Window Did Not Shut Down Properly

Mar 23, 2008

i bought a 64 bit version of vista and i have built a new system with an asus p5e mobo 4gb of ram 8800 gt graphics and everything shows to install at the complete installation time it reboots and it then tells me windows did not shut down properly and and give me the safe mode option or boot windows normally when i hit safe mode it says it cannot boot into safe mode and when i hit boot normally it says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected problem and cannot proceed. to install press ok to restart and start the whole installation process over again. i have tried everything and can't figure it out plzzzz

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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64 Freezes And System Not Shut Down Properly

Mar 21, 2009

It keeps freezing and has to be re-started using restart switch. There does not seem to be a pattern to the freezing that I can spot. It happens at least once a day, sometimes 4-5 times and the longest without was nearly 2 days (when I thought the problem had gone!). It can happen when browsing using firefox or IE. It can happen when using documents or playing PC games (A Vampyre Story and The Path) Initially after re-boot the system had to be repaired using the Vista CD but now it simply boots to option for safe mode or start windows normally. The perfromance monitor simply shows system not shut down properly,Have removed u-torrent, and peripherals except broadband connection (BTHomeHub 2) and wireless keyboard and mouse but to no avail.

I use McAfee for security and since most recent upgrade have to manually start windows defender using command prompt. BTW by freezing I mean that everything suddenly stops responding and nothing works including any key combos or mouse. Therefore can't access task manager.

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Error Windows Did Not Shut Down Properly

Dec 15, 2008

I have tried everything possible that is posted here - my issues are:

1) Randomly the laptop restarts by itself
2) When I close the lid, it goes to sleep (as set up under power settings) but when I "wake it up" - it restarts and I get the error that windows did not shut down properly.

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Windows Not Shut Down Properly, Give Safe Mode Option

Mar 26, 2008

i bought a 64 bit version of vista and i have built a new system with an asus p5e mobo 4gb of ram 8800 gt graphics and everything shows to install at the complete installation time it reboots and it then tells me windows did not shut down properly and and give me the safe mode option or boot windows normally when i hit safe mode it says it cannot boot into safe mode and when i hit boot normally it says the computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected problem and cannot proceed. to install press ok to restart and start the whole installation process over again.

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Unexpected Shut Down In Window

Jun 24, 2008

I have been experiencing an unexpected shut down with my laptop since I got it which was in Jan 2008 up till now 5 times >>>>it happened in a month twice where there is a gap of two month between the incidents.. Today was the 5th and I was able to write what the report said on the blue screen since I have made my setting for the computer not to reboot after an unexpected shutdown... Don???t know if I could get a help here as to what could be the cause... some are listed just don???t know where to start from or what to do or if I can do anything before sending it to the vendor..

Note Usually after this shut down the computer reboots and all goes back to normal The problem is a blue screen with the following written on it:-Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.check if you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable driver or check with the manufacturer for drivers updates. change video adapter. Bios update check with your vendor. Disable bios memory options such as cashing or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove Or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced start up options, and then select safe mode. and of course while all the above have been written on the blue screen the following also was going on:- Collecting data for crash dump Initializing disk for crash dump. Beginning dump of physical memory. Dumping physical memory to disk. Physical memory dump complete. Note Usually after this shut down the computer reboots and all goes back to normal

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Thumbnails That Appear When You Move The Cursor Over Minimized Applications Or Windows Now Don't Show The Contents Of The Window Properly

Mar 23, 2008

The thumbnails that appear when you move the cursor over minimized applications or windows now don't show the contents of the window properly, apart (it seems!) from Windows Mail....all the others are blank with a small square icon in the middle. Anyone noticed that?

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ATI 2600XT PCIe Card Installed Properly But Not Working Properly

Dec 13, 2009

I just acquired what seems to be a really old PCIe ATI card that I can't seem to install correctly. I went to the ATI support site and the drivers for the card just don't seem to work. Is there a specific order to follow when installing a GPU -- sorry, its been a while. It doesn't go into a PCI slot but its the bigger one, looks like a big ole' AGP card but it has a sticker right on the card that says PCIe. I can only find the drivers for a Radeon HD2600XT and I'm not sure if those are the correct drivers or not. When I first installed it everything went well and it installed correctly but the XP hardware wizard wasn't satisfied. So it doesn't fully install -- note, I do not have the original discs -- but just need the most up to date drivers.

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Windows : Sound Recorder, Window Pops Up Saying, "Windows Sound Recorder Is Not Installed Properly. Run REGSVR32

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows vista home basic, installed on my laptop and I am having a problem with the sound recorder. Everytime I open it up, a window pops up saying, "Windows Sound Recorder is not installed properly. Run REGSVR32 WavDest.Dll." How do i go about fixing this problem?

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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Backup Window Mails And Upgrade To Window 7?

Dec 8, 2009

How can I backup my Window Mails and upgrade to Window 7 and use them in Win 7?

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Shut Down

Apr 20, 2008

Recently after I go through the Shut Down procedures, I have been noting
that after the disappearance of the windows interface, the computer would
still be on and I would have to shut down by pressing the power switch for a
few seconds.

When I do not prerss this switch, windows restarts after about ten minutes;
after I receive a brief report (which I never manage to read in full)
informing me that a software may not have been properly installed or that I
need a windows update.

This problem appeared long after I installed all the software that I use,
and I have checked whether I'm fully updated (I am).

Is there a way in which I can ensure this problem does not occur when I go
through the normal shut down procedures?

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PC Shut Down Itself

Mar 23, 2008

Not sure if this is a hardware problem or a Vista problem. I am however leaning toward ahrdware because this can happen sometimes during post.

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Won't Shut Down

Sep 4, 2008

I mean, I've seen Windows take a long time to shut down, but mine just won't shut down. I'll go to start, click "Shut Down" and Windows will close everything running like usual and go to that screen where it says "Windows is shutting down." Well, last night, instead of just forcing a power-down, I decided to see if it would shut down or not if left alone for a while, so I left it at that screen, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and Windows was still at that point, and the circle was still spinning, which means the system hadn't frozen. Also, the num lock button still worked. I'm guessing something has Windows going for a loop when closing down processes.

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Often Shut Down

May 6, 2008

I have a Vista edition. I use my laptop in a public room where there is WiFi connection, but my computer OFTEN SHUT DOWN...after it's written that I can restart with a normal way or in another for a problem with Data.....ect. I don't know if my problem is for the configuration of "AVG free edition"(anti virus), a software problem or for my laptop (Dell M1330)...By the way this problem started with the connection on internet.

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Will Not Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium. When I ask the comuter to shut down, the shut down screen with the spinning circle stays on maybe 20 minutes, then automatically restarts. My message seems lengthy, but I have tried to include as much info as I can right from the beginning. Once the computer restarts, then after logging in, a window appears with the message that "windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down. Search for solutions by clicking here..." An option is also on this same window for details. Here is a copy of the details givenroblem Event Name:BlueScreen , OS Version:6.0.6000., Locale ID:1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode:9f,BCP1:00000003,BCP2:85644B98,BCP3:B3DF81E8,BCP4:882535B8,S ,Version:6_0_6000, Service Pack:0_0, Product:768_1Files that help describe the problem:WindowsMinidumpMini021308-01.dmp, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER-77797-0.sysdata.xml, C:UsersJacobsAppDataLocalTempWER7953.tmp.version.txt

When I click on "find the solution", this is the message I get: Download and install the driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter This problem was caused by Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit Adapter, which was created by Intel Corporation. A solution is available that will solve this problem. Technical Information Intel PRO/1000 Network Connectivity Network Adapter Driver for Microsoft Windows Vista* (32-bit) I have installed this driver successfully, but the computer still will not shut down and I continue to get the same message that I need to install this driver. I have the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool running once a month. I use TrendMicro Internet Security 2008. Under "network connections", I have both LAN local area connection Intel 82562V 10/100 network connection and Wireless network connection using compact wireless - G USB network adapter with speed booster.

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Automatic Shut Down

Oct 10, 2009

How can I prevent Vista from automatically shutting down after a given period of time? I like to listen to online audio all day, but not necessarity while working on the computer.

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Shut Down Does Not Work

Nov 2, 2009

When I shut down or restart my computer I get the Shutting Down... screen and that is where the system gets stuck, nothing futher happens. I have to either use the reset button or shut down by using the power button.

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Never Shut Down My Computer?

Dec 31, 2008

I never Shut Down my computer,is on 365 days of the year,never stop never sleep. Is that ok or i will damage anything?

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How To Shut Of Spam

Jun 3, 2008

my mail deletes spam mail automaticly, but i noticed it delets mail from my friends that it shouldn't be deleting and leaves mail that it should can some one help me shut this off or figure out where my spam folder is.

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Why Does Take 10 Minutes To Shut Down?

Mar 12, 2008

My nice 200GB drive in my lappy barfed so I went back to the stocker w/ factory Vista install (about 5 mo old) and am trying to get it updated.

Pretty much been at it all afternoon.

One problem is that it hits the XML4 update and hangs there forever and ever.

Another problem is that shutdowns take forever. I've been sitting here 15 minutes now looking at '****ting down' and I'll probably get fed up with waiting for it and pull the battery.

I've always found Vista shutdowns to be 3-10x longer than XPs are, but this is getting ridiculous.

If it matters, lappy is a 5mo old HP 8510W.

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Getting Shut Down By A Trojan

Mar 10, 2010

Do anyone know what to to to scan for a Torjan on WinVista? This one shut the machine down within 5 minutes of startup.

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No Shut Down After Sleep

Mar 28, 2009

I have a problem with the sleep mode. When I use my computer and when I shut it down, everything works fine, the computer turns off completely. When I use my computer and when I set it to sleep mode, everything works fine, the computer turns off , the fans aren't turning, the PC becomes silent. Pressing a key on the keyboard, or moving the mouse, will switch the computer on again, the wake up from sleep mode works OK.

The problem is when I want to shutdown after a wake up from sleep: the computer seems to go to sleep mode in a normal way, the monitor turns black, but then, the PC's case is still noisy, and the fans are still turning. In fact, it's like Windows has turned off, but not the PC. The only way I can turn it off completely is to keep the power button pressed for about 5 seconds. I'm sure the problem isn't here since the begining. I beleive this problems happens since I installed the Service Pack 1 of Vista.

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AeroTheme Shut Off

Apr 4, 2008

My Aero theme somehow turned off one day and now I can't turn it back on. I went to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Personalization > Window Color and Appearance, where there is usually a few pictures of different colored squares and the option to turn off/on the transparency. I tried to go there and turn transparency back on, and when I went there, there is now a menu that says to choose my color scheme and has a list consisting of: Windows Aero, Windows Vista Basic, Windows Standard, Windows Classic, High Contrast White, High Contrast Black, and a few more. My first instinct was to switch it to Windows Vista Aero (because it was set on Windows Vista Basic), but it doesn't do anything and it still looks like Basic.

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System Shut Down.

Dec 19, 2007

When I hit the power up button on the front of the case the system will start to power up, the fan's kick in but after a second or two the whole lot shuts down. The MoBo (ASUS) still has its green power light but when I go to hit the power up button again nothing happens. I have to wait a while, maybe turn the power off and drain the residual power before it will kick-in and the repeat the above proccess. I'm running Vista 64, ASUS MoBo, XFX 7900gt. 4800AM2 Dual Core and 2 gig of generic RAM.

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Shut-Down Button

Jan 4, 2010

Even after shutting-down the PC, Start - Shut-down, a green light in the middle of the PC is still on, although the PC has been shut-down completely. I need to turn-off its light by pulling off power-cable connected with the PC. Does this indicate 'malfunction' light inside the PC?

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Computer Shut Down Itself

Sep 18, 2009

After i turn on mine computer,( Dell Dimension 5520 ) after 3 minute later computer suddenly shut down by itself. then i try to turn on computer again, that won't works immediately, about 15 min later then i can turn on again, and stay on for long hours till i off it.

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Unexpected Shut Down

Mar 23, 2008

I;m getting unexpected shutdowns so often that i can barely do anything on my pc. i've already had three this morning. this is what the problem info reads on the first two;

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen:OS Version:6.0.6000. ,Locale ID:4105 Additional information about the problem:

BCCode:1000008e,BCP1:C0000005,BCP2:8A8539FF,BCP3:973377E8,BCP4:00000000,OS Version:6_0_6000,Service Pack:0_0,Product:768_1,Files that help describe the problem:,C:WINDOWSMinidumpMini011908-01.dmp,C:UsersCarrieAppDataLocalTempWER-48609-.sysdata.xml,C:UsersCarrieAppDataLocalTempWERF575.tmp.version.txt,.........i noticed that they are different, but my computer shuts down very frequently. I'm comfortable on computers but i'm not very advanced. Could some one tell me what this means and how i can prevent it from happening again?

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Alt-F4 & Shut Down Disabled?

Jul 19, 2008

i recently bought a laptop which was on display in Comet in the UK. After having the laptop for a short time i noticed that certain items were disabled, such as the function Alt-F4, when you try and use it, it says the admin has disabled the feature which confuses me as i'm the Admin... and also when you go to the start menu and click the arrow next to the lock key, restart and shut down are not there as was expected. The only way to shut down is by logging out and doing it from there, i thought this was possible from the normal screen?

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Cannot Restart Shut Down

Sep 29, 2008

My PC will not restart. Windows will shut down, screen goes blank (but still powered) then nothing... Power is still on, No HDD activity, just sits there all day long! You have to manually press the reset button on the case. Ive re-formatted with no luck. Even exiting bios does the same! I had a few problems yesterday when something went haywire and i lost registry keys to the point where windows would not load up in norma mode. no problems in safe mode though. So today i formatted and then i noticed this restart problem.

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Slow Shut Down

Feb 6, 2009

I have two fairly new (14 months and 10 months) Dell Inspiron 530 desktops. Both run Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Not networked. The only hardware differences between the two is in the processor and ram - one is a core 2 duo with 2 GB ram; the other is a core 2 quad with 4 GB ram. The quad, right from the start, has always been quick to shut down - about 12 seconds after the Shutting Down screen appears. The duo, on the other hand, has always been slow to shut down - about 120 seconds. Is there some diagnostic information I can pull from each system to compare? It seems I'm in a good position to troubleshoot the slow shutdown with this arrangement, but I can't quite figure out how to pull it all together.

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