Wont Boot , All I Get Is Maker Name On Black Screen?

Mar 15, 2009

i cant egt Vista to boot up? last night i installed acrobat 9.1 then shut down. went to boot up again and no OS? all i get ia a screen with the ASUS logo? the laptop is making a dnnn, dnnn, dnnn sound for a wile and it will give me the first few notes of the windows tone, then nothing. after a wile the ASUS screen is replaced with reboot and select proper Boot device or insert boot medie in selected boot device and press a key_ (the _ is blinking). no matter what key i press, it just repeats above message. the computer is 9 days old. i have been in the bios and reset to factory setting as well as tried user settings. checked to see that the hard drive was on the boot location list ( it is ) i do not have a Vista CD just a ASUS recovery CD (with Vista on it). i would love to not lose my info at at all possible, so i am trying to find an option that dose not cause me to recover and lose every thing? F8 dose nothing, F2 gets me into BIOS setup. no other keys seem to do anything on start up? cant seem to get into safe boot up or safe mode. after the computer gets to the reboot screen the dnnnnn,dnnn,dnnn stops

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Windows Movie Maker Vids - Audio But Black Screen

Apr 27, 2009

The problem seems to be with my .avi videos when I put them on Windows Movie Maker. They're videos i spend days downloading for an AMV that I downloaded from Vuze recently, and they seem to work fine with anything
apart from WMM and Windows DVD Maker (But windows DVD maker is a diff issue anyway that I wont address here).

I've tried all sorts of things. I unticked "AVI DVD Compressor" because when I left it ticked, whenever I tried moving .AVI vids to the timeline it would just say "Windows Movie Maker Has Stopped Working" and close
the whole thing. But unticking it got me atleast somewhere, but now I face yet another problem.....

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i guess...now after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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32 Bit Black Screen On Boot.

Nov 18, 2008

I've had an issue with my computer booting properly. I went from a 1:05 boot time to over a 2:00 boot because Vista go's to a black screen instead of loading my desktop. I'm not sure where to start fixing this, I've always been good with computers and have tried all the text book fixes and I have no where left to go. I made a video which is uploading now and will be up incase this doesn't make as much sense as I'd hope. All my drivers are up to date.

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Black Screen When About To Boot Into Desktop?

Aug 2, 2008

i have a problem when vista is booting up past the loading bar screen sometimes not always the system kinda hangs when about to boot into desktop?, a mouse pointer appears and the screen is black for about 30-45 seconds then the vista circle icon appears then desktop loads? is this a known problem or just my system?

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Arrow And Black Screen During Boot

Jun 8, 2008

When I try to boot my Vista laptop, it boots fine until after the green scrolling bar completes. Then, it goes to a black screen, then a darker shade, then a lighter shade of black. Then, an arrow appears. Nothing happens afterward. The screensaver will come on after a while. System restore doesn't fix it. What could I do or what could be the cause?

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Disc Boot X64, Black Screen

Nov 17, 2009

I have a boot issue since I got a Samsung SyncMaster 2233RZ, I have a black screen the first 30 second on startup, that is until I get to the login screen. I tried hitting the F11-F12 keys but I still just get a regular startup instead of boot from disc. How do I get to boot from the vista disc and what is wrong with my monitor, it can't be right it has to stand around and blink for 30 seconds..?

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Boot Failure: Black Screen

Apr 27, 2010

Vista will not boot normally. I get to the black screen just before the Welcome, and then... nothing. Just a black screen. I CAN start in safe mode with networking, however. I disabled EVERYTHING in the msconfig startup, as well as all non-Microsoft service, to no avail. When I run ComboFix, I get the msg 'ComboFix is preparing to run', followed by 'Acess Denied. Administrator permissions are need to use the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks'. I did right click on the CF icon on my desktop, and selected 'run as administrator' but got the same result. If I just let it run as is, I get the usual 'Scanning for infected files... This typically doesn't take more than 10 minutes, etc...', but NOTHING ever happens for at least 15 minutes after which ComboFix finally does start. However, while its running through the 50 stages, embedded in those stages is the occasional ''Access Denied. Administrator permissions are needed....". The completion of CF and subsequent restart did absolutely nothing to change the boot problem. I do have a MS Vista install disk, and I've run Startup repair. No change.....................

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Not Boot Up, Black Screen Of Death

Dec 1, 2009

It just would not boot up after shuting off the computer. The system kicked into the black option screen where I selected to let Windows run a [forget the wording] restore function. It finally did restore the system. I thought it was caused by the automatic Sun Java update that I allowed to be installed just before that happened.

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Boot Up Resulting Black Screen

May 15, 2010

im sure that AGES ago i saw a tutorial that told you how to disable the second monitor detection phase that some Vista PC's go through during boot up,resulting in a black screen that hung for about 20 seconds just before windows loads (i may well be making all this up. Im now win 7 and have an ATI card , both things are new to me and im experiancing an annoying 15 second black screen just before desktop loads. yes i know im asking for a vista tutorial to help with a win 7 issue but im sure it'll be the same and just to save anyone any time it is most definately NOT an ATI driver issue , this is 100% windows related and i remember solving the same issue for a friend with that tutorial on his Vista install a very very long time ago I had a quick look but it'll take me forever to find it (if it was here i did see it originally,im sure it is)

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Instal SP1, Not Boot, Error Message On Black Screen

Dec 5, 2009

I am getting an error message on a black screen !!OxcOOOOO34!! 252/90268(program_files_windows_calendar_49985597510...)..................

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Boot Fail: Got The Green Loading Bar But Then A Black Screen After About 20 Mins

May 8, 2010

Last night my pc was running fine and just before I went for some shut eye put my pc into sleep mode today I woke my pc only for it not to allow me to log on, mouse movement only nothing was clickable so after a short while I decided to reset upon boot I got the green loading bar but then a black screen after about 20 mins I gave up and tried a restore last good config.... Yeah nice one it bsod on me At 55% chkdsk and now I get a windows boot manager error file: ootcd

I tried Bootrec /RebuildBcd but it brings back an error that it can not create the new file as the file already exists. I'm not having much luck with the recovery disk for repair options as it can't seem to find the OS and brings back errors of can not recover everything seems on a go slow and ubuntu can't find my c drive even tried spin right and that can't recover a bad sector I'm at a loss as to what to do befor the fresh install option I'm on my last option to try use a back up store disk

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Install :: Oading Files Screen And Then Screen In Getting Black

Mar 24, 2008

I am building a new system and have a new copy of Vista Home Premium 32bit.

I got it all put together and tried to load Vista. It got to the Windows is loading files screen and then screen in getting black video. Keyboad and mouse stopped working at times. So I updated the board BIO's per intel through iso image and same thing. So I tried installing XP and got to the F8 screen to accept lic. and it just reboots everytime.

Any ideas why Vista would stop? Added the info about the XP install so it may help.


Intel D975XBX2 mobo
Corsair 2048MB PC6400 DDR2 800MHz DHX
BFG GeForce 8800 GTX OC 768MB PCIe
Intel Quad Core Kentsfield 2.4Ghz Q6600 CPU
SoundBlaster xFi XtremeMusic
500GB SATA/300 Baracuda
Siteck Eclipse keyboard
Logitech G5 laser mouse
Viewsonic VX924 LCD
Lite-ON 20X DVDRW SATA LH-20A1S-12 Super-Multi Int
Masscool 8WA741 CPU FAN w/Heat Pipes 775

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Running The Screen Not Centred & Black Bar On Right Of Screen

May 14, 2008

I have recently bought a new PC running Windows Vista Home Premium. I have loaded the above programs for my son and when they a running the screen is not centred and the is a black bar to the right of the screen approx 3 cm wide. I have tried to run the games in compatibility mode and as adminstrator as recommended with other games but with no success.

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Screen Saver To Black Unresponsive Screen

May 2, 2009

I am having a very wierd issue with vista's screen saver. So basically when I leave the comp idle it goes into screen saver then turns off the monitor after 15 mins. Sometimes, more often than not, I come back and move the mouse and hit a few keys on the keyboard and nothing. The monitor wont come out of standby I try turning it off and back on, and nothing. I have the latest drivers for everything in my system and I checked the power management settings and they both are able to wake the computer up. I have a G15 keyboard and I keep the leds on and when this happens the leds are off and the lazer for the mouse is off too.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Screen Going Black

Nov 19, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1000007e
BCP1: C0000005
BCP2: 98DD3A3D
BCP3: 8837B8FC
BCP4: 8837B5F8.......

My one guess is its something to do with the display driver maybe because that has been stuffing up a bit of late, in the way of the screen going black for a couple of seconds then recovering.

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Should Not Black Screen Full Screen Mode

Oct 5, 2009

Why do I get black picture after I have pressed PrtSc button? Of course it shouldn't be black and it happens only when the screen is on full screen mode (for an example videos, games etc.). It also doesn't matters if I am using just PrtSc or Alt + PrtSc - the result is the same. It looks like this ---> http://img525.imageshack.us/i/blackba.jpg/ (and, no, I didn't painted it black).

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Unable Monitor Screen Using Windows Movie Maker

Apr 2, 2009

5zsJHA.248@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl> This problem has only occurred using Windows Movie Maker version 6.6. I have posted a query on that group, also. The bottom of the screen normally contains the"go"or"do it" button when "publishing" a movie. On my Samsung wide screen monitor that button is BELOW the bottom of my screen. I've tried different screen resolutions. how to make the screen smaller height wise? I have tried to adjust the vertical position of my monitor, but that adjustment only moves the screen a small amount. I am at the max resolution of 1068 x 1050. Other resolution choices seem to drive the bottom of the screen even further down.

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Cannot Log-on And Black Screen

Jan 30, 2010

windows seems to boot up partially but does not get to the log-on screen and instead goes to a black screen and all you can see is the arrow shaped mouse pointer and thats all. I put the windows cd in to try to repair the installation and booted from that but still the same thing happens

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Screen Is Black

Apr 21, 2009

Alrighty I went off to work with my pc turned on a few days ago, I come back and the screen is black and nothing I do is responsive to the screen. I then reboot the Pc it leading to a blue screen. Some times when I reboot it will blue screen some times it will just be a black screen that is un responsive. I have tried f8 options in advance boot optiotns, Ive tried re installing windows- it claiming my disk is full. Ive tried system restore it also says I have a disk failure. It wont let me check errors in the properties options on my hard drive. I have done a virus scan(no virus's) and I have 300gigs left of space.

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Screen Becomes Black

Jul 21, 2008

is that when he tries to delete some files that he previously stored in the C:"Account Name",he gets a message saying that the file is unavailable in the specified location.However,that is not my main problem now,because when I was trying to help fix this problem I typed "msconfig" into the RUN box to get the startup utility box and I unchecked some of the background programs to prevent them from loading automatically when the system starts,in order to speed up the system;but when I restarted the system I can see the first screen, which is by the manufacturer of the labtop;then when vista starts loading, the screen becomes black and don't display anything,although I am sure that Vista is loading successfully but I cannot see it on the screen.

I am assuming that one of the programs that I have unchecked is responsible for displaying. I have tried to do a repair installation by using a bootable Vista DVD but I couldn't because I cannot see anything on the screen.I tried logging in on safe mode but that did not work either. How can I undo the changes that I have made to startup utility.

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Black Screen After Log In

Jun 12, 2010

I have two users set-up, user K (with Administrator rights I believe and a password) and user N. If I login as user K, after I enter my password my computer will run for a bit (I can see/hear it logging in) but after a few minutes the screen goes black except for my white cursor and nothing else happens. If I then hit ctrl-alt-del I can see the Task Manager and switch users to user N which will start up normally and give me access to my desktop.

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Black Screen With Games

Jun 27, 2009

I have tried installing many different games on my pc, which are quite new and have been released in the last few years. The installation goes fine, and everything is great. When it comes to launching the game, well, i double click the file to run the game, and i get a black screen. Nothing happens afterwards. It just stays black. 'Ctrl + Alt + Delete' does not work, and neither does 'Alt + Tab', or any other keyboard shortcuts. This results in me having to hold in the power button and turn my pc off like that.

Any idea's on what could be wrong? It is extremely frustrating, due to the fact that i've tried running about 3 - 5 games on my computer, and neither of them work, without a black screen coming up after trying to launch any of them. I've tried numerous things like 'Running as Administrator' and changing compatibillity modes and so on and so forth, but none of that works.

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XFX 680i SLI Screen Going Black

Apr 26, 2008

I was having a weird problem with my screen going black at random after installing any version of Vista, and kept having to force a restart because there was no way to get the screen to come back on. I searched all the forums and it seemed to be very common, but as with most of the forums everyone was argueing about how to fix the problem instead of helping the people with the problem. So I'm posting this one in the hope that it may just help one or two people with the same problem.

My remedy was simply to update the BIOS to the latest version P32 I think from the XFX website, and the problem was no more, I also updated the High def audio driver from the same site, now my machine has been running flawlessly for three days now.

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Black Screen After Loading Bar

Jan 18, 2010

I was hoping that some of you guys could help me with a problem. As the title says, my screen goes completely black after the loading screen with the green loading bar, but before the usual windows vista circle is supposed to appear. I have also tried to use a vista x64 recovery disk. Here I only get the blue background a mouse I can move around on the screen, meaning I have no options to choose from. Does anyone know what the problem might be? And if so, how to possibly fix it?

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Black Screen Right After Bios.

Jun 18, 2008

I have Vista Ulimate 64-bit and everytime that I reboot I get a black screen before the Microsoft Windows scrolling bar.

This is the sequence.
- I reboot.
- I get my bios information screen.
- I get the white, blinking line in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Then the screen goes black with no hard drive activity.

I then can perform a Complete PC restore from my second partition on the same SATA Hard Drive and I will then be able to boot into Vista with no problem.....until I reboot, then I get the Black screen again. It is a vicious cycle.

I have tried to remove video cards (2 x 8800 GTS), memory (4 GB), sound cards (X-Fi Music), load the default bios settings....nothing works. Only a Complete PC Restore cures it, but only until I need to reboot the PC.

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Screen Goes And Stay Black

Oct 8, 2009

I run Vista HP/SP2. The other day after various installs, updates and maintenance tasks I ran with no problems and ended the day by putting my laptop into hibernate mode. The next day when I powered on, my system would not come up...my system disk C: was corrupt. I finally got System Repair to run and it appeared to fix and recover my C: disk to the point that I can see my files still exist via Recovery command prompt. However when I
restart, my screen goes and stays blank (black) with my cursor usable but to no purpose. I tried System Repair again but it tells me it can find nothing to repair. I tried starting in safe mode and it loads two screens worth of windows files before going to a blank (black) screen with my cursor usable but to no purpose. The last windows file loaded is a crcdisk driver file.

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Black Screen After Login

Mar 27, 2009

When I login all I get is a black screen and "my documents" is open. Basically, the OS has GONE! I can still use the computer, ctrl alt delete etc.. run tasks, just that there is no desktop or toolbars etc.

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Black Frame Around Screen

Nov 13, 2008

I need desperately answer,no one found the solution no one. I have my Ati Radeon HD 3870X2 series connected (hdmi to hdmi) to my Samsung LE40A656F1. But when i set a game to 1920x1080 resolution there is a black frame around the screen. If i use an other resolution like 1360x768 there is no a black frame. I always use the latest drivers and hotfix for my graphic card.

Black frame i mean black (empty)frame around the screen. My graphic card is 1080p capable. My tv is 1080p capable. For now i test it with FarCry2,Sacred 2,Fallout 3,Dead Space,those games natively supports a resolution of 1920x1080p. But i still get the black frame when i set the game resolution to 1920x1080p...........

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