Run Window Using Dx10 Mode

Aug 18, 2008

Why does assassins creed run in a window when using dx10 mode? There is also no way to set the game as full screen in the options either. ps I have found a fixed .exe that runs it in fullscreen, but i think the author just renmed the dx9.exe to dx10.exe. Is there a way to tell if the game is running in dx10 mode?

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9600GT Full Screen/3d Running In Window Mode

Jun 12, 2008

ForceWare 175.80 Full screen 3d gaming resets/ignores my gamma settings... Haven't had that problem in past with ATi x1900xtx card... Gamma settings will work if game is running in window mode, but it hurts the performance of the game, soo i'm looking for a solution... Games are: Counter-strike source and Team Fortress 2 OS: Vista x64

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System Restore Disk, Cannot Boot Into Window Or Safe Mode

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use a system restore disk for my friend's computer that I downloaded. The computer have Vista, now I have a 32 bit and 64 bit disc. How can I find out which version of Vista I have? I cannot boot into window or safe mode ( I could figure it out from there). I also tried to check the Bios and saw nothing. The laptop only has 2 gigs of RAM I think, so I would assume 32 Bit, but I want to be sure. Also, if I used the wrong one, would it mess up the computer? or could I just redo it with the other CD?

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DX10 To DX9 To DX10 Possible?

Jun 25, 2008

I upgraded a machine to Vista and was running under DX10, when a game I installed regressed the libraries and files to DX9. Is it possible to run a file and bring my Vista rig back to DX10?

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Is There A Way To Update DX10 In Vista?

Jun 6, 2008

Is there a way to update DX10 in vista?

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Dx10 Capable With Bit More Power

Jul 13, 2008

My bro wants to get his pc running vista & wants a dx10 capable card with a bit more power. Hes looking for cards in the £100 area. Currently he has my old 7900gs 512mb which is an ok card for what he does gaming wise, but if we're going to upgrade, i want something at least a little more powerful.

I want to know how the 9600 cards compare to a 7900gs & what kind of heat they kick out. The 7900 runs about 45c so i want to try get something that runs close to that if possible. ps, looking at this one so far BFG GeForce 9600 GT OC 512MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (PCI-Express)

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Corrupt Install Of DX10 On System

Jun 27, 2008

I was informed by the developers over at Flagship Studios that I may have a corrupt install of DX10 on my system. I went to reinstall DX10 but it tells me that I have the most up to date version and aborts the install. Does anyone know a way I can reinstall DX10? Also, I would like to try intalling DX9c to see if it helps any. Can someone link me to wich download I should use for this?

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Graphics DX10/SLI/GPU Can Not Working Properly

Mar 23, 2008

This is just a comprehensive listing of MS Hotfixes that should be downloaded and installed specifically for those who play games with one GPU or 2 in SLI. They all deal with Graphics/DX 10/SLI/Memory/etc. There are a number of hotfixes that have been released to address the Vista gaming/graphics/memory problems many have been complaining of. Some of them you all know about, but some are hidden in the MS TechNet and MSDN download areas. Below is a listing of the hotfixes that all gamers should download...both SLI and Single GPU users.

The following take you directly to the TechNET Download Site and there you can choose either 32 bit or 64 bit. Download KB945149 'Graphics performance can be improved in certain multiple-GPU scenarios on a Windows Vista-based computer - Enhances SLI Performance in DX 9 and 10' Download KB940105 'Virtual address space usage in Windows game development - Fixes problems with certain games (BF 2, BF 2142, etc.) involving low frame rates and crashes/lockups.' .....

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Play Games In Either Dx9 Or Dx10 When You Right Click On Shortcut And Select It From The Menu

Apr 21, 2008

I hear you can choose to play games in either dx9 or dx10 when you right click on shortcut and select it from the menu. When i do this for instance i dont see the option available, once i saw with crysis launching analysis then it went away.

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Read Only-UAC, And DX10, Regaining Control Over Disc Management Properties In Vista

Aug 19, 2008

After doing a bit of homework and finding literally thousands of posts scatterd across the web, and having a very annoying hang up call with an intern at MS,
I suppose I am chasing a moot point, however here's the deal. I run a small lighting and sound company. I have 8 different computers configured for different things as far as shows are concerned. Just built 2 biostar TA780g rigs with ati dual x850 cards. AMD4600x2 for a cpu, ram at 4gig. Vista 32 "ultimate" sp1. These are to replace some older socket a stuff and none of them do games but we DO extensive 3d video displays at theaters, live band venues and so on. Too many problems with intel, nvidia and our apps, so we are all amd / ati here.

Yesterday while managing some fresh mp3 rips with a program called Tagscanner, which I have used for years, got a bsod, and when everything came back all was well except that Vista changed everything to read only. we are talking about over 300,000 assorted mp3's,music video files, Karaoke cdg files, and xml lighting scene files that i can no longer do anything with spread across four harddrives. since the software apps we use make extensive use of the write-rewrite xmls constantly,now two of our apps lockup on startup. I would not even be here except that the 780g chipset and nvidia geforce 8 and up require dx10 to function at full potential.

So my questions:
1. Does anyone know anything about regaining control over disc management properties in vista?

2. ive heard rumors that there are ways of getting dx10 to run on xp, and it's still in its experimental stages. ANY GOOD info on that would be welcome- two sites i hit last night got me some nice trojans. But if it is real, I am sooooo back to ................

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X64 New Install: Slow Internet Connection In Normal Mode; Fast In Safe Mode

Oct 12, 2009

Using my ISP (Roadrunner Carolinas) speed test site; I get around 200 to 400 kbps download speeds using IE in normal mode. If I boot to Safe Mode, I get around 3500 to 4500 kbps, which is what it should be (this is what I used to get in normal mode before I re-installed Vista). Running the same speed test with Firefox, I get around 1500 to 2000 kbps in normal mode, but if I try to download a file it ransfers at only the 200 to 400 kbsp rate (if I'm lucky). Here's more detail about the system and what I've done so far:

Installed all updates including SP2.
Using Windows Firewall, no anti-virus.
Updated network drivers directly from NVidia (Chipset is nForce750i)
Updated graphics card drivers directly from NVidia
Disabled all LAN protocols except for Client for Microsoft Networks and IPv4
Connected via ethernet cable directly to cable modem, no router.
I've deliberately refrained from loading anything but the basics until I can get this sorted out..........

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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Switch Between Entertainment Mode And Game Mode X-fi

Oct 16, 2009

How do you switch between game mode and entertainment mode with creative soundblaster x-fi?

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Backup Window Mails And Upgrade To Window 7?

Dec 8, 2009

How can I backup my Window Mails and upgrade to Window 7 and use them in Win 7?

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Cant Get Out Of Safe Mode!

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried and tried, please I hope you can help me. I have a Toshiba A215-4817 laptop with Vista Home Premium 32bit. My troubles began when my cd/dvd was not operating properly. Toshiba support said my operating system was corrupt. I didn't believe that just because the cd/dvd wasn't working properly that the os is corrupt, maybe they were right.

I have extremely important info on my hd as I do taxes for a living.

In an effort to trouble shoot the cd/dvd I booted into safe mode. No-one tole me that the administrator account is disabled by default! So now I can't get out of safe mode. I have access to only my limited user account and uac is enabled. System restore doesn't change boot options.

I can't edit registry = access denied, cmd.exe when trying to activate administrator account = system error 5.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode

May 12, 2009

i'm on windows vista and i can't get out of safe mode does anyone know how to x

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Safe Mode

Jun 26, 2008

My son kept shutting the laptop w/o powering down and now it starts in safe mode. The first time I rebooted and this solved the problem but now that won't work. I can't get it to go back to normal. This has happened in the past but I can't remember what I did to fix it.

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XP Mode Under Windows 7

Oct 11, 2009

Has anyone here had experience of the XP mode in Windows 7 Pro as I particularly want to run Adobe Acrobat 6 under it. I'm currently running Vista Home Premium but thinking of changing so as to be able to do this. I've looked but haven't yet seen this application on a W7 compatibility list.

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How To Get Out Of Hibernating Mode?

Jun 3, 2008

I'm currently working with Windows Vista and some how my laptop went into hibernating mode. I've tried everything to get out of it and nothing seems to work. The blue rotating circle is still rotating, which is probably a good sign.

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Pioneer DVR-K17 - Cannot Set To DMA Mode

Aug 4, 2009

My DVD R/W device failed and I purchased a Pioneer DVR-K17 replacement which is a dual layer DVD R/W device. It appeared to install correctly and automatically under Vista.

I noticed a problem when I tried to play a DVD, it was stuttering. I went to the device manager and tried to set the drive to DMA mode, since it was in PIO. The settings will not "stick". It always reverts to PIO. I have tried to find a way into the BIOS of this notebook, but there is very limited access to any settings by hitting the F2 key just after powering up. I cannot see anything anywhere on the internet on how to make this work.

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Can't Get Out Of Safe Mode?

Mar 23, 2008

I had an issue with one of my games and it directed me to go into safe mode to uninstall it. Now that it's uninstalled, I can't get out of safe mode. I've been through this forum in and out. I've done nearly all the things that it has stated that come close to my issue. I'm still in here. I've been in and out for 3 hours now. I've gone through the msconfig, and told it to restart in normal mode, I'm still in safe mode. I've used the F8 button while starting it, and told it to go to safe mode, I'm still here. I've even checked to see if it was the resolution, I've set it to my default settings of 1280x720, and restart it, it's still in safe mode. I've done EVERYTHING that I can think of.

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Put In Sleep Mode?

Mar 24, 2008

I was wondering if and when Vista is put in sleep mode, does it continue to accept updates as is explained on the Microsoft website? If this is true, then will email also download from the server if the Windows Mail program is left on and maximized and the DSL modem is left on? Because the modem runs hot I usually turn it off at night, along with the computer, but I'm having problems with the server, who returns email to senders because the server only allows a small amount of bandwidth to collect in each user's webmail box.

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Running In Elevated Mode

Feb 26, 2009

How do I go about running in an 'elevated mode' in Vista Home Premium?
I am being told not to have enough priveliges, although I have chosen

The question arises when going into 'command prompt'.

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Sleep Mode Is Not Remains

Apr 11, 2008

When my computer goes to sleep mode it doesnt remain in sleep mode it comes out after a short time (say 20 mins). Is there a way to make it remain in sleep mode

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Save Power Mode

Aug 30, 2009

When ever i leave my computer idled for a long time the monitors turn black and i can't do anything but shut it down and start it up again. When i shut it down it says "Out of range input 1" Then i turn it off again and this time it has an error saying Vista didn't start up correctly, then i hit "start windows normally" then i can do stuff. How do i wake it up without shutting it down.

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Sleep Mode Often Cause A Slow Down?

Jan 21, 2010

Would using sleep mode often cause a slow down? I don't want my computer to be noticeably slower. I have vista ult. 3 gig ram, 9800 GTX, Intel e6400.

also how can I make a shortcut for win key+s for example.

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Cannot Boot Up In Safe Mode

Apr 24, 2008

I press f5 or is it f8. but either way I get to the Safe Mood Selection screen and no matter what option I select, Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Prompts, of Safe Mood with Network support, it doesn't matter it boots normal to my user sign in screen and then it freezes.. no mouse or keyboard functions... If I run the recovery disk and tool options then mouse and keyboard work but I still cannot boot up in safe mode nor can I boot up normal.. I just need to get into safe mode and then I believe I can resolve this but since I can't get into safe mode I don't know what else to do?

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Test Mode In All 4 Corners

Sep 14, 2008

I've been trying to download a free CPU temps monitor this afternoon without success and now I seem to have been left with something unwanted on my desk top.

When I'm just looking at the wallpaper and bottom bar ie I've just booted up, I've got the words Test Mode written in all 4 corners of the screen plus Microsoft(R)Windows(R)(Build 6001;Service Pack 1) written at the top middle.

This must have been left over from one of the temp monitors I tried and then uninstalled.

First I tried Real Temp 2.70 and that installed but then I realised I had to pay for it so I uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller. I then tried Speed Fan and Motherboard Monitor but these didn't like Kaspersky and looked like more trouble than they were worth so I uninstalled them as well.

Now I'm stuck with these words on my screen. They are quite small but still intrusive.

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Monitor Goes To Sleep Mode

Mar 11, 2010

It seems for maybe the past couple of weeks it seems that sometimes the screen saver doesn't kick in.

When the time for the monitor just goes right to sleep it does. W/o the screensaver kicking in, or after it runs maybe a minute.

The odd thing is after I go and check the power settings, which all look fine, it works as it should. I have tried different screen savers as well as changes the timers. I don't know if this is from 1 numerous amt of MS updates or is there maybe a corrupt file or something.

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Single User Mode

Apr 1, 2009

Using Windows Vista, how do I remote desktop to a Windows Server 2008
computer running terminal services in single user mode?

(I know how to remote desktop to my Windows Server 2008 computer running
terminal services. I don't know about the single user mode).

Apparently, I'm not in single user mode, because the remote desktop shows
the Vista theme, but not the full Aero experience.

Reference: Introducing Windows Server 2008, by Mitch Tulloch, Microsoft
Press. Page 196, about half way down.

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