Album Artwork Of .m4a Files Do Not Appear In Windows Explorer?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a huge collection of .m4a itunes plus music and mp3 recently a strange problem arised when i moved my whole music folder from one drive to other in smae hard disk.i dont think this caused this issue where my mp3 album artwork show fine but the artwork of .m4a files do not appear in windows explorer.This is how some of them show when in folder view But when i enter into the folder no artwork.i can see the artwork when playing in windows media player or any other music player.I tried this method and all options are perfect with no change

Try and delete you thumbnail cache,

Click the start button on your taskbar, type in the little explorer box, disk cleanup and hit the enter key,

Once windows completes,check the thumbnails section and temporary files sections,and click on okay,

Confirm Yes delete these files.

Reopen your music library,

Click on organize on the top left,

Go to the view section and uncheck the top box,always show icons and never thumbnails,

click on the top Apply to folders button,

Then click on apply and okay.Adjust the thumbnails sizes, hold the ctrl key and use your mouse wheel to increase there sizes.These steps didn't work and also tried this fix.If the problem is in shmedia.dll , then it�s time for some repairs.

1 � Download Shmedia.dll OR ( Direct Link )

2 � Extract and Copy Shmedia.dll to %windir%system32 (c:windowssystem32 )

3 � start > cmd >R.Click>Run as administrator

4 � copy and paste these commands in order shmedia.dll was missing so i downloaded it and registered by above method but still i cant get .m4a thumbnails working

i can see in registry where shell extension option is missing some of the file types HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT

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Unhide Album Artwork?

Feb 16, 2011

I know they are hidden and i have a lot of duplicates and what no and want to have a good clean up and possibly grab as much artwork as possible without going to google and going through the sordid take of finding them again.Now i know mine are all hidden and not embedded because a while ago i was using Recuva and did a full scan of hard drives and the first info it pulled up was the folders for the music with the album art showing but of course no music.Is this possible, after looking on google, i just seem to find people saying about un-hidding normal folders.

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WMP 12 Album Artwork Randomly Disappears

Jun 29, 2012

I have a Windows Media player 12 and album artwork randomly disappears, this is very annoying and I don't know what's causing it.

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Any Music That Does Not Have Artwork Associated With It Is Given A Random Album Cover

Jul 30, 2011

Somehow now whenever I open it any music that does not have artwork associated with it is given a random album cover. These previously had a "music note". This cover is applied to ALL music except those that have artwork as part of the file.The next time I open it it will apply a different album cover. This just started as I was trying to figure out why my music folders in explorer weren't displaying artwork properly. Somehow I changed a setting or something.

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Album Art Of Music Are Not Showing In Windows Explorer?

Jun 27, 2012

In windows explorer album art not showing. Even if i set icon to large. Any music player can show art when i play. But not showing in explorer. Videos and pictures are ok.

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Loading Artwork In Windows Media Player 12

Nov 29, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 (64-bit) Home Premium. I'm having a problem with album artwork showing in Library View and in the full window of Windows Media Player 12. I have WMP Plus and WMPCD Text as plug-ins. At Organize> Manage Libraries> Music I've added a folder containing MP3 files. I simply want to add the appropriate album cover to each different track. I have these covers in another folder in My Documents. With the previous version WMP 11, this proved easy. However, with WMP12...

Here's the problem: In Library View, I click on e.g. 'Track 1' name> Tag Editor Plus> Pictures tab etc> Add> appropriate cover from folder as above> Apply

The artwork now shows in both Library View & when I play the 'Track 1'. So far, so good. However, when I do the same with 'Track 2' and click 'Apply' the artwork from 'Track 1' shows beside 'Track 2', with both tracks now showing the same artwork! When I play 'Track 2' in 'Library View', 'Track 1's cover shows at the left and the correct cover shows top right! When I play 'Track 2' in full window, Track 1's cover shows! Clearly, Track 2's info is somehow not being carried over. I've a lot of MP3 files I want to treat with their separate covers and I can't proceed till I get this sorted out. I've even tried a rebuild of WMP 12, but no...same result.

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Windows 7 & WMP Auto-Generates Album Art?

Mar 2, 2012

I'm having very frustrating issues with my music library and trying to organize it to have the right album artwork. Here's the scenario below. Typical scenario1. Under the library tab every single option is unchecked, specifically "Retrieve Additional Information from the Internet" = UNCHECKED2. Browse to a folder containing 45 mp3 files. 44 are from one album. The last one is from another band with no album artwork. So it should display the generic music note symbol when I play it in WMP 12 correct? Well it DOES do this if I open it up first. HOWEVER IF3. First file opened in WMP creates a folder and AlbumArt jpeg.4. Subsequent files opened in that folder now use these jpegs displaying the wrong image for the mp3 file.Here's the thing, I do not want to keep occurring. WHY is it happening.ow do I make it stop most importantly of all? my media library littered with jpegs, I like my files to be portable with any art included within the file.NOTE: I've even tried making the entire Music folder "Read Only" which I think is very extremely and a higly retarded "solution" but at this point I'm so fed up I'm willing to try anything. However the "Read Only" option is a bunch of sh*t. It doesn't work. The folder.jpg is still being created by WMP and Windows 7 after I play a song within that folder.

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Cannot See Files In Windows Explorer

May 23, 2012

i have a dell inspiron and it runs windows 7. i have been happy with the computer, but something serious and strange has happened. I open my files in windows Explorer, so for example I have a folder with excel files. so, anyway, i have attached a pic of Explorer and you can see that the 52 files are still there, but i can only see 2 in Explorer. This has happened to all excel, word and pictures. I am a scrapbook maker so i have lots of files (and all diligently backed up on 2 back-up drives), but i cannot see those files either, although the size indicates that they are all there, just now not visible to me.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 550 @ 3.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 7991 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -324 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 939685 MB, Free - 732498 MB;
Motherboard: Dell Inc., 0C2KJT
Antivirus: McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware, Updated and Enabled

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Files Hidden In Windows Explorer

May 27, 2012

Many of my music files are suddenly hidden in Windows 7 Explorer, but visible in I-Tunes, WMP and Media Monkey

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Sorting Files With Windows 7 Explorer

Nov 19, 2012

I would like to help people who are as irritated with Windows7 explorer as I am. Second, I would like to spark a reaction from Windows developers and maybe understand why the -7explorer is as painful as it is.I would like to sort, rename and visualise the large number of photos I have. While everything was working perfectly with the previous Windows versions I had, these basic tasks have become nearly impossible with Windows7. Cancelling the automatic sorting is difficult, renaming files results in the explorer getting lost and visualising files per alphabetic order appears to be impossible. Finally, even having a good layout on the screen is mission impossible after moving or renaming a few files. At this point I hasten to add that I am not a beginner with windows or computing in general. I have used previous Windows versions for years both at home and at work, and can do my own bits of code if needs be.The only solution found so far: After doing a fair amount of reading (and wasting a lot of time), I decided the only solution was to go for an alternative to Windows7 explorer. I personally chose to download FreeCommander but there are many other alternatives. So far it answers all my needs and I have stopped using Windows7 explorer.My question to Windows developers:Why on earth wreck a product that worked so well before? This is beyond me and I would sincerely like to understand. Anyway my message is as simple as the problem: Microsoft you should be careful, there is a lot of competition out there and if you continue to upset regular customers to such an extent, it is only a matter of time before someone else takes over!

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Windows 7 Explorer Search .rar Files?

Feb 5, 2013

My windows search is not showing up .rar files as its results (I think I remember them showing up before), I checked the folder options and index options but both search for compressed files and indexing .rar is checked

Is this a registry problem or something else?

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Files Are Intact But Windows Explorer Can't See Them

May 29, 2011

My problem is that my files and folders don't show up under windows explorer.The files and folders are intact, and they DO show up with Tree Size Free, for example, AND THEY ARE ACCESSIBLE! That is, I can view photos and watch video if I launch it from Tree Size Free.So the files are not deleted or anything. They are just not visible to windows explorer.The files and folders don't show up under windows explorer, but the space they occupy is registered so if I right click on the drive and go to properties, it shows all the used space it should, it just won't show the files USING the used space!Again, the files DO show up using other software such as Tree Size Free, and they are accessible and work properly.Any idea why windows explorer cannot see the files, folders or access them?

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All Exe Files Are Now Open With Windows Explorer

Jul 15, 2012

my all exe. files are now open with windows explorer(used for open folders).

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Windows Explorer Does Not Show All Files?

Jan 19, 2013

On a Windows XP box I used a web design program Arachnophilia. I've now copied the web page files over to a Windows 7 box. I can open web pages using this package but when I save them and go into Windows Explorer they don't show. I have the option set to show hidden files so that isn't the answer. I need to see them in Explorer as I want to amend them then copy them to a different folder.

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Way To Find Programs Files In Windows Explorer

Feb 22, 2011

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.( I hate this program )I had Solitaire and Mahjong and after running check disc, they are gone. I had them on the desktop and now they are missing. I still have Hearts, Free Cell, and Spider Solitaire.How do I get these back? I would like to find them and not have to use restore.I did a search, typing in the text box, and they did not show up. Also is there a way to find the Programs files in Windows Explore? I can't find this director, can it be done?

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Windows 7 Explorer Won't Allow Files To Be Saved To Documents?

Sep 19, 2010

Since last Tuesday's Microsoft Windows Update, my Windows Explorer is experiencing a number of issues.The update hung for hours on "preparing to update" or some such thing.I had to manually shut the computer off several times and finally tried the safe mode start, which warned me that the update was not fully done.Now, when I click on Favorites/My Documents, it hangs; like it is searching but when the shaded bar gets to the end, it stays there and Explorer freezes. When I click on any the window, it goes whitish and a message pops up asking if I want to continue waiting or should the program be closed. I shut the program down.If I click any other item on Favorites or Libraries, even Documents within Libraries, Explorer does ok.

When I try to save a file in Photoshop or Dreamweaver or any other program, a message pops up saying the program failed to respond and gives me the option to wait or close the program.Even if I try to print to PDF, it does the same thing.In other words any time I need to save any item from within any program, the programs freeze. I even changed the save folder in PDF Phantom, from documents to downloads and still it won't save.My next step will probably be PC Restore and to hell with everything.

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Desktop Files Are Visible In Windows Explorer But Not On It

Oct 4, 2010

I have 25 files and folders on my desktop but only 15 are visible when viewing the desktop directly. All of them are visible when viewing the desktop in Windows Explorer. I have two monitors configured as one and keep all desktop items on one of them. I've tried selecting everything with CTL-A while on the desktop and moving them around as a group, to see if the missing ones might have somehow scrolled off the screen, but that doesn't reveal them.

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Windows 7 Explorer - Removing Orphan Files?

Aug 15, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 and have been unable to remove the below entry from my windows explorer download folder. When I trying deleting the file, I received an error message stating unable to locate the file.


I've trying removing the file from the command prompt, safe mode, and other advanced uninstaller programs, but they can't locate the file.

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Windows 7 File Explorer Deleted Files?

Jul 3, 2010

I wanted to consolidate data from other disks that I had so I could use those disks to convert an existing Windows 7 installation into a RAID array. So I hooked up additional 2 x 500GB disks that contained files and previous installations of Windows and a 1TB drive to copy the files I wanted to keep. These two 500GB other disks were used for Vista in the past and both had been used as primary hard disks (ie they both had independent OS's installed).After booting up, I proceeded to browse through the disks and decided what I wanted to keep and what I didn't want to keep. I had to change permissions here and there to get access to the old Vista directories etc. All well and good so far.I have C: (Windows 7 installation), G: (old Vista disk) and F: (another old Vista disk). For all other installs including the Windows 7, I used the same username. For convenience sake, lets call my username billgates.So, C:, G: and F: all had directories USERS/billgates directories.Following this so far?When I browsed to F:usersillgates, I was seeing files from that directory plus files from c:usersillgates even though the location in windows explorer was saying f:usersillgates

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Certain Office2007 Files Crash Windows 7 Explorer?

Apr 23, 2011

This is a really weird problem. I'm not sure it is directly related to Windows 7, but I thought I start here. I recently had to rebuild my Dell 531. New HD, Windows 7 Ultimate loaded over XP. I restored all my files from Mosy. Reloaded all the Office apps from Office 2007 Ultimate.What I just found is that there are certain Word and Excel files that if I even highlight using Explorer or try to open in the application will immediately crash the application. But, it is only certain files.There may be a dozen files in a folder and only a few will cause a crash. It doesn't take down the computer, only the application - I don't have to click on the file - only touch it. It doesn't happen on PDFs or graphic files (at least not that I found.)It gets weirder. I used FolderMatch to sync files between my Dell 531 and my Dell 9200 laptop. The very same files that I copied from the Dell 531 to the laptop do not have the problem on the laptop. The laptop is running the same version of Windows 7 and application programs as the 531.

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When Viewing .jpg Files In Explorer They Are Associated With Windows Photo-viewer

Sep 25, 2012

Running Win7 Ultimate 64Bit.I recently installed adobe photoshop cs6. When viewing .jpg files in explorer they are associated with windows photoviewer.If I right click on a .jpg file and go to open with, the CS6 executable does not appear, so I select "choose default program", "browse", make sure "always use the selected program to open this type of file" checkbox is checked, go to the .exe file for CS6, select it, and it takes me back to the "Open With" window but does not allow me to select the OK button to make the association. It's like I never chose an .exe to open the file with.

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Cutting And Pasting In Windows 7 Explorer Creates TMP Files?

Oct 1, 2011

Something very strange has started happening in Windows Explorer. When I cut and paste image files into different folders, it does copy everything but for some reason, a few tmp files are being created as well. Every time I copy stuff, I have to delete about 5-6 of them.Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? It's started in the past few months and I've been hoping it would stop but it hasn't.

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Windows Explorer Right Click On Files With Multiple Extensions

Mar 16, 2012

Today I came across the following problem and tried to google for an answer, but without luck. In windows explorer, if I select files with different extensions (for example two files, one txt and one pdf) and right click to bring up the context menu, I noticed that the entry "Open" is missing. Instead if I select files with the same extension, the entry "open" is correctly displayed. What I want to do is to get the "open" command in the context menu even if I select files of different type. Is there a way to do that without having to write my own shell extension handler?

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Make Details Of FLV Files Show In Windows Explorer?

Jul 2, 2011

Is there any way to make the details of a FLV file, especially resolution and runtime, show up in the details view of Windows explorer? I have the Shark007 codec pack, and can see thumbnails just fine, but no information about the FLV files, other than their file size, shows up in the details view, or the file properties.I need to clean out some of my older saved videos, rather than buy a new hard drive, and I would like to start by getting rid of the low res and short runtime stuff.

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Very Slow To Open Files From Windows Explorer - Ok Within Application

Nov 28, 2011

Sometimes if I open a file by double clicking it in windows explorer, it will sit doing nothing (and that explorer window is then tied up) for a few minutes! Then the file opens normally in the correct application. But opening the application first, and getting it from the file open menu, or dragging the file into the open application is ok. The problem goes away if I reboot windows, but can come back again later for no apparent reason.

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Get A Windows File Explorer That Can View/modify FTP Files?

Sep 4, 2012

I recently setup an FTP server using this genius little piece of hardware called CloudFTP. Anyways, I can access my CloudFTP just fine through my smartphone, using a file explorer app w/FTP ability?is there a downloadable Windows 7 file explorer freeware/software app that can do exact the same thing as my Android? Currently, I am only able to access the CloudFTP via Windows through the Google Chrome browser, but the interface is.... dismal, to say the least.I like the built-in Windows 7 explorer just fine, but I'm not sure I can access my FTP server using it.

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Windows 7 Explorer Wont Display Files When Saving

Oct 27, 2011

When trying to save a file, the save dialog will not display the contents of a folder or drive in the content pane. When I click on a drive or folder in the navigation pane the content pane only displays the 'No items match your search' message. When I try to save the file in the Documents folder I get a 'The file name is not valid' message. This happens in some programs(Notepad++, Firefox, IE7) but not others(Notepad). This also happens in Firefox, Chrome and IE7 when I'm trying to upload a file to the internet(either my webserver(a Joomla CMS) or music sharing site).

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Windows Explorer And WAV Files - Preparing To Recycle / Discovering Items

Dec 19, 2010

A strange problem with specific .wav files. Several audio files brought into Adobe Audition 1.0. Edited and saved in two different folders. Several but not all exhibit the problem but not all. Start WE; select folder with wav files in question. The directory list field on top immediately starts with a green bar slowly expanding towards right. Next to the cursor arrow there is the "busy" rotating circle. Cannot get any properties on the wav file; however, the two docx files in same folder can be copied, properties shown and basically seem ok for use.

Noticed that the data definitions above the listing for the two error folders are:
Whereas for all other folders it is: modified.....type....size.

All other wav files in other folders appear as they should and can be processed like any other file. So it is only several of the 10 Audition 1.0 edited audio files that have created the problem. I cannot delete these files. While the green bar is expanding to the right and when it completes its extension still have the "wave" running along the bar. When I try to delete an offending file I get another window "Preparing to recycle" window with "Discovering items". "More Details" show: Name: is blank; From: is blank; Time remaining: calculating; Items remaining: calculating; Speed: calculating. I let this run for 11 minutes and it just kept "calculating".

Another "interesting" thing is after the first time I encounter this problem, close WE and then bring up WE again the left panel shows only Favorites and Library (no computer list). When the cursor is in this panel I get the rotating circle. In any other panel, only the cursor. I can "place the Library in another window" and now with two windows I get the normal favorites, library and computer in one of them. If I restart the PC I can again start WE ok and run ok if I do not select a "bad" folder. Same problem exists if I start the PC in "safe mode". How to delete the wav files causing the problem?

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Windows Explorer Stops Working - Recovery From Backup Files?

May 1, 2011

Every time I open a program it comes up windows explorer stop working. And how do I make a recovery from my back up files. System restore does not go back as far as three months, why?

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Can't Use CTRL-F6 In Word When Open Multiple Files From Windows Explorer

Jan 19, 2012

I believe I�ve run into a bug with Windows Explorer, however, it could possibly be with Word 2010. If it�s not a bug, and can be �fixed� by your helping me, that would be wonderful! (I use Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit.) This is what does work just fine: From Word, I open a file, then open another file, then another. I am able to use the CTRL-F6 to move from document to document.This is what does not work: I open those same 3 files from Windows Explorer, by using the mouse to select them and hit ENTER. The files do open in Word. However, the CTRL-F6 keystroke does not work to be able to move from document to document. In the latter, it�s a little bit as if Windows Explorer is starting multiple copies of Word. However, from the Word icon on the taskbar, both cases look the same, i.e., when I hover over the icon, I can see the 3 miniature files, and can click into any of them. I�d like to understand what�s going on that�s different in the 2 cases. But I�d really love to learn of how I can make the latter case work. With my work, I do this process (open multiple files from Windows Explorer) dozens of times a day, and I need efficiency. It takes a lot longer to open each file one-by-one. It also takes longer to not be able to use CTRL-F6.

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WMP 12: Does Every Album Have To Be A Playlist

Feb 17, 2013

WMP 12 has automatically created a playlist for, it seems, every album in my library. It displays these in the central details pane when I highlight playlists in the navigation pane. This makes it difficult to find the playlists which I created myself (eg those containing a selection of tracks from different albums or a link to a radio station). The ones I really want to find get lost amongst all the albums. Is there a way to get rid of the 'album playlists' which WMP created, or to have them not show? The same issue occurs on both my main PC and my laptop. I don't see the point of these 'album playlists'. When I want to play an album I can look at the albums view of the library and play the album from there. I tried deleting them but they were created again the next time I restarted WMP.

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