Computer Experiencing Slowdowns And Lockups Despite Low Cpu Usage

Sep 8, 2012

my setup

nvidia gtx 550 ti
6 gigs ram
600 w ocz modular psu

recently reformatted and already experiencing drastic slowdown as soon as windows comes up, including repeated lockups with multiple various programs reporting that they are not responsive, then recovering after 10-30 seconds. ive checked memory and hard drive both of which come out fine. despite my plethura of worthless antiviral software im forced to assume that my illicit downloading practices have lead me into some comp trouble that i cant seem to determine. i have used ccleaner, search and destroy and malware bytes, all of which have found nothing to indicate what is causing this massive slowdown. in addition according to my resource manager my computer is operating at a load of only 30-50 percent CPU useage and 60 ram useage but taking 5-10 seconds to load files and open folders, and repeated lockups of multiple programs, especially firefox which seems to go unresponsive every 2-3 minutes. i used a program called OTL by old timer, but cant make any sense of the results i was given.

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Slow Boot And Random Slowdowns After It

Nov 20, 2010

In the last few days it's gone from taking me maybe a minute to boot to several minutes and even after the computer has fully booted there is random slowdown, but there aren't really any processes using up cpu cycles according to the task manager. I've tried everything from reverting to another save point, defragging, limiting which services and programs start at boot, reinstalling drivers and and various programs without luck. I tried using the windows performance analysis tools to study what was running when during the boot process and it's pretty inconclusive. It runs much better in safe mode. I also run Linux and it does not seem laggy and as I've tested the hard disk and ram I'm lead to believe it's not a hardware issue.

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Strange Slowdowns And Freezing Ever Since Upgrading To SSD

Oct 4, 2011

I upgraded to a OCZ Vertex 3 120GB boot drive about a month ago and I can't say I've had many problems until about a week ago when it happened for the first time. I was using word and had multiple windows open(half a dozen) when it started to show signs of slow down. What was weird was that it happened slowly, feature by feature, first the windows were frozen and could not be manipulated in any way then slowly more and more things were unusable until everything completely froze.

I couldn't even Ctrl + Alt + delete to the task manager, it was just unresponsive. I waited for probably a good 10 minutes just to see if anything would respond and finally restarted my PC. The drive was not recognized the first time and just booted to my original mechanical boot drive that I now have set as the second boot drive. I restarted again and it recognized the SSD, and booted back normally. This has now happened a second time, about 30 minutes ago.

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Experiencing Various BSODs While Idle?

Mar 3, 2012

I have been experiencing various BSODs over the past month on my computer, which I only built this January. They mostly happen while my computer is idle, but occasionally they occur while I am doing general activities, like browsing folders or the Internet. Recently I've seen them while starting games (tonight it was GTA IV: Episodes from Liberty City), but most of the time I can play games for hours without experiencing BSODs.


I have tried reinstalling my OS. I am not overclocking. I've run MemTest in overnight tests, first on one stick, then the other, than both sticks - no failures. I've tried to make sure all my drivers were up to date, and I've turned Driver Verifier on - had a few related BSODS but haven't been able to track down any conclusive info on what they indicate. I've also run FurMark to stress test my GPU, and that test passed. I have also downloaded Crystal Disk Info and HD Tune to test my SSHD and HD, and both look to be fine.I am not sure what else to do... I think it is either the SSHD or drivers, but I`m not sure how to further track that down.

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Oct 26, 2009

YOUR culprit "MAJOIRTY OF THE TIME" is the indexing that's going on in your background. it is possible that the windows defender is contributing to it but from what ive tested it seems to have little to none impact.

ALSO the .NET service "if your in x64 there's two" which run for a short while that are some optimization service. these are only suppose to run when your pc is IDLE i assume they changed that since they decided to load up at free will and once they were finished the hangs/freezing cleared up. by default i always disable the indexing part but leave "search" enabled so i can still use the start menu etc... and turn off other worthless Microsoft crap.

the superfetch/prefretch would also have some impact but even on lower end hdd i have not even seen this to be a issue anywhere.

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Experiencing BSOD After Hibernate / Sleep Mode

Aug 7, 2012

I am currently experiencing a BSOD after I put my computer into hibernate/sleep mode. Model: U46E-BAL6 ASUS, After I restart my computer, the windows crash report says the problem lies in my 080712-18283-01.dmp 080712-18283-01.dmp and a 2nd BSOD happened a little after, and the problem file is 080712-16395-01.dmp 080712-16395-01.dmp I have attached both files below, could someone take a look and solve the problem?

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Experiencing Flickering Of Screen When Connecting To A TV Via VGA/HDMI?

Feb 8, 2013

Lately my girlfriend has been experiencing some flickering when connecting her laptop to my TV using a VGA cable or using HDMI. I know it's not the TV or the cables, since using my laptop (and others) worked fine.I updated her display drivers. She doesn't have a dedicated graphics card -- just one of those integrated ones -- but has never had a problem before. I'm not really sure what more to do for troubleshooting

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Install Issues And Lockups

Mar 16, 2009

First off, these are all clean install attempts and not upgrades. I have the Asus P6T Deluxe with the Core I7 920 processor and 6gb of ram with the Nvidia Geforce 9800+ graphics card. WD 640GB SATA HD which I format during the install process. Build 7000 and Build 7048 all worked flawlessly. I also unplug all peripherals that are not needed.

Here are my issues.

1) Takes forever to install. Basically 10 - 15 minutes at ever section of the install process. Common?

2) Once I was able to get it installed I had nothing but problems. Right clicking on the desktop would basically lock everything up until the system cleared (basically go ghost like and not respond). I ended up reinstalling from scratch again and although it ran a little better, the performance test had problems and could not complete the graphics part. I updated my graphics driver and also my motherboards drivers.

Longer story a little shorter. I ended up reinstalling again with another version of 7057 and still had problems. I tried installing from DVD and also jump drive but always the same. I have now reinstalled 7048 which worked flawlessly. I never tried the X86 version, only the X64.

Wondering if there is a smoking gun out there for these issues?

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Local Area Connection Experiencing Driver Failure?

Jan 17, 2013

running windows7 with linksys wireless router and cannot connect to the internet. there are no networks listed and get the message that the connection is experiencing driver failure or hardware problem. other PC and laptop on same system are connecting as normal.

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System Lockups With Radeon 5770

Nov 14, 2009

I recently got a 5770 as an upgrade to my 9500gt and I have been having lots of trouble. When I run games, they usually crash after 5-10 min. I have had this happen with Crysis and Mass Effect, though I was able to get Oblivion running for 20 min with no crash.

When the games crash, they lock up the whole system and I have to hit my reset button or turn the PSU off. I don't get a BSOD, just a solid color (or black) with vertical lines on it. Sometimes I will get some flickering before the crash. A couple times I had the game crash to the desktop with the "driver was not responding and has recovered" message.

I have tried to solve this by trying all the drivers for this card (the ones on the cd, the recommended one on the AMD page, and the beta) while making sure to uninstall the old drivers + run driver sweeper in safe mode. I also have updated my chipset to the 7/21 release and my BIOS to version 501.

When I take the card out and replace it with my 9500 gt all the problems go away. I want to figure out if somehow something in my system is messing with this before I go ahead and RMA it only to find out that the card was not the problem. I don't have a minidump, but I have alot of kernel dumps from when the system froze, so I am going to attach it (I don't know if it works the same as a minidump).

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Random Lockups Vs Perfect Vista X64 Operation

Aug 24, 2009

I started testing windows 7 RTM on a couple of PCs at home to see if I could make the transition. Basically I have 3 PCs, one dev PC downstairs, wifes upstairs, and a home theatre PC that serves the house.

I have had no problems upgrading the downstairs and upstairs PC but I'm at my wits end on the media PC (which specs are in my profile)

The media PC has been running rock solid for about 2 years on vista x64, but I wanted to move it to Windows 7 based on my evaluation and the new WMC. Things looked good, however I keep this PC on all the time since it serves stuff to other PCs and does things like removing commercials over night etc. Anyways at about 8am in the morning it just halted, no blue screen, no activity just halted. Need to do a hard power off. Anyways here are the things I have done so far to troubleshoot. All have lead to a lockup at some point or another:

1) Upgraded the MB bios to latest

2) Turned off on board audio (use ATIs), turned off 1394, serial, parrellel, secondary SATA chipset

3) Took out 2 dimms (run at 2gB)

4) Thinking it could be heat (but had no temp evidence to support it), opened the case and put a fan on the components.

5) Upgraded the Intel Matrix Manager to latest release

6) Tried tweaking some voltages on memory

Its just the weirdest thing, but I'm use to seeing a bluescreen or an error like that and with this I have nothing to really go on.

All my attempts have sort of left me at a loss, not really sure what component to really concentrate on. I'm thinking memory but I'm not sure.

My system is in my profile but its basically a


P35 Chipset with 4GB RAM(4x1GB)

4 500GB HDs (1 RAID 0, 1 RAID 5)

ATI HD 4800

Since I was running stable with vista x64 I can't really come up with why I'm not running stable with Windows 7. Could it really be hardware if I was running fine before?? Does Windows 7 access memory differently? It leads me to believe its drivers, but I'm not running really anything extravagant. If anyone has any suggestions or methods to try let me know.

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Random Restart BSOD And Lockups When Gaming

Nov 14, 2011

I tried posting on the Windows 7 forums, but I seemed to have gone nowhere fast with them over there. Lots of page views, but not a single piece of help or advice and quickly buried under tons of other BSOD threads. So I'm hoping someone here could point me in a direction and help narrow down what's going on and what needs to be done.

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Windows 7 Laptop Persistent Freezing/lockups Randomly

Feb 2, 2012

I've finally decided to make my own thread about this rather than keep looking for solutions in other people's threads. My laptop has been freezing up very randomly since Christmas break, and I've run just about the gamut of ways to fix it. It do not believe it is an application problem because its happening in safe mode even.

What happens is I can be doing nearly anything and the screen will flicker a little bit, a little flashing, and as soon as this starts, everything is frozen, even caps lock is unresponsive. It can happen while surfing the web, while playing games, during start up, just after start up, you name it. I think we can eliminate it being the video card because with the driver uninstall, the problem still happens.

It also doesn't seem to be a problem with CPU because the usage seems to be low when this happens. EDIT: It's definitely not the CPU: I was just observing it while it happened and it was at a measly 4% usage while I was just sitting doing nothing.

Event viewer is of little help, I tried to uninstall several applications that had been running concurrently with the shut downs, to no avail.

I'll attach my dxdiag

The computer is an ASUS brand G60vx series notebook. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I think it will also help to mention that this computer is nearing its 2nd birthday, and I'm highly suspect of the age being a factor. I forgot to mention, also what happens is that the sound playing will become warped and degenerate into a buzzing crackling type noise (can't really describe it beyond that). This leads me to believe its the sound card, but I only have one thing showing up in my device manager the High Definition Audio Device.

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Constant Full Lockups Windows 7 Home Premium Asus M2n-mx Se?

Jun 28, 2011

i am wanting to purchase windows 7 64 bit and i am using a 30 day trial version to test out on my pc but i am having problems with constant full lockups.Ihave an asus m2n-mx se with an nvidia gt210 card and 2gb geil ram and amd athlon 5200 cpu.I have installed latest nvidia drivers from the site as well as all the updates but i can't figure out why it locks up all the time.I have changed bios settings back and forth slowing the timing on the ram etc as well as run test on ram and hdd and no problems there.I would like to purchase windows but i am unsure if i can get a refund if i can't get it working.If i purchase windows will i be able to get phone support from microsoft or will i be stuck with a freezing computer.

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Low CPU/RAM Usage But Slow Computer?

Dec 14, 2011

My problem is that my computer is very slow on startup and in general even though very little resources are being used. In the task manager the CPU usage rarely exceeds 10%. I have disabled all unessential startup programs and services and have defragged my HDD. There's a very little possibility of malware as i run Avast! which is fully updated.

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
Intel Pentium T4500 @ 2.30GHz(49 �C Average)(>10%)
174GB free in HDD.
4.00 GB DDR2 (22% used on idle)

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Windows 7 X64 Computer Idles With 18.5GB Of RAM Usage

Dec 18, 2011

It appears as if if I have a huge memory leak as a fresh boot with minimal start-up programs idles at 1.85gb used... nothing showed in task monitor so I dug deeper with RamMap... I've included a bunch of screen shots and can't for the life of me figure out what this is. I've uninstalled anything I didnt use + cleaned all the temp files and cache + ran Malware + did a virus scan.

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Computer Suddenly Very Slow, CPU Usage <10%?

Sep 23, 2012

My computer was running fine until yesterday. Today it takes over 20 mins to boot up and is too slow to use. I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary.

FYI windows 7 home premium 64bit
Intel core 2 duo cpu t6600 @ 2.20GHz

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Monitor Computer Usage Time

Dec 30, 2012

I am looking for a program which can effectively monitor the time a user spends on a computer, perhaps by looking at keystrokes/mouse movements, or something else...either way, I'd like to be able to compare the usage time on several computers. If I could monitor these times remotely, that would be great, but it is not necessary. It would also be great if rather than just saying "user x spend y time on the computer today", it would log it, so say between what times the user was active.

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Limit Computer Time Usage?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm looking for a powerful software that will limit my own computer usage, of course on an administrator account. For example let's say from now until one month later I limit computer usage for one hour a day, since I decide and confirm my decision to the software it will be impossible to change my mind under any circumstances, until the time limit has expired. I know how to fix computer time. But I cannot find this software!!!!!! ALL software's are made for parental control (don't word on administrator account or changed easily) but I could find no program to limit computer addiction!

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Cpu Usage Is Very High And Computer Is Running Very Slow

Dec 18, 2012

As the title suggests, my cpu usage is high and the computer is running slow and lagging, ex. itunes skipping, etc. I have deleted programs, ran spyware and antivirus programs, and ended services and applications in msconfig.

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Computer Running Slow, Cpu 100% Usage During Basic Tasks?

Jul 27, 2012

During the last week or so my computer has slown down considerably. Simple tasks make my cpu spike up to 80% and browsing the net and play video's keeps it at a solid 100%. I saw the TSG SySinfo msg well making this thread but wasn't sure if it was an advert trying to trick me. Sorry for the paranoia but you know how it is on the net these days.Specs:AMD Phenom 2 x4 810 processor 2.61 GHz 4GB ram windows 7 32bit ATI RADEON HD

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Checked Everything In HiJack This Because Computer Was Running Really Slowly And 100% CPU Usage

Dec 21, 2011

i was looking at a Internet video of how to use hjt and it said to checkmark everything and hit fix; my computer was running perfectly fine 2 weeks ago with games running at 30 fps and really little lag but suddenly has been running extremely slow with long wait times and 2 fps so i decided to follow the video. after hitting fix everything my computer seems to be running a bit better but i'm not exactly sure if anything has been fixed. now my concern is: should i restore back to before i 'fixed' everything?

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Windows 7 64bit CPU Usage High And Slowing Computer?

Nov 19, 2012

tested scores. processor 7.2 mem ram 7.4 graphics 5.0 gaming graphics 5.0 primary hard disk 5.5 taskmangager way slow cpu .. when running 2-3 apps which i need for my job. have 45 gb of reed disk space .trade stocks so closing an application.

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Computer Management Fails To Show Disk Usage

Jan 15, 2013

I have five Sata drives. Of these five, Windows 7 Pro 64 "Computer management" reports that two of them still are 100% free despite both having significant usage as reported in "Computer" and "Explorer"

F: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 92.21GB Free 92.21GB
"Computer" Capacity 92.2 GB Free 16.8GB
L: Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy, Primary partition,
"Computer management" Capacity 389.59GB Free 389.59GB
"Computer" Capacity 389GB Free 379GB

The L: drive is newly installed and only ebook files are on it. What might have caused this and can it be corrected?

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Storage Usage Of Libraries Affect On Computer Performance?

Oct 28, 2011

i have heard that more files we have in libraries folder (document, music, picture and videos)the slower the performance of computer will be..

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Computer Is Running Really Slow / CPU Usage Is At 100% And Physical Memory Is At 82%

Aug 14, 2011

my computer is running real slowy cpu usage is at 100% and phycail memory is at 82% can someone help me plz? it is a compaq windows 7 intel cerlon updates all up for windows and computer

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The "Local Area Connection" Is Experiencing Driver?

Aug 23, 2012

Just bought a new PC and installed Windows 7 on it, to find when I try to connect to the internet it gives me the error message I posted as the title.

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High Physical Memory Usage With Low CPU Usage

Sep 10, 2011

I have a ACER D255 netbook with intel atom N550 (1.5ghz, 1mb L2 cache) 1gb DDR3 memory and 250 gb hdd. lately it has been a tad slow and freezing up will using google chrome. my task manager says right now that CPU usage is 4% but Memory is at 75%, sometimes up to 90%. it also says that i have 89 processes running.

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CPU Usage 100% / Physical Memory Usage Always Over 50%?

Jan 8, 2012

I have had my laptop for around a year now, and it's always been pretty fast for a cheapish laptop, It's an advent modena m100 in blue, but recently it has started getting real slow, like my CPU Usage is at 100% all the time and my Physical memory usage is running quite high aswell, without even having any programs open.

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Memory Usage Gets Slow After Usage

Nov 10, 2012

When I first boot up the machine and start using it (win 7 ultimate 64bit) the memory usage stays arround 40%. If I keep using it, the memory usage will slowly increase until it reaches 99%. If I boot up the machine and just leave it there for a couple of hours, the same happens.I try to restart (via windows), it logs off, shuts down the system, the coolers keep spinning, the motherboard lights are still on, but it doesn't boot up again. It remains like that. I have to restart via reset button or power button.

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CPU Usage At 100% Usage With Apps

Jun 24, 2012

If I am surfing the net or looking up something on the net, my computer will almost come to a stop and get very very slow, when I go to the task manager, I find the CPU usage at 100% and just stays there. When I look at the processes there are several that are high (DWM.exe (20-23%, Taskmgr.exe, FireFox.exe

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