0x0A / 0x0A1 BSOD Errors?

Nov 6, 2011

I'm getting these errors more frequently, and usually when I'm browsing the web. I just got the 0x0A one when I installed the Asus mother board Utility tool for my P8P67 LE REV 3.0 mother board.I get the 0x0A1 error off and on, about 3 times now I've gotten it. I've attempted to use memtest86 but to no avail. I burned the iso onto a disk and had the system boot disk first, nothing happened, it booted normal. I tried the USB stick way and install it using that method, attempt to boot from the USB first in the boot priority and still... nothing.

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Different BSOD Errors

Aug 29, 2012

i've been having bsod on win 7 for over a week, i have had these problems previously, win 7 32bit to 64bit reinstall worked last time. this time i have tried installing win 8 pro 64bit to separate ssd drive. clean install, also having similar issues. i've started debugging some of the dumps. a few have pointed to avg and the gpu. i uninstalled avg and used driver sweeper to remove video, sound and ethernet drivers. this had only made the bsod take slightly longer to happen. sometimes the are happen under load (utorrent and playing bangbang racing), other time just Internet, and even while idle(just utorrent). i have stress tested the gpu, cpu, and run check on ram and hdd. i am leaning to faulty motherboard but i don't want to fork out for a new one until i cam be 100%.

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Getting Random BSOD Errors

Sep 11, 2012

i am getting random bsod's lately. pc worked fine then 1 time i got a bsod and since that i keep getting them randomly. i installed a fresh window version but i stil get those bsod's . i think it could have to do something with memory orso . but since im getting diferent error codes im not sure what it can be. the errors apear mostly at or right after startup. and sometimes just when the pc is on for some time . i attached the file requested and hope that someone here knows where i should look for to fix this.

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Pc Freezing Without Errors Or Bsod

Jul 28, 2012

So my pc has been randomly freezing and locking up after an hour or two of use and i cant figure out why. I have updated my graphics card and bios.I have tried both ram sticks in individually into the first slot, so unless both ram sticks went bad at the exact same time, they should be ok. I did try to run memtest overnight, but upon waking i found that the pc had restarted.I have cleaned out the pc of dust, and the heat seems fine on cpu, gpu, and mobo.I have run a full av scan with malware bytes and cleared up registry and temp files with ccleaner.

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BSOD After Checking For Errors On Drive C?

Aug 26, 2012

My system had been very slow and hanging for a while now, so i decided to to check for errors in my drive C. Since then anytime i put on system it show the BSOD at approximately 3 minutes after booting. Currently my system only works fine in safe mode.

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BSOD Happening Randomly Getting Different Errors

Dec 14, 2011

I have run memtest and dskchk in dos to verify RAM and HDD integrity because I was getting lots of pc lock-ups where the only thing to do was hard shutdown.The two most recent errors i got was driver_irql_not_equal_or_less with stop: 0x000000C4,the other page_fault_in_nonpagedarea with win32k.sys error, no stop code.

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BSOD - Multiple With Different STOP Errors?

Feb 4, 2012

I have been trying to resolve some BSOD I got on my PC. To do this I also re-installed windows several times. I build and install everything by myself for years, but this is the first PC with a lot of BSODs. I used the Debugging Tool for windows to check the minidumps by myself, but as far as my knowledge goes, I didn't find anything special in there. The only thing that was obvious was that in all BSODs the ntoskrnl.exe was involved. This was something BlueScreenView revealed also. In my opinion however it seems there is more to it, since the ntoskrnl.exe could probably also crash because of another driver or hardware problem.On my previous fresh Windows 7 Install I did found out once that alot of BSOD I had at that time were caused by a bad Creative driver for my X-Fi. On the web I found a useful hint, because other X-Fi users pointed to the beta-drivers for the card. The official Creative drivers are almost two years older then these beta drivers, so obviously the beta drivers should be the first choice. These drivers are the ones I use now. I also had some problem with my OCZ Vertex 3 MI, like most owners of this hardware, and the problem was the unstable firmware. I am using the latest firmware now, which is 2.15, and that made the system alot more stable. The third problem is happening in POST: my logitech G110 keyboard features an USB hub and connection for media. These kind of USB keyboards had some problem with recognision and initialisation in the UEFI BIOS. For that I also updated to the latest BIOS for my motherboard.

All in all you can see I discovered and tried to fix a lot of different causes for BSODs. I also ran memtest once on the system for two hours, but this was in Dual Channel setup. Didn't gave any errors anyway.The latest minidump is created by the use of Verifier. I turned verifier on to test the two drivers for my AMD HD6970(crossfired). After 5 minutes in windows the BSOD appeared. I am using AMD Catalyst 12.1 drivers. I tried this, because the BSODs all are different then the ones I had on previous Windows 7 installations (on the same pc), but the only thing I changed in the current installation, was the AMD 12.1 drivers.I reinstalled windows about two weeks ago, after using Secure Erase on my SSD. I installed only the latest drivers for all the things that need drivers. The complete installation, including windows updates and drivers, was without any fault. One day later the first BSOD appeared, etc. I use the system to play Battlefield 3 only, since the fresh install. Strangely, I played more then 50 hours in the game, without any crash or BSOD! The new AMD FX-8150 processor is the first to support native 1866 MHz DDR3. The motherboard specification showed that the board supported 1866 (OC), thus it's seen as an overclock. I set all settings in bios like the ram specificiation told, which is: 9-11-9-27 2T @1.65V. Still, it could be that the 1866 MHz is too much on standard NB voltages? It's something I couldn't find an answer to on the internet, and since I never overclock I don't have that much experience with the voltages.

All BSODs happened in different situations, like just after windows log in, or when I start a program, or when idling, or when browsing the internet.Since I couldn't figure out any more usefull details out of the minidumps, I hope someone here with more experience could check the attached files.

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BSOD From Ntoskrnl.exe, Multiple Errors?

Mar 7, 2012

Computer is a few years old, a home build, running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. Haven't really had too many problems other than the occasional BSOD or random restart, but it's gotten a lot worse lately so I wanna get to the bottom of it.The two errors I've gotten are Memory Management and System Service Exception, both seem to be linked to the ntoskrnl.exe file. I also ran the System File Checker and got the following error reported: "Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"kerberos.dll" of Microsoft-Windows-Security-Kerberos". Lastly I ran the windows memory diagnostic and it detected several hardware errors.

1)A system restore to a couple weeks ago
2)Repair the system/OS with my Windows 7 disc
3)Replace the RAM

Wanted to post here before I try any of those though. Whew ok sorry to be long winded but wanted to provide as much info as possible.

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BSOD Errors A1 (Memory_Management) And A (Irql_Not_Less_Or_Equal)?

Jun 19, 2012

I have had a very solid stable system since 2010, then I decided 6 GB of RAM and a 9800GT/GTX560Ti wasn't enough. I sold these parts away and replaced them with 24 GB of RAM and a GTX560Ti 448 edition. The instant I throw these new parts into my box I start getting the two different BSoD errors (the ones in the title). I have cleared everything of my previous overclocks with the upgraded components.System Specs: (bolded is what was introduced to the system which created the errors)Windows 7 Professional x647 930EVGA 132-BL-E758 (Motherboard)EVGA GTX560Ti 448 FTW EditionPatriot Extreme Performance (24 GB of RAM)If you need to know anything besides the core components that I have, let me know. Attached are the dump files.

The story so far:I have ran Memtest overnight on all the sticks of RAM and nothing comes up, it claims they're all good. I'm not sure how to test the graphics card, but what I can tell you is that I can login to Windows and within 5 minutes the BSoD shows itself. When in safe mode, (where I am right now), it runs more stable, but I have had it BSoD in here as well; It's just nowhere near as often. So, this makes me think its not hardware related and hopefully it's not because I have no other RAM sticks or graphics card to test with.My thoughts:I only used 3 of the 6 slots for RAM on the motherboard before this upgrade so initially I thought maybe I had a bad slot. I can't disprove that, but I still get the BSoD when using only 1 stick of RAM in a slot that was previously known as working. I uninstalled the graphics driver for my old GTX560Ti and downloaded the latest driver for my new graphics card and still get a BSoD.

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BSOD Atikmdag.sys And Other Errors During Gaming

Jun 27, 2012

After a long time of trying to fix this problem by myself, i turn to the pro's for help I've been having a lot of BSOD errors while playing games and occasionally during browsing / playing movies on my pc. The most common error messages include:

Atikmdag.sys error.

After some research i thought it might be the RAM, so i went to the pc shop and my RAM was still under warranty so they gave me a new one and the problem seemed to have gone for a short time, then it came back and has been haunting me ever since. It usually occurs during gaming: the pc eithers shows a BSOD, or the sound loops and the screen is full of blue/red/green lines or it just resets. I added some minidump files of the latest crashes, hope it helps to determine the problem.Might it have something to do with my old BIOS version? 14.04 dated 28/05/2010?

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BSOD Errors In Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 6, 2012

I've just installed the full retail version of Windows 7 64bit and am having regular BSOD crashes and 'Recovered from a serious error' messages. Hardware is 1 year old (Intel DH67GD) i2500K, 12 GB RAM).

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Win7 RTM 7600 64-bit BSOD Errors

Aug 22, 2009

My wife's computer with 7600 RTM 64-bit installed is experiencing about daily BSOD errors. She had similar problems under XP 32-bit as well and I tried replacing various components and drivers to see if I could resolve the problem. Nothing seemed to help. The problem might be resolved for a while, but eventually always came back regardless of what I tried to do.

Restarting the computer Windows presents a "recovered from serious error" dialog and displays an error message. The message we typically get is similar to:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 4e

BCP1: 0000000000000099

BCP2: 00000000000D3BFA

BCP3: 0000000000000002

BCP4: 00000000000D3DF9

OS Version: 6_1_7600

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:


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Various BSOD With Different Errors During Install Of Windows 7

Mar 2, 2012

I have recently built a computer with the following components:
Asus 990fx Sabertooth motherboard
Zambezi 6-core Am3+ cpu
16 gb g-skill ram
180 Gb SSD
1 TB 7200 rpm HDD
2 MSI GT 560's

Every time I go to install Windows 7 it seem to be getting a different error. It will get to various stages of the install (ex, i can click on the language settings and the install button and then crash, or it will get to expanding files and crash, or it wont even get to the language settings page) The BIOS runs fine and recognizes my RAM and my CPU. How I can install windows 7.

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BSOD Happening Few Times / Various Errors Displayed

Nov 10, 2011

I have some problems with BSOD. It can happen few times a day, and it can appear after a week without problems. Usually it happened when I use the internet, but yesterday, for the first time it happened 2 minutes after I turned on the computer, without doing anything.I updated all the drivers without any positive result.

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BSOD Constantly Even In Safe Mode - D1 And Other Errors

Nov 24, 2011

I have been having nonfrequent bsod errors for quite a while, and since playing a game of Starcraft 2 today (~3 hours ago) my computer started to constantly bsod. I can not log into windows for more than a minute or two (if that) before it BSOD's again. I am currently posting with my laptop, and the desktop that is BSOD'ing is dualbooting linux (ubuntu) which has no BSOD issues whatsoever. I also ran the memtest that comes with installing ubuntu and no issues were found. Attached are my minidumps.

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BSOD Multiple Errors / Can Only Use Safe Mode

Jan 18, 2012

[code] I couldn't do a health report due to being stuck with safe mode with networking. The BSOD started about two months ago while the gf was using it and didn't happen for me till yesterday. As of now I can get it to start normally but It crashes any time I open anything. I tried swapping ram and no change. I honestly don't know a whole lot about windows 7.

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Random BSOD Whilst Using IE 8 - No Errors In MemTest

Jan 30, 2012

I have been getting what appears to be random BSOD. However, most times it has been whilst using IE Explorer (ver 8.0 ). I have an Asus G53SW Win 7 64bit 16Gb RAM. All updates have been installed and I believe all drivers are latest version. About 3 weeks ago the HDD had bad sectors and I had it replaced. I had a Crucial M4 128Gb SSD installed and an additional 8Gb of memory. I have run memtest (8 passes) and there were no errors. I have run HD Pro and there are no errors on the HDD. Attached herewith dump files and event logs. I have also attached a sys info file.

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Keep Getting Random BSOD Ntoskrnle.exe, Hal.dll, And Ntfs.sys Errors

Feb 5, 2012

I keep getting random BSOD on my pc. I have reinstalled the OS to fix the errors but keep getting the errors at random times (ie, playing games, pulling the comp out of sleep mode, and browsing the net). I make any errors of can provide any more information.

Windows 7 Home prem 64 bit Full Retail
Original OS installed on system
Hardware is only 1 year old
Reinstalled OS 2 weeks ago

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Random BSOD Errors With Failed Minidumps

Feb 24, 2012

I have been getting random bsod errors and even the minidumps are not being created errors are not the same each time sometimes it is IRQL_not_less_or_equal and sometimes it is kernel_data_in_page error

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BSOD During General Use, Errors 0x0000003B And 0x000000BE

May 15, 2012

i recently upgraded my system with a new graphics card and ssds, and a new psu. i installed windows 7 x64, and now i've had 2 bsods within 24 hours. the first one occured while i was playing deus ex: human revolution. the error was 0x0000003b and the faulty file was dxgmms1.sys. i reinstalled the graphics drivers and it hasn't shown up anymore. now, i was installing gta iv and watching a video on Internet, and got another bsod, this time with error 0x000000be. i can't seem to isolate this problem. i've attached the files in the zip archive. also, i think its worth mentioning that the when i installed windows, i used a 32bit driver for the ssd raid 0 array since windows wouldn't take the 64 bit driver because it wasnt signed(although the driver did have the signature file on the disk). after the installation finished, windows automatically updated the raid driver.

amd phenom ii 1090t cpu
gigabyte ga-870a-ud3 motherboard
evga gtx 690 graphics card
2x 90gb kingston hyperx ssds in raid 0
4x 4gb mushkin ddr 3 1066 ram
1300w rosewill psu

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Multiple BSOD Errors Playing Arma 2

May 23, 2012

I've been getting BSODs randomly while playing Arma 2 with the Dayz mod. At first I thought it must be something with the game but I've also gotten BSODs playing Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad but I've also played other games like Portal 2 without problems. Thinking it might be driver related I did a fresh install of windows but to no avail.Half the time the game will crash randomly anywhere from 10 minutes of play to 4 hours giving a 0x000005 exception code. The other half of the time my computer will hang and BSOD giving me a different bccode almost every time. The most recent is 10007e and the only other one I remember is d1 which is one of the few that I've gotten multiple times.The Windows Desktop Manager has also crashed twice but I'm not sure it that is related.It was custom built a year ago and was problem free until about a month ago when the BSODs start. They stopped for a while but started again about a week or two ago.

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Number Of BSOD Errors (Mostly When Browsing Internet)

Jun 10, 2012

Seem to be occurring only when connected to internet, and browsing.

Windows 7 Professional x64, OEM
Its a Dell XPS 16, around 2 years old.

Had around 8 in the past month, and 2 today, just can't seem to sort this.

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Random BSOD, Errors 0x0000018 And 0x000003b

Jun 25, 2012

Crash dump directory: C:WindowsMinidump
Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.
On Mon 6/25/2012 8:03:08 AM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:WindowsMinidump�62512-32775-01.dmp


Bug check description: This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code. This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time.

On Mon 6/25/2012 8:00:09 AM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:WindowsMinidump�62512-31434-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x70040)
Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80002FB7EB0, 0xFFFFF88007528CC0, 0x0)


Bug check description: This indicates that a system thread generated an exception which the error handler did not catch.This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in a standard Microsoft module. Your system configuration may be incorrect. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver on your system which cannot be identified at this time.

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Several BSOD Errors; Seven Forums File Attached?

Jul 24, 2012

I've been having a lot of BSOD's since i installed my new graphics card. I thought it was the graphics card itself, so i exchanged it for a new one - the problem still persists. I also uninstalled all the drivers, and try'd new ones. I even try'd some of there BETA drivers - still nothing.Who crashed says it's a driver issue, so i'm guessing that's what it is. Considering I've run several diagnostic tools to see if my hardware was the issue.

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BSOD Frequent Errors 0x0000000a And 0x0000000e?

Jul 27, 2012

I am trying to fix a computer for a relative, but cannot seem to figure out the cause of these BSOD's, they are frequent, with the computer running typically for less than 5 minutes before crashing out, once or twice for longer since I've received it. I removed expired versions of norton internet security and another norton program as well as a basic virus scan with malwarebytes. The laptop also passed a single full pass from memtest.

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Getting BSOD Errors After Installing Windows 7 On Laptop?

Aug 1, 2012

Just kind of confused about the BSOD errors. Just installed Windows 7 last night to this laptop and I immediately started getting them. I tried getting debugging tools to read the .dmp files, but that just wasn't working. Then I tried working with BlueScreenView and I accessed all the .dmp files that I've acquired, six in total. Each seemed to have different files highlighted red, though I noticed one file that all of them had been highlighted red; NT Kernel & Systems. My only guess to fix this problem would be to just reinstall Windows, or would there be an easier way to fix this problem?

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BSOD Happens Randomly (multiple Errors) 0x000000D1

Aug 12, 2012

This is my gf's custom pc she built herself about 6 years ago. I has been used and abused by her siblings. It was having all kinds of problems so she had a friend look at it and clean everything inside. It was still crashing so I reformatted and reloaded the OS, trying to just get a clean start. Although, the issue of crashing has been improved through this, it is not cured.

I get BSOD while playing games, surfing the web, while sitting idle, after coming back from sleep, pretty much anytime. Sometimes I get no BSOD for hours, other times its more constant.

usually usbport.sys / nvlddmkm.sys
and usually 0x000000D1

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BSOD While Rendering And Randomly, Multiple Errors

Aug 12, 2012

So a few months ago I started getting BSOD while rendering with Adobe Premiere. The odd part was that I would only get them when actually using export from with Premiere. If I queued them in Adobe Media Encoder it would generally be fine. Eventually things persisted to BSOD randomly occurring, sometimes 5 a day sometimes weeks a part. Eventually I bought a new SSD and reinstalled Windows. Things returned to normal, with BSOD only occurring while using export, but today things seemed to have returned to there old ways.

I may also add that since I've built this computer things have acted weird. Chrome plugins randomly crash. Shockwave player crashes constantly. I can't install DirectX.

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BSOD While Running Chkdsk And Scanning HD For Errors

Sep 21, 2012

I have ran western digitals lifeguard tools and they keep giving the error 06-Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete!

"Status code = 07 (Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 97 (Unknown Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!"

I also get blue screen when I run the extended test, or run a chkdsk. HD tune pro tells me that there are 1461 pending sectors and 1455 uncorrectable errors. Is this bad? 1464 pending sectors on my HD but 0 reallocated.

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BSOD And System Service Exception Errors

Apr 28, 2011

While playing games like cod 4, Battlefield BC2, and some other games, all online the computer freezes and the only way to make it move again is to reset. I think it maybe related because all the problems happen while I'm connected to the internet. Lately it has crashed and it appears BSOD message. This is what it says:

Technical Information:
"Stop 0x0000003b(0x000000000c0000096, 0xfffff880094f98f1, 0xfffff8800b411cc0, 0x0000000000000000)
kernel.amd64 - Adress fffff880094f98f1 base at fffff88009478000, Datestamp 4581d357"

I think it maybe related because this only happens when I do something on the internet. Watching a video or uploading something, or playing online games. Plus sometimes it freezes and not even the reset button works. I have to turn it completely off and in 5 seconds turns back again on its own. I don't understand much of it, but i went to event viewer and not all the errors are totally alike, so i don't know if that means the cause is different. I have lots of critical errors and all from the source: kernel power; and event: id 41. I have other errors with name "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDELED" and other with no name.

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BSOD, BOOTMgr Missing, And NTFS Errors

Feb 12, 2010

I have my soon 1 year old rig wich has from the start been a bit of a bumby ride.

Lately things have gotten worse and I think it's time to do something about it!

So my comp has BSOD out quite random since i built it, and yesterday i couldn't boot up to windows.
That due to a random BSOD and then i couldn't choose to boot form my C disk in Bios. So the message BOOTMgr is missing appeared.Ii solved the BOOTMGR very easy (*phew*) but as soon as i booted up my comp today it freeze-hang. This Shouldn't be appearing on a rig like this right?

My specs are following:

i7 920 (C stepping)
Asus P6T
Asus 9800GTX+ DK TOP
620W PSU
WD 640gb
Corsair 3 gb 1333mhz

Simply explained I'm hunting for the cause of all my BSOD's and weird behaviors.

I've looked up some of my BSOD's and all of them did point at some kind of memory failure, one of them was error in the NTFS system.

I've began to wonder, is my hard drive not working as it should?

This is my first self build comp and I'm quite new into all of this, would be very happy see some answers.

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