when i turn on the computer i get to the screen where "touch bios" is and where i can see the options like Bios settings, boot menu, xpress recovery.but i cant press anything, and after about two seconds on that screen the PC shuts down again.The keyword lights up so there is a responds on it, but just doesn't work to press anything before it shuts down.I've got BSOD upto several times a day for a few months time.believe that my computer is affected by some virus or something is delaying my computer. might be an combination of several things.I got no external things hugged up to the stationeer computer right is a windows 7 x64 machine.
usually when i get issues i can access advanced boot up or bios, but can neither in this case..I wonder if it might be a hardware issue.

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Start Button Is Missing?

Mar 22, 2011

At first I thought it was kinda of interesting but later I realized it was going to drive me nuts not having it there. (It still works, I just click on the blank spot) I don't how it happened, my guess is my wife did something....she only uses it for facebook and myspace.And I just found out that it only disapears when i change the taskbar's settings to auto-hide.I sniped a pic of it.

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Folders Missing From Start Menu?

Jan 4, 2013

We have a Windows 2003 Domain and just got some new Windows 7 professional machines.. The problem I am having is that the Accessories, Startup, and maybe other folders are missing from the start menu..

If I login as the Domain admin I get them.. The user is setup as a local machine admin, but they are missing.. We are not blocking anything in Group policy on the domain that I can see.. I have looked numerous times. everyone keeps pointing to the folder being hidden..

This is not the case.. Is there a domain level policy that controls this??

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Missing Programs In Start Menu?

Mar 31, 2012

So I made the mistake of downloading the Codec C Malware. I got it deleted but now my programs are missing.

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Missing Start Menu Desktop?

Dec 7, 2012

I have a friends netbook that had a bsod (unexpected shutdown) all is now fine except that the start menu is missing the icons (the ones you see on the right but the "all programmes" shortcuts/folders are all intact.)The operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium and there is no restore points,

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All Usb Drivers Missing On System Start

Dec 26, 2011

odd problem really and not even sure when it started.But when ever the system starts (reboot or cold) there is no usb drivers installed or the firewire unibrain driver.I go to devices and printers and there is the esclamation sign over the icon for for computer then right click it press trouble shoot and it sorts it self out.

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Missing 1/2 Of My 'programs' List In 'start'

May 13, 2011

caught what looked like a bug, today--from an emial, I'm guessing-- everything slowed down until it virtually stopped and I manually powered down/into safe mode to work on it. It cost me an entire am to run thru all my virus 'catchers' (and came up with exactly NOTHING to show for it!!) whatever it was has, I guess, been erradicated, as everything feels back to normal.everything looks ok(except a couple of desktop icons were rearranged--but that can/does happen anyway). As I said--every looks/seems to be ok. However when I went into 'start' all the info that should be showing on the left side of that 1st page is blank! all the names on the right seems ok/present. AND when I go to 'all progs' there are no "obvious' omissions(not that I'm sure I'd recognize that one!)

I've been using comodo bkup(goes off like every night and is NOT an online bkup) and NOW, when I actually need it to get the 5/12 data, I cannot access it(but that's grist for a later discussion!!!!).so there are, apparently, for all intents/purposes NO backups to pull from. it only tells me "unabgle to open bkup file"... no matter which entry I highlight.This was(supposedly) setup by the tech that did the work on this new box so it 'should' have been ok(NOT!!!).any insight into what I can/need to do to get the backup part to work properly for the restore part CAN work?

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Movie Maker Can't Start Because MF.dll Is Missing?

Aug 30, 2012

When I go to start windows movie maker for the first time after I just installed it, I get the error.

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Windows 7 Taskbar Missing But Start Orb Is There

Feb 19, 2011

OS: Windows 7.Windows starts up, desktop icons and the start orb are there but not the actual task bar, but everything works fine. But I cannot see the icons on the task bar or the taskbar its self.

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Programs Missing From Start Menu?

Aug 9, 2011

I have very few programs under all programs, but over twice as many in my add/delete programs. how can i get these other programs into my start menu?

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Missing Start Button Windows 7

Aug 19, 2011

Windows 7 missing start button. How do I get it back?

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Windows 7 Start Button Missing?

Aug 19, 2011

windows 7 start button missing. How do I get it back?

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