Changing Character Encoding For Mp3 Metadata

Aug 7, 2011

Bit of a strange one this, so I wasn't sure where to put it. I have a bunch of mp3 files given to me by my brother in law in Russia. The filenames and metadata are mostly in Russian. My machine is running W7 Home Premium 64 bit. As you can see from the screenshot, the actual file and folder names are showing up fine in Cyrillic but the metadata is being mangled into gibberish: the same thing happens in Windows media player, VLC and Foobar2000.

I assume this is something to do with the character encoding of the metadata, but is it possible to change it, preferably in a batch operation?

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How To Get Value Into FLAC Metadata So It Is Visible In WMP

Dec 10, 2011

In the Library view of Windows Media Player, there are column headings such as 'Album', 'Title', 'Length', etc.. If you right click on that bar, select Choose Columns.. then scroll down in that widget and select 'Subgenre' ...

Now you have an extra column in the Library view with this name.

Question : What (3rd party probably) tag editor for FLAC audio files do you recommend that would allow me to edit my FLAC files such that I could populate this specific field?

I tried it in Foobar2000 on my Vista laptop and it was so easy. I tried on my Win 7 laptop and it doesn't work at all. When I'm done using Foobar, I open WMP and open the FLAC file in there, but the Subgenre column remains empty (unlike on my Vista laptop).

If you already use the popular ones such as mp3tag, etc.. I would love to know if this works for you on Win 7 and the steps I need to take using the editor tool in the app. to get it to work.

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Recorded Programs - Metadata Problem

Aug 4, 2009

Like many users, I archive my favorite shows/movies by removing the commercials and then renaming the title to "Archived TV" so that the content shows up in a specific folder. I have been doing it this way for years without issue. However with Windows 7, the behavior seems erratic and random.

Example: I edited two recorded programs yesterday then renamed both the titles to "Archived TV" and now one shows up in the correct "Archived TV" folder, while the other shows another "Archived TV" folder all by itself?

It's driving me crazy as everything is now scattered into two different folders.

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BSOD And Crash During Encoding With Handbrake

Aug 31, 2012

I recently got into ripping Blu-ray movies and encoding them. However I have recently had a few blue screens with restarts. I use MakeMKV and it usually runs fine and doesn't give my problems. However, I have had problems encoding the MKV files with Handbrake v0.9.5. Here are my system specs:

Windows 7 64-bit Pro SP1
Intel Core i5-2500K (overclocked to 4 GHz)
8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM (Model CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B)
ASRock Pro3 Gen3 Mobo (latest BIOS update 2.30)
Mushkin Chronos 120GB SSD
Seagate Barracuda 1TB HD
Nvidia GTX 560TI graphics card (slightly overclocked,can't remember speed)
Cooler Master Hyper 212+ CPU cooler

The case also has plenty of fans (7 to be exact). 2 intake fans in the front, 1 intake in the side, 1 intake on the front of the cooler, 1 outtake on the rear of the cooler, and 2 outtake on the back and top. So the tower is staying cool. I'm running AXTU Hardware Monitor during the encoding and temps are staying steady around 50C, which I've heard are normal. The encoding is about 50% now and so far no crashes or spikes in temperature.I thought the memory may be the culprit and I ran MemTest86. It returned one error after a few hours of running. I have not taken the RAM out to test each module or clean the slots. The timing is set at 9-9-9-24 and I dialed down the speed to 1333 from 1600.

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BSOD Randomly On Gaming / Streaming And Video Encoding

Sep 10, 2012

I've been BSODing alot randomly doing stuff leaning towards old and bad memory but I need some advice to be certain.

Quote: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: fc
BCP1: FFFFF880043131B8
BCP2: 80000001A48DC963
BCP3: FFFFF8800D09B7E0
BCP4: 0000000000000002
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:

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Download Pinacle Encoding And Decoding Software Free

Nov 28, 2012

how do i download pinacle encoding and decording software for free?>

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Attributing String Of Character?

Apr 16, 2012

How can I attribute string of characters to a function key or a combings of ALT + Key

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Use The 32 Character Key To Recover Bit Locker?

Nov 14, 2012

Bit locker was working fine a few days ago. today I turn on my computer and bit locker is asking for a recovery code, Bit lock give me a 32 character code key. How do I use the 32 character key to recover bit locker?

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After Pressing Any Character On Keyboard Can't Click For 1 Second

Sep 13, 2012

After pressing any character on my keyboard (except Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Fn) I can't left or right click for 1 second afterward. The computer simply does not register the fact that I clicked. This would be no big deal except I am making a game that requires using the keyboard and mouse together. I have not had this problem while working on my game until an hour or so ago.

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Windows Responds With Unacceptable Character

Jan 2, 2012

I have a large number of mp3's that have been recorded over the years. In XP, I wanted to give each mp3 a specific 'original recording date'. I used the 'year' field and gave it a date in this format. 2007/05/22. I could then sort properly. In Windows 7, however, when I add 'year' column to the properties and look at the same files, I only see 2007, not the full date. When I try to edit the 'year' field, Windows responds with 'unacceptable character', probably referring to theI can do without the / (20070522), but I do need the full date, not just the year.

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Open File Name Start With Any Spacial Character In

Apr 26, 2012

how to open file name start with spcial character in using Hyperlink???

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Keyboard Not Typing Right Character After Installing Windows 7

Jun 13, 2012

My Keyboard is typing " instead of @, how to fix this?

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Wireless Computer Keyboard Display Different Character?

Aug 30, 2012

Some of the keys on my wireless keyboard produce something entirely different on the monitor. For instance, if I press Shift, and then 2 to get an @, I get a quotation mark on the monitor. Pressing the shift and quotation mark gives me an @. This thing is made in China. Is it wired wrong or do they not know English?

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Unable To Enter Windows Password Due To Remapped Character Key

Sep 22, 2011

I remapped my "K" key which is needed to enter my password. How do I undo this? Have tried password reset methods like kon-boot but failed to work. Edit: Did this using SharpKeys. 

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[INSTALL] Error 1324. The Folder Path 'Norwegian (Bokm?)' Contains An Invalid Character?

Apr 14, 2011

I tried to install FinalDraft8 on my system, but I'm getting the error message:"Error 1324. The folder path 'Norwegian (Bokm?)' contains an invalid character"I tried repairing the registry with CC Cleaner, but no use. his?My System Configuration:Dell Inspiron running on OS: Win 7 Home Premium 64 BitThe OS is in Korean, so I'm running Vistalizator for EN language.

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Keyboard Keys Types Wrong Character When Type Press Some Alphabet It Enters Number

Aug 22, 2011

my keyboard keys types wrong character when i type press some alphabet it enters number

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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BSOD After Changing Already Changing Rams?

Jan 29, 2012

my system is stock ;

vertex2 120gb
i7 860
value rams ddr3 1333 2x2gb
odin pro 550w
gtx 460 1gb
windows 7 x64 ultimate

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Changing From 32 Bit To 64 Bit O/S?

Jan 5, 2013

Am I correct on thinking that no matter what version of software you are using if you want to go from 32 bit to 64 bit you have to do a clean install.

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Changing C: To D:?

Apr 25, 2011

I just did a recent new build and have a SSD drive for my OS and some apps and a 1TB SATA drive for everything else. I installed windows and it installed it to C:, my SSD, but after thinking about it I believe it would be easier in the long run to have my OS/few apps on the SSD to be X: or something else since most apps/games default install to C:, which I want for my 1TB, so I won't have to edit it for every install. Will simply renaming the drive letter cause any problems (nothing installed now except ASUS MB drivers, EVGA drivers, and Firefox)?

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Changing 'Name' In CUsers 'Name'

Jan 22, 2012

I've decided to give my older laptop to a close family member. Since this computer was no longer used for business, no sensitive data is on the hard drive. The OS was upgraded to Win7 Home Premium from WinXP Pro SP3. My User Name was created and is still visible in CUsers, and I would like to change it to another entry. When this is attempted under User Accounts, Users"My User Name""New User Name" is the result. Is there any way of achieving Users"New User Name" without a clean install? I dread this option, since I would have to reinstall WinXP Pro then Win7 Premium Upgrade.

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Computer Changing .mp3 To .TMP?

May 27, 2011

Ever since I changed to Win 7 my mp3 files will every once in a while will change to .TMP. I then have to change them back to mp3 by showing the extention and then editing the name to change it back. Why is it doing this? I have tried re-converting them to mp3 (dispite being mp3's) but it doesn't work.

Now, when I was volume leveling everything, 860 songs changed their extention to .TMP. Is there a way to get them back to mp3 without editing them one by one. And, again, why is it doing this.

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BSOD After Changing PSU To New One

Jan 16, 2013

First my PC just started to turn off itself like there was no power I changed the PSU to a new one, but when I started to get BSOD's, I made a fresh clean Win 7 64 bit Prof install, installed all the drivers all windows updates and now....BSOD's continue. I'm attaching all the files.

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Changing To 64 Bit Version?

Mar 30, 2010

I've installed the 32 bit version and it's running fine and after reading up on it I would like to change to the 64 bit version, is this possible without doing a complete reinstall or would I need to start from scratch?

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Changing Ccf Format To Jpg?

Jun 6, 2011

using windows 7, I recently sent a picture with print (attatched it to email) it was sent in jpg and sender could open it today I sent a similar document w/picture (saved the very same way, or so I think) and it was unreadable in ccf mode.

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Can't Download Anything Since Changing To IE9

May 1, 2011

I downloaded the IE9 update a couple of weeks ago, and since then I can't download anything from anywhere. I can't download files from the web, I can't download pictures that are attached in emails I receive in Hotmail or anything. If I click on anything that leads to a download, IE9 stops working and a pop-up message tells me the same. Then it shuts down all instances of IE, and restarts one browser.

I'm running Windows 7 (obviously) on a HP laptop.

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Keeps Changing From English?

Dec 14, 2011

IE 9 ....Google is set to homepage in english, But now it sometimes changes to norwegain. Yes I live in norway but I dont want it to change from english. And yes I did tools internet options set homepage.

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Changing Key Functions

Jul 15, 2009

So what i want to do is change my key functions on my keyboard (example: rather than ctrl-c i want to use command-c "aka windows-c")but i don't want to change the command key to be ctrl but make it so windows recognizes it as copy when i push command-c also want to change other stuff like ctrl-alt-del and paste and closing windows

the reason i don't want to change command to ctrl is if im in an application that i need to control i want to be able to hit the actual ctrl key.

i basically want to make my windows feel a little more like macintosh not in the way of looks but function of keys. hope it makes sense and hope someone knows how to do it.

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Changing What Program Is Used

Nov 7, 2009

When I right click a photo and click "edit", I would like for it to use Paint instead of whatever that default program is.

How do I do this?

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Changing A Laptop To SSD?

Mar 23, 2012

Now I have a two and a half year old Toshiba L550 Satellite -i5 CPU (dual core x four threads) 8GB RAM and a Toshiba HDD that I have had no end of problems with and just lately blueys ad nauseum. Plus it is really quite slow.So I want to slip in an 80GB (and a 7OEM) as I don't use this laptop for much more than emails and here on SF and a couple of other forums.The only problem is I can only find an Intel 320 series SSD to fit the bill from my local (usual) supplier, and may have to go to a 120GB as an option.I have a Crucial M4 in my desky but am not totally happy with the speed when I read that folks are getting 10 - 15 second boots - mine is about 35 -40 seconds even though I keep as little as possible on it and use TRIM frequently.So am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on any other brands such as Sandisk, Samsung, Patriot, Kingston, Corsair, the Patriot though has Sandforce in its build and it seems to get some flak from some quarters.

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Changing From Windows 7 32 Bit To 64 Bit?

Jun 13, 2010

I have recently bought a new notebook that comes with Windows 7 OS installation. I installed the Windows 7 with the 32 bit option. I wish to install the 64 bit option now and wonders how can I convert from 32 bit to 64 bit?

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