Administrative Versus Standard User Logic?

Jan 24, 2012

why a "Standard User Account" can change the directory locations of folders to another drive, change the drive indexing options etc., but has to get an "Administrative" password to open "Real Temp" on the desktop?

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How To Change Administrative Account To Standard

Oct 31, 2012

I want to change admin. account to standard'''and make new admin. account

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Administrative User Locked?

Jan 30, 2013

My administrative user has been locked since I got it back from a recent repair, and I have little acess to my administrative tools. How do I unlock my user again?

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Admin User Changed To Standard User Startup Programs?

Oct 31, 2012

I changed a user from admin to standard after creating a new admin account. When I boot into the standard user, I am prompted by UAC for the admin password for 4 programs to start. All the programs are ASUS utilities that came with mymotherboard.I have checked the permissions of the programs and the User group has full control.Also, these programs do not show up in the MSCONFIG startup tab. I want the utilities to run but do not want to have to authenticate every time I boot

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Administrative Templates Missing From User Configuration

Oct 11, 2012

The Administrative Templates node is missing from the User Configuration node in my Group Policy editor (see attached screen capture). How do I fix this?

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How To Delete User Account Windows 7 If Administrative Password Is Lost

Feb 19, 2013

admistrative password is lost and problems are found when instel or uninstel or other.

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Quality Of Smart Phone Audio Versus Standard LAPTOP PC Audio

Jun 16, 2012

the newer smart phones have nice powerful processors in them so I was wondering if the DAC (Digital / Analog converters) in these are as good as the ones in a typical LAPTOP computer set up -- bog standard on board sound from a laptop computer -- not high end specialized studio stuff etc.My Galaxy III S phone can play FLAC files and plugging the output into a DECENT set of speakers appears to me to be just as good if not better than the same sound played from the computer - a relatively decent laptop computer (Sony VAIO VPCEH with Intel I5 processor). I tested this by connecting the phone DIRECTLY to the pre-amp with the music on the phone's micro sdhc card. Had I done it via the USB then that might have needed another DAC conversion so the test cases wouldn't have been the same.I use a phone app WINAMP PRO (just like the PC version) so I can use Folders / directories to play the music and it can play FLAC too -- a lot of music phone apps lack this facility which is a shame. I like also the "play by folders" too -- as I have a lot of Audio books -- saves endless tagging and creating playlists / albums. --Just point winamp to the directory / or file and play it.I find also streaming music from the phone to the receiver device seems to work better than messing around with pc software too -- especially on a laptop.Another app here -- OrangeSqueeze in conjunction with SQUEEZEPLAYER -does the job of the logitech squeeze server on the laptop. The phone will stream music from a Network (or any acessible drive) to the player device(s) -- no prob but use the Wifi on the phone --not the DATA content from the phone company !! otherwise your Bank balance will diminish faster than Spain's Economy.

I used to be very sceptical of smartphones --even have some posts on the forum saying I'd never buy them -- however I have to eat my own words -- the latest crop with the latest Android version are incredibly useful now and possibilities seem quite exciting with what you can do with them.Seems to me that we don't need to do much Multi-media streaming from Windows 7 in the future as your phone will handle it. Perhaps Ms is getting this right by gradually withdrawing a lot of multimedia in the standard version of W8.

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Can't Create Standard User?

Nov 23, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G620 @ 2.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7Processor Count: 2RAM: 4002 MbGraphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, 1809 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 942032 MB, Free - 861358 MB; D: Total - 11733 MB, Free - 1435 MB;Motherboard: PEGATRON CORPORATION, 2AC2Antivirus: Norton Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

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How To Allow Standard User To Run All Programs

Dec 21, 2010

I am unable to run some programs using standard user. Whenever I try to open it it asks me for administrator password. Is there a way I can run the programs from the standard user account.

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Privileges Of A Standard User

May 20, 2012

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and I have a problem regarding User Accounts.Let's say I am account A on this computer. This is an administrator account without a password. When I went into the control panel,I demoted Account B to a standard user. Apparently, however, account B can simply change this setting even though she is a standard user. Is this true? Even when I set a password for my account, account B can still bypass it or demote me. Why is this?

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Standard User Account In Windows 7

Aug 16, 2012

I set up four Dell Computers with Windows 7 Home Premium. Used my administrative account to install software (Microsoft Office Suite), Microsoft Security Essentials, Ccleaner, and Malawarebytes. All programs installed properly. As these computers are going to be used in a public place by junior and senior high school students, I thought it would be best to set up a standard user account for each of the four computers. I have it set up but when I log in as a standard use (non administrative) all the programs that were installed are not available. Tell me if I'm wrong. I think the programs would still be listed in program files when the standard user is open. Can I go to each of the programs and right click to open and then be prompted to key in my administrative password. I would think this should allow the program to be run in the standard user desktop.

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Not Accessible Through A Standard User Account?

Feb 11, 2011

I occasionally come across some functions that I can't access through my standard user account. The latest one is Start/Default Programs/Set program access and computer defaults. It tells me I do not have permission, no opportunity to elevate rights, so I had to log into the admin account.

I tried starting Control Panel using Run as administrator and going in through there, did the same thing.

how to gain access in way that allows the UAC elevation?

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Switching From Administrator To Standard User

May 14, 2011

I have Windows 7 Professional x64. There are three user accounts: Daddy - Administrator...this is my account; Child - Standard User; and Visitor - Standard User. (These are not the accounts' real names.)

I really should be a Standard User for day-to-day computing. There are two ways I could go about doing this, and my question is: Which way is better? Daddy will continue to be an Administrator. I will create a new Standard User account for myself. Daddy will transfer all my documents, pictures, music, etc. to my new user account; or I will create a new Administrator account and then demote Daddy to a Standard User. Are there particular pros and cons to these methods, or does it not really matter?

One thing I wonder about is that I have used the Daddy account to install certain software 'for this user only' (i.e., Daddy) . I did this for software that needs Administrator permissions and rights, such as my antivirus software. Will a new Administrator account automatically have this software installed, or will it have to re-install this software?

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Standard User Program Execution Does Nothing?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a user set up as a standard user. When that user double clicks on most of the executable icons nothing happens- not even a prompt to run as administrator.Parental controls for the user are turned off. If the user right clicks on the shortcut and then clicks "run as administrator" the prompt for the administrator password will show and after password entry the program will launch.These are simple trusted programs installed by an administrator such as Picasa, Irfanview, etc Standard users should be able to run these programs without issue. How can I change this.

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Difference Between Administrator And Standard User?

Nov 5, 2012

whats the difference between administrator and standard user?

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Change From Administrator To Standard User?

Jan 4, 2012

how do i change from administrator to standard user

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Remove Programs In Standard User Accounts?

Sep 28, 2010

I installed Win 7 64 and loaded all programs. Everytime I create a standard user account all programs that are installed on my administrator account transfers to my 2 standard user accounts and the guest account also. Even when I try to delete a program in my guest account or standard user accounts it deletes them in every account. What am I doing wrong.

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Alt+shift Will Not Change Language For Standard User

Jun 19, 2009

i have this problem on two different computers running Windows 7 7201 (a notebook running x64 and a netbook running x32). even though i am able to install a second keyboard layout, the option to switch languages with a keyboard shortcut is disabled by default. i can go through the options and enable the left alt+shift shortcut, but as soon as i press ok or apply the shortcut setting resets back to "none".

for the original administrator everything works normaly, but when i tried to set the standard account as administrator temporarily, i still could not make the keyboard shortcut setting to work.

one workaround that i found on the netbook was to delete the standard account, setup the keyboard options for the administrator account, and select the option to copy these settings to any new accounts. after creating a new standard user everything works as it should, but it would be too much work creating a new account for my notebook and setting up everything from the begining.

i also tried finding a way to change the shortcut setting directly from the registry but i can't find any information about it either.

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Enable Aero In A Standard User Account?

Jun 20, 2011

How can i enable aero in a standard user account .i had enable it in admin account through FFTenabler but it didnt work here.

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Administrator Share The Addressbook With A Standard User?

Mar 17, 2012

While moving my programs and records from an old XP-PRO system to a new Windows 7 system, everything went into my administrator account. How do I share things like internet explorer and the address book with all (or a specific) user account?

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Computer Will Not Connect To The Internet As Standard User

Apr 21, 2011

I recently had to reload windows 7. every thing seemed allright Untill I rebooted now it does not automatically connect to the internet. It will not let me troubleshoot it because I do not have administrator permission. It also does give me the run as administrator option on anything. It does not do me any good to switch to admin because everything works as admin. how do I give the system rights to networking.

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Standard User Account Program Access?

Jul 30, 2011

I have set up a standard user account on my Son's laptop, but there are software programs I would like him to have access to, without me having to log on with Administrator ever time.When he try's to run said program it says Parental Controls has blocked this program the Administrator can grant access. I don't have any programs blocked under Parental Controls. Is there a way to grant access to certain programs without having to log in as administrator every time while using a standard user account?

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Folder Icons Corrupted In Standard User Account?

Feb 6, 2012

In one of my user account( standard User account) i cant see folder icons ,thumbnails etc but iam able to see all folder icons etc in my admin user account? .even,my computer icon in desktop is corrupted and not properly windows explorer also,it is the same case.

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Enable The Built In Administrator Account As A Standard User?

Feb 6, 2011

Okay so i dont have access to any administrator accounts due to the fact that our admin forgot his password and the rest of us are standard users. So can we enable it as a standard user to use the admin account in safe mode?

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Install Software As Standard User Without Local Admins

Aug 6, 2010

We are implementing Windows 7 and Bitlocker as encryption. While this works brilliantly, I am now worried that our offsite engineers if they are given Local admin rights, can disable bitlocker. They need to install software onto there machines and this cannot be taken away from them. Problem is company policy also states that they are not allowed to disable the encryption, which is where my dilemma lies. I can lock down bitlocker through Grou Policy, but the offsite engineers are software developers so it wouldn't take them long to disable it if they do have local admins. Is there anyway at all I can give them access to install software without Local admins?

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Cannot Elevate Privileges Temporarily On Standard User Account?

Jun 20, 2012

So I have an administrator account for maintenance purposes and I also have my frequently used standard account. Usually, when you right click on a program, for example: Spybot S&D There is an option to "Run as Administrator". And if you click it, it prompts for an admin password.but for me, it does not ask for an admin password, it just ignores the fact that I clicked that completely, and runs it as a standard user.

This happens whenever I need admin privileges for something. I cannot elevate my privileges on a standard user account.It used to work properly, until I changed my account type to standard, and enabled the Administrator account.


Windows 7 Home Premium
Dell Inspiron N7010

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How To Allocate Administrator Permission To Standard User For Windows 7

Mar 24, 2012

We have an application(Myapp.exe), which is runs under administrator account properly( as it edit/update/write DLL in registry). But due to to security resons we dont want to provide Admin password to all users, and we want to run application under Standard User ( member of Users group only).I did these setting in MyApp.exe.manifest<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> and linked in the file MyApp.rc as given below


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Setup A Standard User But They Can See ALL Document Folders And Files

Oct 18, 2011

I set up a standard user on my laptop but they can view/edit/delete ALL my document folders and files. How do I stop that (so they can only see their own)?

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Admin Account Change From Administrator To Standard User?

Jul 3, 2012

I don't want to use admim account How do I get rid of it?

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Failed To Connect To Windows Service - Standard User Cannot Login

May 5, 2011

"Failed to connect to a windows service. Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service". This problem prevents standard users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn't respond. This is the error message I receive when I log on to my computer. It doesn't seem to happen every time I log on but probably 50% of the time. When this error appears the only things I seem to notice differently are that the audio doesn't work and the windows tool bar's graphics are basic (as if i was in safe mode).

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Standard User Not Allowed To Run Backup - Requests Admin Password?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm building a Windows 7 PRo PC for a local club and want to lock down the PC. I have setup an Admin account, and set the main user account as a Standard account. I also want them to be able to use W7 Backup/Restore to backup the Standard Users "My Documents" folder to memory stick on a weekly basis. However, Backup/Restore will only run:

1. From the Administrator account , or
2. When executed from the Standard account it requests the administrator Password.

So in other words, it appears that for a Standard user to run a backup they need Admin rights? Kind of defeats the purpose of having a Standard account in this scenario. Is there any way to confer specific "rights" to a User account or Profile to access/execute specific programs? In this case allow a Standard User account the normal access, plus Backup/Restore (only) with conferred Admin rights?

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