Setup Printer Is Shutdown

Jun 5, 2008

Don't know if this is unique to my machine. I have a desktop, XP sp3, Ethernet cable to my router. A Vista x64 SP1, wireless and an HP C2680 printer Ethernet to my router. All set up well but after the printer is shutdown and restarted both computers have trouble. I have to manually set my Vista machine to 'Use Printer Online' for the HP to become available, and on both machines, I can't open the 'HP Solution Center.' It freezes and I need a reboot, then all is fine again. ???

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Setup Printer Sharing

Nov 25, 2008

I have an XP desktop with printer installed and want my Vista Laptop to be able to use the desktop's printer. Can someone please give me some insight?

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How Setup Network Printer

Mar 23, 2008

if anyone knows if setting up a network printer in Vista is profile specific. I know currently with XP, if you setup a network printer it only shows up for the user that is logged into the pc. To get around that currently, we setup a local print port and point it to the print server.

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Shutdown Causes Hardisks To Spin Up Shutdown 4 Times

Jun 13, 2007

I have read elsewhere of some users experiencing the problem of hard disks making the infamous clicking noises on shutdown of any version of vista. I don't know if its only SATA HD but thats what I have and I am experiencing the same thing. It has me concerned that the clicking of the HD arms might be unnecessary wear and tear. any fixes for this?

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Network Printer Attachment Not Properly: Failed Connecting To Printer - Access Denied

Jul 29, 2009

I?m trying to install a network printer on a Vista machine. Vista is able to locate the printer on the network but when I select it for installation, for some time, Vista tries to connect and then pops up this message: "Failed Connecting to Printer - Access Denied" And then another window pops up with this message: "Spooler Subsystem Application stopped woring and has been closed." In fact the spooler service always stops, so I have to restart it on the services windows, within Administrative Tools of the Control Panel. The machine is new and has been installed yesterday. Everything else works fine. The printer I am trying to install is on a Windows XP Professional machine within the same network (naturally).

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Printer Sharing XP:unable To Print To The Host Printer Wirelessly

Jun 15, 2008

I have a Dell PC with XP Home and a Dell A960 Printer attached to it. I also have a new HP Laptop with Vista premium that has also had the same printer attached to it at times so the drivers are installed on HP laptop. I recently installed a router so I can use laptop wirelessly. That works fine. However, I am unable to print to the host printer wirelessly. I get message saying printer cannot communicate with computer. I tried everything I found on Google searches. I have enabled printer sharing on both. Do I have to make the Workgroup names the same and if so do I change the Dell with XP or the HP with Vista? I changed the Dell once to no avail so I changed back. Do computer names have to be same? I am a novice at networking.

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Printer Cable Didn't Older Printer Jack Computer

Mar 23, 2008

Dose anyone knows if they make a printer cable: I received a new lab top and it didn't come with the older printer jack on the computer. I guess I need to use one of the usb ports? My Epson 660 still works I hate the idea of getting a new printer when my old one works.

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Printer After Installation Of SP2 (printer Prints An Extra Page)

Jun 1, 2009

Just installed Vista SP2. Everything seems to work OK except for my Dell 1720 printer. It now prints an extra page before the actual document to be printed. There are just a few spurious characters printed at the top of this unwanted page. The following "proper" pages are OK. I have, so it seems, the lastest driver available.

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Network Printer Hosted Server Default Printer

Jun 17, 2008

I cannot set the default printer in Vista Business with SP1. I am connected to a domain trying to set a network printer hosted from a server as the default printer. I have seen a dozen or more questions similiar to this in this group as well as on other forums and found no answer. I see a MS-MVP come on and tell people to remove local printers such as the XPS and adobe printers. This is a ridiculous solution. Sure it may allow you to connect to a network printer but you have removed printers that you are going to need to use again. Unacceptable.

So far the only other solution that does not include deleting all the local printers off of the machine is to make sure you have write permissions to the default printer registry key. I have checked this and I do have write permissions(Full Control). SO WHAT NEXT? IS MICROSOFT EVER GOING TO COME OUT WITH ANOTHER FIX FOR THIS?

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Installed Printer From Main Pc:Printer Do Not Print

Jun 22, 2008

i have installed a printer from my main pc which uses xp pro to my new vista lap top ----- it shows the icon for the printer in the tray but i cannot still print any thing

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Do Not Put Printer In The Printer Folder/control Panel

Apr 10, 2009

I just upgraded my XP home edition to Vista home premium with an upgrade disk provided by Dell. Before the upgrade I uninstalled my HP 2575 printer and software because it was listed as a compatibility issue. After upgrade I reinstalled new software from HP for my printer from the HP website. I plugged in the USB cable from my printer. Vista recognized the new device but would not put it in the printer folder in the control panel. Vista did find driver software online but could not install it. The HP solution center tells me no HP devices have been detected. When I try to print I get a message that I don’t have a printer hooked up. That’s the back ground here is what I have done.

I have updated Vista; most were successful some security ones failed. I have Service pack 1 I uninstalled and reinstalled HP software many times I started my spooler and reinstalled printer and software many times. I checked Task Manager and the hpqste08 services are running. I uninstalled virus protection and turned off the firewall. I have done everything I can find at HP, Microsoft and here. I tried to reload Vista but got a Worker Thread Returned at Bad IRQL error message so I stopped reload.

The one odd thing I did find was in the Device Manager. In the Device Manager the HP 2575 is listed twice. Once under IEEE 1284.4 compatible printer and once under Other Devices. When I click on the one under IEEE 1284.4 compatible printer and update driver software it finds the driver and says it’s up to date. When I do the same on the one under Other Devices, windows finds the software for this device but encountered an error when trying to install it. It does this when looking online and when looking in C: drive.The printer still does not show up in the printer folder in the control panel.

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Desktop Printer Sharing: Won't Find Printer

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Home Premium Laptop, an XP Home laptop and an XP Home desktop (and an XBox 360) connected to my Linksys wireless G router and an XP Home desktop connected via CAT5 to the same router. All connect to the internet fine. The XP laptop finds and uses the printer on the desktop fine. I had setup a share of the Canon I560 printer, connected to my XP desktop, on the Vista laptop and it worked fine. I don't believe I made any changes, but now it won't find the printer and I can't seem to install a new copy.

The Vista machine will not detect the printer and won't even find the XP desktop or laptop on the network. The XP machines find each other fine. All machines get their IP address from the router via DHCP. All are in the same workgroup, or it seems so. Strangely the Vista machine shows WORKGROUP and the XP machines show Workgroup, even if I type the name in caps, XP still shows Workgroup and Vista WORKGROUP.............

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Install Printer Driver FOR Sharing Printer?

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Vista Desktop that has a wireless router. I have shared a printer, but I would like my Mac laptop to be able to print to it. Do I install the printer driver on the Mac or on the Vista machine? If I install on the Vista machine, is there a special installer? The printer is an HP DeskJet 2445.

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Add Printer Wizard Not Finding Printer

Nov 21, 2008

I have a HP Color Laser Jet 3600n already installed on the company network. I just got a new gateway with Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit. When i go to the printer wizard it locates the 3600 printer on the network. Then it asks me to choose the printer software from a list. or choose a disk. I don't have the disk. So, looking through this list, it doesn't even have the HP Color Laser Jet 3600 in there. it's got a 3000 and then jumps to 7000.

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Printer Sharing: Printer Not Compatible

Oct 8, 2009

i have a printer on my old windows xp computer. but i went to hook it up to my vista, obviously the printer is not compatible which sucks. so is there a way i can connect it through a network? i have no idea where to start or what to do first.

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Mystery Shutdown

Apr 3, 2009

Yesterday after a week long holiday, I came home and started my computer which ran fine until this afternoon.

I was out and about doing things and I left the computer on and logged online as I usually do.

When I came home, I found it had shut down and restarted and I was at my Windows Logon screen.

I figured we must have had some sort of electrical outage, so I logged in and let my Intel RAID storage manger do it's thing (it has to re-verify and re-match the data on my two RAID 1 drives).

I wandered back in a few minutes later to find the computer had gone into a CheckDisc. Check Disc didn't find any bad things so I let it run through and restarted, now all seems well again.

I am curious as to why it might have shut down in the first place and not quite sure where to look.

Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer says no critical errors, just one error message that says the shut down was unexpected.

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Shutdown Problems

Mar 14, 2009

Today i am getting windows has recovered from a shutdown, click for solution, no solutions come up,in fact nothing at all comes up, all seems normal till it happens again, usually after just being left on but not being used. attatched is the messge i get. Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1a
BCP1: 0000000000041289
BCP2: 000000018050B001
BCP3: 000000000000674D
BCP4: 000000018040B501
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1
Files that help describe the problem:
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Microsoft Online Crash Analysis

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Disruptive Shutdown Why?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a new Dell XPS 730x running a clean install retail version of vista ultimate x64. I had 5 Disruptive Shutdowns on the first day of use and 2 on the second. Is there any way of diagnossing what is causing them? I have checked all the hardware and software with microsoft to make sure it's compatible with vista x64.

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Shutdown With Nvidia 175.19

Jul 12, 2008

Since installing the latest Nvidia Graphics Driver 175.19, I've had a bit of an issue when I go to Restart or Shutdown my PC. After I click-on Restart or Shutdown, the Logon screen appears, then it goes back to the Desktop Screen, then back to the Login screen and Restarts or Shuts Down correctly. I'm not sure whether it may have something to do with the Task Scheduler (and Windows Sounds possibly)

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Reboots On Shutdown

Oct 20, 2008

I have a problem in that anytime i shutdown the computer it goes ahead shuts down. fans shut off etc but then restarts about 5 seconds later. No errors show up on the screen at all.

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Shutdown Take 60-75 Minutes

Dec 11, 2009

Vista Home Premium Sometimes when I try to shut down the PC - START-SHUTDOWN and either shutdown or restart - the shutdown can take, literally, 60-75 minutes and sometimes longer. Since I usually don't have that long to wait, removing the power cord is an adequate substitute. How can I eliminate these eternal shutdowns?

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Hibernate Vs Shutdown

Jul 2, 2008

i use the sleep function a lot because i like to get straight back into whatever i was doing. I was wondering if i could use hibernate instead of shutdown on my pc so i can come straight back in the morning & carry on with whatever i was doing. Is it safe to do this? And can i turn off my mains supply without affecting my hibernated pc?

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X64 Shutdown, Controller

Dec 11, 2007

I recently added a new hard drive to my system to give me a bit more storage room. All drives in the system are SATA, 2x Raptor 36GB, 1 Plextor DVD burner, and the new Samsung 250GB. The Raptors are currently not in a RAID. What occurs during Vista shutdown? It may give me some more insight into my problem.

During shutdown, the new drive gets thrashed for 3-5 minutes before the system drive updates config and shuts down. Could this be some sort of conflict with the controller? Raptors are SATA 150 and the Samsung is 300. Is Vista writing a system restore to that drive at shutdown? (A friend theorized that, and it sounded logical enough)

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Often Hangs On Shutdown

Mar 27, 2008

My Vista very often hangs, usually on shutdown. I have to pull the plug. Will this damage my laptop if I keep doing it? I have to though cos its hung. Problem Reports and Solutions is useless of course it doesnt specify anything. If it wont damage the laptop then I can just keep pulling the plug when it happens.

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Lose IP After Shutdown

Jul 29, 2009

Brother purchased new laptop. Vista Home Basic 32 bit SP1. Turned on machine and connected fine via ethernet cable to home network. I logged in remotely and watched and acted when required as both Vista and McAfee downloaded and installed numerous updates. On one occassion when asked to restart now or later after McAfee finished updating, I chose later. I then installed LogMeIn on this computer so that upon reboot I would have more control.

That may or may have nothing to do with issue now but ever since then, when warm or cold re-start of computer is done, computer does not obtain an IP. Have to go to CPanel/Network/Diagnose and choose automatic rediscovery of IP which works just fine.

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Shutdown Security

Jun 9, 2008

I leave my pc running to allow various programs to run during the course of the day; however, other users manage to shutdown the system without any thought for my login "at work". Does anybody know of a "Shutdown Password" facility I can use which prevents this from happening?- I know I'm still at risk from the power supply being switched off.

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Boot And Shutdown

Jun 24, 2008

I am proffesional .NET developer working with C and SQL. Because of new features of the new MS products I was switching to Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit. My Vista runs on: ASUS Striker II Extreme with QuadCore 2.5 GHz. 4 GB Patriot Memory, 2 GeForce Grafikcards with 4 Monitors, 300GB Fujitsu SCSI disk.

I hade always some problems with booting and Shutdown.Somitimes I had to start the pc 4 times until it runs. Also somitimes it was not Shutingdown ... When it was up und running, all was ok, except somitimes Network does not work ... Finaly now, the system was running fine and I plugged in a webcam and it was starting to install forever ... After about 1h, I switched off the pc and now it does not boot any moren ...When I try to boot in SaveMode, it stopps at crcdisk.sys. I cannot even boot from install CD ... What should I do now ? Buy another harddisk and install a fresh copy of Vista ?? Buy another harddisk and go back to Windows XP ?? Or ist there anybody out ther who knows a solution ??? I really need to work with my pc and I would be happy for any comment on this issue !!

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Shutdown Won't Boot Up

Sep 16, 2009

I have a question about Vista. I have 2 laptops. One of them has shutdown and wont boot up the login screen... but it turns on. Now that Laptop came with Home Premium... and the one I got (new) today came with Home Basic. Can I use any premium Boot Disc, and use the serial from the old laptop?

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Unexpected Shutdown When Close The Lid

Aug 27, 2009

I've been having a problem on my new dell studio 15 laptop, at first,whenever I closed the lid, I would lose my wireless connection, now, when I close the lid I get an unexpected shutdown. I did my usual research, but it seems that people get this problem for different hardware issues, and there isn't a "one size fits all fix" Here's my error message...

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:4105

Additional information about the problem:

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Shutdown Hit Sleep By Mistake

Jun 27, 2009

Never use sleep function but last night instead of selecting shutdown hit sleep by mistake. Couldn't get system to wake from sleep and had to turn off by holding power button. Today when switching system back on i get fan & case lights on , hdd and dvd activity. The keyboard is unresponsive (no lights) and monitor remains in stand by. Mouse gets power but doesn't wake pc. Using reset or power button on case just restarts system to exact condition above. Can't contact pc manufacturer til monday (pc 4 months old). Read quite a few other posts regarding vista sleep issues but haven't found anything that would seem to rectify this problem.

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Shutdown Window Order

Nov 26, 2008

Am running windows vista enter. 32 bit on my machine.

When i use the turn-off short key (Alt F4), the shutdown window appears and the first option in the drop down list is " Sleep ".

I want to change the order of these commands, like: i want the first option to be LogOff

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