Reformatted And Reinstalled Vista, Freezes

Apr 2, 2010

i successfully reformatted and reinstalled vista... but noticed that it freezes atleast once a day... I had a similar problem when I first got this PC w/ vista a few years ago. My buddy showed me a way to use vista (bare bones) w/o the frills that it has now.... anyone familiar w/ this? Once I made that switch it rarely froze.

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Reinstalled Vista Can Not Working Printer

Feb 6, 2009

I don't even have a Vista Computer, but one is arriving in a few days - Vista Ultimate My old XP computer drives two four year old printers - one HP all-in -one LaserJet and one Epson inkjet. When I installed these printers on the XP machine, each came with a CD with the installation software (drivers, manual PDF, etc..).I assume I now must get updated CD's or some other arrangement to get the printers re-installed. Here are several questions

1. Do the vendors usually either wash their hands and tell you to get a new printer?
2. How do I get the appropriate software? Printer vendor web-sites?
3. Generally, do pre-Vista peripherals, and particularl printer/scanner/fax machines install without problems?

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Reinstalled Vista Added Few Programmes

Dec 23, 2008

I have just reinstalled vista and added a few programmes, i'd like to take out all the useless/not needed programmes installed with vista, i have unistalled a few is there more i could take out? Im not sure which ones i have to keep to keep my system running:

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Vista Business Reinstalled :How To Recover Lost Backup

Oct 16, 2009

I recently had to have Vista Business reinstalled b/c my computer crashed. I have a complete backup on an external drive using Vista Backup & Restore (keeping my fingers crossed it is a good one) but it is from several months ago so I decided to have the tech that was checking out my computer do a backup before reinstall. Unfortunately, he couldn't backup everything and I am missing quite a bit of stuff. I have no idea how the complete restore would work. Am I able to select certain data to restore? Does it restore things back to their original location?

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XP Software Reformatted

Dec 21, 2008

I see where Vista has a feature where you can download software programs that were created for XP or earlier operating systems and they can be used on the Vista operating system. I'm sceptical due to a problem I had when I first got my computer so thought I would ask the experts. First, am I correct that Vista has that capability and if so does it work correctly? If I am correct, is there anything I should be careful about?

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Recovering A Reformatted Hard

Apr 26, 2009

im trying to recover from a hd that was reformatted and had vista reinstalled on it... nothing else has been done to it. do i need to scan it from another computer? if so how do i connect them so that the second computer will see the laptop as an hd?

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Recovery Software For Reformatted Drive...

Aug 17, 2009

One of my neighbors installed Norton 360, she says it told her it needed to update some plugins, once it was done, it said it needed to restart windows to finish installing the plugins... she was never able to boot to desktop after that.without asking for help, she went ahead and did a complete System Restore and she is now without pictures, documents and other very important data. I installing "On Track Easy Recovery Pro 6.12" on the fresh drive and use the featured they have to recover data from Freshly installed and Reformatted drives but I was unable to get anything out of it... all I got was what it was already there from the fresh install. She is using Windows XP pro w/Media Center and this is a Vista forum but I got nowhere else to go and I don't trust anybody else. I was thinking that if I install the software on my PC and use her drive as a slave or with a USB/SATA adapter I could get more data but I am thinking that it will yield the same results. I have recovered data before but it has been on a dying but Unformatted drive... is there anything else I can try? any other software that you have first hand experience with cases similar to this? would anyone know if Norton 360 has some sort of reverse feature that I could use in order to get this back or am I just that naive I need to help them as they have always helped us out and this could be a good way to repay them back... they are like family. Whatever you can suggest, it will be greatly appreciated I also have a software call "Recover my files" that I have also had some good results with but again... never with a reformatted/fresh install OS drive.

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Can Usb Drive Be Reformatted And Work Afterward?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a usb drive formatted NTFS attached to pc using Vista HP. Can usb drive this be reformatted and still work afterward? I know the files will be lost. I know there used to be a problem about reformatting NTFS drives.

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Freecell Freezes Vista

Apr 13, 2008

I have an acer aspire 5520 laptop wichi came with vista home premium, and every time I play the bundled windows freecell, it is a question of minutes before the system freezes and the only way out is to hard-reset the machine.

I have the same problem afer a fresh reinstall of the OS, I also changed the video memory settings but that did not change anything.

I don't think it is a heating issue because it also happens when the pc has just started
Has anyone experienced the same problem?

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Reinstall: Vista Freezes On Booting

Dec 10, 2008

I am running Vista Home 32bit on an Acer T180. I recently upgraded the CPU from an Athlon Sempron to a Athlon 64 X2. Now when I boot the PC, Vista freezes as it boots. I can still boot into Safe Mode and also using a Live Linux DVD. Also, surprisingly, sometimes Vista will boot and will run fine and both cores of the CPU are recognised. I obviously need to solve this problem, but am unsure how to proceed.

After the PC freezes, I reset it and after a reboot am taken to a screen with the safe mode option that also advises using the Vista repair option. I have a DVD of Vista (not an OEM, but without SP1) but I have installed SP1 on the PC.......

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Repair/reinstall Vista 64, Computer Freezes

Aug 3, 2009

My computer freezes from time to time and I think I tried everything to locate what the problem could be. The event logs show nothing, I ran a memory test with no problem, (I have 4Gb), I checked my drive and had no problems. All my drivers are up to date and I have all the latest updates/service packs. So my last hope is to re-install Vista. Are there any easy steps to re-install Vista? Or do I have to format my machine and start from scratch? I don't want to re-install office and so on.

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Reinstalled -key Wont Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently had to to re-install vista, my comp was infested with viruses and they had written themselves over my sytem restore points, so I went ahead and just reinstalled vista. Now thought its asking me to activate vista. I keep trying to enter the key but I get an error saying that key is only for upgrades, not fresh installs. I dont know what to do, I have upgraded my comp significantly since I originally got vista so that may be why but now what? Im not dropping 59 bucks to talk to someone from tech support and Im sure as heck not buying a new key.

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XLG Security Scam Not Getting Reinstalled

Nov 19, 2008

XLG security center screwed my laptop - trying to repair or re-install but I downloaded, and burned the img file for Vista 32bit But I get the Error Code: 0x80070002 and cannot read from e:sourceinstall.wim WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I really need my laptop to work asap!

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Reinstalled But Can Not Repair Feature

Jul 4, 2008

when i get it reinstalled, (no the repair feature didn't work) i'll let you know how smart i was to have a separate hard drive just for data -too bad MS isn't smart enough to keep all my settings, email, downloads, updates (that reminds me - i think i have to download service pack again (i'm on dialup)) high scores and program files on a separate drive --

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Reinstalled Winamp Won't Work

Mar 23, 2008

I've been told in this forum that appls must be reinstalled into Program Files, not simply copied from a Backup. Yet some of the copied appls (WinMX, WinAmp, Audacity, etc) run fine. Others won't. What determines the correct prodedure?

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Drive Get Corrupted Os Reinstalled

Jul 28, 2009

I recently purchased a Gateway laptop M-6888U that had no software disc provided. I was told by Bestbuy to simply backup my entire drive. I wish to know is there a way to make a recovery disc that WILL install a fresh copy of vista64 or am I screwed since everyone is trying to cut corners? I know I can make a recovery disc that works IF I have a working installation of my OS. My concern is if the drive gets corrupted and my OS needs to be reinstalled I'm screwed, with my only option being to purchase a new copy of Vista.

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Factory Settings Reinstalled Gives Trouble!

Dec 13, 2009

I have used my HP m7763w with Vista Home Premium for more than 2 years now, and finally got to the point of having to use my rescue CDs to reformat the HD and reset to factory setting. Unfortunately, I get frequent error messages now, and missing file notices, and Windows Update refuses to work. I understand that the old factory settings are way outdated by now, but what am I supposed to do to get it all working right, if Windows Update fails?

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Windows Mail Folder Reinstalled

Jan 21, 2010

I just reinstalled vista and Im trying import my windows mail folders. I takes every folder from A to H then stops.Wont load the rest

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Reinstalled Windows Missing System

May 2, 2008

First of all i`ve got to say that i`m not too good at it(computering) I`ve re-installed windows few days ago and it seems that i have drivers missing, is there a way to find out what`s missing in my system so i can download it(solve it) I also tried to install SonicStageMasteringStudio and it asked me for PxEngine, i found in internet was pxengine3_00_58a, and now when i`m trying to open SSMS application it stops imediatelly, it looks like it won`t happen I also can`t listen some radiostations online Then some problems with my MASS STORAGE DEVICE

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Freezes And How To Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option In Windows Vista?

Apr 30, 2010

This could start at any time apparently but once it does my whole computer freezes up for 9 seconds exactly, then it's fine for about 50 seconds or so, then frozen for 9 seconds, etc. This will repeat until I reboot the computer. I somehow manged to fix the problem and had completely forgotten about it until the other day.

I wanted to hibernate my computer but the options weren't there so I found this page and entered the commands into the Command Prompt: How to Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option in Windows Vista? - Tweaking with Vishal

It sort of fixed my hibernation, now the Start Menu power button would hibernate, but more importantly the 9 second freezes started up again. I quickly ran the Hibernation File Cleaner in Disk Cleanup which is apparently what removed the hibernation option in the first place, but no luck, hibernation was now gone and the freezes still continued....................

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Reinstalled Windows On Disk1, Refomatting Disk0

Aug 10, 2009

I have a Lenovo IdeaCentre K210 Desktop Vista HP system that came with a 500G HD that I Partitioned to ???C??? (Windows), ???D??? (Data files) and ?E? (Photos) drive. I recently purchased another 500G HD which was designated as Disk1 (the original HD was Disk0) and installed Vista HP on Disk1 and Partitioned the 2nd HD (Disk1) to ???F??? (Vista HP), ???G??? (data files) and ???H??? (Photos) and thought that I could format/delete the ???C???, ???D??? and ???E??? Partitions on Disk0 and use that HD for future storage but it appears what I want to do is not something that I am able to do. I was able to delete Partitions ???D??? and ???E??? and Formatted ???C??? but not all of ???C???, apparently there are some files on ???C??? (i.e. the original HD that contained Vista HP before I purchased the 2nd HD), that I am unable to erase / delete / format.

As best as I can tell, ???C??? is 125.5MB with 107.8MB Used and 17.7MB Free and contains the following folders: $RECYCLE.BIN, BOOT, System Volume Information. My objective / what I would like to do is, delete or format EVERYTHING on ???C??? so that I will have 500G HD, Disk0 that I can use for additional storage.I also would like to change and/or re-label Disk0 to be Disk1 and Disk1 to be Disk0, since this is the disk that contains Vista HP and all my programs, apps, data files, photos,?.

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BSFD Uninstalled W7 And Reinstalled Vist Dmp File

Feb 19, 2010

i have been having the BSFD for the past week i even uninstalled windows 7 and reinstalled vista, thsi is the dmp file.

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Fresh Installation Of Vista Home Premium Freezes System Randomly

Mar 23, 2008

After a fresh installation of Vista Home Premium, my pc freezes randomly. If i decide to wait it out it magically unfreezes but this is a constant habit. It leaves the pc clock frozen at the time of the freeze. Suprisingly it lets me play full screen games but nothing else. Reinstalled multiple times, downloaded all updates with no change. Perhaps my motherboard isnt compatible? or my graphics card is just dumb?

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Reinstalled Windows Update File Can Not Show Desktop Icon

Dec 27, 2008

So today I'm enjoying my 2 day old Vista. I've had a crappy 2003 Compaq XP for EVER now, and I was happy to get a new computer, completely crappy OS or not. (Yes, I've heard the rumors about Vista, so I was prepared for lots and lots of hours of troubleshooting!) I want to look around and explore, so I click on my start menu. Nothing. The My Computer, Control Panel, etc etc etc is on there. But nothing. I click 'all programs', and it's all there. I tried to modify the settings on my start menu, I pressed OK and out of curiosity went back into my Start Menu settings to check-- And they were back to what they were before!!

My easy way out has always been, since my XP was crap, to completely restore my computer, suck it up, reinstall everything and start fresh. So I decided to add a new WinRAR .rar folder thing, put all my pictures in there, put it on and download the file after I restore Vista. I right clicked. Went under 'New > (Empty)'.

I almost cried! My baby, my brand new vista, already encountering problems! I installed daemon tools, PHotoshop CS2, poweriso, AIM, itunes, basically my necessities, within the two day period. I turned my computer on, no problems. My norton preformed its scheduled scan this morning at 6am, and I had a trojan horse and it can't be repaired. I've had thousands of those on my old computer and it ran at full speed with no problems, but could this be the reason? I restarted it two, three hours ago so my daemon tools can finish installing, and that's when I realized my start menu and things were messed up. Also, when I went into my computer after I restarted, the theme was set on 'windows classic', my background was left untouched. I cannot drag and drop anything into the start menu. It says I can, but I can't. Desktop icons are fine. I also installed 16 or so updates because I guess my Vista isn't up to date-- It did it automatically. Also, links, pictures, etc, like 'My Computer', My 'C:' drive, 'My Pictures', pictures, music, etc in Folders, have a check mark beside them.

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Vista Is Constantly Freezing Up: Freezes At Random Times While Doing Things Like Browsing The Web Or Playing A Game

Jul 14, 2009

Vista is constantly freezing up, and I really like to fix it, The cooling is good enough, The power is good enough, And the memory seems fine since I already did a memtest. It freezes at random times while doing things like browsing the web or playing a game, Ive used XP before and it had the same problem

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X64: Freezes At Welcome

May 30, 2009

have been experiencing frequent crashes, freezes, and BSOD lately and after some research decided the video card/driver might be a likely culprit. ran memtest just prior to see if RAM might be the issue; no errors. uninstalled video driver; and was prompted to restart to finalize removal of old driver. however, the system now freezes on startup at the welcome screen when starting normally or in safe mode.

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Windows XP Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

After I log on my account on windows xp, the computer starts to load and then it freezes....the recent changes I made to the computer was two things; first I installed the computer game crysis and 2nd I installed a new nvidia driver for my geforce card, anyways the computer freezes totally so I can't uninstall or change anything and then I restart using the restart button and it all happens again.

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Freezes After Booting Up

Aug 19, 2009

After booting up the computer the desktop freezes immediately. If it doesn't freeze up immediately I'll have some functionality, but minimal. I'll no longer have access to the internet (no network adapter present), can't run programs (they fail to open) or can't install programs/updates. I have even gotten a couple of Blue screen error messages such as: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

In safe mode with networking I do have access to the internet. When I try to download updates in safe mode I can't because Install shield will not work, or some other excuse. There are no restore points to restore to. There was a Windows Framework update on August 7th. I tried to uninstall it, but apparently it was never installed properly. No blue screens while in Safe Mode. I've been trying to problem solve this on my own, but with my limited computer repair skills I'm scared to try things.

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Boots, Then Freezes

Sep 22, 2009

online backup installed an update on my extremely stable Vista Home Premium. It asked me to reboot and when I clicked reboot, the system froze up. Every time I boot, it will freeze within seconds of loading the desktop.

I would seriously love to get this fixed as I have reinstalled Vista 4x, the last being 18-months ago

How may I resolve OR troubleshoot this issue? I have done a restore point back 2 weeks, but thats as far as I can go without getting an error.

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Windows Freezes

Jun 18, 2008

I'm using XP Professional x64 now cause most things really work fine on XP x64. But I'd like to use Vista with 4GB RAM!

My hardware:

Asrock Alive xFire eSATA2

AMD Athlon64 X2 5000+ tray AM2 2x2,60GHz 2x512kB

4x 1024MB DDR2RAM Kingston PC667 CL5

XpertVision / Palit 512MB X1950GT Super PCIe

500GB 3,5" Samsung SpinPoint T166 HD501LJ SATA2 7200rpm

Sharkoon Silentstorm 120 SHA500-12A 500W ATX 2.0

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