Windows Audio Service Vanished Off

Mar 12, 2010

i must see a million of these threads but none of them are anything like what i have going on, i've tried all the fixes for the others to no avail. my story starts the same, my volume button in the task bar has the red x on it, how ever here is where it changes, registry: no audiosrv under local control set or any of the other control sets servies tap of task manager: no windows audio service there msconfig: no windows audio service there either its like the windows audio service vanished off my computer and on top of not having sound on my computer i, for some reason as well i can not do a system resotore, to try to see if that fixes te problem with the audio, all i get is an error.

this is what that says "system restore does not appear to be functioning correctly on this system. the Volume Shadow Copy service used by System Restore is not working. For more information view the event log.(0x81000202)" i've had no sound on my computer for at least 2 months, and from what i gather from reading everyone else's posts about it it has all happened around the same time, back in january on 2010, atleast 80-90% of the people who have put out this kind of error has said it started around that month.

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After Service Pack 2 Update Dvd Drives Have Vanished

Jul 21, 2009

Ive scoured the internet to find the solution to my problem and ive ran out of solutions to my problem so i though id try the proffesional and worldly wise people here at vista forums so here goes... i recently updated my vista to service pack 2 x64 which installed perfectly fine with no hangs or any visible errors. after the machine restarted one of my dvd drives was missing but it recognised the other which worked fine in burning and playing my CD/DVDs.

so i restrted my pc once more just to see if that may re-jog the system and it did both of my dvd drives were both visible so i though great no problems there. went to bed shutdown my computer. the next day i started it up as normal but noticed on the screen where its says " press del to run bios " or something like screen appeared it stayed on for a lot longer than normal i normally blink and its gone but it stayed on the screen for approx 2mins then proceeded to start up as normal. checked my computer and this time they had both vanished. ran all my virus checkers even checked the screen where you can update the drivers but nothing gone......................

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Windows Could Not Start The Windows Audio Service On Local Computer

Jan 3, 2009

My speaker icon in the taskbar has a red cross on it. When I hover my mouse over it, it says "The audio service is not running", if I right click it I get 3 options

1. Playback devices
2. Recording devices
3. Sounds

I went to my start menu and searched services.msc and checked to see if plug and play, windows audio endpoint builder, and multimedia class scheduler were all set to startup type automatic & all started. they were. so then i go to Windows Audio, right click to properties, and it is stopped. So i click to start it and it says "Windows could not start the Windows Audio service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process."

I tried to restore my computer but my restore point is past the point when this issue originated. Also, Conexant Driver is installed and working properly. If I right click on the volume icon with a little red X through it... I can click on Open Volume Mixer, and It says "No Audio Device Installed" Yet, my audio devices are installed.

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Windows Folders On Right Side Vanished

Mar 23, 2008

after three months somethong strange has happened in Windows Mail. The folders on the right hand side of the screen have vanished. (inbox,sent,deleted etc.) I can get them back by clicking on local folders and then double clicking each one in turn. However when I close down W.M. and start up again, I have to go through that process again. I tell you what, I had Outlook Express for years and it never gave me any trouble.

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Audio Service Is Not Running

May 21, 2009

I have a RED X marked on the "speakers/audio" icon on the taskbar. All my drivers / updates are up to date. I am using the Windows audio drivers as the Dell IDT ones are rubbish. I have researched this via google...used all the so called solutions/fixes...but none of them work. I used this:-

A high definition audio device may no longer work after you resume Windows Vista from hibernation or from sleep. It says the update is not relevant for me. Tried uninstalling & reinstalling drivers... multiple restarts...still does not work. Also booted via Vista disc(Dell provided) used startup fix....this did not work............

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Audio Service Not Running

Dec 11, 2008

I have been having a problem with my audio not working at all it just says audio service not running on the task bar. I checked in services and tried to start the audio service and got the 1068 error. So i checked the dependencies and found that Multimedia Class Scheduler was not running. When i tried starting the service i got error 2: the system cannot find the specified file. I tried this.....

1. Click Start, and then type cmd in the Start Search box.

2. Right-click cmd in the Programs list, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type your password or click Continue

3. At the [COLOR=#3676a2! important][COLOR=#3676a2! important]command [COLOR=#3676a2!important]prompt[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], the following line, and then press ENTER......

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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Cookies Vanished

Dec 4, 2009

I turned off UAC (because that was a suggested remedy I found online for an IE8 problem I've been having). This morning, I found that my cookies had been wiped out. I tried locating the folder where cookies are stored, and the cookies folder was gone. (I made sure that hidden files were visible, as were system files.) I then turned UAC back on, and the cookies folder re-appeared--with all of my cookies intact.

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2nd Hard Drive Vanished Without A Trace

Jan 11, 2010

how to turn it off, turn it on, download movies, music and pictures. I installed and formatted the 2nd Hard Drive myself and all was well for nearly going on 2yrs now. I shut the PC down like any normal day, later on my wife turned it on and tried to watch a movie and it said that "the foldar has been moved, renamed or deleted". I was out so she waited till I got home before she told me what had happened.

First thing I noticed was my background pic was gone, so I went to "my computer" to check the other (2nd Hard Drive) drive and BOOM!! It was gone. My main drive running vista was flawless, nothing wrong, nothing gone. But my 2nd drive which housed all my personal files (Music, Pictures, Documents.etc.) had vanished without a trace!! I googled around, was told Command prompt options of accessing my drive and "nothing". Wasnt in "disk management" where I first formatted it. Even the "Bios" couldnt locate it. Checked the drive and its humming, no clanking noises or anything, there wasnt no warning signs that anything was wrong before or after it was turned off. My computer aint even detecting a "Unknown device connected to this computer".

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Audio From Dvd: Need Software That Will Allow Me To Extract Audio Segments From A Dvd

Mar 23, 2008

Need a software that will allow me to extract audio segments from a Dvd. I'm very new to CD/DVD RW so hopefully it won't be too complicated for me.

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Service Pack 2 For Windows Vista And Windows Server 2008, Hit An Important Milestone In Development

Feb 25, 2009

Just had this in my RSS Feed, thought it would be interesting. Announcing the Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 RC - Windows Vista Team Blog - The Windows Blog Quote: This week we are announcing that Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has hit an important milestone in development: Release Candidate (RC).

Starting today, the RC of SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 will be available to TechNet and MSDN subscribers to test prior to final release. In the very near future, we will be making the RC broadly available for anyone to download and test. You can expect another blog post from me when that happens. SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 include updates that have been delivered since the release of SP1, as well as support for new types of hardware and emerging standards. As we’ve described since we first talked about SP2, we’ve taken your feedback into account when developing SP2. Specifically, we expect SP2 to continue the security benefits of both products and simplify deployment for our customers. For an outline of changes in SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, check out the notable changes document. We are planning to release SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 in the second quarter of 2009.

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Windows 7 No Audio Devices

Mar 28, 2009

I just installed Windows 7 beta under Virtual PC 2007. It's telling me that I have no audio devices. I assume it needs drivers. I have an HP notebook but the HP site does not have any drivers for Windows 7. I would like to find the proper newsgroup or tech group for Windows 7. I know it has been mentioned here in the past. Does anyone know the URL or newsgroup? I've been to the Italian newsgroup, but unfortunately, I don't speak Italian.

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Shows To Update XML Core Service 4.0 Service Pack 2 (KB936181)

Apr 6, 2008

I have a vista HP set to recive auto update .This morning it shows to update XML core service 4.0 service pack 2 (KB936181) I did the update and few second later it shows the same update I did this 3 times and restarted the computer and it is still shows to update the same thing over and over.

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Audio Red Cross - Conexant HD Audio

Dec 18, 2008

"no audi device installed, in volume mixer"

Im trying to help a friend fix their sound on their HP Compaq Presario F500 (2EA)Laptop. They have the annoying red cross over the audio icon on the bottom right hand corner of the screen (No Volume Mixer).

I have tried numerous things like:-

- Completely uninstalled the (Conexant High Definition) drivers in device manager, restarted and let Vista install them again.
- Downloaded latest drivers from RealTek,, and also HP
- Unfortunately their are no system restore points before the problem happened.

I have a sneaking suspision that either Windows Update installed something that is clashing with this problem or I herd that Itunes may have somethign to do with it (Which was installed near the time).

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Windows Audio Digital And Analog: Can Only Use One

Jul 15, 2007

I was used to be able to use the digital as well as the analog output of my soundcard at the same time. (Soundcard is an onboard one with the AC´97 sound chip). But now running vista I can only use one. Either I choose the analog output to be "standard" (then it has the green tick) or the digital output.. Only the one chosen works then. Is there any way to get both working simultainiously?

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Windows Audio Stopped Working

Feb 27, 2009

I've been having this problem with my Windows Vista Ultimate x64 when waking from sleep mode. I always get a "Windows Audio stopped working" message followed by saying the "Host Process Stopped working". Here is the error details:
Windows Audio
Stopped working
27/02/2009 5:54 AM
Not Reported.............

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The User Profile Service Service Failed The Login

Jan 24, 2010

I have the following error message when trying to login to vista on my laptop:

The User Profile Service service failed the login.

User profile cannot be loaded.

Just before the problem happened I was working to remove the Anti Virus Live virus from my laptop via the forum.

Two things I did within the hour of the problem happening are:

1. I ran the malware removal program OTL

See step 5 at (

2. I cleared and set system restore's cash-

as instructed in post#23 on my thread

(Anti Virus Live on my Laptop - Page 2 - Tech Support Forum)

Further details-I can and am able to login to Safe Mode I do not have a program called System Restore in the System Tools folder In Safe Mode I was able to change my password, but in normal mode I get the same error message I did windows updates and then tried to remove some of those updates, with only a few files that wouldn't allow me to delete them. Thank you for visiting my thread. If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix my problem it would be great to hear about them.

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Windows Audio Won't Work, Error 1075

Apr 17, 2008

Upgraded a client's Toshiba Vista Ultimate to SP1. Now the audio won't work. The Windows Audio Sevice is set to "Automatic" but when I try to start it, I get this error: Error 1075: The dependency service is not started or is marked for deletion.

All dependent services are running. And if I check the Event viewer, I also see: Event 7003. The Windows Audio Service depends the following service: MMCSS. This service might not be installed.

I don't know that service and don't see it listed in the MMC. I also see this problem in Google from some others. Is it a common problem? Right now client has no sound...just a red X over the volume icon down in the sys tray.

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Windows Movie Maker : Audio Does Not Play

Aug 23, 2009

When I try to add audio to a movie within movie maker, the audio does not play, yes the audio plays in media player, yes the sound is turned on, no the song is not muted, yes audio works withing Movie Player (i.e., video has sound with it and is working ). I tried automovie and making a " music video " , but WMM crashes when i do that,

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.avi Files In Windows Movie Maker Only Had Audio

Apr 14, 2008

All the .avi files I have tried to import into Windows Movie Maker have only had the audio, and when I've opened the properties window, it says that they are audio files, even though I imported them as video. Random video clips that came with my computer (.wmv files) work. I know that other people have had to convert their files to .avi files to make them work, but what do you do when it is .avi files that won't work?

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Windows Media Player / Audio But No Video In Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium OS and until recently am unable to play video (such as wmv files sent as e-mail attachments).Audio is fine and it was playing both audio and video until recently then the video just stopped.I am not very good on the computer and would greatly appreciate anybodys input.I dont know if a setting has been mistakenly changed (unknowingly) but I cant find any.I have a lot of e-mails with wmv's attached from friends and can no longer view the videos.

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Audio Skips In All Applications Except Windows Media Player

Feb 8, 2008

Audio skips every few minutes in any audio application other than Windows Media Player 11. I have tested this in Winamp, iTunes, and Media Player Classic. I have tested it with WAV files and MP3 files. The skip is subtle but very noticeable with headphones on. I was able to record the problem using Adobe Soundbooth:....

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Windows Movie Maker: Audio And Video Do Not Match

May 26, 2008

I am using a video cature device to download video from a camcorder. When I play back the video on Windows Movie Maker, the sound and video will match for a while and then the video seems to slow down and the audio just keeps going. The audio and video do not match up!

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Windows Media Player: Audio/video In Mail

Mar 29, 2008

I have Vista Home Prem, WMP 11. When I get an email with a audio/video--WMP will start it and then it stops in the middle of it. I have trend micro and web root spy sweeper and use earthlink.

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The Specified Service Does Not Exist As An Installed Service. (0x80070424)

Sep 13, 2009

currently i have been trying to backup my computer using complete backup on my windows vista ultimate but every time i try when i click the button it says

(X) The backup application could not start due to an internal Error:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x80070424)

Please check your system configuration and try again.

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Service That Fails To Start (Bonjour Service)

Apr 16, 2008

I use Vista Ultimate 64.

For the past few weeks I've been having an issue with an Apple made service called "Bonjour Service". That service is used in several pieces of software including iTunes (which I do not use) but also some Adobe applications (Version Cue for example) and the font management utility I use which is Extensis Suitcase 11.0.1 for Windows.

Both Version Cue and Suitcase depend on the Bonjour Service to work and I have had no issues with it for months but recently, the Bonjour Service stopped working and would not start anymore. It now gives this error message when trying to start it:

"('Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

My user account is an admin account so privileges is not an issue. I had made no changes to my system myself before the Bonjour service began to "refuse" starting but I remember that I installed a few Windows updates a couple days prior. My machine is always on and I don't re-boot everyday.

So I was wondering if anyone has heard of the issue and knows how I might fix it or if anyone can give me pointers on how I my start trouble shooting this and find what started preventing the Bonjour Service from starting. FWIW, the Windows Firewall is already off and turning off my anti-virus doesn't help (Eset NOD32).

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Windows Movie Maker Vids - Audio But Black Screen

Apr 27, 2009

The problem seems to be with my .avi videos when I put them on Windows Movie Maker. They're videos i spend days downloading for an AMV that I downloaded from Vuze recently, and they seem to work fine with anything
apart from WMM and Windows DVD Maker (But windows DVD maker is a diff issue anyway that I wont address here).

I've tried all sorts of things. I unticked "AVI DVD Compressor" because when I left it ticked, whenever I tried moving .AVI vids to the timeline it would just say "Windows Movie Maker Has Stopped Working" and close
the whole thing. But unticking it got me atleast somewhere, but now I face yet another problem.....

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Windows 7 Service Pack 3: WTF?

Feb 25, 2010

when i enter my computers properties, it says: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 3, ok so wait service pack 1 wont come out till 2010 may, and here it says i have sp 3

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Windows Mail Service

Apr 25, 2008

Maybe I am going blind, but I am trying to get ride of the Windows Mail service that load whit Vista 64x, and I can't find it. I have no need for it since I am using office outlook.

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Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation Thing Into Vista, Audiodg.exe

Apr 10, 2008

Why in the name of God, does Microsoft put this Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation thing into Vista? This thing uses 40-50 % of my Core 2 Duo CPU.

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ATT Internet Service And Windows Mail

May 12, 2008

I just had DSL via ATT installed today (required a technician visit to create a specific line to our home), and we were able to get internet service working, and after the tech left, I was able to get the email working via Windows Mail (Vista environment) with ATT as the service provider. NOW, almost four hours later, the email account will not recognize my user name or password and I cannot send or receive emails. I get the error messages that are common (SSL type). Is this enough information for you to go on?

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