32bit Programs Not Starting On Windows 7 64?

Nov 8, 2010

im currently working on an assignment for university, so the faster I can come to a fix for this the better!I restarted my pc earlier, after I noticed the audio was slightly laggy, the same sort of lag one would get if they had a very high CPU utilisation and I've experienced it in the past when doing some 3d rendering, nothing horrible, just slightly echoy almost, you wouldnt really even notice it.Upon restarting I noticed there was a lack of programs starting, my antivirus didn't seem to load, and neither did firefox, steam, irc - i thought I must have a virus, and then none of my programs that I would normally scan for malware would open - antimalwarebytes, adaware etcI did however notice that ventrilo would open and a few other selective programs, it appears that only 64bit programs are opening, I googled this and came accross a thread on these very forums, stating something about xonar soundcard drivers causing this - I do have an asus xonar d2, and it seemed to point towards this being the problem, I uninstalled the drivers, but the problem is persisting.I have already tried a system restore twice to no avail, ive had this install since about june 2010, with absolutely no problems until now, I really really don't want to reformat, but will have to soon unless I can find a solution

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Emachines E720 Freeze At Set Up Is Starting (windows 7 32bit)

Jan 14, 2013

i have an emachines e720 with vista installed. suddenly one day electricity is going down... and doesnt boot windows vista anymore ... then i try to format hdd (sata) to install windows 7 32 bit !!! since 2 days when installation is starting laptop is freezing i run memtests and is ok i checked the hdd for bad sectors and its ok i update bios from 1.06v to 1.10v but nothing happen i try to live boot linux and again nothing....

today i format my sata hdd and try to install windows 7 from my hp 635 and all going well. when i plug the hdd to emachines doesnt boot windows and freeze before start up logo.....

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Windows 7 Not Responding And Not Starting Programs?

Jun 15, 2011

Im running win 7 and IE 9 and im having problems starting programs and browsers.When i click on a browser nothing happens and i have to dbl click several times to get it to open.Then I have to wait a long time for it to load the home page. I have 4 browsers on my computer and the worst ones are IE 9 and firefox 4I replaced IE 9 a few days ago and it greatly improvedbut now it has reverted.

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Error 0xc0000022 Windows 7 When Starting Various Programs?

Aug 8, 2011

When I attempt to open various programs (Genie Backup, Adobe X for example) I get this error message. I've had problems with the OS, and would really like to back up my files and do a clean install.

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Find Out If An *.exe Is 32bit Or 64bit Without Starting It?

Dec 18, 2011

Is there a way to find out if a given *.exe file is 32bit or 64bit executable. The program should NOT be started (and investigated in TaskManager).

Conversly I could imagine that there is somewhere an analyze tool which shows this info to the user.

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Most Programs Not Starting Up

Jan 8, 2012

I downloaded a Windows Update the other day but then got an error that it didn't install correctly. Soon later my comp suddenly reboots by itself. Then when I log on I can't launch half of my programs. Things like notepad, command prompt, CCleaner, & task manager work. But things like Steam, Internet Explorer, FireFox, games, Notepad++, uninstallers, when you click them, you get the spinning circle for a couple seconds, then it goes back to the normal pointer like nothing ever happened, no processes show up in task manager.So I tried doing a system restore, but that didn't work. Then I tried the sfc /scannow technique. Then it said there were some corrupted files that couldn't be repaired. I open the CBS log and here's the errors that it had. [code] POQ 249 starts: I go to the files in question, but I can't do anything with them. When I try changing the permissions on them, I get an "access is denied" even though I'm an administrator. So now what do I do?

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X86 Programs Not Starting In X64

Aug 16, 2009

Going about my second install of windows 7, last time all programs running under x86 were locking up, During install everything went ok till about two hours later and its doing it again. IE x64 will run but not firefox, winamp, or even trying to play a CD, they just show up in the task manager and never pop up.

Bois & chipset are up to date, I'm running windows 7 RTM ultimate x64 on a ASUS P5N72-T Premium. No custom installs were done on windows, I've had no problems with previous versions of win 7 RC or Beta. Any suggentions on what to look at next. UAC controls are on the lowest settings, tried running programs under admin and no difference.

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Can't Open Programs In Windows 7 Pro 32bit

Feb 1, 2011

I can not open some programs in windows 7. This is a brand new Dell Laptop. I install all of these programs 4 days ago and they worked fine. Now when I try and open these same programs. I get the motion circular object as if the program is opening, however the programe never starts. If you click on the program again, each instance will appear in the task manager, but the program will not open. I have ran the compatiblity check on these apps.

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16bit / 32bit Programs - How To Run In Windows 7

Dec 28, 2012

Any software for this if possible..

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Programs Not Starting On Boot?

Aug 17, 2012

Starting a couple of weeks ago, (around Aug 3) I booted and noticed that a bunch of programs didn't start with Windows as they should. I'm pretty sure the only change that had happened since the previous boot was a Windows Update. Since I was in the middle of something for work, I decided to try a System Restore. That worked, so I put off researching the problem until I had more time. Then, a few days later, a new update came down that installed itself. In addition, it threw away the previous Restore Point. So, no going back, now. I limped along like that for a few days. Then, for no reason I can find, for two boots it worked perfectly. Tonight, another update, and it's back to not working. That's where I'm at now.

Running the programs manually works. No UAC warnings or anything like that.In addition to none of the programs in my Startup folder starting, when I bring up the Task Manager immediately after a boot, only about 15 processes are running. Normally, there's more than a screen-full. So, I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of other things that are not getting fired off, too.There are some things that are running. Under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftCurrentVersionRun I see some items that are running and some that are not. Actual Multiple Monitors, GFI Backup, and Input Director are running and visible in the System Tray. AutoVer, Steam, and WallpaperChanger are not running. I just searched Autoruns for every mention of Actual Multiple Monitors and do not see anyplace else that would fire it off (it's mentioned in a context menu handler.) After a quick skim, it appears that all of the services are starting.

This system has been running under Avast. I downloaded Malwarebytes and ran a full scan. It did not find anything. I ran HijackThis and pored over the log, and recognized or searched to find everything. I ran sfc /scannow. No errors. The items do show up in msconfig, and they are checked. I downloaded Autoruns http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us [...] 63902.aspx and they show there, too. I looked in Event Viewer, and nothing jumps out at me, there. I do *not* see a slew of messages telling me about things that didn't run.

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Some Programs Not Starting From Desktop?

Jan 22, 2013

some programs wont start from shortcut on desktop and can not get expat sheild to launch when downloaded?

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Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit - Cannot Access Certain Programs

Apr 8, 2011

I'm running win 7 ultimate 32 bit, all of a sudden I cant access certain programs, keep getting told I'm not the administrator, when clearly I am, even opening up firefox, I have to run it as administrator, tried various recovery programs.

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Windows 7 64bit - 32bit Programs Corrupted

Nov 12, 2010

I have an Alienware M17x with as many upgrades as I could have got. I use my computer for work, and i have to be up in 5.5 hours to get a lot of stuff done..

Today, something strange was happening with IE8, where google results would open in some weird redirect program. So, I installed Adaware Free edition. I already had Spybot S&D installed, so I ran a full AVG scan, a full Adaware scan, and a full S&D scan.

I found a few Pieces of malware, which Spybot fixed. adaware and AVG found nothing.

Everything was fine, until I rebooted this evening. Upon rebooting, i got a brief 'adaware startup scan' thing, and removed some file inside my Diablo II directory.

Upon reboot, nothing loaded- no AVG, nothing. I researched for about 4 hours, and found one guy who had some incompatibility issue with AVG and S&D... I then found that i couldn't open the Uninstall Programs link!

I tried it in safe mode, but nothing would uninstall. I deleted the folders, as much as I could, then deleted all Lavasoft registry entires.

Didn't change anything! I have a chkdsk /f /s running, and will let you all know if it works.

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Will Windows 7 Professional 32bit Run 16bit DOS Programs

Feb 14, 2012

Will Windows 7 Professional 32bit run 16bit DOS programs? I have the 64-bit OS installed but it will only run 16-bit apps under XP emulation. I notice that my retail Windows 7 box includes a DVD of the 32-bit OS.

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16bit / 32bit Programs - How To Run In New Windows 7 Laptop

Feb 19, 2011

I am a trainer and my programs over the years have been created in 16 & 32 bit programs. When I bought my new laptop, I bought the updated programs to go with 64-bit. However, they will not pull my training files that are in 16 and 32 bit. What do I do to get the new laptop to accept my training programs and the created files?

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Installing 64bit Programs On Windows 7 32bit?

Nov 25, 2012

I have Win 7 that apparently only has a 32 bit system. I need to install a 64 bit program but get the message that the laptop won't support a 64 bit program.

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Programs Starting Twice From Start Menu?

May 16, 2011

looked the most sensible place to put it. Second, I've tried scouring the internet for a similar problem, but as of yet have been unable to find one.The problem I'm experiencing occurred after some hardware problems, which meant the computer was periodically crashing. I think I've now fixed these, however a software problem with windows 7 seems to be occurring.Every time I go to the start menu and load a program, not one but two instances of these programs start up. This doesn't occur with all programs I've tested, but this may be because other programs only allow one instance to run at a time. Examples of ones I've tested include Speedfan, Handbrake, Calculator. If I start the programs from within explorer, only one instance starts.

Interestingly, not sure if this is related, if I go into explorer and double click on a folder, it does not open the folder, i have to right click and then use the open option.The computer generally feels a bit slow. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, or whether I should try a repair install (which will be a bit of hassle as I'll have to try to uninstall SP1 first).

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Operating 32bit Programs On Windows 7 64bit System

Feb 15, 2011

I went from windows XP to Windows 7 and have several program disc that I was using with Windows XP that I would like to install and use on my Windows 7. When I try to install them a small splash screen appears that says I am using a 64 bit system and this program will run on this computer. When I use "Run Older Programs on This computer option I enter windows XP as my old OS and it does not work do.

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Upgrading Windows 7 - Will 32bit Programs Work On 64bit?

Jun 28, 2011

I want to upgrade my OS from windows 7 32bit to 64bit. How about the application and software, are those 32bit software can work on windows 7 64bit?

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Why Are Certain Programs Hogging Resources Starting At 200,000kb

Nov 5, 2011

Why are programs like internet explorer, mozilla firefox, and even Battlefield 3 hogging resources? Each of them has at least between 200,000kb to 500,000kb worth of resources even when i run it one at a time.

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BSOD When Starting Certain Programs, Error 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x8?

Aug 22, 2012

anything from the dump files? Problem appeared out of the blue, system had been working fine.

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All 32bit Programs Crash?

Apr 19, 2012

I cant run any 32bit exe. I can run sfc /scannow and I can run any virus software. When my computer boots it says that all my startup 32 bit programs have crashed and I cant open anything unless it is 64 bit. Again I cant run virus software unless it is only 64 bit and I cant run sfc /scannow. It stops at 10%. want to do a system restore or factory reset both of which I dont think will fix this anyway and I dont have the windows 7 cd.

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No 32Bit Programs Can Access The Internet

Apr 30, 2011

No 32Bit programs can access the internet, only 64Bit ones. Internet Explorer 64Bit works and Internet Explorer 32Bit crashes.Firefox, MSN, and Ventrilo are all 32Bit and no longer work. Windows update still works as thats 64Bit. OMG please help i have had this problem for over a year?

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Why Can't 32bit Programs Connect On 64bit Computer

May 1, 2011

Why can't 32bit programs connect on 64bit computer

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32bit Programs Randomly, And Frequently Crashing On X64

Sep 10, 2012

So I recently purchased a new ASUS laptop, and everything has been fine except for windows 7. In particular, 32 bit programs will inexplicably crash at random times, and when they do, they often all crash at the same time. For example, Steam, windows media player, uTorrent, and Firefox all crashed at the exact same time a few days ago, and several other simultaneous crashes have happened since. IE8, which has to run in 32bit mode for college related applications, crashes frequently as well, and has nearly compromised my work on several occasions.

I've tried recreating it, but I can't. The only thing they have in common is that they are all 32 bit programs, even things widows photo gallery(which is 32bit) crash randomly.

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Installing Programs On 64bit Computer Intended Only For 32bit

May 10, 2011

Is there a program or configuration tool that can make it possible to install a 32-bit program on my 64-bit computer? I wanted to install either the free Spyshelter or Dataguard, both antikeylogger programs, but the free versions do not support 64 bits.

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Installing Programs On 64bit Computer Intended Only For 32bit?

Sep 13, 2012

where is the magic bullet that will allow me to play my 32bit software on windows 7 64 bit?

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Programs Starting As "Suspended"

May 3, 2011

I am currently running Windows 7 Home Premium on a custom rig I built for gaming, and have been running it for a few months no problem until now.

A few weeks ago after a startup I realized that any time I started to run a program, the program would not start. I would click on the application, my cursor would get the loading circle, then the program simply would not open. Shortcuts, taskbar, start menu, even trying to boot them through console would not work. The only applications I can start are McAfee, IE8, and most admin and windows tools. Anything else just wont start. I opened the task manager and saw that the programs were running as suspended, and the only way to get them to work was to right click them and hit continue.

I ran McAfee, no viruses detected. I ran Disk check and mem check, no errors detected on either. At first the problem would happen only one out of 10 or so startups, now it occurs every startup. Doing a system restore back to a point before a windows update seemed to fix it, until my system crashed after doing that and now its every startup again.

I would at all costs like a way to resolve this issue without needing a fresh reinstallation (though it seems that is the only solution), as I currently have no means to backup some important stuff I have on my computer .

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Ppc Dont Shoowing Display On Starting & Start Showing Display After Starting?

Oct 29, 2011

PC don't showing bios display on starting & start showing display after starting window

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Windows 7 Will Download Programs But Not Install Programs?

Aug 24, 2011

I have just bought a new acer aspier 5750z-4830 intel core b940 processor 4gb ddr3 memory 500 gb hdd 3 days ago and I am unable to install any new programs.I have tried to download meny sotwer not at the same time but the results are horrable.google chrome: 7 hours and never downloads. yahoo mesenger: connection is always lost and retrys never work. when i click cancle it says that it maybe my firewall but even when i allow the progrom through it won't work. so i turned if off for a little while still nothing. java: my laptop dose not come with java so i tried instlling it...121 hours to install this is rediclious.The download speed may not be so good right now beacuse we where hit by a storm 3 days ago however i have to ability to downlod but not the ability to install which i think is a bit weird

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Windows 7 Not Starting Pc

Sep 22, 2012

Having an issue with windows 7. I few days I ago it starting just randomly rebooting. Then on reboots it started going to a black screen.I ran my dell diognoatics and it says all the hard ware is ok. Popped in my win 7 disk and ran my startup repair.Now windows 7 is loading, but now of the desktop icons responds. If I hover the arrow over the windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen, I just get the spinning blue icon? Nothing responds.Can I reinstalling wimdows without it deleting my c drive? Running win 7 home n a dell xps 8300.

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