Can't Access Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu 11.10

Dec 17, 2011

I got a new HP laptop ame with window 7 home premium. I decided to have dual boot so install ubuntu 11.10. The bad thing is i didn't make a recovery disc and now windows 7 cant boot. It does show up in the grub menu but when i choose windows7 it give me an error that windows can't boot it might be because of hardware or software change.

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Installing Ubuntu With Windows 7?

Oct 15, 2010

I have downloaded 695MB Desktop Edition from it's official website,I'm installing it along with Windows 7 Home? While Installing I got the following screen first :allocate drive Space

1) Install alongside other OS
2) Erase and Use the entire disc
3) Specify partitions manually(advanced)

I have chosen Manually Partitioning option(3rd Option).There I got directed to free space option which is Unallocated space that I created in Windows shows free space 20973MB After clicking on free space, I got one window for "Create Partition" which says:

A)Type of new partition 1) Primary 2)Logical (Selected)

B)New Partition size in MB 20972

C)Location for new partition 1)Beginning 2) End Question:Which one to select,1 is selected by default.

D)Use as Ext4 Journalising File System

E)Mount Point / After pressing "OK " button,I got the following message:You have not selected any partition for use as swap space Go Back Continue? how to select swap spaces.

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Installing Windows 7 Over Ubuntu?

Dec 29, 2010

I'd like to start by saying I'm not very good with computers. I'm a complete noob, infact. Which is why it probably was not a good idea to install Ubuntu. But now, I am trying to rectify this problem.So I popped in the full install version of Windows 7 Home Premium and booted from the disk. I got up to the part where it asks me to select a partition. One is something like 293 GB with no free space, and the other is 8 GB with no free space. It won't let me install on either, and the reason it gives is something like it's not in NTFS format... I don't know what this means.And if you do choose to reply, act like you're talking to a preschooler, because I am when it comes to computers.

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Installing Ubuntu With Windows 7?

Jun 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate on my main computer.I'm not sure what the feature is called, but I was told that there was an app that would allow me to install another operating system, in my case Ubuntu, so that it is accessible from within Windows 7.I'm not looking to dual boot, just use it from Windows 7.

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How To Boot Windows 7 After Installing Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 20, 2010

I just finished installing Ubuntu 10.10 and was wondering how I could boot Windows 7 instead of ubuntu. Ubuntu loads and does not give me a choice of wanting to run Windows 7.

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Ubuntu HDD Not Showing Up After Installing Windows 7

Apr 6, 2011

I've built my system, and when I installed Windows 7 my Ubuntu HDD (Main, see system specs) does not show up in the 'My Computer' menu. Also how can I do a duel boot thing, so I don't have to go in to my boot menu to change my OS?

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Windows 7 Crashed While Installing Ubuntu

Jan 29, 2011

I tried installing ubuntu on my HP pavilion dm4 today by dual booting it and keeping both windows 7 and ubuntu on the different partitions. I installed ubuntu 10.10 successfully but the thing was when I am restarting the laptop. Its asking me to choose the operating system but when i choose windows 7 it says to repair the system and to repair I should have a Windows 7 DVD. I got the system 10 days back and i had no back up of the system and I think my HP recovery was also crashed. I dont know what to do. How to bring my Windows back? The good thing was ubuntu was working good and I am using it now...

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Installing Windows 7 Over An Ubuntu Install?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm trying to install windows 7 home premium upgrade on to my SSD which currently has Ubuntu running on it. I do have a a product key for windows XP When i try to select my SSD as the destination for installation, it won't let me. I think because its not the right file system(ntfs)?

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded the iso file of Ubuntu Alternate AMD64 and I extract it to partition D (Windows is installed in partition C). After that, I reboot. It went into the Ubuntu installation setup without problem but when it start to format, it says CD source not available or something like that because I didn't mention it that time. Therefore, I reboot again but it takes me to the Ubuntu installation setup again, I reboot and I place the Windows 7 Home Premium disc into my DVD drive and boot from it.

I went in to delete the partition D and never extended partition C and kept the unallocated space, I reboot again. It says "Missing Operating System" and boot from the Windows disc again, I click on Startup Repair and it took about 20 minutes and kept saying "Attempting repairs...". Some files are backup but some programs and big sized videos are not and for the programs, I don't want to lose the saved games and for the videos I don't want to download them again because my internet speed is only 512Kilobits/s on here.

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Access Ubuntu's File In Windows 7?

May 26, 2011

how to access ubuntu's file in windows 7

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Recover Lost Windows 7 Partition After Installing Ubuntu?

May 25, 2011

So the other day I decided that I wanted to try dual-booting Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Pavilion dv7-4083cl Entertainment Notebook that already had Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit installed. I shrank the main (biggest) partition by 100Gigs and then installed Ubuntu 10.04 on that 100Gigs of unallocated space. All worked fine, except when I tried to boot Windows 7 from the grub menu, it would come up to the beginning Windows 7 animation and then it would crash. So, I downloaded a Windows 7 Recovery CD and tried a few of the tools there. I did not create a system recover image prior to my troubles, so I could not recover the easy way.

After that, I tried the Startup Repair tool, which did not work. I read somewhere to try that Startup Repair tool 2 or 3 times, which I did. The third time, it seemed to freeze; it was "working" for about 6 hours, at which point I decided that it was enough and shut down the PC. That was a mistake... From that point forward, I still could not boot into Windows, but also every time I tried to boot into Ubuntu, I had to perform a disk check, which always failed! After trying that a few times, I had had enough yet again and decided to just reinstall Ubuntu. The install seemed to work fine, but once I rebooted I could not boot into Ubuntu (or Windows 7). No matter what option I select from the grub menu (or if I push F11 to go into recovery partition), it gives me an error that says "Error: No such partition" and dumps me into a grub rescue prompt...

After releasing multiple bouts of turrets, I tried booting from my Ubuntu LiveUSB again (same one I installed Ubuntu with twice) and ran Gparted to look at my partitions. It only showed me the one 100Gig partition and said the remaining ~350Gigs were unallocated! So now I'm stuck with no bootable operating system (on my HD), and to top it off, HP just sent me their "official" recovery disks that are trying to reformat my HD and erase all my data...

I know there has to be a way to restore my partitions and replace the grub bootloader with the Windows 7 bootloader. At this point I don't care about Ubuntu at all. All of my data was on the Windows 7 partition (which I cannot access from Ubuntu to grab it).

I can provide any information that you need, but remember that I can only do so via either BIOS or by booting Ubuntu from the LiveUSB. I cannot access Windows 7. I also do not have a Windows 7 install disk as this was a refurbished HP laptop that I bought from Costco...

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Installing Windows 7 Over Vista On Dual Boot With Ubuntu

Jan 14, 2012

I want to upgrade Vista to Windows 7, but without disturbing my Ubuntu installation, which is dual boot with Vista. I would prefer to do a clean install of Windows 7 over Vista, which has had niggling little issues (I resolve them and new ones appear) ever since I bought the pc. I don't have the recovery discs for Vista (the ones you make when you buy a new system) as they went missing during a major move.

What is the best way to accomplish all the above? Also, from what I understand, a clean installation can be done with an upgrade version of Windows 7 as long as a previous version of Vista or XP is already on the machine?

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Installing Ubuntu

Dec 16, 2009

currently have Win 7 On one hard drive and XP on another drive.

Neither drives are partitioned. I want to install Ubuntu and would like some recommendation as to how I go about it and what is best to do I know I will have to partition one of the drives.

If I install on the Win 7 drive will I get the dual boot option for Win 7 & Ubuntu ? At the moment I am using the system boot option to boot into XP as standard boot goes straight into Win 7.

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How To Access Win 7 From Ubuntu ?

Jan 18, 2010

how to access particular windows files from if u are working in ubuntu ?

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Cannot Boot Win 7 After Installing Ubuntu

Nov 24, 2009

cannot boot win 7 after installing ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installing Causes 100gb Of Unallocated Space

Oct 3, 2011

I have a Samsung 700Z5B-W01 new laptop. I was trying to do an install of Ubuntu alongside my Windows 7 but when I tried to do this, it just created 100 GB worth of unallocated space that I can't do anything with and it also made it to where my C: drive is only 50 MB's now.

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Lost Access To Windows 7 Drive (Dual-Boot Windows 7 & Ubuntu)

Aug 26, 2012

I lost access to my windows 7 drive (Dual-boot windows 7 & Ubuntu). every time I try to run Windows 7 I get the message: Bootmgr is compressed, Press CTRL_ALT-DEL to restart. I could run Bootrec /fixmbr or diskpart or attrib to rebuild my mbr table through DOS command window using my windows 7 recovery CD. The problem I cannot access drive C: where my windows 7 are. I get the error message: Cannot open volume for direct access or system cannot find the drive path or specified. I still can access all my windows folders and files through home folder in Ubuntu. I don't want to reformat and reinstall windows. Is there is a way to run the DOS commands within Ubuntu

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Windows 7 Won't Boot After Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Dec 3, 2010

I can't get Win 7 to boot after setting up dual boot (Ubuntu 10.10) on my GF's laptop. I'll describe the problem and everything that has been tried so far. REALLY hoping somebody has an idea, I'm getting desperate.I installed Ubuntu last night via the Live CD. Used the Live version to install alongside Windows and partition the drive, install Grub, etc. At reboot, after POST it would just go to a black screen with a flashing cursor. I could only run off the live CD. A forum member determined the Grub was trying to load from the wrong partition. We changed that and voila! Grub now loads properly. I can boot into Ubunto via Grub with zero problems. HOWEVER: when I try to boot into Win 7 from Grub, it just locks at the same flashing cursor of death screen. The 7 partition is till intact, I can see and access all the files on the 7 partition from within Ubuntu, however 7 will not boot. I have tried downloading and burning the Win 7 repair disk and doing all of the following,Running the automatic Start Up Repair - several times. All it does is remove Grub, but booting still goes to the flashing cursor and I have to reinstall Grub again to be able to do anything after POST.I have used the command prompt to run "bootsect /nt60 SYS /mbr". Has the same effect as above.I have used all the bootsec.exe /fixmbr, /fixboot, and /rebuildBCD commands. Again, all have the same effect and I have to reinstall Grub to get anywhere.I don't have an installation disk to try and just do a repair install because Asus apparently doesn't feel that I would need one of these. All I have is the recovery disks from the Asus AIRecovery application that want to just re-format the entire drive and start over. This isn't an option. It's my GF's laptop (mine gave up the ghost last week) and we both have WAY too much highly important data on here. Not to mention she would castrate me . Now from all my research the only other thing I've come across that sounds possible is that the boot flag needs to be set to a different partition. Somebody had a somewhat similar problem and it turned out the way Dell set up the system the boot flag had to be moved to a recovery partition and it worked fine. I'm wondering if Asus has something similar going on, but I can't figure out how to move the boot flag. I'm going on 12 straight hours of working on this now

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Installed Ubuntu Deleted The Ubuntu Partitions

Jul 4, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Mini 110-1116NR, then deleted the partitions that had Ubuntu on them, not knowing that Ubuntu comes with GRUB2, and sets itself as the default boot for that system. Now that GRUB2 is not installed, since it was on my only HDD, it looks for the GRUB2 partition, which does not exist.

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Can't Access 2nd Partition After Installing Windows 7 On First One

May 29, 2010

Drive is not accessible in windows 7. I installed W7 on Drive C and Drive D is visible but not accessible. Both C and D are partitions on the same HD. I had Windows XP on drive C before and formatted it and installed W7 on it. I have a lot of material saved on Drive D and cannot afford to lose them. What can I do to let windows 7 access drive D?

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After Installing Windows Couldn't Access Partitions

Dec 24, 2012

my niece was telling me her dell was not working right so I decided to just do a clean factory restore as a scan with malware bytes revealed over 30 viruses/trojans! Someones gonna get a sit down to talk about her surfing habits but I digress. I figure at this point a clean restore is easier than trying to remove these viruses.

So I go to do the normal F8, repair my computer step and see that the repair my computer function doesn't work. Ok let me boot to windows 7 disk and select the repair option and use that for factory restore. Again nothing, usually Dell datasafe options will allow me to do this. I then notice that the recovery partition was not showing up.

I called her and asked and it seems my sisters so called boyfriends fancies himself a "computer expert" and last time they were having problems decided to just reinstall windows which I assume some how lost the connection to the recovery partition.

I installed EaseUS free partition manager and see that the Recovery partition is still there just not accessible. Is there a way I can make this partition bootable again so that i can assess it from the repair menu and possible repair this back to factory?

also if I go like im going to reinstall windows when it says in what partition you want to install windows I can also see the recovery partition.

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Can't Access Users Folder Since Re-installing Windows

Jul 21, 2012

Since re-installing Windows 7, I can't open the Users folder on my other data drive. The green bar goes almost to the end of the X, then freezes. I've tried leaving it for a couple hours and it's still in the same spot.I've tried disabling the thumbnails and indexing is disabled, still the same.

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active". I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message.

I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc. I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "Factory Image" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP?

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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Can't Access System Recovery Or Boot To Windows 7 After Installing XP

Dec 17, 2011

I recently created a new partition with 200GB of space on my Windows 7 64bit (HP Elite) PC system. I installed Windows XP Professional on that new partition (trying to create dual OS). After Windows XP was installed, I was unable to find "Windows 7" as a boot option under "Startup and Recovery"... I could only see Windows XP Professional. I went to Disk Management and right clicked on the partition where my Windows 7 OS was under, and chose "Make partition active"... I got a warning system MAY not be able to boot, but I chose to proceed anyways. I tried restarting and got an error "BOOTMGR is missing / Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" ... I tried pressing F11 after restarting to get into "System Recovery" but it would go directly to the error message. I was still be able to access everything else during boot except "System Recovery" such as BIOS, etc.

I re-installed Windows XP Professional on the same partition... and was now able to get into the Windows XP Pro OS again. I'm still unable to access "System Recovery" when booting. F11 option is being bypassed and going directly into XP OS. This is my first concern, how do I get "System Recovery" to get working again? It used to work before as I re-installed Windows 7 couple of months ago. I can still see "FACTORY IMAGE" drive in My Computer (could be on a different drive letter than before). And second, how do I boot to my original Windows 7 OS (C-drive seems intact and all Win-7 system files are there)?

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When Installing Windows 7 Do Need A Driver To Access Hard Drive

Feb 6, 2012

had a really bad crash with laptop,so decided to format and add my windows 7 disc to do so but now when i go to setup it is saying it does not recognaise my harddrive?

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Installing X64 Beta Has Lost Access To My C Drive

Jan 11, 2009

I've got a bit of a problem with the x64 Beta of Windows 7 which has got me stumped. When I tried previous builds (including the x86 version of the Beta) it installed fine on my second hard drive in my laptop (Drive E - I have partitions C: and D: on my main hard drive, which runs Windows Vista x86)

But when I install the x64 version of the Beta on Drive E, after Windows 7 boots (which it does fine) then the drive that Windows 7 is on shows in "Computer" as C: - my D: partition also shows up (and is correct) but my Vista drive does not show at all.

Does anyone know a way around this? When I install 7, I just select Drive E to install on as normal, so not really doing anything differnt, except, of course, you can only install the x64 version by booting off of the DVD - whereas when I install the x86 version, I always start setup from within Windows.

If I could resolve this it would be great - I have no problem with installing 7 again if needs be. I should also mention that Vista still boots fine from C.

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Lost Access To Local Temp Folder After Installing OS Updates

Jul 12, 2012

The OS installed some updates, and after re-booting and logging on, I got an error when one application that tried to start up failed to access my local temp file. I have local administrative permissions. I changed my temp folder environment variable to point to a different location, but this is the second time this has happened (first time was on different machine). "Cacls Temp returns Access is denied". I can't take ownership or anything of it.

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Install Correct Procedure And Can Access Internet By Installing Wrt54g Linksys Router

Jun 17, 2012

install correct procedure and can access intenet by installing wrt54g linksys router v8 to my pc os windows 7,intel core i3..

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Windows Seven Or Ubuntu?

Feb 17, 2009

I currently have driver problems on my laptop in Vista. How is Seven beta for drivers because I am thinking of installing it. Or Ubuntu. What do you think?

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