Can't Install Java Because Deleted Almost Entire PC

Nov 17, 2012

My PC broke a while back and I had it covered by warranty so I thought they were going to scrap it and give me a new PC (Like they did last time) but they didn't.. So before that I went to User > (Username) > and deleted every library inclkuding downloads, documents etc. Anyway, when they fixed this PC and gave it back, Java was uninstalled because I had deleted the files for it, so I went to go install it and I've now installed it 6 times and it won't register as being installed even after resetting PC. I went to control panel and deleted 6 different versions of Java including JDK, Jre whatever version, but still no results.

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Windows 7 100MB Sector - Install It Without Having To Reload Entire O/S Again?

Feb 6, 2013

So I finally got around to checking one of my set ups and I discovered that it does not have the Windows 7 100MB section on the SSD. I double checked with Macrium and sure enough, there is no 100MB section on the SSD.

Is there a way to install it without having to reload the entire O/S again?

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Install 64 Bit Windows 7 Ultimate Without Erasing Entire Operating System?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a processor that is capable of handling a 64 bit operating system. Right now I am currently running a 32 bit operating system. Is there any way I could install 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate without erasing my entire operating system?

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Can't Install Java Windows 7 X64 NT Kernel & System Is Stopping Install

May 28, 2012

NT Kernel & System rises to top of list in task manager and then just totally stops installs from proceeding. I have fought NT Kernel & System on 3 computers running Win 7 x64 ever since Win 7 has been out. No one yet that I know of has been able to solve the issue. I now need to install Java and can't because of NT Kernel & System stops it. I have tried everything on every forum and sites l find with Google searches. Nothing has worked yet.

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Copy Entire System From Backup Image Over Bootable Fresh Install?

Jul 15, 2012

I have a drive that was using PGP that has become damaged and will not boot despite trying 3 days of different fixes and repairs. I have a complete drive backup that will restore but when I try and boot after my PGP password I get 'Missing operating system'. Again I have tried decrypting and fixing but to no end.

I have another disk with a working and booting install of Windows 7 (same architecture etc) on. I have the entire contents of the non-booting system disk that I can access from the image of it.

If I booted into something like Windows Recovery or Live Linux environment, can I copy the entire contents of the non-working Windows 7 drive over the working one and expect it to work and then boot?

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Can't Install Java Sdk

Jul 26, 2011

i use windows 7 ultimate x64 and im trying to install java sdk. But i only get the error This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exist and that you can access it,or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

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Cannot Install JAVA?

Dec 17, 2011

Have been trying install Java and at the end message comes up "Windows installer not installed correctly" how do i fix?

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Cannot Install Java Developer's Kit

Dec 13, 2011

My computer is installed with a legal copy of MS Windows 7, SP 1. My hardware is an AMD Phenom II 3.30 GHz with 8 GB RAM and I am installing to a 10 GB partition. I am currently attempting to install from the Administrator account, though I have also made the attempt from a user account.I have the file jdk-6u24-windows-x64.exe that I activate. This gives me the Windows prompt "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" When I select "Yes," the screen immediately goes back to viewing the folder and nothing else happens.I just now used Revo to uninstall everything remotely related to Java from my list of installed software. This has not had any affect on my Java installation efforts, though I did get a notice that I would no longer receive a prompt for automatic updates to Java (those never worked, anyway).I built this computer at the beginning of this year, but I have never been able to install a Java compiler to it. I need this to work because I am struggling to pass Java classes that are required for me to graduate with an AS degree in Computer Science.

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Unable To Install Java

Jun 11, 2012

Ever since I installed the most recent Java update (31) Internet explorer asks for the administrator password to run Java every time it starts. Also even when given on one of my user accounts it will say "java not installed" on some websites. I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling and even changing my security settings.

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64 Bit Java Won't Install On Windows 7 X64

Aug 11, 2011

I'm having trouble installing 64 bit java on my new Asus laptop running windows 7 x64. I've tried both offline and online installations of both version 6u26 and the new verion 7 jre to no avail. When I try to intall the exe i've downloaded from the java website, I go through the usual "click yes for authentication" and then the installer appears for an instant with its little green bar and dissapears. The installer no longer shows up in my task manager, though the process still exists. The installation just hangs indefinatly with no errors. If i try to reload the installer exe I get an error

"Installer : Wrapper.CreateFile failed with error 32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

All of the "fixes" i've found via google require you to uninstall the previous version, but I have no previous version of 64 bit Java installed. All i have is a 32 bit java and I'm hesitant to uninstall that. I thought it might be my antivirus/firewall (which shuouldent matter for the offline versions) so I turned them off for an installation attempt with no success. Windows is fully updated so no problems there and it was a clean install, as i swapped out the stock hard drive for an SSD, so any bloatware issue is non existant. No problems installing other programs.

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64 Bit Java Won't Install On Windows 7 X64?

Nov 7, 2011

I have 64 bit windows 7. Why won't java install the 64 bit version? It would only install the 32 bit one. When I try to play my favorite bingo game, I get a message that says MICROSOFT JScript COMPILATION ERROR. aND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOX IT SAYS EXPECTED.

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Cannot Install Java On Windows 7

Jan 4, 2012

there was a problem with this file. unknown signature verification

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64-bit Java Won't Install On Windows 7?

Jul 12, 2012

How do I install Java for Windows 7?

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64 Bit Java Won't Install On Windows 7 X64

Jul 27, 2012

64 bit Java won't install on Windows 7 x64

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64 Bit Java Won't Install On Windows 7 X64

Nov 19, 2012

64 bit Java won't uninstall on Windows 7 x64

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Install Java Windows 7?

Jan 23, 2013

Java will not upload on my computer? It keeps telling me that the site is corrupt. What can i do?

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Can't Install Java On Windows 7

Feb 14, 2013

I have toshiba satellite L300,just installed windows 7 32 bit on it.Now I cant install java,I get a box written "the installation package could not be opened.verify that the package exist and that you can access it or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Java Doesn't Work To Install?

Feb 25, 2012

A problem arised with Windows Installer-package. A DLL-file that is needed to finish this installation couldn't be run. Contact supportstaff or your supplier of this package. That is what my computer says when I am trying to install Java. Why do I have to install a DLL-file? I haven't had to done that before when installing Java.Other programs has also told me to download a special DLL-file, but Java doesn't tell me which one, so I can't download it

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Java Version 6 Update 26 Won't Install?

Jul 14, 2011

I really need some help installing Java Version 6 Update 26. I was clearing junk out of my computer and I deleted the Java folder in Program Files(x86) by accident. At first, I'm like "Oh, well I guess I could just go to the site and redownload it." This is where the problem is. On the website it says to uninstall any traces of Java before reinstalling it. I have unfinished/corrupted traces that wont let me uninstall. So I went ahead and tried downloading it. That comes up, so obviously the corrupted install is in the way. So, I just try to reinstall as it says. Then this comes up: After that, this comes up. I've looked everywhere on Google. At first, I thought it was a problem with my Windows Installer, but it says Windows Installer 5.0.7600.16385 when I type MSIExec in the Command Prompt. Before I knew that, I thought it was because I didn't have Windows 7 Service Pack 1, then I got that. It didn't help the problem I'm having.

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Why Wont Java Install On Win 7 Laptop ?

Jan 27, 2010

i've tried everything but on my windows 7 laptop, i've tried to install java and when it comes to installing it says that theres an error due to my internet options what do i do?

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Cannot Install Java On A New Computer With Windows 7 64 Bit

Mar 9, 2012

I cannot install Java on a new computer with windows 7, 64 bit.

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JAVA Won't Install / Downloaded File Is Corrupt

Aug 5, 2012

I have been trying to install JAVA on my PC, and when I go to and try to download the latest version, I get an error message - 'Downloaded File Is Corrupt'.The file is Java 7 Update 5.

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Unable To Install Java After Multiple Fixes

Dec 14, 2012

I'm using Win 7 Ultimate 32bit on an HP Pavillion laptop CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 2.2 ghz, Ram 4 gigs..For many months I've been trying to install Java's latest update. been attempting it for so long I think Java has updated twice during this time. Sometimes it worked for a few weeks or a month then I'd get a message telling me I need to update my version. So off I go....back to Java - ran the test - sure enough it would say I needed to update or I had no Java at all. Right now the latest version is jre1.7.0_09-windowsi586.exe. I got it directly from the JAVA site.I've tried many fixes. From my OS troubleshooter to the MS Fixit tool at the fixit center and other tools in between. All of them say they have fixed the problem. I've spent hours reading about Java issues, fixes, etc at various sites discussing why - this happens. Its conflicting views.I do recall installing different versions of Java in the past because the site advised me to for reasons I can't remember now..... I think it was the JRE 2 - that had a browser plugin which had a fix for a later version of Java.In the last several months I periodically - dl and installed the latest version but each time I tested it - it would say it was NOT installed so I'd do it again after checking BOTH the destination folder (empty) and the control panel to see if it was in there and it wasn't so I tried again with same result. I never tried to uninstall earlier versions because I thought there was a reason they didn't uninstall completely like sometimes its necessary to keep older versions. When version 7 came out I noticed instructions said to get rid of them. Except at that point they would not uninstall. I got the same message whether I was trying to install or uninstall: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" "try an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'jre1.7.0_04-c.msi".The problem with that is this installer package doesn't exist. If you dl the installer as a stand alone package at the Java site it's name is 'jre-7u9-windows-i586-iftw.msi. The one that the message says to use cannot be found anywhere on the site which leads me to believe something isn't right on my end - yet I can't figure out what that is.I found these instructions on Microsoft Answers: Uninstall all versions of Java from Programs and Features After you have removed all versions of Java, please check for these folders and manaully remove (right-click and select delete): [code]

Unfortunately that was short lived as I had to do a system restore a few days later to before I started the manual Java delete due to another issue that was causing non stop events to occur every second in the event viewer.I went through the whole process again but this time Java would not install. I got the same message as before. my pc has other multiple problems with events that I've been fixing here and there only to have new ones pop up or the ones I fixed come back. These started in March when I got it back from a repair shop. I will be posting the details of that on another thread for a different problem..Should I go back into registry and delete those other Java plugins and scripts? They were in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.    

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Cant Install Java On Windows Error 1606

Oct 25, 2011

i cant install java on windows. all i get is an 1606 error message

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Java Install - Error Due To Internet Options

Jan 27, 2010

i've tried everything but on my windows 7 laptop, i've tried to install java and when it comes to installing it says that theres an error due to my internet options what do i do?

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How To Install JAVA And Turbo C In Core I3 Processor 64 Bit Laptop

Apr 21, 2011

I bought a laptop with core i3 processor which is 64 bit. In this i cant install some software such as turbo c, JAVA, microsoft visual studio and so on. How to get recover this problem?

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Java 32bit Taking So Long To Install On Windows 7?

Oct 7, 2011

Wy is java 32 bit taking so long to install on windows 7 the 64bit installed fine now I have been trying to install 32bit and I have tried closing my firewall and antivirus as well as the manual and have uninstalled the java that was installed. Now it has been installing for 6 hrs and I don't know what else to try?

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How To Install JAVA And Turbo C In Core I3 Processor 64bit Laptop

Jul 8, 2012

C Language for i3. How to install JAVA and turbo c in core i3 processor 64 bit laptop?

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Can't Install Or Reinstall Existing Java-windows Message 1723 Error

Oct 27, 2010

i cant install or reinstall existing java-windows message 1723 error

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Deleted Partitions And Can't Install Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2013

I have just deleted all partitions on my laptop hard drive to install windows 7 and messed something up...I know cannot install windows 7 as it just sticks at the setup is starting screen..can I put the drive in my pc (running xp) and save it somehow ? I have nothing on the laptop to repair or anything as far as I can see ...

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