Wireless Printer (automatic Turned Off)

Jan 30, 2009

I built my first ever system in December (vista 64) and didn't have a single problem it was all working fine, Until now! last week I installed my new wireless printer and did a windows update (automatic turned off) ever since that when the desktop first opens it takes 20-30min to load Webroot firewall, antivirus and if I try to open any other application it just freezes so I have to 'end task' constantly. However I can still open internet explorer and Google! even though it say I'm disconnected in the start menu tray.

After 20-30min everything's fine and all software and applications load up as normal, the only thing that doesn't happen anymore is it used to tell me that "my system is protected against a single hard drive failure" due to the raid 1, I've checked the storage manager and the status now says normal although post printer installation it did say 'verifying and repairing'.

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Turned Security Center To Automatic And Restarted The Service?

May 16, 2008

I just installed a fresh installation of Enterprisex64 a couple days ago. As I've been building up the system I mapped a drive to another computer on my network and continued to setup the new PC. Last night after installing a couple different DVD Burning programs (Roxio10 & Nero 8) I rebooted a couple times and noticed that my Security Center was turned off. I went into the services, turned it to Automatic and restarted the service.

Then I continued my work on building my system and realized I couldn't connect to my mapped drive, only to realize I could no longer see other computers on my network via Network Neighborhood or by \computername. My other computers on the network can see each other, just not this new box...........

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Hp Printer Turned Little Icon

May 9, 2010

My icons for HP Printer, Picasa, and iTunes turned into the little white icons with the dots on it. Why is this?

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Wireless Set-up With Laptop - Make It Automatic?

Jun 6, 2009

I've just set up a wireless modem for my dad, who'd had a wired modem for 18 months. It's more convenient but it takes a while to get linked up, especially as the wireless has to be manually started with two keys. I've clued my dad up a a fair bit but he tries to get surfing before it's all going properly. Because I normally use Ubuntu now my own wireless is on a few seconds past the BIOS screen, I suppose, and I wondered if there is some registry alteration or something that can be made so that the wireless is always on once Vista starts up.

Or maybe the wireless process can be put into the startup programs? I wouldn't know what the process or software is called (whether it's among Vista's programs or the Advent's add-on stuff). If Ubuntu running on the same laptop would allow immediate wireless I imagine there's no hardware reason why this can't be done. Normally it's a case of pressing Fn and F10 with Vista. If the laptop is merely restarted rather than turned off and on the wireless remains on. The waiting wouldn't bother me, but my dad being of a certain age is not mad keen on change and different procedures.... I stop short of
seeing if you can use eBay with carrier pigeons....

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Services: Wireless Zero Config And Turned Off?

Nov 30, 2008

How do you turn off mobsync it makes my pc lose smoth performance. And tryed offline files and it still comes on. As in XP you had wireless zero config and turned it off and make my games not lag. But in vista it shuts down your internet when you shut it off. I want to stop the lag spikes while i play games.

And yes i know wireless isent for gaming but we have a dosen pc's here and dont have a finance to have cords all over the place it's a 2 story home with 8 pc's and 4 laptops so i just want a way to stop the wireless from resetting every 60 seconds. Make it every 6 hours if i can.

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Wireless Connection Drops When The Computer With The Router Is Turned On?

Oct 26, 2008

My friends computer uses a Netgear router and his computer runs on XP to which I try to connect for internet access. When his computer is turned OFF, I can access the internet no problem. However, when his computer is ON, I can not connect!!

-Vista 64 bit, service pack 1 and is completely up-to-date
-All hardware drivers are up todate with no hardware problems
-DLink has good reception with 1.20 driver (D-Link WMA 510)
-Router computer is XP, up-to-date drivers. Computer uses Netgear router

why my wireless connection drops when the computer with the Router is turned on?

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Wireless Networking A Printer

Mar 2, 2009

We have a Dell Desktop running XP it connects through USB to our 2Wire Gateway router.

We recently purchased a HP Laptop running Vista x64, it is connected to the same 2Wire through the wireless signal.

Here is our problem. We purchased a HP Photosmart C5580 which is connected to our desktop and functioning fine.

We were told we could connect our laptop to this printer wirelessly all though it has no wireless capability (other than bluetooth which we do not have on our laptop). They said there were two ways to network it so that we would not have to use the USB with our laptop.

What is the easiest way to do about doing this?

I have spent 6 hours on the phone with HPs so called "techs" and they were unable to help at all. Kept trying to connect through bluetooth (which I told them our laptop was not capable of). I called Geek Squad to make sure are laptop was some how to connect to this printer with out a USB as that is the only reason I bought it. They said we could do it 2 ways through networking and that it would be simple enough for me to do on my own.

Is anyone able to help??

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Wireless Printer Offline

Mar 23, 2008

Using a wireless HP 2510 printer, Linksys router, HP machine with XP, and Toshiba with Vista. I get everything set up and all work well. Then for some reason the printer will not work from the Vista machine. Got to control panel | printers and I see the HP 2510 and it is the default printer and is "offline".

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Wireless Printing With USB Printer

Mar 8, 2009

I have a dell inspiron 1525 running Vista home premium connected to a wireless network router wirelessly for use of the internet, i also have a dell PC downstairs (XP) which is connected to the same router with a wireless USB stick thing. The PC downstairs has a printer connected to it in the USB port. How can i use the printer from my laptop, do i need to set up some sort of home network? how do i go about printing on the printer downstairs from my laptop upstairs?

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System Can Not See Wireless Printer

Apr 1, 2008

I have a Lexmark wireless printer which I have quite happily used with XP for a while. I have now bought a laptop with Vista but cannot get the laptop to see the printer. I have downloaded the Vista drivers from the Lexmark site and installed them but still cannot see the printer. My old XP laptop has no problem seeing it and prints with no problem, I have checked the settings on the printer and cannot see any thing wrong.

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Wireless Printer Stops Working

Mar 16, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium on my laptop. I have a Brother wifi printer (although it connects to the router with a wire). I have 2 desktops and my laptop that use the printer. The two desktops use the printer without a problem. My laptop only works during the period after I add the network printer. When I reboot, it will seem to print to the printer but it just gets stored in the printer queue and won't print it.

Telling the print queue to try again doesn't do anything. If I delete the printer from my laptop and add it again as a new printer, it works great until the next reboot. I have no other printers in my printer list, only the Brother. None of the desktops (one Vista Home Premium, one XP) have this problem.

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Connecting To XP Based Printer On Wireless

Feb 6, 2009

We have a home wireless network with a laptop and desktop both on XP. I've successfully added my new laptop with Vista to the network, but cannot connect to the printer that runs through the XP desktop. I've scanned some of the discussions, but nothing has worked so far. I've checked all the firewall settings, have file, printer and public sharing set on the Vista laptop.

The desktop PC is hardwired to the wireless router. The other XP laptop still prints through the system as normal. it's a Dell AIO 922 printer that has an XP based driver. Ihaven't been able to find a Vista driver for that printer. Do I just need a newer printer?

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Can't Configured Printer Wireless Connection

Sep 4, 2009

I have an HP Photosmart C6180 connected via USB to an XP desktop computer. I have other XP laptops set up so they can print to this printer throught their wireless connection. However I now have a new Vista laptop and I can't get it configured for this printer through it's wireless connection. Here is what I've tried: Go into Control panel/printers on the Vista Laptop and select Add New printer. I select Network printer and It finds the printer. I then select HP as the manufacturer and it list lots of their printers but not this one. I assume the driver was just not included with Vista. This also has a "have disk" option but my disk is only for XP and before.

I went to HP's site and downloaded the latest complete Vista driver (159 meg). I then ran the software install and when it asks for whether it is a local or network printer, I pick network. But the driver software can't find any network printers even thought Vista could in 1 above. 3. I went to HP's site and downloaded the latest complete Vista driver (159 meg) only this time I saved it instead or running it. Then from the Vista Laptop and selected Add New printer. I select Network printer and It finds the printer. This also has a "have disk" option so I point it to the saved download file but it won't accept it. Apparently this is because the downloaded file is an exe and the software at that point is looking for in ..inf file. So how can I get this to work?

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Wireless Connection To Printer Won't Working

Mar 23, 2008

i've spent the whole day trying to set up a wireless connection between a laptop running vista and a printer connected to a print server on a wireless router....The printer is connected to the USB port on the wireless router (and the wireless connection to the printer works fine with my old xp laptop :rolleyes. The printer worked fine when plugged directly into the usb port on the vista laptop. So I set up a TCP/IP local port with the router's IP address (network print server, 1 printer) and assigned the printer to that port. It worked! - once. It printed a short document from notepad but sometime in the next few hours its status went to 'offline' and it has since refused to print anything else. Print jobs appear to spool to the printer, come up in the print monitor window, etc, but it doesn't print - neither tiny things from notepad nor multipage word docs.

SO far I have tried: rebooting everything lots of times; setting the printer to 'use printer online' in the admin prefs; disabling bidirectional support; disabling spooling (i.e. printing direct to printer - this just makes MS Word hang); making a persistent mapping of LPT1 to the printer w net use (a bit out of my depth there so hope I haven't stuffed anything up, i just got a bunch of system error 66's).

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Wireless Printer Stops And Won't Print The Rest

May 28, 2008

I have a new Dell computer running Vista Home Premium. My Brother printer prints fine when hooked up via USB. But won't print wirelessly through my router (Airport Express). The computer recognizes the printer wirelessly and has it as "ready." When I send something to print, it starts printing the first few lines and then just stops and won't print the rest. If I try again, nothing happens at all. I have to uninstall and reinstall the printer to get it to do anything. And even then, it won't print more than the first few lines of the document. Had no problems printing wirelessly with this printer and router on my old Dell that ran XP.

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Printer Connected To Wireless Router Does Not Print

Mar 23, 2008

i am trying to make a wireless connection from my sony vaio laptop, running vista business, to a printer (canon pixma ip4300) connected via usb to the print server of my wireless router (siemens gigaset SE551). i installed the printer as a 'local' printer on a tcp/ip address, as per the router manual - admittedly, the manual instructions were for winxp.

the problem: the printer comes up in vista as 'offline', cannot be changed to online, and won't print. documents appear in the print queue but do not print out - only sometimes when i restart the computer, the printer prints out a page or two of whatever the last failed job was. the same wireless setup with my old sony xp pro laptop works perfectly, and the printer works when connected to the vista laptop directly via usb cable, so the problem must be vista... i've turned off win defender and win firewall to no avail.

should i install the printer as a network printer? i have tried this but windows couldn't see the printer - it could see the router, but not the printer connected to it. but i've never setup a networked printer before so maybe there is something simple i'm missing.

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Shared Printer Does Not Work Wireless Network

Mar 25, 2008

I have a Windows XP Home desktop connected to a printer via USB and, I have a Windows Vista Premium laptop connected through a wireless network. Print jobs initiated from the laptop hang up in the print queue with a print error, and also show up on the desktop under the print jobs as a print error. Print jobs iniated from the desktop work just fine. Please help with a solution to my wireless network printing problem.

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Fatal Error Installing Hp Wireless Printer

Mar 23, 2008

We keep getting a Fatal Error when installing the HP wireless printer.We are working with the CD that HP supplied specially for Vista. The install gets close to finishing that then we get the message of a Fatal Error. Does anyone have a solution to this, or help so that we can get the printer and software loaded up and working?

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CD Drive Is Turned Off And Needs To Be Turned On

Jun 11, 2008

I think i turned off my CD drive on my laptop a while ago but forget how to turn it back on. how to turn my CD drive back on.

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Network Printer Attachment Not Properly: Failed Connecting To Printer - Access Denied

Jul 29, 2009

I?m trying to install a network printer on a Vista machine. Vista is able to locate the printer on the network but when I select it for installation, for some time, Vista tries to connect and then pops up this message: "Failed Connecting to Printer - Access Denied" And then another window pops up with this message: "Spooler Subsystem Application stopped woring and has been closed." In fact the spooler service always stops, so I have to restart it on the services windows, within Administrative Tools of the Control Panel. The machine is new and has been installed yesterday. Everything else works fine. The printer I am trying to install is on a Windows XP Professional machine within the same network (naturally).

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Printer Sharing XP:unable To Print To The Host Printer Wirelessly

Jun 15, 2008

I have a Dell PC with XP Home and a Dell A960 Printer attached to it. I also have a new HP Laptop with Vista premium that has also had the same printer attached to it at times so the drivers are installed on HP laptop. I recently installed a router so I can use laptop wirelessly. That works fine. However, I am unable to print to the host printer wirelessly. I get message saying printer cannot communicate with computer. I tried everything I found on Google searches. I have enabled printer sharing on both. Do I have to make the Workgroup names the same and if so do I change the Dell with XP or the HP with Vista? I changed the Dell once to no avail so I changed back. Do computer names have to be same? I am a novice at networking.

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Printer Cable Didn't Older Printer Jack Computer

Mar 23, 2008

Dose anyone knows if they make a printer cable: I received a new lab top and it didn't come with the older printer jack on the computer. I guess I need to use one of the usb ports? My Epson 660 still works I hate the idea of getting a new printer when my old one works.

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Printer After Installation Of SP2 (printer Prints An Extra Page)

Jun 1, 2009

Just installed Vista SP2. Everything seems to work OK except for my Dell 1720 printer. It now prints an extra page before the actual document to be printed. There are just a few spurious characters printed at the top of this unwanted page. The following "proper" pages are OK. I have, so it seems, the lastest driver available.

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Network Printer Hosted Server Default Printer

Jun 17, 2008

I cannot set the default printer in Vista Business with SP1. I am connected to a domain trying to set a network printer hosted from a server as the default printer. I have seen a dozen or more questions similiar to this in this group as well as on other forums and found no answer. I see a MS-MVP come on and tell people to remove local printers such as the XPS and adobe printers. This is a ridiculous solution. Sure it may allow you to connect to a network printer but you have removed printers that you are going to need to use again. Unacceptable.

So far the only other solution that does not include deleting all the local printers off of the machine is to make sure you have write permissions to the default printer registry key. I have checked this and I do have write permissions(Full Control). SO WHAT NEXT? IS MICROSOFT EVER GOING TO COME OUT WITH ANOTHER FIX FOR THIS?

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Installed Printer From Main Pc:Printer Do Not Print

Jun 22, 2008

i have installed a printer from my main pc which uses xp pro to my new vista lap top ----- it shows the icon for the printer in the tray but i cannot still print any thing

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Do Not Put Printer In The Printer Folder/control Panel

Apr 10, 2009

I just upgraded my XP home edition to Vista home premium with an upgrade disk provided by Dell. Before the upgrade I uninstalled my HP 2575 printer and software because it was listed as a compatibility issue. After upgrade I reinstalled new software from HP for my printer from the HP website. I plugged in the USB cable from my printer. Vista recognized the new device but would not put it in the printer folder in the control panel. Vista did find driver software online but could not install it. The HP solution center tells me no HP devices have been detected. When I try to print I get a message that I don’t have a printer hooked up. That’s the back ground here is what I have done.

I have updated Vista; most were successful some security ones failed. I have Service pack 1 I uninstalled and reinstalled HP software many times I started my spooler and reinstalled printer and software many times. I checked Task Manager and the hpqste08 services are running. I uninstalled virus protection and turned off the firewall. I have done everything I can find at HP, Microsoft and here. I tried to reload Vista but got a Worker Thread Returned at Bad IRQL error message so I stopped reload.

The one odd thing I did find was in the Device Manager. In the Device Manager the HP 2575 is listed twice. Once under IEEE 1284.4 compatible printer and once under Other Devices. When I click on the one under IEEE 1284.4 compatible printer and update driver software it finds the driver and says it’s up to date. When I do the same on the one under Other Devices, windows finds the software for this device but encountered an error when trying to install it. It does this when looking online and when looking in C: drive.The printer still does not show up in the printer folder in the control panel.

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Desktop Printer Sharing: Won't Find Printer

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Home Premium Laptop, an XP Home laptop and an XP Home desktop (and an XBox 360) connected to my Linksys wireless G router and an XP Home desktop connected via CAT5 to the same router. All connect to the internet fine. The XP laptop finds and uses the printer on the desktop fine. I had setup a share of the Canon I560 printer, connected to my XP desktop, on the Vista laptop and it worked fine. I don't believe I made any changes, but now it won't find the printer and I can't seem to install a new copy.

The Vista machine will not detect the printer and won't even find the XP desktop or laptop on the network. The XP machines find each other fine. All machines get their IP address from the router via DHCP. All are in the same workgroup, or it seems so. Strangely the Vista machine shows WORKGROUP and the XP machines show Workgroup, even if I type the name in caps, XP still shows Workgroup and Vista WORKGROUP.............

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Install Printer Driver FOR Sharing Printer?

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Desktop that has a wireless router. I have shared a printer, but I would like my Mac laptop to be able to print to it. Do I install the printer driver on the Mac or on the Vista machine? If I install on the Vista machine, is there a special installer? The printer is an HP DeskJet 2445.

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WRT54GS Wireless Linksys Router: Reset Button On The Back Of The Wireless Router But Will This Reset My Wireless Network

Dec 11, 2009

I have forgotten the Username and Password for the Login ID... and it is not the default (Username: *blank* Password: admin). I have heard you can hold the reset button on the back of the wireless router but will this reset my wireless network? By that i mean... will i be able to connect with my laptop still through that wireless network or will i have to set it up again?

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Connecting A Sony Vaio To Wireless Network: Switch On Wireless Adaptor Capability

Mar 23, 2008

a friend has a new sony vaio with vista home premium installed. For some reason it will not connect to my netgear router wirelessly. I have tried everything. I am however not too hot on Vista as this is my first time with it. The adaptor says its on, but when you interegate it and ask why it wont connect it keeps telling me "switch on wireless adaptor capability". In the network connections it is on, the switch on the front right is swiitched on and the wireless network light on the front is on. The network is fine and working as i have my laptop connected to it. All security is present and entered. It seems to be the computer as it doesnt find any networks when there are loads in the area. Am i missing something exceptionally obvious? Does Vista have another "on" switch for this adaptor?

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Add Printer Wizard Not Finding Printer

Nov 21, 2008

I have a HP Color Laser Jet 3600n already installed on the company network. I just got a new gateway with Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. When i go to the printer wizard it locates the 3600 printer on the network. Then it asks me to choose the printer software from a list. or choose a disk. I don't have the disk. So, looking through this list, it doesn't even have the HP Color Laser Jet 3600 in there. it's got a 3000 and then jumps to 7000.

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