Computer Restarts And Freezes Before Install

Nov 10, 2010

I got a new HD and windows7 home premium 64bit, when my computer starts up i get to the desktop, where the dialog box should come up where i pick my languange and begin install. This never appears and eventually my computer restarts and repeats until it freezes after the second or third restart.I loaded fail safe defauls and now i can begin the install process but im still having the same problem with restarting and freezing seemingly randomly. I ran a memory diagnostic and did not find any problems.

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HP Computer Restarts And Freezes

Dec 31, 2011

I bought a HP P6510f PC about 1.5 years ago. In the past month the computer started having problems. The first sign of problems was powering on and the computer would not boot up but instead go to a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the top left corner of screen. I ran a diagnostic through the internal software, I believe it's called PC Doctor and all componenets checked out fine - RAM, CPU, Hard Drive, etc. I then decided to reinstall windows 7. After installing the computer started to work like new again, except the next day it restarted itself and went to a black screen. It's done this a few times now. Sometime it boots up fine, other times it gets stuck and won't boot, just a black screen or the HP screen welcome screen with option for setup f10 (though won't respond).

Are there ways I can check for internal malfunctioning hardware?I did go into event viewer and noticed a few errors under System and Application that I have pasted below Critical - Kernel 41 power "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." Error - Event 20 - Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070643: Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 2 for x64-based Systems (KB954430).Also, this shows up as "error" - "The previous system shutdown at 12:37:29 AM on ‎12/‎31/‎2011 was unexpected" [code]

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Computer Freezes Then Restarts No Bsods

Dec 10, 2011

all i need urgent help for past two days i been having strange crashes ones that freeze upon startup or after i click on mozzila firefox or close it. I did a memdump got the information which i posted below.

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BSOD - Computer Randomly Restarts, Sometimes Freezes

Apr 6, 2012

my computer has been freezing and randomly restarting the last couple of days.

When it restarts sometimes it has to boot a couple of times, it seems as though it can' boot the BIOS, the bios splash screen is also different, this also changed 2 days ago. The first couple of times it froze, now it just restarts randomly. I suspect the motherboard.

System Info:

- x64 Windows 7 Professional
- Full Retail
-Age of system hardware: 4 years
-Age of OS installation 6 months

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Computer Restarts On Install Of Anything?

Oct 31, 2010

My computer started randomly restarting itself and i didnt know what the problem was, i tried a variety of things and nothing worked so i decided to reinstall windows.once i did that the problem was still there. Everytime i try to install any program my computer just restarts itself, this includes windows update which i had to turn off just to use the computer.

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Computer Restarts Automatically After New Router Install?

Oct 3, 2012

After installing a Netgear WNDR4500 router, and not changing anything else (settings, sleep/wake, etc.) my W7HP computer will not stay off! I have gone into the settings (via computer management) for the mouse, keyboard, and networking card, and have unchecked the box that allows those devices to wake the computer. I had the computer set to turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity, but changed it to 60 because the constant restarting grew tiresome. Now, after a period of time, the monitor will turn off, but the tower remains on.

I have heard of viruses causing computer crashes and shutdowns, but I have never heard of one that prevents a computer from staying off. The only way I am able to have the computer not restart (about a minute) after shutting down is to uplug the power cord after the machine is off, otherwise it simply restarts on its' own.

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Random Restarts And Freezes

Sep 24, 2009

I've been having this problem for a little while now and have had a hard time pin-pointing the source.

It seems to be caused by the network card I have (look in my specs). Whenever I stream videos using ORB the computer will reset what seems to be about every 10 minutes. When I stop streaming, it stays on. Sometimes I'll leave it idle for about 6 - 8 hours, get home and notice that the mouse isn't on and the machine is just locked up. The only way to recover is to reboot.

This did this with previous releases of 7 but I thought it would be fixed in the RTM. I have the most recent drivers for my NIC.

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Random BSOD / Freezes And Restarts

Oct 17, 2012

I'm getting this random BSOD since 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sometimes when idle, browsing, and gaming. But sometimes I'm not getting any at all for a whole day. And I also getting this random hangs, freezes, and restarts. Can this be caused by bad hardware?

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Windows 7 Freezes, BSODs, And Randomly Restarts?

Nov 9, 2012

For the past few weeks, my computer has been experiencing a couple of different failures. Sometimes it freezes up (including the mouse), sometimes it BSODs (different error messages at different times), and sometimes it just shuts off and restarts, as if the power had been momentarily cut. Sometimes it goes a few days between failures, and sometimes it happens multiple times an hour.I've tried the following:update drivers restore from restore point from before the problem started memtest86 (ran 11 times with no errors) reinstall Windows Here are the specs from the TSG SysInfo:Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bitProcessor:[CODE]

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Suddenly Random Freezes,restarts And BSODs?

Feb 3, 2012

4 days now my pc sometimes freezes at startup and it needs restart.Also suddenly it restarts without a message.And today i got 2 BSODs and one of them was at welcome screen.I scanned my pc with malwarebytes and found nothing.

System Specs:

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 @2.93 Ghz (2 CPUs)
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4890 2GB

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Failed Startups, System Freezes+restarts, And More?

Oct 23, 2012

When I boot up my computer, things start smoothly. My mo-bo flashes and my BIOS Setup is available. Once on the "Starting Windows" screen with the pulsing windows logo, about 10 seconds in the screen will freeze. After staying frozen for a moment, the screen goes dark and my monitor reports: Quote: NO SIGNAL DIGITAL At this point my machine is still running; LEDs, Temp. readout, fans, etc. still function as normal. Motherboard reports no error. My only option is to force a shutdown or restart. Once I do, things start over.Mobo flashes, and now instead of the 'Starting Windows' screen, I get an error message reading:"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. If windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, startup repair can help diagnose and fix the problem. If power was interrupted during startup, choose start windows normally."My options are:Launch Startup Repair (Recommended)Start Windows Normally.If I start Windows Normally, it goes straight to the 'Starting Windows' screen, where it often will freeze once again and follow up with a 'No Signal' message. Occassionally, it will not freeze and make it to the Windows Log-in screen (hurray!). Punching in my password takes me to a 'Welcome' screen with a swirling blue circle, and this page will often freeze, the screen goes dark, and 'No Signal' appears. Only on a rare occassion will my system actually start Windows, load my desktop and start-up programs. When it does, my computer will run anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple hours until it will lag, freeze, go dark (No Signal), and force a restart.

Instead, should I choose to Launch Startup Repair, I end up with a 20-minute scan that reports Startup Repair cannot fix the issue automatically. The report (for whatever it's worth) it supplied with my last attempt is as follows: Quote: Problem Event Name:

Problem Signature 01: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
Problem Signature 03: unknown


Sometimes instead of a 'Windows has failed to start' error message, I receive an improper shutdown notice and am given options to start in Safe Mode (or Safe Mode with Networking). My system is always able to start and run fine in Safe Mode.I have been struggling with this issue for a few months and have since replaced my processor and motherboard, and sent my video card in for repairs. Whether or not Asus actually did anything to my GPU remains unknown.

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Computer Freezes During Boot, And During Windows 7 Install?

Sep 3, 2010

I when I went over to my desktop after getting up this morning I found that it didn't react to me moving the mouse, and the screen stayed black even when I turned it on. I turned it off, then back on. It froze during the windows boot screen (black screen + logo ) It kept doing that. Tried System Restore, it froze during that too.On Windows 7 install it freezes during the Expanding phase at random points.What I've tried:Installing on another harddrive. (same result)Windows Restore Memory Diagnostic (no Errors)Chkdsk (not /r the short version, will have to make a boot cd to do that)

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Computer Freezes At Chipset Driver Install?

Jan 25, 2012

so I bought a ton of pc gear, and finally got it all together. But everytime I try to load the Intel driver (tried through their web service and manually), the screen either freezes or just goes to no signal.

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Barebones Computer Freezes After Pro Tools Install

Apr 30, 2012

It worked pretty awesome. Before I installed Pro tools, occasionally when I would put it in sleep mode it would turn off by itself a few hours later. This did not happen very often tho. So a few days ago I got Pro Tools M-Powered 9. This is a version which should be compatable with Windows 7 64 bit. After it was installed and restared, Pro Tools worked perfectly. I used it for 4 hours or so and shut down my computer when I was done. The next day when I turned on my computer, it froze at the windows logo screen. I was only able to get to my desktop through safe mode and I uninstalled pro tools the proper way with the cd. After I uninstalled it my computer worked that night, but the next day I had the same freezing problem. So I dont know if this is because of pro tools or my computer parts dont match up well and it was a matter of time until this would happen. I dont even know what customer service to call: pro tools? MSI? Windows? eitherway im sure all of their customer service would suck.

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Desktop Freezes Up - Restarts With Windows Recovery Screen

Apr 17, 2011

I recently built my own desktop. Not my first build but a relatively new builder. Everytime I am on it it freezes up and restarts itself and goes into the black windows recovery screen. My new build was fine and now all of a sudden I am having this issue.

Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
AMD 6 core 3.2 phenom
2 x4 gb gskill ram
64 gb crucial ssd (has the operating system on it)
500 gb western digital hard drive
ATI radeon 5670 iceq graphics card.

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Random BSODs, Freezes, And Restarts With A Pixelated Screen

Apr 27, 2012

For the past week, I've been getting some random BSODs, some freezes, and sometimes just a random restart. there is a flash of a pixelated screen, and then it just restarts. This computer is nigh on two years old, and has showed no sign whatsoever of slowness or any malfunction. Yet for the past week or so, it's been randomly crashing and getting restarted. Specs

-Intel Pentium Dual Core processor. 3 GHz.
-ATI Radeon graphic card. 1 GB.
-320 GB storage space.
-HP Pavilion CPU.
-Desktop PC

I would upload the dump files, but honestly, it crashes by the time i press the copy button. i am attempting to get them using the homegroup from this computer.

I managed to pull the dump files out from the homegroup. here they are.

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install Restarts Install Or Bsod?

Sep 7, 2012

First off this is a newly built computer, all fresh components. aftercleaning/activating the hdd via shift +f10 at Windows 7 setup,(which took me a day to figure out) i was very excited to see my hdd available for Windows 7 installation. as i proceed windows does its thing, after installing its time for the first restart. it restarts right back to the initial windows 7 setup ive done a lot of research, and majority of the problems seem to be the boot priority in bios. so i made sure that it was usb-hdd, then hard drive. (Windows 7 on flash drive for me, no dvd burner available). still the same thing, right back to initial setup. i tried maybe to remove the flash drive during the 10 second countdown to restart, but when it restarts, the windows splash screen comes up and then blue screens and restarts real quick. cant see what the error is on bsodthere have been a couple different start up issues, "windows did not start properly" "select version of windows to start from" (or something to that effect.) but its all the same outcome. windows 7 just wont finish installation

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Computer Restarts On Its Own Every Now And Then

Apr 30, 2012

Every now and then my computer shuts down then restarts on its own. I notice that any usernames and passwords that I have set to remember are reset. I get this error in my event viewer I don't know if its related :

"Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected".

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Computer Restarts Without Warning Every So Often

Aug 4, 2012

I've just moved flat and after I did my computer keeps rebooting itself every so often. There doesn't seem to be any reason to it. I've check that all my fans are still working and that all the cables and cards and what not are corrected install and that something hasn't been knocked but everything seems fine to me. I had a wee gander round the internet and it pointed me to check my system log and the two error codes I'm getting every time this happens is: Event I.D 41 + Event I.D 6008. The I have just recently got a new Graphics card, 4gb extra of ram and a wireless adapter. These were all installed on a clean version of windows 7.

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Computer Restarts Itself Rapidly

Nov 21, 2012

today i was watching some video on Internet. suddenly, the computer restarts itself. however, it turns on and turn off nonstop. the window does not even start yet, just about 2 3 seconds then it turns off.

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Computer Restarts When Trying To Boot From A Cd?

Jan 24, 2011

im trying to format my computer but the moment i insert the cd in the drive and set in the bios to boot from then the computer restarts and hangs this only happens when their is a cd inside but if i take out the cd then the computer works properly although still having the setting to boot from the cd drive but the moment you put a cd inside to boot then the pc restarts and hangs?

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Computer Restarts Randomly?

Nov 6, 2011

My computer has been restarting randomly for the past few days and it's driving me crazy since I'm a student and I really need my computer to do all of my homeworks. After the last unplanned restart, I went to event viewer--windows logs--system, and it appears that the restart was because of:Source: USER32The process svchost.exe has initiated the restart of computer HOST-PC on behalf of user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM for the following reason: Operating System: Hot fix (Planned)Reason Code: 0x80020011Shutdown Type: restart

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Computer Restarts Itself And Needs To Be Reported

Jan 4, 2012

I have some problem now, and I don't know what caused it.i hope someone will check it and report back with a solution.Uploaded a dmp file.

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Restarts Computer Automatically?

Apr 8, 2011

My laptop (Lenovo V560) is one month old.Somehow I messed up my [COLOR=blue ! important]operating [COLOR=blue ! important]system[/COLOR][/COLOR] without backup the hard drive, That means I do not have the original OS.Now I installed a [COLOR=blue ! important]Windows [COLOR=blue ! important]7[/COLOR][/COLOR] (from Dell).My computer restarts when I doing some work.

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Computer Does Not Shut Down, Restarts?

Jul 24, 2012

For the past week, my recently new started having this problem .Whenever I try shutting down the computer, click start and shut down or shut down on the log on screen, the computer turns off for 3 seconds, then restarts.I've google searched the problem and found solutions such as changing registry key, creating a shortcut on the desktop and clean booting but none have worked for me.

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Computer Suddenly Restarts

Dec 30, 2011

My computer suddenly restarts on it's own. I've cleaned it, checked for loose connections. The temps are fine (for where I'm from anyway, pretty hot here most of the time). The time between restarts shortens through continuous usage. My computer's always having problems (replaced the psu due to it getting grounded, reformatted multiple times to fix software issues). This is the first computer I've built by the way. This started after installing a game but I already uninstalled that. And the errors I get from event log are normal (from what I've gathered from other threads). I tried checking my memsticks yung memtest but it still restarts on it's own. As I've said, my psu was recently replaced (less than 6 months ago).

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Computer Restarts Instead Of Shut Off?

Feb 25, 2012

Just as the thread says "Computer restarts instead of shut off. This happens after Windows 7 upgrade

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My Computer Restarts Randomly

Jul 29, 2012

My problem started about a month ago, at first I was ignoring it because I didn't care much, now it's becoming annoying.

Let me explain what my problem is. When I turn on my computer it does the normal stuff, but at some point before I get the chance to log in it either: Freezes, automatically restarts with no error, sends me a blue screen, the screen goes like when your tv doesn't have signal (all those colors) or it either shuts down.Now, 1-2 times I actually get to log in and when I'm prompted in my user desktop it always does the same thing I listed above. The weird thing is, after about 6-7 restarts when I log in it actually works with no restarts whatsoever, I can play all day long with no more restarts.


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Computer Restarts At Random?

Sep 8, 2012

I recently all but completely rebuilt my computer with a new PSU, motherboard, CPU, Case and RAM, and all was well with the world for about two months. Then just within the last week or so this has cropped up.

I'm running into an issue where my computer restarts at random. When it happens the screen will go black and then the computer will reboot and load normally. This happens both when at load, for instance running a resource intensive game, or when just watching netflix or browsing the internet. The restarts are very intermittent and can go for days without happening or will happen back to back.

I've run prime95 for over an hour with no issues, so I don't think it's the CPU. I've run furmark and kombuster tests, and there have been no issues. Neither the CPU or the GPU are anywhere near overheating at load, the CPU is at roughly 55C and the GPU around 68 to 70C during the tests rather steadily. I've also run Memtest86+ for over two hours with no errors, and run checks on both of my hard drives just for good measure to no avail. There were no errors there either. The problem has persisted through a fresh install of windows on a freshly partitioned hard drive, so it does seem likely to be hardware, and not software.

My specs:
Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz
ASRock Z77 Pro3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77
Antec High Current Gamer Series HCG-750 750W
ZOTAC AMP! ZT-50302-10M GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Crucial Ballistix sport 8GB (2 x 4GB)
Windows 7 Home Premium (64)

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Computer Randomly Restarts Itself

Feb 2, 2013

My computer has randomly been starting to restart itself when unattended. I turned it on one day and then left it unattended for a bit, and then noticed that when I came back to it, the computer was at the login screen. I thought it was nothing, so ignored it and kept going, until it happened again. Now it happens anytime the computer is left on, unused for more than like, 20-30 minutes. If I'm actively using it, typing, or on the internet, or playing games, whatever, it stays on without problems.

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Install Restarts After First Boot

Mar 23, 2009

I am trying to install Windows 7 Build 7000 on my computer. But it does not seem to want to continue install after the first restart.

Here is what I did:

I put in the dvd, and boot my computer from the DVD. I set the DVD to be the only boot device in the BIOS. The installer starts. I go through all the steps needed for install. It comes to the first restart, and the computer restarts. After a lot of waiting, the computer brings up the first step to the install. Where it shows the "Install Now" Button. (The install basically starts from step One again).

Not sure what I did wrong through all this. My computer Specs are AMD 6400 2.20Ghz, 2 Gigs of Ram, Clean 40 Gig IDE Hard drive, on Different IDE channel then the DVD Drive (Not sure if that is important). Linksys Wireless Add in Card, BFG Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT.

So if someone could help me get Windows 7 up and running, that would be great!

I forgot to say that I tried to install Windows 7 off a virtual drive from within XP, but that didnt seem to work after the first restart also. It did put the windows boot loader on my computer, but didnt finish the Windows 7 Install. I have a feeling that it tried to over-right my Windows XP install, because the boot loader only comes up when my XP drive is plugged in. When I tried installing 7 with the CD, I had my XP drive unplugged. So if 7 tried to install on my XP drive, how can I get the files off it, that I dont want on it anymore, and install Windows 7 on my other drive, in a XP and 7 Duel-boot.

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