Browser Connection Not Working?

Jan 20, 2012

i have a HP Probook running windows 7 64bit. it was working fine for the passed 3months and yesterday out of nowhere it stopped working the internet is connected but the browser wont load pages it still shows im connected but it wont load. i Troubleshoot connection problems and it says this "Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource [URL]is not responding. Ive tried CMD netsh winsock reset and nothing still same problem...i tried command prompt Netsh int ip reset and nothing either i restored the computer to an earlier time i did windows repair and nothinngg still same problem i ran out of options idk what to do?

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Loose Browser Connection After Restart?

Feb 28, 2011

i found that my computer stopped getting access to web browsing, only afects the browser (firefox, iexp), but every other aplication thet needs network, they go fine. I saw here a solucion by running cmd and make winsock reset, it worked well, but just until i restart the machine then have to winsock reset again.I recently instaled sp1 for Windows 7, i did restart the computer a lot that day and never had this issue. Router? Avast 6?

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Have Internet Connection But Can't Use Browser And Several Programs?

Sep 13, 2012

On a Laptop with Windows Home Premium (Acer OEM) I have Windows Defender installedThen downloaded AVG Antivirus around 1:st week of August. After the end of trial period AVG asked me if I want to upgrade to paid version or remain using free version with restricted options. I chose to keep the free version.After som days Windows error center recommend me with a Flag to install a Antivirus product and offer a Web page with alternative product. I then wanted to try any other Antivirus product.I decided to try Bullgard Security, downloaded it and then started installation. During installation Bullgard ask me if it first should remove previous security products and listed Windows Defender and AVG as installed or if I want them to remain in the system.

I chose to leave them and get through with the installation and Bullgard then want to restart Windows. During login and start up procedures Bullgard installation program started automatically. Its asked again if I want to first uninstall the other security product. This time I answered Yes and was then asked if I want to uninstall the other product one by one. It then started AVG uninstall program. If You use default options AVG keeps some minimal security detection and remains on the computer. In the tray You see the AVG icon, but because it was in the normally hided section I didn't see that AVG was loaded after the Restart of Windows.Suddenly I couldn't reach any Web pages whit any browser, also I couldn't run installation program that download a part from the net before it could start installation so Bullgard couldn't bee installed.

Window says that I have Internet connection and You can use for instance Windows update and several programs update function. I first used AVG installation file to repair AVG. I then used normal Control Panel - Uninstall for AVG and AVG uninstall program started. I go to advanced options and chose to totally uninstall AVG and delete all user data. I also on another computer downloaded a AVG-tool that detects remaining AVG installation and files and then remove them. It couldn't find any thing.After next restart the http protocol error still remains, I first think it was faulty DNS settings for the network adapter and manually set them as another functional Laptven if I put in IP-address in the browser address field it says it can't reach that page and installation program that want to download parts from the Internet and for instance Spotify says that there is no Internet connection.

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My Browser Stops Working

May 10, 2011

I have Windows 7. I am using IE 8. My browser will stop working. I do a restart and it will work good for awhile. Then I have do do the same thing about every 5 Min.

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32-bit Browser Not Working In Windows 7 64-bit?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows IExplored(9)-32 & Crome-32 do not work. (Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.) IExplorer(9)-64 works just fine. I've been researching my issue for a few days now and have no success inplementing the recommended fixes I've found, which included - I'll rip them off for you, without looking up the exact phrasing:

1 command line winsock flush ets.

2 "Turn Windows features on or off" uncheck, restart, recheck.

3 Complete un-install of windows Internet Explorer and re-install (from Windows update module).

4 Toolsinternet options eset.

There seems to be something fundamental to the Windows 7 64 Ultimate operating system that is preventing the 32 bit browers from working.

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Java 7 Not Working In Any Browser

Oct 2, 2012

I'm using java 7 latest version.I've installed the 32 version and am using windows 7 x64. Java is not working in any browser. I've uninstalled all browsers, reinstalled them, removed older versions of java and the current one and reinstalled it. I've also been into the Java settings to ensure Mozilla is enabled. I've also turned off all firewalls and virus software. Nothing is working and I'm out of ideas.When loading the java splash screen shows and it looks like it will load, but then it fails, always with a ClassNotFoundException.

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Some Java Buttons Not Working In Any Browser?

Oct 25, 2012

Firefox is my main browser-Have also tried Google Chrome and IE9OS is Win 7 x64 EnterpriseSome java buttons on websites just don't work. In any browser.... they didn't work in the previous versions before i updated both Firefox and Chrome.As far as security software that I'm using, I've tried disabling all of it, and still have the same issues. Those programs are: Spybot S&D, AVG Free, Comodo firewall.Here's a good example of a java thing on a site that won't work for has a login / password thing in the top right corner of their main page. I punch in my name and password, and neither hitting enter nor clicking on the Login link do anything. But I am experiencing this type of issue on many other sites. I can get on my laptop and go to the same sites and I have no issues, so it's something to do with this OS. Unfortunately, my laptop charger was lost so that's not an option. Plus, I'd really like to be able to use my tower for everything I do on the web.

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Browser Not Working But Internet Is Connected?

Nov 25, 2009

Ok so I have a fairly new computer that had Vista on it. I got the free upgrade and upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium. I've been using 7 for about 3 weeks now with no problems at all. Then out of nowhere approx 3-4 days ago, the internet doesn't seem to want to cooperate. Once in a while web pages wouldnt load and now most of the time my browser will fail to load any pages. I called my ISP tech support and everything is fine on their end, and I can confirm that I am indeed connected because I can play multiplayer games, use utorrent and occasionally msn messenger.I've tried both Firefox 3.5.5 (default) and IE 8. It appears that there is some conflict somewhere that is denying me internet access. I need this resolved ASAP since most of my school notes are online and it's midterm/finals time.

While talking to tech support I was advised that restoring windows to a backup may solve the problem. So I did that with a backup that was 3 days old and it worked for maybe an hour then I had the same problem.I should also note that I am NOT using wireless. I have a wired cable connection.When the browser does decide to work, I find that it is very slow. Even my download speeds on utorrent have decreased drastically.

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Flash No Longer Working With Any Browser

Jun 3, 2012

so earlier in the week, flash decided to take a nosedive. no flash based websites will open, and Internet won't fully load videos like it used to (i have fios, and good up/download speeds). i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times, then once more but with flash version 10.2.

i'm unable to go to a system restore point because none of the points go back far enough. i thought it may have been my anti-virus, but even disabling that hasn't fixed it. is there anything else i can do? i'm prepared to toss the computer and call it quits.

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Skype Is Working, But Internet Browser Is Not?

May 2, 2011

my Skype is the only one working on my laptop. All the others (yahoo messenger,internet browser, google chrome, firefox) arent. Although, when I connect it directly to the modem, it works fine. When I use our wireless connection with a router, the Skype works but my internet browser and yahoo messenger doesnt. Did my dad tweak with the router? Is that possible?

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Flash And Java Not Working In Windows 7 On Any Browser

Oct 1, 2011

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop). i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine. i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites. currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else. i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph...)

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RealPlayer (New Version) Not Working In 32bit Browser

Oct 16, 2012

RealPlayer new version in 32 bit browser has stopped working on my windows 7 computer.

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Flash Java Not Working In Windows 7 Any Browser / Can't Update

Jul 11, 2012

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop).i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine.i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites.currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else.i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph) i've tried pretty much everything i can think of, as to manual installation and so forth.nothing works, nor changes anything.

so far it's only facebook (of websites) not working, and then of course flash and java.i would like to avoid comments such as: "just don't use facebook then *hurhhurh*" as the problem runs somewhat deeper than just not being able to use facebook. this computer is just about 4 months old as well, and i'm breaking my skull trying to figure out what the heck is causing this. on a side note i am up to date on both anti-spyware and anti-virus, and i've run several scans in both secure and normal mode.all comes up empty.

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When Upload A Picture On Facebook Status / Browser Stop Working

Jul 25, 2011

Sometime when I upload a picture on facebook status ,my browser stop working!I use Google Chrome .. So I close the browser and open it again and restore.

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Laptop Running Extremely Slow In Windows 7 Browser And Internet Browser?

Feb 21, 2013

My computer has been running slow for months, but it is now getting to the point where it is almost unbearable. For example, just clicking on a folder to open it can take up to 15 seconds to respond. It also lags a ton during internet browsing.

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FireFox - Mouse & Browser& Browser Freezes In Facebook Page?

Dec 30, 2012

I have FF 17. The mouse is freezing in facebook & I find the only escape to release the browser is reboot. The same FB page works fine in internet explorer.

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Vga Connection Is Not Working?

May 8, 2012

my vga to tv was saying no signal now its just blank with a signal

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Wireless Connection Not Working?

Feb 26, 2011

before I installed my new antivirus and firewall, my wireless connection was working fine. Now when I try to connect, there are no networks to connect to. The wireless light is on and wireless is enabled on the computer I'm trying to connect with, the only problem I'm having is that the network won't show up, before there was a few in the list and now nothing. I've burned some time trying to figure it out,

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Internet Connection Isn't Working On PC?

Jun 7, 2011

As I said my pc connection is just freaking f***** up. It works on my other Pc's but not on my primary one. It works like this, it works for an hour, day maybe even a week but sometimes it just wont work, i plug the cable in it works for like 1 minute or two, sometimes an hour or maybe a little longer, but at the end it just dissconects from internet i replug my cable and again working or not for a couple of minutes, something has to be on my pc do anybody knows what, though my PC is optimized and very well secured and from time to time cleaned.

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External Monitor Connection Not Working?

Oct 30, 2009

A friend just bought a new HP laptop running Windows 7 Home. They want to connect their old Gateway monitor to the laptop to use as a dual-screen setup. They shut down the system connected the monitor then turned on the monitor and booted the system. When the desktop displays on the laptop it also comes up on the external monitor for just a second and then the monitor goes black. They have also tried connecting the monitor while the laptop was already up and running with the same results. The monitor had been working fine with their old Windows XP desktop system.

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Router Connection Not Working On Windows 7?

Oct 5, 2012

I have an Acer laptop running Windows 7 SP1 64bit. Worked fine until last week. Now will not connect to router.Network centre says ;no internet connection' and 'unidentified network , public network This happens both via wifi and cable connection.I have another router on another line. Same failure messages when I connect the laptop ( wifi and cable)I also have a PC running Windows 7.Connects perfectly to both routers via either method.I an running 'Bullguard' have disabled - no affect.

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Dave-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No

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Windows 7 XP Wirelss Connection Not Working?

May 8, 2011

I have a 3 PC network (no WEP or WPA security) attached to a Thomson 760W wireless router with the latest Firmware ( PCs (Angua and Carrot - dont ask!!) run XP SP3 (all latest updates); 1 PC runs Windows 7 Ultimate (all latest updates)There are no active firewalls,When all PCs have a wired ethernet connection to the network, everything (shares etc) works fine,When the W7 PC is connected to the network wirelessly ,W7 can access the shares on Carrot, cannot access the shares on Angua (). I suspect it cannot even see Angua and the reference is there from an earlier wired connection, cannot access a network drive that points to a share on Angua,Angua can access the shares on W7,A 4th PC running XP SP3 (not a normal part of the network) connected wirelessly can access Angua and can be accessed by Angua and the W7.W7 can ping Angua and the 4th PC (time=1ms)And Angua can ping the W7,I have the same items showing under the Wireless network Connection properties on both Angua and Carrot. They are Client for MS Networks File and Printer sharing QoS packet scheduler TCP/IP Under Network Connction details everything seems to be OK. There is an IP address and NetBIOS over TCPIP says Yes The Troubleshooter (Shared Folders) Couldn't identify the problem' and under details "no issues detected" but attempts to access a share in explorere are met with \Anguafolder is not accessible. You might not have permissions etc etc"(When hooked up wired W7 reports the permissions on the shared folder as, everyone)So it seems that is is something to do with the combination of settings on W7 and Angua,So please, what do I have to do to get the wireless component of this network working remembering that

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Windows 7 Network Connection Not Working?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a Dell inspiron mini tower that had some apparently critical either net driver deleted. I'm not entirely sure which driver it was or how to get it back. I've tried downloading a few drivers on another machine and then just transferring them to the bad one but it's not working (3 separate ones now). It was working perfectly before this "thing" was accidentally uninstalled.

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Network Connection Adapter Not Working?

Oct 13, 2012

My laptop cannot currently connect properly to the internet. After trouble shooting, the diagnosis is that "There might be a problem with the driver for the Wireless Network Connection adapter". My laptop also wouldn't connect to the internet via cable. I'm not sure what the problem is as my laptop was working fine last night.

I have Windows 7 Home Premium (32 bit) installed on my Sony Vaio VPCEB36FG.

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Browsers Not Working / Internet Connection Fine -/Tried 'Everything'

Apr 16, 2012

I mainly use Google Chrome as my internet browser and about a week ago it started acting up. It would get stuck on a page or would repeatedly send me back to my homepage. I was able to use Skype, Ventrillo, World of Warcraft, etc. My AVG wasn't catching any problems, but the problem was happening. I would restart the computer and the browser would work fine for a little while, then stop.Following CNET's advise, I installed CCleaner and Malware Software and ran them.No problems detected.I found a similar forum here. Browsers not working, internet connection is fine And tried everything that was suggested to that user, but still no luck with my computer.I spent an hour+ with AVG Tech Support trying to resolve the issue to no prevail.

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Local Area Connection Is Not Working Properly?

May 11, 2012

i received this message" local area connection is not working properly, wireless capability is turned off" how can i fix this?im using windows 7 professional 64 bit...

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Internet Connection Stops Working After Awhile?

May 17, 2012

It will work fine for awhile; sometimes hours, sometimes minutes, and then I randomly won't be able to connect to anything. Windows says I'm still connected and can't find any errors, and when I try to connect to anything it gets timed-out.I did notice that there are quite a few things in the device manager under "Network Adapters," though not sure if there's anything in there that could be causing a problem.My laptop is the only computer in the house that has this issue, and it's had it on both of the connections I've tried using.

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Wired Internet Connection Working With XP, But Not Windows 7?

Oct 4, 2012

My Dell Dimension C521 died on me maybe 6 months ago. It has Windows XP on it.

I put it to the side and bought a HP Pavilion G7 laptop to replace it with, which came with Windows 7 Home Premium. From what I remember I just plugged my ethernet cable into it at the time, and I was able to use my Virgin Media connection straight away, didn't have any problems.

So last week I finally repaired the old Dell and I've been using it for about a week now, while the new laptop sat unused in the other room. Now, today when I try to use the laptop again to connect to the internet, it doesn't want to play ball; troubleshooting the connection comes up with 'The default gateway is not available'.

I didn't change anything or do anything, I just didn't use it for a week and now it won't connect to the internet. The only difference I can see is one machine is XP and one is Windows 7...

I used the Windows 7 recovery disc to reinstall the OS hoping that would fix it (after a few system restores failed to address it), but no luck. When I ping my default gateway as it's shown in ipconfig, it comes back 'Request timed out' 3 times, then 'Destination host unreachable'.

"Tunnel adaptor 6T04 Adaptor:" doesn't have a Default Gateway listed, is this somehow relevant?

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Windows 7 Ethernet Cable Connection Not Working?

Aug 19, 2012

For the past half a year I have had my PC, I've always had some problems with my internet connection and Windows 7. I've always thought that it's a case of bad hardware and such but it's starting to look like it's Win7 that's giving me the finger.I've mainly been using a WLAN USB-interface and from the very beginning problems have been occurring. At first, the connection would be really unstable. It might stay up for 2 minutes or for a week. Rather annoying. I tracked down the problem and thought I had found a solution. Apple's Time Capsule has also a WLAN feature and it was Time Capsule's network I was using. I found out that Windows 7 and Time Capsule weren't all that compatible so I had to find another solution. Luckily enough, there's another WLAN in our household. It's much farther away than the other so I was afraid I might have some connection issues. And I did. The signal was weak at times and I just couldn't establish a connection. So, I moved my PC to another room and it started working properly. The distance from the router was cut down from maybe 8 meters to 2 meters or so.However, I couldn't keep my PC in that room forever and it seemed odd that when I moved the PC a few meters away from the router, the signal disappeared. So, that in mind, I went and took the USB-interface to the place I bought it from. I figured it was the interface because all the other of my devices connected to the Internet worked fine. The room is no Faraday cage. They still have the interface and I didn't get a replacement for the time being so I had to connect the PC to the Internet with a cable. At first, the MOBO wouldn't recognize the network. Then I rebooted and replugged all the cables and the ethernet LEDs started blinking. I was happy - I even checked that the lights indicated that there was data activity and that there was a 100 Mbps connection. But still - I oouldn't connect to the Internet. Windows 7 would only say that there're no connections available. I started realizing that it might be Win7. So I booted the PC up with Ubuntu since I have it on dual-boot and surprise, surprise - the Internet connection works perfectly. And here I am writing this post. The cable connection has worked with this PC before and it works now with other PCs, too.

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Disable Automatic Connection/updates, And Skype Not Working?

Nov 2, 2012

I've been hassling with a new Windows 7 laptop for weeks now. The external mic and line in was not working. Dell finally told me to go back to factory settings.After I did that today, I tried to tweak all the settings back to how I want them, but I'm stumped by the annoying message on startup that announces that I'm not connected, and that there must be something wrong. I got rid of it when I first got the computer, but now it shows me the weather and (wrong) time, which I don't remember from last time.I managed to make this message disappear when I first got this computer, but now I can't figure out how to do that. I think it may have something to do with automatic updates of some program. Does anyone know how to stop Windows from trying to automatically connect?

I suspect that this may also be interfering with Skype logging in. I read on the Skype support site that automatically updating programs could impact Skype. At this point it just keeps trying to log in, but just hangs there forever. I just used it yesterday without any trouble before I reinstalled, so I assume some setting needs tweaking on the reinstall.

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Can't Make Working Wifi Connection With Samsung Netbook

Oct 14, 2011

I am sure that I somehow messed this up big time. The Samsung Netbook is an N145 Plus. It works fine when hooked to the internet via cable. When I first started to hook up wifi I was given options such as who did I want to connect to etc. I think I need to reset the Home group/public places fields and try it again from the start. I'm not looking to use wireless for home at this time. I need to set this up for Public Places connection and tight security for my wife so that she can use this pc while she waits for her clients in court or doctors offices. I have never worked with wireless before and am really lost. I have an Atheros AR9825 adapter with updated software and drivers and an Asus USB N10 wifi antenna with current drivers in place.

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