Cannot RDC To Remote WHS Away From Home?

May 11, 2012

I am looking to connect to my WHS 2011 from outside of the home, as I spend a lot of time at college etc.I've only ever really used RDC at home, So I am unsure as to how to do this from an external location,My setup at home is this:

Router --------------------------->Router 2----------------->server
(main in different room) (secondary acting as switch) (running WHS 2011)

So what I have done is set the router a static IP ( forwarded ports on the second router (3389)

And tried connecting from my laptop inside the local network, works fine, Outside at college, it still does not work

Do I need to forward ports on the Main router as well?

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Remote Access On Home LAN?

Aug 5, 2012

Just wanted some advice on remote connecting to my machines on my LAN. I have a desktop running Win 7 Home, a laptop running Win 7 Pro and my media machine running Win 7 Home. I would really like to access my media machine running Win 7 Home remotely on my LAN from my desktop machine also running Win 7 Home and i wanted to use RDP as it seems straight forward for what i need. I understand that it does not work when trying to remote access from a Home Premium machine to another one which is a real pain! I was wondering as i have full access with RDP on my Laptop running Win 7 Pro could i perhaps copy all the RDP files from the Pro version to my Home Premium version to allow full access to RDP on both my Home Premium machines?

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Remote Viewing Over A Home Network?

Jun 5, 2012

My neighbours are stealing my WIFI, hacking in to my PC and also throwing empty beer cans and used condoms in my garden, i have changed my password a few times but they keep getting in.

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Remote Desktop Can't Connect To Home Windows 7 Pc

Jun 6, 2011

I'm using Win7 Professional at home and winxp at my office. I can connect fine from home to office but can't connect from my office to home. I have gone through all of the google searchs and all of the posts on this forum without any luck. I have checked that my modem has port 3389 forwarded. I have confirmed that it's listening on that port. I have checked all the firewall settings, and even turned off the firewall and still can't connect.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Remote Desktop

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to use the windows remote desktop. I am using It on 2 windows home premium computers. I tired to turn firewalls on both computer off just to check. One of the computers has DSL and know router. When I try to connect I get a certificate. I attach the certificate. I tried just Installing It and than try to connect. What happens Is It just goes back to the windows remote desktop but know connect. I turned remote desktop on.

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Remote Desktop And Windows 7 Home Premium?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a windows 7 home premium laptop that I am trying to connect to my office PC via VPN. I can make the vpn connection and login to my office PC. I launch into my Outlook but when I exit and try to go to another desktop program I get disconnected everytime from my session. what can I do?

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Remote Desktop In Windows 7 Home Premium?

Oct 31, 2012

i have learned via internet that Windows 7 Home Premium computer cant b accessed remotely but it can access computer remotly ( with professional or ultimate versions). Unfortunately i have Home Premium, i have found a Patch " rdp concurrent" which they say can allow Home Premium Versions to be accessed remotly. Is this safe to use this patch? i want remote connection over the internet, how to make a remote connection so that i can login remotely whenever i want?

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Add Remote Desktop (host) To Windows 7 Home?

Dec 8, 2009

Any way to add Remote Desktop (host) to Windows 7 home?I upgraded to home premium and now found that I can not remote desktop TO this pc Obviously I could upgrade from home to PRO but didn't know if I can just "add" RDP to this home PC at all I realize there are 3rd party software vendors I can use (think I saw VNC, mesh, go2mtg, etc)

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Easiest Way To Do Remote Desktop In Home Network

Mar 14, 2009

I have a desktop and a laptop (both running 7057) in my homegroup. I want to be able to run programs off of the desktop from the laptop. Is there a simple way to do this? I don't need VPN capabilities as I just want to be able to do this from inside the house. I've read through a bunch of threads here but haven't found what I was looking for. I can share files/folders just fine but can't seem to figure out how to share programs.

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Remote Desktop Setup To Home Computer

Jun 1, 2011

I am looking to set up a remote desktop connection to my home computer on the home network, how do i go about doing so?

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Remote Desktop Can't Connect To Windows 7 Home Premium

Nov 14, 2011

is it true the only Professional and Ultimate versions of Windows 7 can accept Remote Desktop Connection requests? I read on a post from 2009 that "any version of Windows 7 can act as a Remote Desktop client, but only Ultimate and Profession can host a Remote Desktop."I'm not sure I completely understand that - I do understand what host and client mean. However,d despite lots of different setting changes, I can't connect to this Windows machine using Remote Desktop.

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Network And Remote Access For Home Photography Business

Mar 20, 2012

My wife has a home based photography business. Her studio is located on our property. Currently her network consists of her PC, a Motorola DSL Modem/Router from ATT and an external USB HD.

She would like to be able to access her photos that are at her studio from home, say on a laptop but I am unsure the best method for this. She needs to be able to access these images in such a way that she can post-process them in program such as Photoshop at home, and then save the image so that it updates that file in her studio when shes completed the post editing. So, basically it's like being able to edit images in 2 places while keeping the original files and the saved processed images in one central location.

I don't know if this means NAS, something in the cloud, or simply remote accessing the PC through Windows. Or perhaps some other method that I don't know about.

I consider myself to be decently informed when it comes to computer stuff but I want to get this right the first time around so I figured it best to gain insight from those who are more skilled than I before moving forward.

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Can't Make The Remote Computer To Join The Home Group

Nov 16, 2009

I just spent an entire day figuring this issue out.

Nothing solved it for me.

I have a dual LAN on my computer and two computers with Windows 7.

One Lan card is for internet and the other is for connecting via ethernet cable with the second computer. I can share internet and files with the two but I can't make the remote computer to join the Home group since it is connected to the unidentified network LAN card on my host computer.

How can I change the unidentified network to Home? sine it is actually home!

I configured static IP in order to share the internet and enabled the ICS.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Does Not Work With Remote Desktop Option

Jun 22, 2011

I was trying to connect a friends computer to her office computer thru Remote Desktop and now I see that Windows 7 home premium does not work with that option. Any workaround for using Remote Desktop at home using Windows Home Premium and connecting to an office computer at another location using the same Windows 7 Home Premium? The option is available, but I guess the problem is that the office computer is running the same version that is not supported.

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Windows Live Remote Access To Home Server 2011?

Jul 8, 2012

I have two Windows 7 machines which both flawlessly access my Home Server 2011 via Remote Desktop.When I attempt to access the Hone Server via Live Live Mesh "Connect to this Computer" I receive a log in screen request for a Ctrl-Alt-Del. Clicking the Remote Desktop Window link to issue the request has no affect. No other action is available except to disconnect from the server.

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Remote Desktop: Windows 7 Home Prm Can't Connect To Windows 7 Ultimate?

Jan 24, 2012

I have a Win 7 Home Premium box along with 4 WinXP boxes in a simple network. My Win 7 box can Remote Desktop to any of the WinXP boxes, and be used to "drive" them, no problem.I added a new machine yesterday that came with Win 7 Home PremiumAfter searching through other threads, I found it was stated that if I upgrade the new box to Win 7 Pro or Ultimate, I can then use my original Win 7 Home Prm to connect to, and "drive" the new Win 7 Ult. box.I successfully upgraded the new box, it's now confirmed to be running Win 7 Ultimate. I have also disabled the firewall, and checked the Remote Box Settings:Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure).However, the Home box cannot connect to the Ultimate box. It times out with the following error:Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:1) Remote access to the server is not enabled2) The remote computer is turned off3) The remote computer is not available on the network.

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Remote Desktop Connects But Remote Host Screen Stays Black?

Nov 8, 2011

I know there have been a number of posts on this subject but I have been unable to find a solution. I have 2 Windows 7 machines, both running SP1.

My HP Pavilion is running 64-bit and my Dell Latiude E6400 is running 32-bit. I can successfully RDP from my Dell and even my Apple iPad (via an RDP client) into my HP Pavilion. However, the problem is that when I try to RDP from my Pavilion into my Dell I get connected but all I see is a BLACK from the Dell machine. The only thing i can see is the Status bar at teh top telling me that i am connected. A few moments later I get a popup message telling me that the machines have failed to communicate.

I have confirmed that RDP settings are identical on the Pavilion and Dell. I have even downgraded the Dell NVIDIA graphics driver to an older version based on the recommended version on the Dell support web site.

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Windows 7 Remote Desktop, Remote Pc Screen Locks When Trying To Install Software

Nov 7, 2012

I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit, trying to use Windows remote desktop to connect to another PC in the LAN and install software. Right click on the .exe and choose run as admin. As soon as I do that I get a black screen with 2 white bars in the upper left hand corner(looks like a pause button). The user who's pc I am connected to sees the log inbox for the admin creds, how ever I can not get to it. How can I make that screen stop popping up?

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Remote Desktop Client 6.1 Cannot Connect To Remote Computer

Aug 30, 2011

We have several remote systems that can all connect fine. I am having an issue with one box. It is a windows 7 home premium machine with netgear wireless nic. When I open mstsc to connect to a remote machine I put in the ip address and click on connect.I receive an immediate failure with the text "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again...blah blah"I have a server 2008 r2 with Network level authentication enabled. I have 8 other systems that are hardwired, at different geographic locations and all connect fine. I have not made any changes on the server side since this problem seems to be local to this client only. On the client I have made the following changes/observations. I have disabled the firewall, cleared the remote desktop cache, remove the MRU entries from the registry, verified that port 3389 is open via telnet. I have been bashing my head for days trying to figure out why this one box is not working. The problem occurs for every user on the box including the admin.I don't receive the box that prompts for warning if there is a server authentication issue but I think that is because I selected ignore at some point and said yes to continue. I'm not sure where that cache resides to delete that selection.

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"remote Desktop Can't Connect To The Remote Computer"

Nov 12, 2012

i would like to connect using RDC from my netbook (using windows 7 starter) to my desktop (using windows 7 professional) on the road.i have followed all the steps here: Allow Remote Desktop connections from outside your home network when i try to connect i get the dreaded "remote desktop can't connect to the remote computer" error message.

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Send Ctrl+alt+del To Remote Machine From Remote Machine

Sep 23, 2012

I connect to a remote machine C from Machine B which is connected from Machine A, How can I send ctrl+alt+end to remote machine C ? I cannot access m/c C from m/c A, I need to go through B to access C.

m/c A --> Remote destktop to m/c B --> remote desktop con m/c C.

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Windows Network Location: Public Versus Home At Home?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reimaging one of my home systems that I intend to use as a "sterile" system (I will visit very a very limited selection sites on it, such as banking sites). I'm considering establishing the network location as "Public" instead of "Home", rationale being this would help prevent cross infection from other computers on my home network if they get a worm or virus. I do have friends that come over and hop on my network sometimes and who knows what contamination their systems have. Is this being overly paranoid? Will it cause annoying problems for this sterile system or other systems in my home network? I don't intend to share anything on this system with other computers on my home network. Seems to me that this ought to be the recommended setting for any computer always ... you can always share files using a USB drive if you really need to. Thoughts? Again maybe I am being overly paranoid. Back in the day there used to be worms that would look for ways to hop from system to system over the network, maybe that's much much harder these days. I do have a router between the DSL modem and my home network and I do run Norton Internet Security on all my systems?

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IE9 Multiple Home Pages - Home Icon Disappears?

Sep 19, 2011

I generally have about 6 or so home pages that can change quite frequently, and since upgrading to IE9 it has been much more difficult to manage them. The Home icon is not always present, depending on which shortcut I use to open IE9. And the down arrow next to it is generally not there. I've tried turning on the Command Bar, which helps but takes up more screen real estate than I'd like, because I have quite a few items in the Favorites bar. Is there anyone that has found a better way to manage the homepages?

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No Sound After Upgrading From XP Home SP3 To Windows 7 Home Premium SP1

Jan 6, 2012

Recently ive decided that Well i should upgrade this computer. give it a bit of ..well style.But since ive upgraded to Windows 7 there has been no sound whatsoever. Ive downloaded countless driver programs which tell you what sound card you have and not one has detected it. IVE ALSO downloaded drivers for the Windows 7 version of my sound (Realtek AC97) and ran windows updates and NONE worked. ive ran the troubleshooter on the sound thing...STILL not detecting any sound card. i tried changing the audio in BIOS from auto - enabled....nothing.


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Upgrading 7 Home Basic 32 To 7 Home Premium 64

Jun 22, 2011

I have sort of a special case here. I purchased my HP laptop in Thailand, and much to my chagrin it came installed with Windows 7 Home Basic. In addition, the HP store which sold me the laptop installed 4gb of RAM neglecting to tell me that the 32bit version of 7 only supported up to 3. At any rate, I am hoping to upgrade to Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 Bit edition.But while there is a glut of information online about how to upgrade from Starter, there is little to nothing about Home Basic. Do I have to buy a full copy of 7 Home Premium 64 Bit? Can I buy an Anytime Upgrade that is meant for Starter and apply it to my computer?

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Windows 7 Home 32 Bit Home Edtion Is Stuck On Starting Windows Screen

Mar 26, 2011

My 2 year old $400 Acer laptop that has win 7 32 bit home edition locked up while surfing last night and I cannot get it to open.I tried safe mode it hangs up on the starting windows screen. I hit F8 and tried the launch start up repair function to no avail.When the laptop locked up the screen went off white like someone was trying to IM me and nothing opened. I pulled the battery out to shut the laptop down since I didn't like the look of what was happening and none of the buttons or other prompts would work.I have a current version of McAffe and was using Firefox.

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Collapsing WMC With Remote?

Nov 8, 2011

I just picked up a Media Center remote (RC126) for WMC. aim - Audio & Wireless Solutions

Does anyone know how to collapse WMC with the remote. That is I want to minimize the WMC screen using the remote.

Note there is a quarter moon button but this seems to put the entire computer in stand-by mode.

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Hp Remote Not Working

Nov 23, 2009

since i installed windows 7 on my notebook everything else works flawlessly except for the hp remote control...i installed all the drivers for the ene cir receiver drivers for windows 7 x64 bit also tried the x86 but it still isn't u guys know any drivers or 3rd party software that u think might work?i really need the hp remote to work...because the job i do can really use it...i have the hp pavilion dv7-1170US

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WMP Remote Streaming

Nov 10, 2010

I have 3 computers running 7600 ultimate, 2 are running x64 one is running x86. All 3 have remote streaming enabled, all 3 have the same windows live linked credential. Is there a port I need to open from the router side on my home network to allow remote streaming to function correctly? I consistently get the error ''Windows Media Player encountered a problem while downloading the playlist." when playing from a remote connection. All 3 computers are on the same homegroup also when they're at my place. Additionally all the computers dont show up for eachother in the ''other libraries'' section of WMP, they show up intermittently.

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Remote Desktop Through VPN?

May 18, 2011

Searched the internet, forums and tried everything even removing IDT.And getting a major head ache out of this. x64 notebooks.But on 1 single notebook the RDP does not work when connecting through a VPN.(Sony Vaio S-series factory customized i7, 8GB)The office has a Draytek VPN with an 2003 AD domain.Other notebooks do not have the problem. Remote desktop locally works Remote desktop via branche office works (through hardware based vpn tunnels) MS VPN connects, network is browsable MS VPN -> RDP shows: [Configuring remote session] But after a while connection is denied MS VPN -> Fileshares - functional MS VPN -> Webserver, FTP server - functional Maybe one of you guys have a hunch why this specific situation doesn't work?

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Can't Remote Into Computer

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to remote into my HTPC (Windows 7 Pro) from my laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium).

On the HTPC I have set it up so that it can allow for remote access. Under System PropertiesRemote Access I chose the third option "Allow connections only from computers running remote Desktop with Network level Authentication."


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