Freecell Freezes Vista

Apr 13, 2008

I have an acer aspire 5520 laptop wichi came with vista home premium, and every time I play the bundled windows freecell, it is a question of minutes before the system freezes and the only way out is to hard-reset the machine.

I have the same problem afer a fresh reinstall of the OS, I also changed the video memory settings but that did not change anything.

I don't think it is a heating issue because it also happens when the pc has just started
Has anyone experienced the same problem?

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How To Get Rid Of A Saved Freecell Game?

Jun 28, 2008

I have a game that I gave up on, and made the mistake of saving it. Now, it asks me every time if I want to reopen the same saved game. Even after winning the saved game, it asks me again. How to I get rid of a saved Freecell game?

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New Email Shrinks, Typing FreeCell

Aug 17, 2009

I am real curious if this happens to anyone else using WM? We are all familiar with the solitaire card game FreeCell that comes with Windows. I opened a new email, have my size at 600 x 460. Typed the word "FreeCell" into the subject line. Instantly, the email changes in size. 602 x 272. Do not have to click mouse or anything, does it on its own.

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Reformatted And Reinstalled Vista, Freezes

Apr 2, 2010

i successfully reformatted and reinstalled vista... but noticed that it freezes atleast once a day... I had a similar problem when I first got this PC w/ vista a few years ago. My buddy showed me a way to use vista (bare bones) w/o the frills that it has now.... anyone familiar w/ this? Once I made that switch it rarely froze.

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Reinstall: Vista Freezes On Booting

Dec 10, 2008

I am running Vista Home 32bit on an Acer T180. I recently upgraded the CPU from an Athlon Sempron to a Athlon 64 X2. Now when I boot the PC, Vista freezes as it boots. I can still boot into Safe Mode and also using a Live Linux DVD. Also, surprisingly, sometimes Vista will boot and will run fine and both cores of the CPU are recognised. I obviously need to solve this problem, but am unsure how to proceed.

After the PC freezes, I reset it and after a reboot am taken to a screen with the safe mode option that also advises using the Vista repair option. I have a DVD of Vista (not an OEM, but without SP1) but I have installed SP1 on the PC.......

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Repair/reinstall Vista 64, Computer Freezes

Aug 3, 2009

My computer freezes from time to time and I think I tried everything to locate what the problem could be. The event logs show nothing, I ran a memory test with no problem, (I have 4Gb), I checked my drive and had no problems. All my drivers are up to date and I have all the latest updates/service packs. So my last hope is to re-install Vista. Are there any easy steps to re-install Vista? Or do I have to format my machine and start from scratch? I don't want to re-install office and so on.

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Freezes And How To Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option In Windows Vista?

Apr 30, 2010

This could start at any time apparently but once it does my whole computer freezes up for 9 seconds exactly, then it's fine for about 50 seconds or so, then frozen for 9 seconds, etc. This will repeat until I reboot the computer. I somehow manged to fix the problem and had completely forgotten about it until the other day.

I wanted to hibernate my computer but the options weren't there so I found this page and entered the commands into the Command Prompt: How to Re-enable Missing Hibernate Option in Windows Vista? - Tweaking with Vishal

It sort of fixed my hibernation, now the Start Menu power button would hibernate, but more importantly the 9 second freezes started up again. I quickly ran the Hibernation File Cleaner in Disk Cleanup which is apparently what removed the hibernation option in the first place, but no luck, hibernation was now gone and the freezes still continued....................

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Fresh Installation Of Vista Home Premium Freezes System Randomly

Mar 23, 2008

After a fresh installation of Vista Home Premium, my pc freezes randomly. If i decide to wait it out it magically unfreezes but this is a constant habit. It leaves the pc clock frozen at the time of the freeze. Suprisingly it lets me play full screen games but nothing else. Reinstalled multiple times, downloaded all updates with no change. Perhaps my motherboard isnt compatible? or my graphics card is just dumb?

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Freezes At Green Start Up Bar/freezes For A Few Seconds On Desktop

Sep 3, 2009

I've an Asus f5sl laptop with Vista Home Premium (32bit) but it's been freezing on me lately. When I boot up, it gets to the black screen with the green bar but after a few seconds, the green bar freezes and I can't log in. Occasionally it boots up after around half an hour but then Vista periodically freezes for a few seconds before resuming (which is annoying when trying to write out something etc)

I don't see any problems in Safe Mode so is possibly a driver? I've updated all my drivers, completely updated using WIndows Update, ran antispyware, used System Restore etc. Only problem is; I've moved to a new country, and like a fool, I left my Vista start up disk back home. Which I would otherwise have tried.

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Vista Is Constantly Freezing Up: Freezes At Random Times While Doing Things Like Browsing The Web Or Playing A Game

Jul 14, 2009

Vista is constantly freezing up, and I really like to fix it, The cooling is good enough, The power is good enough, And the memory seems fine since I already did a memtest. It freezes at random times while doing things like browsing the web or playing a game, Ive used XP before and it had the same problem

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X64: Freezes At Welcome

May 30, 2009

have been experiencing frequent crashes, freezes, and BSOD lately and after some research decided the video card/driver might be a likely culprit. ran memtest just prior to see if RAM might be the issue; no errors. uninstalled video driver; and was prompted to restart to finalize removal of old driver. however, the system now freezes on startup at the welcome screen when starting normally or in safe mode.

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Windows XP Freezes

Mar 23, 2008

After I log on my account on windows xp, the computer starts to load and then it freezes....the recent changes I made to the computer was two things; first I installed the computer game crysis and 2nd I installed a new nvidia driver for my geforce card, anyways the computer freezes totally so I can't uninstall or change anything and then I restart using the restart button and it all happens again.

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Freezes After Booting Up

Aug 19, 2009

After booting up the computer the desktop freezes immediately. If it doesn't freeze up immediately I'll have some functionality, but minimal. I'll no longer have access to the internet (no network adapter present), can't run programs (they fail to open) or can't install programs/updates. I have even gotten a couple of Blue screen error messages such as: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

In safe mode with networking I do have access to the internet. When I try to download updates in safe mode I can't because Install shield will not work, or some other excuse. There are no restore points to restore to. There was a Windows Framework update on August 7th. I tried to uninstall it, but apparently it was never installed properly. No blue screens while in Safe Mode. I've been trying to problem solve this on my own, but with my limited computer repair skills I'm scared to try things.

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Boots, Then Freezes

Sep 22, 2009

online backup installed an update on my extremely stable Vista Home Premium. It asked me to reboot and when I clicked reboot, the system froze up. Every time I boot, it will freeze within seconds of loading the desktop.

I would seriously love to get this fixed as I have reinstalled Vista 4x, the last being 18-months ago

How may I resolve OR troubleshoot this issue? I have done a restore point back 2 weeks, but thats as far as I can go without getting an error.

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Windows Freezes

Jun 18, 2008

I'm using XP Professional x64 now cause most things really work fine on XP x64. But I'd like to use Vista with 4GB RAM!

My hardware:

Asrock Alive xFire eSATA2

AMD Athlon64 X2 5000+ tray AM2 2x2,60GHz 2x512kB

4x 1024MB DDR2RAM Kingston PC667 CL5

XpertVision / Palit 512MB X1950GT Super PCIe

500GB 3,5" Samsung SpinPoint T166 HD501LJ SATA2 7200rpm

Sharkoon Silentstorm 120 SHA500-12A 500W ATX 2.0

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Laptop Freezes More Often

Jun 7, 2008

i'm running Vista Home Premium on my laptop, 2 gb ram & it freezes. It freezes more often when left alone for 10-20min. Sometimes when moving the mouse it freezes. Task mgr. will not open so i have to shut down system. At times i get a error message & my hd is being scanned.

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Freezes In Games

Mar 5, 2009

I am having problems with my new Vista Machine. Any game I play on it ranging from "Fable-The lost Chapters" to "Call of duty 5-World at War" all freeze. They freeze at random times, it is not constant. Every time It Freezes, I can't do anything but hard reset, also there are no error messages or BSOD. I have checked the ram with memtest and all sticks passed, I checked the ram's timings and voltages, they are set to what the manual and sticker says. I checked the temperatures,everything runs at around 32-40 degrees. I have updated every driver on my rig, and reinstalled Vista, but the problem persists.

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Freezes On Startup

May 28, 2007

Today I was starting up my Custom Vista computer bought of Ebay as usual. The progress bar when starting that goes from left to right froze after liker 3 seconds. I restarted my PC using the button located on the actual computer. Then it prompted me to go into Safe Mode or Normal Mode. I went into normal mode and the same thing happened. I tried to restore my computer to an earlier date, which restored successfully, but it still freezes. I am now in Safe Mode with Networking and dont know how to get to Full Mode without it freezing.

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Freezes With All Installs

Aug 20, 2009

I just did a clean install of Vista ultimate x64. I'm having a problem, though. It seems to be very unstable when I'm starting up - if I try to open programs while the OS is still loading all my run-at-startup programs, it'll just lock up. That's not the biggest problem, though. For some reason, if I try to install ANYTHING (i.e. quicktime, my video drivers, the windows updates), the computer will install it until it gets to about 20-25% of the install, and then just slow down to a complete stop. Like, at first the progress bar won't advance. After that, the desktop icons won't highlight when you mouse over them. Then you can't move windows (minimize, maximize, etc.), and finally, you can't move your mouse.

I just had vista ultimate x64 working on my computer a few days ago, and it was stable. I had to reinstall it because I downloaded window's updates, and there's one that (after some research) I found can cause some computers to not be able to boot. I suffered that problem.

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Network Freezes The Pc

Aug 29, 2008

PC1 Vista Ultimate, main PC for file sharing. PC2 Vista Ultimate, "sees" PC1, can access shared folders on PC1. PC3 Mac running OSX, "sees" PC1, can access shared folders on PC1. As soon as any shared file (not folder) is accessed on PC1 from PC2 or PC3, PC1 freezes and needs to be restarted. All PC's show up on each others network maps. If a file on PC1 is opened, copied, or a file is sent to PC1, it freezes.

This happens with or without firewall running. My setup intention is to have PC1 hosting all the shared files and PC2 and PC3 can grab files off PC1 as well as put files on PC1. This is my first attempt at networking so bear with me. I have all computers talking to each other, just PC1 freezes during and shared file attempt.

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PC Freezes For Few Seconds

Jun 23, 2008

My Vista Ultimate-SP1 PC continuously freezes for a few seconds, it freezes then I hear a "click" noise coming from my hard drives and it works again for a while...after a couple of minutes or even less it happens again.. I have all the Vista updates and all my software and drivers up to date, I have already unsuccessfully tried everything and I' don't know how to solve this. I have not reformatted to reinstall Vista, as I learnt searching Google that other Vista users are suffering an identical problem even after several clean Vista Installs.

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X64 Freezes After Bootup

Jun 30, 2009

For a at least a month now my computer has been freezing about five minutes after starting the boot-up sequence (as in 5 minutes after hitting the power button). No BSoD or anything. Just a freeze. I have tried many different things to troubleshoot. First let me tell you my specs and then I'll tell you what I've already tried so far.

Running Windows Vista x64 SP1 now here's what I've tried so far: initially tried system restore to a point before the problem started scanned for viruses and malware using Avira, Trendmicro online scan, Avast, Superantispyware and Malwarebytes upgraded my motherboard's BIOS returned all settings to stock upped the videocard fan speeds using Rivatuner replaced the video card ran chkdsk searched google endlessly for solutions I may be forgetting other things.

I'll let you know as hey are proposed. Usually I can finally get it to boot after several tries and I can play games normally and whatnot. Just now I was finally able to get it to boot on the 5th try. Another symptom that may or may not be related is that sometimes it freezes when you attempt to do something like attach a photo to a web-based email or upload photos to an online photo site. I built this system myself and I really hope I can get this fixed. I think my wife may be losing faith in me! Let me know any other info I can post that might help. My technical proficiency is pretty high.

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Crysis Freezes

May 4, 2008

I just installed Crysis and have it running on 64 bit. I can only play for a short while until it either freezes or does the thing where windows closes it out saying it stop responding.

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SP2 Freezes During Installation

Jun 6, 2009

I have Home Premium SP1 on a Dell Dimension 9200 machine. I downloaded SP2 from Windows Update and during installation, the process freezes with the following message: !!OXCO190036!! 279614590 (WAB32.DLL). The middle set of digits changes everytime I try to reinstall SP2.

I did not deactivate my antivirus program before installing but I did use the Vista Update Readiness Tool to no avail. Now I know the "wab" file refers to an adress book in Windows. I don't use Windows Mail but Mozilla Thunderbird. Could this be causing me this problem?

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Logitech G15, Freezes

Oct 18, 2009

I play MMO's so I figured it would be a handy addition to my set up. Much to my dismay, it freezes basically any and every game that it touches. Sometimes (and only sometimes) the "unplug it and plug it back in when the game is loaded" work around actually works, but it is rare. I would love for my keyboard to just actually work without having to jump thru hoops each time I wanted to do something. Also, turning off all the extra drivers for it, well that kind of defeats the purpose of using it if i kill the drivers for it's monitor and macro keys

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Freezes When On The Interne

Mar 26, 2008

bought this new laptop,it has the defective vista installed. it freezes when on the internet. click on a link and it will freeze,remove all power to reboot. at toshiba.i see a lot of prople haveing this problem and there is a flash bios fix.that didnt fix the problem. i am thinking it is vista.i downloaded freeze yet.i will surf and see. xp pro.might be the answer.

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Constantly Freezes While Using IE Or AOL

Feb 12, 2009

I am a novice home user in need of a solution. My computer constantly freezes while I'm surfing on either IE or AOL. I get the circle that just keeps turning. the only way to get out is to reboot every time.* *This is a new HP Pavilion dv7 which is about two weeks old. Got it from Best Buy.* *I'm not sure what info is needed to help identify a problem so I'll try & provide as much as I can.*...Here is a copy of the last IE problem report~ *description*a problem caused this program

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Freezes At The Bootscreen

Mar 29, 2008

* When I start the laptop, it gets to the Vista's bootscreen (where you see the progress bar). At that point, the laptop freezes. In fact,it freezes before I can see the colored boxes in the progress-bar.

* If I force a cold shutdown (by holding down the power-button), and then restart the laptop, it might load fine and everything would be running fine (like there was never any problems).

* Assuming, it didn't freeze and loaded Vista successfully, then I would shutdown Vista through the Start button.....................

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New O/s New Install, Freezes?

Apr 13, 2008

I have built a new system for the first time, specs are in my sig, and have made the decision to use 64bit Vista as this is my gaming pc and wanted to use all available ram. Now for my problem! I have installed the O/s and downloaded all available updates. However, when i go to install some programs my windows freezes, i can't even bring up the task manager and end up having to do a hard re-start. I tried to solve this problem by downloading the latest drivers for my hardware but the same problem occurs, halfway through my system freezes. This was the case for installing my mobo drivers. As i have managed to instal some games and can play them fine i would really like to get to the bottom of my problem so i can get it in good running order.

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Game Freezes

Feb 6, 2009

i have with my newly bought CoD WaW game. I bought it from steam, so that may be where the isses lies, i have tried to re-install it several times though. The game runs flawlessly, but every 30, 40 seconds the game freezes for about 8 seconds.

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Webcam Freezes Everything

May 15, 2010

I apologize in advance for my fevered nature I'm just a little bit frustrated over this. My boyfriend bought me a Microsoft LifeCam vx-5000 today. After the initial frustration of getting my webcam to actually broadcast video via the internet I became increasingly angry over the fact that everything, even the music player I was using on a different tab froze or lagged severely after only a few seconds of my broadcasting. People would freeze or there would be a lapse in messages and then the video would start up again and/or the messages would come in droves.

My Internet works fine and is quite fast when my webcam is not on. My computer, while about 4 years old works relatively quickly and I am able to use that quickly when the webcam is on. Also, this problem only happens when the webcam is being used with the internet and nothing freezes or slows when the webcam and the internet are not connected (just using the webcam program and not utilizing say chatroulette or tinychat.) Everyone I chat with says that they can see me clearly and I do not lag or freeze at all. Also, on my computer my webcam does not freeze or lag at all. I am incredibly frustrated because internet searches have proven to be useless because everyone complains about their webcam freezing when my problem is the complete opposite.

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