System Boots Late

Feb 6, 2009

i was using vista 32 bit vista cracked demo version since mar '08 with 160 gb hdd i didnt face any prob. But now i added 5oo gb hdd driver with 32 bit vista now my sys boots late and with 64x vista im getting differnt boot screen. my hdd is wd caviar green. i mainly use pinnacle studio and maya which one is better for me 32 or 64

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System Boots Then Blue Screen

Sep 26, 2009

all day I've been trying to sort this out but to no avail. I've searched Google like crazy, and whilst I've found that others have had this issue there's been no real resolution. My system boots all the way up to the point of the loading bar, then it goes blue screen and restarts. I've found that it loads up in safe mode, and I can access all my drives (I've tried unplugging external devices), and I'm 99% certain that running a system restore would fix the issue. HOWEVER, safe mode revokes me of all rights to perform any system based tasks, so obviously it won't allow me to run system restore, regedit, pretty much anything. Here's what I've tried so far:

-Running system repair through a boot disk, it didn't find anything wrong

-I tried running system restore through the boot disk but apparently there weren't any restore files (which isn't true)

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System Boots Into Safe Mode Automatically

Sep 29, 2009

I have a laptop that I'm looking at that will automatically boot into safe mode. I've restored the system from the earliest possible restore point but that did not resolve the problem. The only clue that I can find as to the cause is the following event from the system event log. Event 7026, Service control manager eventlog provider. The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: spldr Wanarpv6. is that this is the cause of the safe mode but cannot find any solutions to the issue.

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Windows Vista And Make Sure That System Boots

Apr 21, 2008

A long time ago I installed an evaluation version of Windows Vista on the second partition of my pc, next to my installation of Windows XP (dual boot partition C and L). The evaluation period has long since expired and I am no longer using Vista. However, all the files are still present on my second partition, and every time I start my pc, the boot menu will come up. What do I need to do to completely remove all the files that belong to Windows Vista and make sure that my system boots straight into Windows XP,without stopping for the boot menu?

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PC Start Very Late?

Jul 3, 2008

I have a DELL note book!when i want to strart working with my pc,it start very late!what can i do?

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Boots Up Shuts Down

Jun 14, 2008

My windows xp that I have had for about 2 years suddenly started to shut down and restart on its own. Out of the blue, over and over. Boots up shuts down, Boots up shuts down. I use it for my business payroll and bill paying. When I do get it to stay on for a couple minutes I have to restart my active desk top. I have tried defrag and cleaning it up. Checked all my plugs and tried everything I can think of.

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Boots, Then Freezes

Sep 22, 2009

online backup installed an update on my extremely stable Vista Home Premium. It asked me to reboot and when I clicked reboot, the system froze up. Every time I boot, it will freeze within seconds of loading the desktop.

I would seriously love to get this fixed as I have reinstalled Vista 4x, the last being 18-months ago

How may I resolve OR troubleshoot this issue? I have done a restore point back 2 weeks, but thats as far as I can go without getting an error.

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Windows 7 Boots Slower

Oct 9, 2009

Quote: Microsoft's new Windows 7 operating system boots slower than its unloved predecessor, Windows Vista, a PC tune-up developer said today. The claims by iolo Technologies, a Los Angeles maker of PC software, contradict Microsoft's boasts that Windows 7 starts up faster than Vista. More - Windows 7 boots slower than Vista, says study

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Automatically Boots Up When Hibernated

Apr 7, 2008

I have a problem where the machine automatically boots up when hibernated. this happens approximately 2 mins after hibernating.. it's not always 2 mins. the time differs.

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Boots Into Recovery Options

Jun 23, 2008

I have a Vista computer that always boots into the recovery options and trys to repair the operating system. How can I stop this from happening? Even after repairing it does not try to boot normally! Safe mode does the same thing. Using bcdedit the RECOVERYENABLED is set to YES, how do I set this to NO? The computer failed to boot in the first place because of a thrid party service, normally I disable the service in safe mode but now the recovery options seem to be getting in the way.

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Boots Up To The Loading Screen

Jun 29, 2008

where it boots up to the loading screen is fine, slows down and stops, then it will bring me to blue screen and restart to the point where it has black screen telling me boot up was unsuccessful, and i can go into all 3 safe modes or boot normally, have tried all of them and non of them even boot

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Ultimate 64b Hangs Boots

Mar 23, 2008

I just built a brand new computer, it consists of the following: Q6600 quad core, EVGA 780i mobo, 8 gigs Corsair XMS2-6400 800MHz mem at (of which only 2 gig during install), 2 150gig Raptors in RAID 0, and a Maxtor 300gig for additional storage. I am going to be putting in a 9800GX2 GPU in aprox 2 weeks(waiting for availability at my fav shop). For now I have an ATI X800 GTO GPU in it. Now all of these items are compatible with Vista(as far as I have found). After 4 installs that would not complete, I finally get to Vista desktop, the automatic update does its thing, reboots, and reboots...etc. I found a hard start from off it boots?!? So I turn off and put in 1 more stick of RAM(now at 4 gigs). Same prob, reboot snags over and over, but a hard start is good. I have a TON of components to install and hard start is not going to cut it.

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Boots To Blank Screen

Jan 30, 2009

I have scheduled a chkdsk to take place the next time I restart my computer and when I restarted it, the problem started! After the Boot Screen finished booting nothing happens, the screen stays blank. I have left it for hours and still nothing happens. How can I solve this problem? I also wanted to mention that I have changed my boot screen using this tutorial. I didn't really have any problem after following that tutorial but I only wanted to mention that...

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Only Boots Into Safe Mode

Mar 29, 2009

I have a computer I can only boot into safe mode. I recently rebuilt a cannabolized HP computer and I cannot boot the machine into windows. I have tried three different, working, hard drives on it, but have had no luck. One of the drives is the original to the machine and runs Vista Ultimate 32bit. Vista booted suceessfully prior to the cannabolization. The second hard drive runs XP Home and also boots into Safe Mode only. The third hard has no OS so I tried installing a commercial version of Vista which was unsuccessful. Computer would crash. I ran a few hardware tests and the memory, cpu, optical drive, and hard drive check out. I don't think anything is wrong with the motherboard as the computer worked fine before. The computer is stable in BIOS setup, and when booting to optical disc. No POST errors.

The hardware I added should be compatible with the motherboard (M2n68-Narra2) as I checked with HP website. The hardware I added: Antec 500watt power supply, DDR2 8Gb Ram, Sony DVD drive, Samsung 640Gb HD, Thermaltake CPU cooler, AMD X2 5600+ processor. I am out of ideas on how to make the computer boot into Windows

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Boots Up To Green Tint Desktop

Jan 2, 2010

I have a compaq presario SR5310F w/ vista home premium 32 bit 08 model. Was working perfectly for two days after being stored 18 months. suddenly it now boots up to a green tint screen with faint, hardly readable characters.

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Win7 Boots Slower Than Vista

Oct 8, 2009

Vista is slower than XP. Win7 boots slower than Vista. Cathy's boobs are too large so she loses balance when walking. My car is too fast so can't stop properly at intersections. neighbor's child is being a child so he screams, and I hate that man... errr child. China id too large. Will you stop complaining & just get a modern computer to run a new OS? Or let's go back to DOS p- sure it can run f-g fast even on coal-powered machine.

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Power Outage: Boots But Never Completely

Mar 26, 2008

There was a power outage, then when I turned the computer on, VISTA boots but never completely. I end up with a grey screen with the mouse arrow and nothing to point at. I tried to do a repair using the installation DVD, it tells me that" "Your computer is running a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in teh limited state, you can not undo the restore operation. Help topic are not available in this state". I do not want to do a new installation and loose my files and have to install and register everything again.

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Can Setup Boots Installation Vista

Sep 10, 2008

if someone could give me some guidance on the following problem. A few days back, it looked like I might have to reload Vista. When I put the supplied Vista DVD in the either of the 2 optical drives, the operating system appeared to boot up as normal from the hard disc. When I go into Setup, the boot order is as follows:-


This is a bit strange as the 2 optical drives that are fitted are


The SAMSUNG was fitted by the company I bought the pc from about 3 months after the purchase because the original SONY DVD Writer would only burn CD'S & not DVD's. The Sony was EIDE but the SAMSUNG is SATA. The Bios does'nt appear to give any details about the SAMSUNG drive so it seems its not been included in the list of boot devices & I do not know how to fix that.....

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Home Premium Boots To Black Screen

Oct 26, 2009

I have a Toshiba Satellite L300D -01Q (PSLC0C-01Q08C) that is running Vista Home Premium (SP unknown). The kernel completely loads to a black screen (active / backlit black) with only a moveable mouse pointer. None of the Recovery Options have helped and I can't do an Upgrade Install because I can't get to the GUI.

My priority and objective is to save this system and preserve files, programs and settings. I read Brink's How to Repair and Verify the Integrity of Vista System Files with System File Checker and I'd like to try sfc /scannow, however, I get the following:........

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Blue Screen Of DEATH, Boots Back Up

Jul 6, 2008

I guess you can't call it the Blue Screen of Death anymore as at least it collects data and reports the problem and boots back up (or does it?). I've had a total of 3 of these screens and am wondering how I can view what took place and possibly find out if there are any steps I can take to prevent the same thing from happening? Is anyone else experiencing this? I couldn't find anything in search function on several bases.

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Business 32-bit Boots Up Very Slowly, Blue Screen

Dec 19, 2008

the PC boots up very slowly and I began to occasionally receive Blue Screen Errors. I think I have most up to date drivers for my hardware and applied most of the tutorials in the Speed Up the Performance of Vista Tutorial on my PC. However I have a RAID 0 setup and 3 partitions on my HDs and couldn not apply the #6. Enable Advanced Performance for the Hard Drive tutorial.

At system startup up Windows Explorer crashes sometimes and while playing Adobe Flash Movies from a CD I got an Blue Screen Error after I restarted the computer in Safe Mode with Net Support and now I am writing this post; the computer booted faster in safe mode without Kaspersky AV and ATI CCC.

After boot the windows reported that the cause of unexpected error was Intel Matrix Storage Manager(iaStor.sys)? I have used Uniblue Driver Scanner 2009 to scan the drivers and update them as necessary recently. How can I find out if there is any driver conflicts or cluster on the main drive? I have SP1 installed with 4GB physical RAM whose only 3070 MB can be used and have the latest drivers avaible for my GPU and the latest BIOS for my MOBO. I also experience lack of performance while displaying desktop, executing a program. Furthermore I want to know how can I access Boot logs manually.

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Boots To Windows98 Startup Selection Screen?

Feb 4, 2009

I used a friends computer to download and burn an image file to disk. In the course of doing so i had to download and install a img burner(i think it was called ISOBURN) which i then uninstalled. Sometime later that day the system was rebooted and now the system no longer boots normally, it boots to a WINDOWS98 startup selection.

If i try and select any of the options from this menu it returns that it "cannot find himem.sys...blahblah...please enter the path to I have already restored the registry to an earlier backup and rolled back the entire system 2 weeks using the OEM restore disk niether of which corrected the issue.

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Boots Windows Font Size Change

Jul 29, 2009

I finally found a fix for the above problem and you two surely deserve to know what it is. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Internet Explorer > Settings > I modified Always Use My Font Size from (1) to (0). Initially, I was doing my searching using the entire computer and it literally took hours. Since I knew that searching KEY_CURRENT_USERS was a waste of time (you had already suggested deleting Windows Mail), I only searched for key words using LOCAL MACHINE. This allowed me to shorten search times to a reasonalbe amount.

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Power Outage, VISTA Wont Boots

Mar 23, 2008

There was a power outage, then when I turned the computer on, VISTA boots but never completely. I end up with a grey screen with the mouse arrow and nothing to point at. I tried to do a repair using the installation DVD, it tells me that" "Your computer is running a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in teh limited state, you can not undo the restore operation. Help topic are not available in this state". I do not want to do a new installation and loose my files and have to install and register everything again. It has been doing that since 1:30pm and still nothing.

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Hard Drives Performance Increase Boots

Apr 23, 2009

I have two physical hard drives. Both are identical. I want to move my Page File to my second drive to see if I get a performance increase. I did some research and learned that you must keep a small page file on your C drive because Windows writes a small amount of data to the C drive upon boot. Does anybody have experience with this setup?

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Computer Boots And Gets Stuck, Black Screen Of Death

Aug 17, 2009

after my computer boots it gets stuck on a black screen with a mouse cursor in the middle. I have been researching and reading for a solution but have not found one that works for me. I can't boot into safe mode or even safe mode with command prompt so i cant do any registry fixes which some people suggest. Iv also tried last known good configuration but that didnt work either. ctrl + alt + delete doesn't work either. iv tried doing a clean install and using the windows diagnostics and recovery toolset version 6. but they havnt worked either after the loading files bar the KSOD comes back again, it is like the computer cannot read the discs or it wont boot from them.

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Installation Of Multiple Boots - Clone Disk Image And Set Up Boot Manually?

May 3, 2008

I have a need to install 4 systems of Vista on a single machine (4 partitions of my main system hard disk). Given that Vista always seems to see its own system drive as C, would it be possible to create my "master image" with SP1, all my drivers, utilities, system tweaks, and other "generic" applications (like Office/Acrobat etc), and then just clone this drive across to all the partitions I need to set up (on D, E, and F). Then, using VistaBootPRO, I could edit the BCD to include all the other partitions. Can anyone think of a reason this would not work?

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Vista Boots From The Cd It Goes To A Windows Is Setting Up Files,then Goes To A Black Screen Where There Is A Lilttle Green Bar Moving

Jul 4, 2008

Once vista boots from the cd it goes to a windows is setting up files,then goes to a black screen where there is a lilttle green bar moving. Now right after that it goes to a blueish screen where there is just the mouse cursor on the screen and just stays there? This is on all new hardware. Also this is a sata hard drive,

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Restart" I Click Restart, It Boots Up And It STILL

Nov 8, 2009

Why, on Earth, that even my desktop computer which I've just recently re-installed windows XP is it annoying me with the yellow shield saying I need updates?! I just did it now and it said "done, now we need to restart" I click restart, it boots up and it STILL says I need to update! Could it be because, this computer ALSO has Microsoft Office 2003? If Office 2003 the problem, or is my luck just crap bad nowadays?

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System Restore, System Protection Settings Has Stopped Working

May 3, 2009

Not sure why but when I try to open system restore I get this message: "System Protection Settings has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I cannot make or restore my computer. If I go into system protection I get this error: C:WindowsSystem32SYSDM.CPL is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.

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System Restore: No Disks Or Previous System Save Dates

Mar 23, 2010

I am new here and I have been having problems with my laptop for at least a few months now. And now I am fed up with it and just want to do a full system restore. I have no disks or previous system save dates. I talked to one of my friends and he said that i need a disc. I am just coming her for confirmation and or help. I am running a Toshiba Satallite P505D with and AMD Turion X2 dual core processor 4GB of Ram and a 64 bit operating system.

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