Computer BSODs Within Seconds/minutes, Virtually Unusable?

Jul 30, 2012

A few months ago I built my first PC. All parts were brand new, except the graphics card. I couldn't afford the one I wanted so I used an old Radeon HD 4670 - a card that doesn't match the rest of the system in power.Maybe a week ago, I started getting blue screens. At first I'd be able to use the computer for hours before the BSOD. It would generally go by too fast for me to read what it said, though I caught a few error messages, which I will post below. I'd say about 5 days ago is when it became unusable. Sometimes I get a few minutes before it crashed, sometimes only 40 seconds or so. I have been using a family member's (extremely slow) Mac laptop for internet use, and also an iPod touch on the side. Needless to say, I'm beyond frustrated that I can't access any of my music or use a speedy computer to do what I want. I'm worried that I did something wrong while building - but why would it take months to become apparent?

- I ran memtest on the advice of a forum member. Two passes is what they recommended, and no errors popped up.

- I scheduled a check disk, although when I rebooted my computer to let it run, it only took 5-10 minutes - shouldn't it take WAY longer than that?

- System Restore. I tried yesterday and got a BSOD during. Today I was able to restore to the 24th (that was my earliest restore point), however about 2 minutes afterward I got the usual BSOD.

BSOD Errors:It has shown so many errors - it seems to literally be a new one each time. I don't know if I've even seen the same one twice. Sometimes it's on the top, in capital letters, and sometimes on the bottom, with an extension (a file). These are the ones I spotted (especially after I told it not to restart on error so I could read them):

- atikmdag
- cng.sys
- ntfs.sys
- fltmgr.sys
- TDY.sys

Here is my dxdiag, from the 25th.
System Information
Time of this report: 7/25/2012, 14:38:50
Machine name: JAMES-PC


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Keyboard And Mouse Unusable For 30 Seconds After Boot?

Mar 27, 2012

So my keyboard and mouse are completely usable in the bios and during boot, but once the windows login screen opens up, there is a 30+ second delay before the keyboard and mouse become active. This doesn't appear to be a freeze or lag of any type, just like the keyboard and mouse hasn't been recognized yet. I have a printer and several external drives connected to my computer's USB ports, so I tried unplugging everything but the keyboard and mouse. The time goes down to about 5 seconds, however, the last few times I've tried, there was about a 10 second wait for the mouse to work after the keyboard worked. With only the mouse and keyboard plugged in, I feel this must be either 1) an issue with drivers loading or 2) a specific issue with my USB drivers. Here's what I've done so far to try and troubleshoot. Not sure what to do next.Used google (couldn't find anything that looked related enough to try)Unplugged everything but keyboard and mouse from USB ports - Decreased lag time to 5-15 secondsenabled boot logging, checked file for drivers not loading (attached)Checked bios for legacy USB enabled (it was)Double checked AV software (only MS Security Essentials and Malwarebytes installed, malwarebytes does not run any processes unless I start it up)Having multiple USB devices plugged in upon boot should not delay the usability of my keyboard and mouse.

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Frequent BSODs Encountered At Every Ten Minutes

Jul 19, 2012

I'm encountering BSOD's every 10 minutes or so from the past few days. I also have Windows XP which runs fine without BSODs. From BlueScreenViewer, I always get PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, caused by some ntkernel and halmacpi.

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BSoDs Every 5 Minutes When Login Screen?

Jun 6, 2012

My laptop just crashes randomly when I'm using it. It's frustrating, and it costs me a lot of time. When it's booting my keyboard becomes unresponsive so I have to wait for the countdown to run out (can't just hit enter into boot normally). Sorry for requesting help as this is my first post, but I'm really getting annoyed at this. It's been going on for quite some time.If you guys can solve this problem,. If there is any other information you guys need,Might be helpful to note that I never had this many bluescreens ever. I bought this laptop 2 years ago and it's been performing fine until about 5 weeks ago. I get about 3 bluescreens per day right now.I am also experiencing a slowdown issue when my computer boots up. Sometimes the mouse just kinda.. i'm not sure how to describe it. It becomes really laggy, and I guess if you were playing a video game it'd be like my framerate dropping to about 8 fps. Every time I click there's a beep, and every time I move my mouse there is a series of beeps.


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Windows 7 Is Restarting In 4327 Minutes And 53 Seconds

Aug 12, 2010

Managed to get windows to report windows update restart a bit far in advance after playing with the system clock in a vm.

Just wanted to share a screenshot with you all: [URL]

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Adding Degrees,minutes And Seconds In Calculator?

Feb 16, 2012

i just need to add this numbers 132�58' + 26�22'13''.. how could i input this numbers in the calculator?

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Playing AVI Movies - Video Stops For Couple Of Seconds After Every 3 To 5 Minutes

Nov 28, 2011

I am having a problem while playing movies in AVI format. Video stop for a couple of seconds after every 3 or 5 minutes. My drivers are up-to-date. Having a laptop with high no problem about low specifications and same movies run perfectly on other laptops.

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Displays Won't Turn Off After 3 Minutes But It Will Then Put The Computer To Sleep After 10 Minutes While The Displays Are Still On?

Aug 20, 2012

I currently have it set to turn off my displays at 3 minutes of inactivity, and put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes.Sometimes, the displays won't turn off after 3 minutes, but it will then put the computer to sleep after 10 minutes while the displays are still on. More often, it will turn the displays off, but won't ever put the computer to sleep.Why wouldn't the computer go to sleep?Wouldn't any activity turn the displays back on? And so if they don't come back on, why wouldn't it go to sleep?why wouldn't the displays turn off, and then it goes to sleep?

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When Put Computer Into Sleep Mode, The Computer Turns Off For 5 Seconds And Turn's On Alone

May 7, 2011

when i put my computer into sleep mode, the computer turns off for 5 seconds and turn's on alone.

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Can We Increase Pixel Shader Virtually

Jan 30, 2012

hi guys i just want to know what is pixel shader and can we increase pixel shader virtually

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Full C Drive With Virtually No Programs On It?

Jul 19, 2011

I've got a system with an 100 gig C Drive. There are very few programs/files on it, with a few exceptions such as Photoshop and some movie downloads. The drive should have enormous storage capacity. But, it lists that it is nearly completely full, and I have only a few dozen megabytes of storage space left!

The totality of programs on my computer totals at a little more than 8 gigs, and my download data is surely less. So then, where the hell is all this data coming from?, how can I view this mystery ~85 gigs of used storage, and what can I do to get rid of it / free up my C Drive?

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Virtually Every Update Fails Installing

Nov 3, 2012

I reinstalled Windows 7 on my computer a week ago when I bought an SSD, and then 8 came out, and I got it for super cheap so I decided to try it out. Well, I'm back to 7. ANYWAY, my issue is that virtually all of my updates are failing. I saw this problem before I "upgraded" to 8, and now I'm seeing it again. My computer stays on the "updating" screen for a while, and then says the updates fails, and reverts to the last known function version of Windows. So my computer is useable, but I would like to have my updates so I don't have to wait 5 minutes for Windows to scratch its butt and get on with life.My error code is 800705B4.I wanted to show a picture of exactly what I'm seeing in my update history, but don't really want to take the time to sign up for a picture hosting website. If you absolutely need it, I will. Basically, I have an update history with a long list of:"Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems

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Computer Turns Off After Few Seconds?

Jan 24, 2012

i hav this friend of mine whose computer turns off itself few seconds later after turning it on,it has been running perfectly before this,until he installed another 1GB DDR2 ram..i cant figure out what the problem is.

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Computer Lags Every 5 To 10 Seconds?

Feb 29, 2012

lately i have been having alot of trouble with my pc, it crashes for about 0.5 seconds every 5 to 10 seconds and makes a weird buzzing noise which has different pitches depending on the sound of the video/game. this is only when viewing Internet videos or playing games. the games i play i am 100% sure i can handle with my pc since i have played them before this problem. if it helps, my graphics card is my brothers old graphics card which he didnt have any trouble with but my old graphics card (ati radeon hd 5670) was having a different kind of lag problem which made almost any game play slow, even 2d games. it can be stopped if i keep restarting my computer and in the end it will stop lagging for like an hour or so but then the lagging starts again please help! i will leave my computer specs below.

os version: microsoft windows 7 professional, 64 bit
processor: intel(r) core(tm)2 duo cpu e8400 @ 3.00ghz, intel64 family 6 model 23 stepping 6
processor count: 2
ram: 4095 mb
graphics card: ati radeon hd 4800 series, 1024 mb
hard drives: c: total - 115302 mb, free - 13666 mb; d: total - 300997 mb, free - 48894 mb; f: total - 298999 mb, free - 46097 mb;
motherboard: asustek computer inc., p5p43td
antivirus: none

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Computer Powers Off After Being On For 3-10 Seconds

Jun 20, 2012

Ok well we had some lighting today but power did not go off, maybe made some of the things flicker for half a second.After PC shut down went to go turn it back on, would boot for a few seconds but then turn off, never got the beep from the mobo or anythings..Things i tired.

-Different power supply (same thing)
-Removed CMOS and put back in (same thing)
-left all but 1 ram in (same thing)

I am thinking its the mobo but i want to be 100 % sure before i go out an buy a used one, as for some reason 1366 mobos are expensive.

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Computer Powers Off After A Few Seconds?

Jul 20, 2012

I built a computer for a friend. I used the $500 build, found here: I kept everything the same except I got a core i5-2310, and a zotac GTX 560ti, instead of the ECS(due to mail in rebate). It powered on initially fine. I installed motherboard drivers and video card drivers off the cds provided. I rebooted once, and began running windows update. I noticed performance was slow. So I checked task manager and CPU usage was at 100%, and then it just turned off. So i tried to reboot it, with no luck. I removed video card thinking that uses the most juice, and it still did the same thing. Reseated everything, put new thermal paste on cpu and still same thing. System turns on for 3-5 seconds then everything turns off. No beeps, etc. Im kind of at a loss. I did think it was odd that the PSU was only 450w, and gtx 560ti says 500 minimum. Could that be the issue with the core i5 i threw in there over the celeron g530 Edit: some odd behavior I noticed. When I pressed shutdown. It said windows is shutting down, but the PC restarted. Though that was weird.also tested with my 500w raidmax psu.

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Computer Stutters Every Few Seconds?

Oct 20, 2012

recently my computer started having this issue where it stutters. as in ever few seconds, the screen freezes and my mouse jumps. sound and video also have the stutter as well. this stutter is ongoing no matter how many or few programs i have open, even while sitting on just desktop.

what i'm working off of:

8gigs of ram
amd 6800 x 2
samsung 1T 7200rpm
corsair 650W

all my cores are <40C, but i do notice that difference cores will randomly just to 100%. I opened up tasks manager and put update speed to fast. I and can see that my overall cpu jumps to 100% for a fraction of a second, yet indivual cores are jumping all over the place from 0 to 100 and back. i have defragged the disk and done a full virus and malware sweep with no results.

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Computer Is Unstable And BSODs At Random

Oct 8, 2011

[code] My computer is unstable and BSODs at random, with error messages such as 'MEMORY_MANAGEMENT' and 'IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL'. I posted my problem on another forum (SevenForums) and had someone helping me but they seem to have dissapeared and my problem has not. url...If you don't mind please read up until page 2 as that is my latest errors (posted today). If you would rather me post my problem here direct I will. If you can see the attachments to my posts the dumps are also on that website, but once again I will post everything here if requested. I just see linking you to things I've already tried the best option rather than me try to explain everything again .

It has been going on for a while now, I have tried everything I can think of to no avail.I get Blue Screens out of the blue from anywhere, i can be idle to playing a game to the computer just getting into windows. On the link above I've tried many things, inluding memtest, driver verifyer, chkdisk, uninstalling norton (he said that could be the problem), system repair, a complete re-install of windows 7, updating all my drivers. To most recently cutting back to 4GB ram and making the timings and voltages to the correct setting instead of being on 'auto' in my bios, and it still BSODing. I have also ran 'prime95' on a blend test, and had errors on core #4:

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Computer Build Multiple BSODs?

May 24, 2011

I just built a new computer for my inlaws and had several BSODs with different bccodes (1, 1a, a). I formatted and reinstalled the OS, updates, as well as clean installs of all recent drivers downloaded from the manufacturer websites. I have had several BSODs after this and I am worried that it may be related to the memory I have installed.

I ran a full disk scan, as well as SeaTools short and long tests. These were all passed with no errors. Also, I have updated the bios to the most recent, reseated ram, unplugged/replugged all sata and power cables inside. Specs are as follows:

Windows 7 Home Premium x64
CPU: AMD Phenom II 555 3.2Ghz Quad Core
Motherboard: Asus M4A785-M onboard sound, video, wired lan
Memory: G.Skill 4GB DDR2-800 (2x2gb) F2-6400CL5D-4GBNT
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 320gb SATA2

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Computer Freezes Then Restarts No Bsods

Dec 10, 2011

all i need urgent help for past two days i been having strange crashes ones that freeze upon startup or after i click on mozzila firefox or close it. I did a memdump got the information which i posted below.

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Multiple BSODs On Company Computer?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a client (company) who I've built and connected multiple computers for--all with the same hardware. All but one out of 8 have been great. This last one is causing me hell. I've analyzed the dumps (but I'm a rookie to crash dump examinations), and I originally thought it was a graphics driver issue. I removed the card from device manager, driver swept the drivers, and installed the newest drivers after the re-install of the card. Still two more BSODs (see the last two dumps for that).


Windows 7 Pro x64
Original OS
Full Retail version
System is 4 months old
OS installed when system was built

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Computer BSODs After Waking Up From Sleep

Oct 15, 2011

Recently I built a computer for my friend. After running it through some typical diagnostics, I concluded that it was fine. Two days later he called me and told me that the PSU was making weird noises. That's when his first BSOD happened. It was pretty obvious that the PSU was done, and he RMA'd it back. When the new one came back it was working fine, but after a few days he called me again and said that it was BSOD'ing a lot. I checked it out and it seemed to happen a few minutes after waking up from sleep mode. It happened every time. At first I thought it could have been a hard drive problem so he RMA'd that. When the new one came back it was the same story.

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Computer Freezes For A Few Seconds Regularly

Jan 15, 2012

My computer freezes for a few seconds every now and then and I clearly have no idea why causes it.

System Details:
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5


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Computer Freezes For A Few Seconds And Continues?

Jan 19, 2012

I just started having this problem in the past week. It never happened before, and I haven't installed anything new or changed anything that I can think of.On occasion, I will be doing various tasks, and all of the sudden the screen will freeze. Everything is still shown, it doesn't go black, it's just frozen. It will continue doing this until I either restart or simply log off. The fact that I can log off and it fixes it leads me to believe it is not a hardware issue. I've had enough of those so I hope it's not.After it comes back, the cursor doesn't change icons based on what I'm hovering over, such as a link showing a hand instead of just the default. Whatever icon is currently stuck on the pointer will then turn into some multicolored glitchy version of itself.

If anyone has any clue as to what may be causing this, please share. I will give any additional information as requested. CPU [Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor] Motherboard [Gigabyte GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard]Memory [G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory]Hard Drive [Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard DriveVideo Card [MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti 1GB Video Card]Case [Cooler Master HAF 912 ATX Mid Tower Case]Power Supply [PC Power and Cooling Silencer Mk II 750W]Optical Drive [Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer]

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Computer Boots Itself 5 Seconds After Being Shutdown?

Nov 17, 2012

today I was cleaning around my computer area and well was dusting where my computer sits and I pushed it too far out and it fell and hit the ground. It was on too and the monitor lost signal even though the VGA cord was plugged in...Since I couldn't properly shut it off by going to start etc etc I just held the power button till it shutdown..I thought my video card got loose so I hit the kill switch unplugged it and checked everything,but it was all fine. When I plugged it back in,it turned on and well kinda lagged on start up,more than usual...I figured everything was fine until I shut it down and after it was off like 5 seconds later it turned on by itself?? I checked my motherboard and components for any damage or cracks but couldn't find anything. Now this I do not mind,i'm just afraid that it'll cause damage to my PC or cause my motherboard to fry or something because now in order to keep it off from starting byitself I have to shutdown then quickly hit the kill switch,sometimes I dont do it fast enough and the computer slightly turns on,too fast to stop me from switching it off. Also when I hit the killswitch to off and then switch it back on.the pc refuses to start itself until I push the ON button and shutdown again.

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Computer Power Cycles Every 3-5 Seconds?

Feb 23, 2012

My computer decided to shut down on me in the middle of playing a game a couple of weeks ago. Hardware shut down - no warning, nothing. This is always worrisome, but it was even worse because when I went to turn it back on, it failed to post, stayed on for a couple seconds, then shut itself down. It repeated this cycle many times until I simply turned the power off on the PSU. I turned the power back on and it continued this cycle. Finally I just turned the power on the PSU off and left for the day. When I returned, I was able to boot the machine normally.About a week after that, I was once again playing EVE and the thing shut down on me and did the whole power cycle thing again. Remembering the fix from before, I turned the PSU off and left for the day. However, when I got back home, the problem persisted.

Currently, I am unable to get the computer to post on a regular basis with anything more than a single stick of ram (though it doesn't matter which stick and even then it's about a 25% chance). This includes removal of GPU, PCI cards, and HDD. Sometimes it WILL POST, but the Hard Drives are not detected, then then machine shuts down after about 30 seconds or so and returns to the power cycle mode.I cannot boot from my hard drive in my buddy's computer, but it is a much older AMD based system that originally had a 230w psu. I can however access it as a slave disk.I just replaced the PSU less than a year ago, and the graphics card about 18 months ago (an upgrade from an x1950pro, which blew the 550w PSU I had at the time).is the CPU temp sensor freaking out and shutting the machine down? Did the power supply go kaplooey (or about to)? Is my southbridge bad and causing all of the above (this is my #1 guess, as HDD's and PCI cards all cause major fail)?

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Computer Keeps Lagging/freezing Every Few Seconds?

Aug 28, 2012

My problem is that my computer keep lagging every few seconds, the video (entire display, including mouse) freezes and audio buzzes.I can go for a while without anything going wrong on my computer, but once it starts to lag, it happens for about 10 seconds on and off.This happens almost randomly, the freeze is about a half a second and happens one after the other.I have looked at many different articles describing problems similar, but all of them are talking about, just a video lag, or just an audio, etcAt first I thought it might be my ram, maybe it was faulty, but i have switched the two 4gb sticks around and tested both so I know its not the ram.

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Computer Suddenly Powers On Then Off Again After Two Seconds

May 2, 2011

While off, my computer (Dell Optiplex 755) suddenly powers on and two seconds later powers off again. This happens every 20-30 minute 24/7.

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Computer Starts For A Few Seconds, Then Dies?

Feb 16, 2012

My computer turns on then stops

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Recently Upgraded Computer, Getting BSODs Often, Never During Gaming?

Jan 22, 2012

so recently (in november) i upgraded my cpu, mobo, and ram, and have been getting many bsods. my new cpu is the amd bulldozer 8 core, and since its been known to have some problems, i updated my bios to the latest available (a beta bios). that fixed my steam games giving bsods. now i randomly get bsods every once in a while (every week or two) but the last few days i have gotten a bsod every day. i have disabled c1e state on my bios, and that made it so i don't bsod while watching embedded Internet videos. i also installed the windows bulldozer hotfix, which made my pc faster. then i noticed something special about my bsods - they only seem to happen while i am doing something not very resource intensive, like web browsing. it never happens while i am playing a game. so i thought it might be a driver having issues with state changes of my cpu. i disabled c6 state in my bios just in case, but that didn't seem to help much.

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Random BSODs, Crashes, Computer Slowness?

Mar 14, 2012

I built this computer about a year ago, and have had some problems recently.

Gigabyte ga-p55a-ud3
Core i5-650 @ 3.2GHz
ATI Radeon 5770 (powering 2 monitors w/ DVI)
Patriot "Sector 5" RAM (2x4GB)
Windows 7 Home Premium x64

I have had BSODs almost daily for the past week or so, but they're all different. Several hours ago, after leaving it unattended for a few hours, the computer just kind of turned off, but with the system fan and lights still on. My monitors has no signal, and my keyboard didn't do anything, but its light was still on. Maybe there's something wrong with my graphics card? I'm going to try to run a memtest tonight.

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