Cannot Get Into Account After Debugging Computer?

Jul 23, 2012

had viruses removed,cannot get back to my account and abd purchase history to download my games

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BSoD Debugging

Dec 20, 2009

Hey guys I'm looking for some help debugging a BSoD. I installed Windows 7 64 Bit on my neighbors computer and everything was running fine. After updating drivers and doing windows updates she got a BSoD with something about MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. The BSoD only seems to come up when the comp is idle. I was on it for hours straight with no problems and after 10 mins of idle it popped.

I tried to debug it myself but I kept getting errors that I downloaded the wrong symbols. I failed many times, so I was wondering if somebody could figure it out and perhaps give me a better place to look. I doubt it is the actual RAM as it was running flawlessly on XP a couple days ago and fine on 7 until I did some updates.

I have uploaded the .dmp from the Minidump folder. -

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Debugging Simple .bat That Worked On XP?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a backup .bat that I have hobbled together from forums such as this. The original was made a few years ago. It worked flawlessly, until I brought it to windows 7. Very funny, now, it only works between 10am and midnight. This has been hell to figure out because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I know it has something to do with the context of the "set hour" or "if "%hour.." part, but I can't figure it out. Should be an easy fix for someone familiar with .bat programming. Here is the relevant part:

Code: set hour=%time:~0,2%
if "%hour:0,1%"==" "set hour=0%time:~1,1%
set folder=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%-%hour%.%time:~3,2%
set DateFolder=%date:~10,4%_%date:~4,2%_%date:7,2%

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Debugging Blue Screens

Aug 4, 2009

I've downloaded from Microsoft the Debugging Tools for Windows 64-bit Version

when i try to install i get an error saying my processor is not supported or something.

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Windows 7 Will Only Boot Up In Debugging Mode?

May 26, 2011

How do i identify which driver is causing the problem? Assuming that it is a driver causing this problem?

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BSOD Frequent Tried Debugging But Ntoskrnl.exe Error

Jul 18, 2012

my computer has been running great. just last week, it started randomly producing the BSOD. I have several dump files. I've tried analyzing them with WinDbg but I get nothing but errors: Unable to load image SystemRootsystem32 .exe, Win32 error 0n2 can some analyze my dump files, and tell me if I have bad memory or bad motherboard?

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Cant Delete Account Off Computer?

May 31, 2012

im trying to delete my old account off my computer and when i do delete file and continue it still shows up. i even restarted the computer and it still showed up. and when i try to create a new one it tells me i cant have certain characters like "/|#* but none of those are in there.

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Computer User Account Does Not Appear Up?

Oct 19, 2012

I have two user accounts on my computer i don`t remember the admin account password , but i know the other account password.Yet when i switch on my computer it does not show the other account

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Cant Log Into Guest User Account On Computer?

Jul 2, 2011

i can't log into my guest user account,everytime i try it alway say,the user profile service fail the log on user profile cannot be loaded and then it log itself

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Why Guests Computer Account Is Not Working

Sep 16, 2011

i can't log into my guest user account,everytime i try it alway say,the user profile service fail the log on user profile cannot be loaded and then it log itself out?

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Computer Wont Let To Get Administrator Account

Nov 30, 2012

my computer wont let me get a admnistator accout i deleted it this is how i deleted it i went to the control panel went to my adminastitator account and then i went to control panel nd it was 2 windows up of the control panel then i went to my other account i mad both of them as a standard user then it worked now i cant download anything

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Windows 7 Computer Keeps Logging Off User Account

Oct 21, 2010

I just bought this about two hours ago. If even that long. & it seems that when my built in webcam is turned on if I don't take pictures routinely it logs me off. It only happens when the cam is on. Is there a way to stop this? I'm trying to play around with the options and what not but its quite difficult to do when the computer keeps logging my account off. Its Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit. Its made by HP. The box says "Pavilion dv5. dv5-2074dx."

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How To Migrate User Account Or Profile To Another Computer

Nov 4, 2011

I'm a software developer at a small shop and we're exploring the idea of having a bare bones Linux box or something else with lots or RAM and CPU to run VMWare and Windows 7 VM to host our development environment. We are often installing new components for our development tools and other trial software and the like to research new technologies. Ultimately our machine is so bogged down after 6 months or so that a reformat is necessary. This takes about a day to get everything back into a state to resume development.

We'd like to have master VMs that we keep up to date with the latest Windows updates, antivirus definitions, and versions of the common tools that we all use like Notepad++, Sysinternals Suite, and others. Every so often each of us will grab the master VM to our host machine to have the same copy of our most up to date development environment. Is there some way to copy down the user profile data so that we can restore it on the new VM when it is deployed? Items of personal preference like desktop shortcuts, Windows themes, pinned items on the taskbar, and other organizational items would be a pain to lose.

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Enabling The Administrator Account On Windows 7 Computer?

Nov 23, 2012

I keep having problems enabling the administrator account on my windows 7 computer.. i tried command prompt but it wont work... whats a good way to enable it??

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Software To Move User Account From Old To New Computer?

Aug 12, 2011

looking for some software to move user account from old computer to new computer there are over 100 user accounts.i tried easy transfer wizard but it want to set reset the password.i do not want to have to reset the passwords on over 100 user account.i have to transfer the same accounts to 16 other computers.using Windows 7 32bit on all computers

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Login To My User Account From Any Networked Computer?

Sep 1, 2011

Here is what I'm trying to do, I have 3 computers running Windows 7 (1 hp & 2 ult) and I would like to be able to sit at any one of them and log-in to my Account Name and see my files,desktop,favs. ect.... And have them synced together... i.e. ... If I add a file to my default computer and then logoff and go to another computer on my network and login to my Account, the file would be there too. I hope this makes sense. I do already have them networked, file sharing, streaming.

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Cannot Access Administrative Account On Acer Computer

Jan 12, 2013

I cannot get into my administrative account but unable to access any file or folder. Windows cannot access the specified file or device. You may not have the appropriate permission to access this item, is the prompt I get.

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When Starting Up Computer User Account Control Pop Up Appears

Jan 26, 2012

When starting up my computer I keep getting this pop-up, does anyone know how to get rid of it or what it is?

User Account Control

Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer? SSBkgdUdate.exe

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Share Folder With A User Account On ANOTHER Computer In The Workgroup?

Sep 2, 2011

It is easy to share a folder with Everyone, or to share it with other user accounts on the same computer, but how can I share a folder with a specific user account on ANOTHER computer in the workgroup?Reason: in my neighborhood, four friends are connected by cable to the same router, and we all belong to the same workgroup. Each computer has a folder (named "public") that we share with everyone else, but I also want to have another folder (named "private") that I can share with only other computers in my apartment, but not with my friends (on other apartments). How can I do this?

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Can Make Computer Automatically Login And Then Lock The Account

Jul 17, 2011

Is there a way I can make my computer automatically login and then lock my account so that it does my startup programs automatically? (on Windows 7 x64)

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Auto-login, One Account, No Password: Avoid To Click Account Icon?

Dec 25, 2011

I followed the procedure found on the web, I entered "netplwiz" and did unchecksers must enter a user name and password to use this computer". There is no password setTHere is just one user/account which is obviously also the administrator. (the Account tab shows also HomeGroupUser$, but I guess is a default option...)the point is that when I switch the pc on, I have to click on the icon of the user account in order to see the desktop. Is there any chance I can login automatically without even clicking on the user icon

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Default User Account (Administrator) Acts Like Standard Account

Oct 31, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Pro 64x and apparently the default user account (Owner) that I use is not working correctly. Unless I have UAC set to Never Notify, I cannot open Control Panel or UAC again. I have created a second user account as Administrator and it works correctly.

I would like to know if there is any way to fix this problem short of a clean install of Windows. If not, is it possible to move all of my settings to the user account that works correctly and delete the one that does not.

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Shall Create A Limited User Account To Turn On Guest Account

Sep 6, 2012

I'm hoping to teach Mum how to use my PC in the near future and she will only be using it for typing etc and maybe the internet. Also she only use it sometimes. shall I create a Limited User Account for her or turn on the Guest Account?

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Slow Log On For Single User Account On Multi Account System

Sep 29, 2011

I would appreciate any help identifying the cause of extremely slow log on times for a user account on our family laptop. The machine is running Windows 7 - 64-bit version, and currently has 3 users accounts 2 admin and 1 regular. The regular account has begun to experience log on times that last for minutes (The Welcome splash screen prior to log on screen), while the admin accounts have no problems. I have seen other posts regarding slow log on times, but I haven't seen those which address the issue for a specific user account.

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When Put File In Admin Account It Also Appears In Guest Account

Jun 13, 2012

I put a folder in my admin acct it also appears in the guest acct which is dangerous. I need both acct's but how can I put is only in admin. When I delete it from the guest acct is disappears from the admin acct too.

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Use Default Admin Account Vs Standard User Account?

Oct 19, 2011

I have always been running admin and even until now I run as admin. But, I have been doing a little bit of research and realize that using a standard account is a safer practice. I have never even used a standard account.Is using a standard account a better practice? Also, how does doing average task such as installing programs and updating work through the standard user account?

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Account Lockout - Unlock A Locked Out User Account

May 6, 2010

How to Unlock a Locked Out User Account in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Logon Screens Show's ''own Account'' And ''Other Account?

Feb 25, 2011

when i start my machine (laptop)i get a logon screen and i can choose 2 account my own admin account and a nother account called: ''other account''and before this it was allright I will put a Picture on how it looks like

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How To Change A Power User Account To Administrator Account

Feb 23, 2012

How to change a power user account to administrator account

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Change Standard Account Back To Admin Account?

Nov 5, 2012

i have accidently changed all my accounts to standard and cant change back to a admin account. i'm required to put in an admin password for permission but there is no where to put password.

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Can't Change A Standard Account To An Administrator Account

Feb 18, 2012

I recently logged onto my account about 2 days ago to finish a project. The music file I used for the account was could not be found and when I went to locate it I was told I didn't have administrator rights. I went to Control Panel because I was sure I was an Administrator, but sure enough, I was set as a Standard User. I tried changing it up but it wouldn't change. I tried changing the account name also, and it wouldn't change. I could only change account picture. I can't open UAC, I click it and it blinks but nothing opens. I deleted any recent program installations,I booted in safe mode, however I was still not able to change my account,I tried activating the hidden administrator account but I received an "access denied" message,I tried creating a new account but I received the following message:"The specified account name is not valid, because account names contain the following characters: /[]":;|<>=+,?*Please type a different name."I didn't use any of those characters in the account name.I ran 2 different virus scans, and they came up with nothing,I turned the computer off, unplugged everything, and pressed the power button for 30 seconds, and rebooted, but still nothing!My roommate shares this computer with me, and her account is still an administrator. However she has traveled and I haven't been able to get hold of her yet. We share music files and the file I was trying to use is in her account.why my account was changed and how I can change it back?

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