BSOD When Connecting Computer To TV

Jun 27, 2009

Whenever I connect my computer to the TV using S-Video, the screen on the laptop flashes for about 5 seconds, switching between Aero and Basic Themes, gives an error messgae that the graphics card recovered from an error, then BSOD's. I've included the minidump. For the graphics card, see my system specs.

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BSOD When Connecting To Internet

May 3, 2012

I get BSOD whenever I try to connect my USB modem to get internet. find the minidump attached.

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BSOD When Connecting To Cisco VPN

Feb 14, 2013

At least twice each day i get the BSOD when connecting to Cisco VPN for work. The sever is based in Dubai and i am in Europe. The BSOD only happens when i am connected to VPN Client. It does not happen immediately and i have scanned the laptop numerous times with Eset antivirus and Malwarebytes Anti-malware.

Dell Inspiron Mini 1018
Intel Atom CPU n455 @ 1.66GHz
2gb RAM
32 bit Windows 7 Pro

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Getting Bsod When Connecting / Disconnecting Firewire

Aug 21, 2012

I'm having a problem when I connect or disconnect my firewire cable I get a BSOD. I'm not sure what to do. I think I have the latest drivers for firewire.

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BSOD On Mother's Laptop / Mainly When Connecting To Internet

Jan 10, 2013

My mother's laptop has recently starting suffering frequent BSODs - having started to look at it, it seems to mainly happen when connecting to the internet.I haven't been able to run many of the suggested software as connecting to the internet causes it to crash.I attach one of the desired files.It is a TOSHIBA laptop, running WINDOW 7 Home Premium SP1. It has a Celeron Dual-Core CPU T3000 @ 1.80 GHz, with 2 GB RAM.

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BSOD 0x0000000A When Connecting To The Internet Via Mobile Broadband?

Jan 6, 2012

i have a fresh windows system and i noticed when i put my usb broadband dongle and connect to the internet with it, I always get a BSOD 0x0000000A after it connects
dunno whats the problem.

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BSOD While Connecting To Internet With Mobile Via Data Cable

Jun 17, 2012

Last day my desktop crashed with blue screen error while trying to connect my mobile internet Via data cable. Blue screen error I got:

STOP : 0x0000009F(0X00000003,0X829FEC08,0X83562AE0,0XBA430F20)
And the DUMP FILE I got: 061712-19640-01.dmp

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Computer Freezes When Connecting USB?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this incredibly disturbing problem that when I connected an USB stick my whole computer freezes.I have no control over the keyboard(Ctrl+Alt+Del wont work) and mouse meaning the only thing i can do is to force restart.I connect the USB when my external hard-drive is still powered off and when i turn it on the music stops and it just freezes.

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Printer Not Connecting To Computer

Oct 13, 2011

I can't get a Samsung ML 3560 Laser printer to operate with my desktop computer which is running Windows 7 Home Premium.There is nothing wrong with the printer or USB cable - they work fine with my laptop running XP.I have downloaded and installed the latest drivers for Windows 7 (and have checked this with Samsung), but for some reason the printer isn't showing up in device manager.I have tried connecting to various USB ports.

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Connecting Computer To Tv Via Dvi To Hdmi?

May 1, 2009

if i connect my computer to my tv with a dvi to hdmi cable, will the sound from my computer come out through the speakers on my tv?

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Computer Not Connecting To Wifi?

May 8, 2012

My computer used to connect perfectly to wifi. Then I tried setting up an access point through my laptop, using netsh commands, and now it won't connect at all. When I boot to Ubuntu however, it works fine

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Connecting Computer To HDTV?

Jun 22, 2012

Connecting computer to HDTV?

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Connecting Camera To Computer?

Sep 9, 2012

I've been trying to connect my camera to th computer to download pictures, but, keeps asking me to retry?

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Connecting Kindle To Computer Wifi

Feb 25, 2011

I've been trying to connect my kindle to wifi by turning my laptops wifi card into a hotspot. The kindle doesn't support peer-to-peer networks so the ad hoc option obviously failed. However two people where able to make it work on a iMac: Connecting Kindle 3 to a MacBook wifi network - kindle Discussion Forum

by configuring the kindle to these settings:

Can this be done on windows 7? If not will it work if I do it on windows server 2008 r2 via creating a dhcp server?

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Connecting New Laptop To Desktop Computer?

Jul 8, 2011

need to connect my new HP laptop to my desktop to transfer things. My usb cords have a flat end and a square end but the laptop has no square end to hook into only flat slots. It may be usb 3. Needs a different type of cable? what ype?

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Computer Stopped Connecting To Router?

Mar 22, 2012

My wireless adapter shows that it is connected to my network, but my computer cannot connect to the internet. All other computers can still connect to the internet. It worked fine for almost a year, then one connection.I use Windows 7, Home Premium, 64-bit; engenius wireless adapter and Linksys router. I tried to change to a TP-Link router, but my adapter (or computer) couldn't find it, so I switched back to the Linksys.Tried re-installing wireless adapter, linksys, tp-link; re-sets to both routers; uninstalling software, then re-installing;

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Connecting To Internet When Computer Boots Up

Oct 24, 2009

When my new laptop boots up and I click on Internet Explorer, I am not autmatically connected to internet. This is not true of my other laptop and desktop at home.

Is there some setup thing I have to do so I can avoid having to always hit the additional button to connect?

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Acer Computer Not Connecting With Internet?

Jul 30, 2012

Computer running very slow i have. Acer labtop

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Perf Monitor Connecting To A Remote Computer

Aug 13, 2009

ESS v4 is asking permission if i should allow Resource monitor to connect to a remote computer, is this like MS gathering system performance information ?

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Connecting Computer Speakers Are Hard Wired Together?

Feb 14, 2012

my computor speakers are hard wired together, yet only one of them has sound,why

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Connecting A 64 Bit Computer To A 32 Bit Printer & Network Drive

Jan 19, 2013

I have found the reverse but have yet to find this exact problem. My computer, running Windows 7 64 bit, will recognize the printer but won't let it connect to the printer. The network drive is not even seen. Both the printer and the network drive is hosted on a computer using Windows XP 32 bit.

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Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 Not Connecting To The Computer?

Sep 26, 2011

I have an HP MobileWorkstation Elitebook 8440w with Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit OS and I'm unable to add this mouse as a Bluetooth Device.I was able to add the device to my old HP Elitebook 8530w with Windows Vista and it worked most of the time, but then it stopped working when the OS was updated to Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit. I don't have administrative permission on the 8530w to remove the device to attempt adding it again to see if that helps. Also, I can't change the Bluetooth settings on that machine to rule out that as the problem due to the same lack of permission.Rather than go back to my administrator to change the settings on the old 8530w and waste time trying to see if the mouse connects with it, I'd rather get my mouse to connect to my current 8440w laptop for which I can change the Bluetooth settings.

I tried to get the sys admins at work to fix this mouse problem, but they couldn't do it with the limited time they had to spare, especially since I have the option of using a USB mouse they provided. The problem is that I spent $50 on this mouse and it worked before the Windows 7 install on the 8530w and never worked on the 8440w. I've tried everything suggested in other forum threads on this issue: Turned mouse on using the power switch on the bottom and getting a steady green light Held down the button on the bottom to make mouse discoverable with flashing red and green light Fresh batteries (removed and replaced fresh batteries and attempted connection again) Edited all device settings as recommended in Microsoft documentation:Bluetooth Settings > Options (the following are checked on)DiscoveryAllow Bluetooth devices to find this computer ConnectionsAllow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer Alert me when a new Bluetooth device wants to connect Show the Bluetooth icon in the notification area Bluetooth Settings >HardwareHP Integrated Module with Bluetooth 2.1 Wireless Technology"This device is working properly" Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator"This device is working properly" Bluetooth Service PropertiesStartup Type: Automatic Service status: Started Log on as: Local System account Double-checked the device drivers to make sure they are up-to-date After all that, the "Add a device" tool just spins forever without discovering the mouse. Is my $50 mouse useless with Windows 7, or am I missing something?

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Public WiFi -Windows 7 Computer Stalls On Connecting Prompt

Aug 23, 2012

I have Windows 7 home and have run into a bit of an issue. I have a program on my computer that runs through the internet. At my home, it connects fine and I am able to run it without any issues, but I go to school and connect to their WiFi and it stalls on the connecting prompt. Everything else I run and the internet works fine, I have re-installed the program and made sure it wasn't blocked from public access on firewall.

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BSOD When Computer Is Idle. No BSOD When Playing Games For Hours?

Jul 3, 2012

I started getting BSOD two weeks ago. As far as I can remember the first time I had a BSOD was on the day I installed Max Payne 3 (I read somewhere that the some guy had also this problem when he installed max payne). There were two occasions that I got a BSOD upon starting Max Payne 3. But lately I'm getting BSOD when doing low-load stuffs like browsing with no other apps opened. I've already done memtest with 10 passes with no errors. I'm 24 hours prime95 stable. I just don't get it! I've manually set my timings for my ram. I'm not doing any overclock. Everything is on stock settings.

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Getting "Unknown User Name Or Bad Password" While Connecting To Other Computer

Jun 13, 2012

I have to PCs with windows 7 installed on them in a workgroup. I get " logon failure .Unknown username or bad password" every time i try to connect to other one of course in both directions whilst i am sure of my credentials .

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BSOD While Away From Computer?

Jan 12, 2012

nothing running just sitting idle

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033


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BSOD, Computer Won't Start Up

Dec 9, 2011

Ive been having bsod for a while now. I have a sony vaio .I've tried restoring my laptop and it wouldn't get rid of it. And i don't think it's anything that I've downloaded that Is effecting it because I resorted it . And now I can't even get into my computer... The error is 0xe00000000 I believe , but there were some other errors

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BSOD And Cannot Startup My Computer

Apr 30, 2012

This also happened to me (the BSODs) but not after installing RAM - I'm not sure what the error code was though, I upgraded my OS from Windows 2000 Professional to Windows 7 (I actually installed Windows 7 on a different partition) and didn't actually do an "upgrade" - but I wasn't sure if I should "uninstall" or delete the old Windows OS from the other partition. Not sure how to go about doing that - just by deleting, or having to clean registry keys, etc. I also had to install a new video card - since my previous one would not work right under Windows 7.

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Computer Freezes, NO BSOD?

May 15, 2012

A few weeks ago I upgraded from windows XP to windows 7 and did a clean install.Everything was working smoothly except when the Visual setting is set on Quality vs. Performance, either my computer would completely freeze after a few minutes and I have to do a hard boot OR it's going to give me the black screen flicker then "Display Driver Stopped Responding and has recovered" error. Most of the time it doesn't recover though and it just freezes completely.I wish I could provide a BSOD minidump but my comp never BSOD. Only freezes with no keyboard/mouse activity. Applications affected:Computer also freezes/show me the error when I try to play video on itunes, play minecraft, while playing Sims 2 and league of legends. Seems to me that all the application that puts stress on the GPU doesn't work anymore :But the thing is, all these said applications were FINE when I was running windows XP.

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Built New Computer And Getting Several BSOD?

Apr 8, 2011

I've recently built my a Windows 7 desktop and i'm getting all kinds of blue screens.I have tried doing a clean install, i've done a system restore since then to when it was working best and i've still had BSOD.Originally it kept BSOD when i had two sticks of RAM in (at least once every 30 min) and worked fine when only one was in. I've since done a clean install and have both in.I've attached the dmp files from the two BSOD i've had since i have done the clean install.The only programs installed are Avast! 6.0.1000) and the software to run the wireless dongle (Netgear WG111v3) plus whatever came with Windows 7.I've ran dskchk and sfc /scannow with no errors reported. I've ran memtest86 and that returned no errors (though only ran once)The motherboard has MemtestOK! and that shows no errors.Motherboard: Asus M4A88T-V EVO USB3 (the latest drivers for the chipset, audio, graphics, lan and usb3 from the amd website have been installed)THe drivers for the wireless mouse and keyboard are install as is for the wireless dongle.The BIOS is the latest chipset as well.

Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.00GHz
4gb of RAM
Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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New Computer, Random BSOD?

Apr 5, 2011

040411-11154-01.dmp040511-9531-01.dmp040511-9282-01.dmpSeven Forums.I recently built a new computer (put it together myself) and I am having trouble with random BSOD's. I thought I had fixed the issue but it seems to be repeating.


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