Switches To Different User On Restart

Mar 23, 2008

Each time I restart Vista Home Premium, it logs me into a user account I don't use anymore. I then have to log off and then log in to the account I want to use. If I delete the unused account and then restart, Vista then tries to log me into the deleted account, giving me the error, "The user name or password is incorrect." I then have to "switch user" to a valid account at the startup screen. How can I delete this account? Or, how can I make it so my preferred account becomes "default" and remains the login account after a restart?

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Win Explorer Command Line Switches

Oct 7, 2009

What can I put in Windows Explorer's command line to enable me to view all of my hard drives when it initially opens?

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Disabled Every Software That Switches On Automatically

May 15, 2010

I've got an Acer Aspire 6530G with Vista 32 Home ed. OS; AMD Turion x2 64, ATI Radeon 3650, Realtek HD Audio and 3 gb RAM. And I've been experiencing three problems with it overall - all of them are connected with CPU usage and the heat

I had already solved one problem with my processor - my laptop was telling me all the time that I've got a single core processor(with a very high temperature!!) and I had to unlock the second core. I thought - I enabled the second core, okay, it's gonna be better..but nothing. My Acer's CPU temperature is 83°C when I am doing completely NOTHING.(just this window with Chrome opened and MSN.)

I tried to set the power mode, to change it, but nothing helped. I have got a cooling pad. No help. I also blew the air inside and even opened my acer - there was no dust at all(only a LITTLE on the fan.) I disabled every software that switches on automatically. I've installed new ATI and Realtek drivers............

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'Vista Compatibility' & KVM Switches Relevant?

Mar 23, 2008

I am not sure if the issue of 'Vista compatibility' & KVM switches is a relevant one. (One KVM vendor I contacted claimed KVM's functioned independently regardless of the operating system). I would like some reassurance because:

1. I will soon be installing Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a new PC
2. I run two W2K PCs thru an old Belkin, PS/2, KVM switch ("OmniCube 4-Port") that has never been a problem but I'd like to replace it if it might become an issue with Vista.
3. The Microsoft Vista-ready hardware listing does not appear to include KVM switches
4. Belkin Tech Support has failed to reassure - their responses to my inquiries has been mixed & less than a clear 'yes' or 'no' (a Belkin tech agt.has indicated their USB models have Vista issues)
5. I did discover that zonenetusa.com posted a Vista-ready list for their components & they claim their model KVM3304 - a PS/2, 4-port KVM - is 'Vista-ready' - (That is reassuring but do I need it?)

can any Vista hardware guru advise if PS/2, KVM switches represent any relevant Vista 64-bit compatibility issues? If so, can you suggest what options I have to prepare for a relatively painless installation that will continue to maintain my KVM setup?

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Restart" I Click Restart, It Boots Up And It STILL

Nov 8, 2009

Why, on Earth, that even my desktop computer which I've just recently re-installed windows XP is it annoying me with the yellow shield saying I need updates?! I just did it now and it said "done, now we need to restart" I click restart, it boots up and it STILL says I need to update! Could it be because, this computer ALSO has Microsoft Office 2003? If Office 2003 the problem, or is my luck just crap bad nowadays?

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User Admin Previous User Missing

Mar 26, 2008

[This is my second post on the same subject. The first thread died] I had this Vista Home Basic machine working okay, but the power went out and then another person who was high used the machine. They named a new user as administrator. I don't know what else they did.

Now I have a new user as administrator and the previous users are gone. I still see evidence of them in the file tree but the old programs are gone and the documents are buried in C > Users > Admin (that was a name of a previous user that I had named when I first got the machine) I've gradually installed some of my old programs and I'm currently
just rebuilding everything, but it would be a lot easier if I could revert to the old user system. The Control Panel > add or remove user accounts is useless. I only have two icons there So is there anyway to return to the original condition? How can I recover the missing users?

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Administration: User Name In Task Manager Under User Shows Up As "BOBLAFAYETTE Est"

Feb 6, 2009

Received my computer back yesterday from HP with reinstalled clean version of Vista Home Premium. It came back with a user name of 'test'. I attempted to change the name to my name "Bob Lafayette" and the user name in task manager under user shows up as "BOBLAFAYETTE est". In System Information the user name shows as BOBLAFAYETTE est

In user profiles the administrator shows as Bob Lafayette. The computer name shows as "BobLafayette." Computer description shows as "Bob's Computer." How can I amend the user name in task manager to reflect solely "BobLafayette"? Without the "test"?

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Cannot Restart Installation

May 2, 2008

I Just got a new computer and upon first turning it on my daughter accidentally hit the button on my power strip turning the computer off mid-installation. Now when I turn on my computer it looks as if windows is trying to start but goes to a message stating "Windows could not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer, restart the installation." I then click "OK" and it just brings me back to the same message after re-starting. Could anyone please help me get this thing back on track?

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Not Restart After Sleep

Mar 15, 2010

Have had pavillion dv9408nr home premium vista 32 notebook for 2 and a half years,no problems.Untill 3 days ago laptop would not restart after sleep. Lights on but screen black.Started to do the same when i try to boot up from cratch ,never done that before. Takes a few attempts to boot up. Updated the bios and a few drivers but still the same problem also tried a system restore never worked either.

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Cannot Restart Shut Down

Sep 29, 2008

My PC will not restart. Windows will shut down, screen goes blank (but still powered) then nothing... Power is still on, No HDD activity, just sits there all day long! You have to manually press the reset button on the case. Ive re-formatted with no luck. Even exiting bios does the same! I had a few problems yesterday when something went haywire and i lost registry keys to the point where windows would not load up in norma mode. no problems in safe mode though. So today i formatted and then i noticed this restart problem.

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Sp1 Twice Now Restart Get Work

Jun 6, 2008

Seems like it's since SP1. Happened twice now, have to restart to get it to work. Anyone else having this problem? Running Vista Home Premium.

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Cmd Exe Box Opening Up O Restart

Mar 23, 2008

i,ve been playing about on my satellite pro. got board at 3a.m yesterday. since then when i restart my laptop and logged in, when the start- up screen comes on there,s a cmd exe box that appears. inside the box the dialog goes off and on to quickly to be read, need help to get rid of this please, totally annoying and also how did it get there in the first place.

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Restart Now Won't Boot

Dec 4, 2009

I had been putting off updating to Vista SP2 but bit the bullet 2 days ago.After downloading the machine shut off never to restart.When I restart now it wont boot.I have done all the recovery tests and programs.I have tried a manual restore(all restore point were somehow lost) via the command prompts nothing seems to work. The startup Repair log says registry is corupt.I can see my files and obviously want to retreve them before I do a complete system restore.As I see it I have 2 choices. Buy a external harddrive,run unbuntu and hopefully copy files to the drive. Option 2 but a internal harddrive,buy a new OS,load it, connect my bad drive and see if I can copy the files that way. Computer is 2 years old (Dell) no Vista disk,downloaded the Vista recovery disk(didnt help) Vista home premium 32 bit.

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Can't Even Go To Start/ Restart

Apr 3, 2009

I have Windows Vista 64 bit and have been experiencing problems AGAIN. I have to actually pull the plug on the computer to restart it because a message keeps coming up saying I have another instance of Windows mail running in the back ground. I THOUGHT the problem was solved when we un-installed and re-installed Norton but it worked for about a week and now I have the same problem all over again. I can open the mail ONCE and the when I exit and try to go back in. it says " Another instance of Windows mail is running in the background. I can't even go to Start/ re start. I have to unplig everything. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Restart Vista Won't Run

Oct 14, 2009

I have a problem with my girlfriends Inspiron...I was running Partition Magic today and wanted to resize one of the partitions ... After restart Vista won't run... I pick the Launch StartuP recovery, it shows System recovery Options window with nothing in it .... When I try to load the drivers it lets me to choose from 3 partions ... but there is no Partition C with the OS . When I run startup repair it says: The Partition table does not have a valid System Partition. repair action : Partition table repair ... girlfriend nearly killed me ... cause of "lost" music etc ...

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Can I Schedule An Automatic Restart?

Mar 5, 2010

Does anybody know how I can set a scheduled restart to occur regularly overnight.

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Freezing / Random Restart

Jan 13, 2009

I was wondering if anybody out there is having freezing/random restart problems using Asus' p6t deluxe MOBO or having problems using Corsair's 6GB 1333Mhz ddr3 tri channel (TR3X6G1333C9) while using Ultimate64.

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DESKSTOP Resolution After Restart Of PC

Jul 10, 2009

My default LCD Resolution is 1680x1050 When I run Half life 2 or source any games which has a 1024x768 as my default resolution the game ran perfectly.,then I exited...the DEsktop res is still 1680x1050 BUT when i restarted my PC the resolution changes to 1024x768 when LOGON screen appeared (the screen resolution is from the game itself) it seems that vista is not changing it back when I exit the game (this is in the registry, I think) Drivers updated Bios updated TMM disabled Base video UNCHECKED (this is by default) System restore I've followed All the suggested options to fix the problem in all other forums including this one.. ALL HAD FAILED The only thing left is the registry....... thousand of people are experiencing this...specially those with laptops...mostly GAMERS No issues on XP sp2 32Bit only on Vista

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Crysis Causes My System To Restart

Apr 28, 2009

I have just re installed crysis today on my system and all was fine, I played it for a few hours on high settings and max res. I went to work and got home tried to load it and it begins to load then 20 seconds in causes my system to restart....

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Does Not Obey The Restart Function

Sep 22, 2009

my laptop,running vista, does not obey the restart function. neither when prompted by an update nor when i invoke.it will shut down but on restart it closes down. then i get the bios info.then it stay black screen,power indicator on only,no activity. every now and then,very rarely,it completes the full restart.

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Explorer Restart Every Few Seconds

Jan 1, 2009

somethings wrong with my explorer. it has to restart every few seconds and i dont know why. i keep on scanning my laptop for a virus but nothing comes up.

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Restart Down The Computer Hangs

Aug 25, 2008

i have been having a few problems with my new vista computer its a hp txz 2500z with vista buisness and im the administrater acount if that will help first prob is when i try to log off or shut or restart down the computer it hangs in the shutingdown or loging off screen and i have to use the power button to turn it off

other prob is the taskmanager wont show up. i see its icon in the bottom right bar (green gridlike box) it jus wont show up on the screen last some programs wont open like itunes or the conect to a network and network setings and sometimes windows defender i think they might run in the background but i cant get taskmanager running

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Restart To Get It To Work And Show Up Again

May 17, 2008

I have had less issues with my vista than I ever did with my xp. First, I have a card reader that is hooked up to the usb internal port. I can read sd cards etc. with it. My problem is that if I take out the card and then want to put it back in later the card reader goes away out of my view window under my computer. I then have to unplug my card reader from my mother board and then get lucky and log off and log back in or sometimes have to restart to get it to work and show up again. Does anyone care to comment on this My second problem is that if I put in a cd or dvd it will not auto play. I have to go into my computer and double click or go to media player and whatever player I decide and hit play.

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Restart: Everything Be Going Real Slow

Dec 30, 2008

I am using a Vista Home Premium Edition x64. I have wireless internet on it from my grandmas router in her room. Here's the problem though..., I am a real dedicated gamer. I play America's Army v2.4.0 so im real picky about lag. Sometimes I can just turn my computer on, and load up America's Army.. It will run very fine for hours and hours. Then again, I can turn on the computer and load it up, and everything will be going real slow. Even when I let everything have time to load. Maybe there is some kind of system performance tool I could use? Or maybe it's just my wireless connection. And if it was that, is there anything I could check to find out if it is really my connection?

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Open An Attached, Restart

Apr 10, 2008

machine having problem when open an attached .doc or ..pdf file. The Outlook 2003 will restart automatically by itself for sometime.

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After Restart No Internet Connection

Jan 25, 2010

What the title says I had restarted my computer after adding another adminstrator account and have no Internet connection and have this ugly xp looking theme. If u want to know why I added another account is for deleting this file when it ask you need permission to continue that's why

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System Crashed No Restart

Oct 23, 2009

I have a Sony laptop with Windows Vista as operating system. The system crashed. So I initialised a new start via CTRL, ALT and DEL. Unfortunately, the shut down process got stuck and the screen just displays "shut down" without doing anything. It remained like this for a couple of minutes when I hold the turn-on/off button pressed. I was expecting to force my laptop to restart again (which is the usual case on a Windows XP machine). However, my laptop just went to the stand-by modus. Pressing the turn-on/off gave back the frozen display of "shut down".

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Windows Restart During Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

Very often, my computer will restart during hibernation. Occasionally, after the restart it will give me an error message to the effect of "Windows had to shut down unexpectedly...". Very occasionally, it will tell me it was a hard drive error associated with hibernation.

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Completely Shutdown And Restart Again

Jun 17, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Home Basic and I accidently performed a hard shut down earlier today. Now when I boot up my computer, it will boot up and then it will completely shutdown and restart again. When it shuts down, it gives me a blue screen and then says "Windows has been shut down to prevernt damage to your computer. bad_pool_reader". I can boot up in safe mode, but if I try to boot it up regularly, then this cycle happens all over again. What do I need to do to fix the problem (preferabbly without having to reinstall Windows/deleting all of my information on the computer)?

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Home Premium Restart

Jun 1, 2009

My restart time went from 1min 3sec to 1min 28sec and the only thing I did in between times was run chkdsk.exe which came up with a clean report.I did 3 consecutive restarts to confirm this extended time.I also ran autorun.exe and all items were the same.What else could I check into?

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32 Bit Resolution Restart Not Working

Nov 5, 2009

I throw this thing out the window? My pc auto. restarts, every thurs. after doing downloads. The last few times when it has looked like the screen was from 1990. I have tried to go to control panel, adjust resolution, chose screen 1, and moved the resolution pixels to 1280 by 960. My screen still looks older, and it is wider but, a little sharper. I have a resolution reminder that keeps popping up that states my pc's resolution may not match this monitors optimum 1440x900 setting. See printed or online documentation. Press AUTO button on the side of this monitor after adjusting the screen resolution. I have tried that AND do not understand why in Control Panel, I CAN NOT set my resolution/pixel to 1440x900, I tried going up to 1280x1024 and the screen just gets wider! ---WHAT AM I MISSING? Does NVIDIA need to be adjusted too, if so where?

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