Open New Window In Windows Mail?

May 22, 2009

How do I open a new window from a Windows Mail email link, rather than downloading to an exixting open window?

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Window Mail Deos Not Open Power Point

Mar 28, 2010

My windows mail does not open power point viewer can anyone tell me why

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Windows Mail And Contact Display In Mail Window

Feb 24, 2009

Can contacts be listed in the windows mail window as it was in outlook express?

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Windows Default Mail And News Warning *Every* Time Open Windows Mail Up!

Mar 7, 2009

I've had a problem for a while now. Every time I open Windows Mail up, or the news groups, I get a message saying Windows mail isn't my default mail program, and asks if I want it to be. I click yes every time, but I will still get this message when I open Windows Mail again the next day. Everything's works OK after I click this message. No other errors or anything.

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Window 7 Opens Windows Mail Not Msn Mail

Sep 3, 2009

I use msn premium,to get online, my email accounts are.msn and hotmail. when i am online and what to reply to something online, like on craiglist,vista opens window mail and not my msn email. tech suport says there is nothing i can do. it sucks. i dont like windows mail i like. msn and hotmail. maybe i should just buy a mac next time. what i need to now is if i upgrade to window 7 will i have the same problem can someone email me.

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Windoows Mail Erases Mail When Open Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I open Windows Mail it will erase all my SBC yahoo mail. I go to Yahoo Mail and all my e mails are gone. How can I change my settings so it doens't do that anymore?

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Window 7 Windows Mail Program Gone?

Sep 24, 2009

In the Windows 7 test versions released earlier this year, the built-in Windows Mail program was gone, along with Windows Photo Gallery and Windows Movie Maker applications.

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Able To Use Window Mail If Upgrade To Windows 7?

Jul 29, 2009

Will I be able to use Window Mail if I upgrade to Windows 7?

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New Message Window Opens Windows Mail

Jul 29, 2009

I had no issues with Windows Mail as my default client and a new message window would open when I clicked mailto links. Earlier today I clicked a mailto for the first time in a week or so, and it tried to open Microsoft Outlook 2003, which is also installed on my machine, but not the default mail handler. Going into the Mozilla Firefox options, I found that for some reason it was defaulting to Outlook. I changed the setting to Windows Mail, but now instead of opening the new message window, it just opens Windows Mail.

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Setting Up A Window Live Hotmail To My Windows Mail

May 29, 2008

this just always pops up: The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Windows Mail, New Stationery :: No Means Of Resizing The Window

Feb 2, 2009

In windows mail, when selecting new stationery, a small applet would allow you to choose.

Something has changed on my m/c as now that applet opens in full screen, with no means of resizing the window.

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How Minimize Windows Mail Window To Tray Icon?(

Sep 17, 2009

been working with outlook till now. is there a way to minimize the windows mail window to the tray icon?(like you could in outlook)

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Mail Defaults: Cannot Get Links To Open In Windows Mail

Feb 17, 2009

cannot get links to open in windows mail. some are public mail such as nascar, and, some are orivate emails from friends, when i defaults, it says 2 out of 3 are working. i have to keep resetting default.

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Can't Open Attachments In Windows Mail And How To Separate Them From The E-mail

Jul 29, 2009

Starting about 2 weeks ago, I can't open attachments in Windows Mail. Message says "command failed to execute" I have been reading the posts and still don't know what to do. How do I know if IE8 has been installed as an update? I'm inexperienced with technical stuff. I don't think I installed it, could it have installed on it's own as an update? Tried saving them to desktop but don't know how to separate them from the e-mail, so they still don't open.

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Unable To Open Attachments In Windows Mail: Windows Cannot Find File Name

Jul 29, 2009

There are discussions on this general subject but no aparent resolution. About two months ago I was sometimes prevented from opening photo attachments on some emails received from the same party and sometimes could open them. By this I mean, I would click on the paperclip where a list of photos would appear and I'd click on on photo and I'd get a message saying: "Windows cannot find file name (photo captions used by sender).jpg. Make sure your typed the name correctly and then try again." Well, of course I didn't type the file name; the sender did. I could click on the save attachments, and once saved to a folder I could open them from the folder. I forwarded the mail to others, and they report no problems in viewing the photos. I can also view the photos in the email itself, but it would be necessary to scan up and down and from left to right to view the whold photo and the caption would not appear.

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Cannot Open Windows Mail

Feb 27, 2010

I have been running IE8 vista on my Dell xps 630i using CA anti virus, the problem is every now and again when i click on the Windows mail icon i get a message telling me that there is another instance of mail running shut it down and reboot, I have done this I also have done the clean boot but it keeps happening

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Windows Mail Can Not Open

Nov 10, 2009

i keep getting a message that says "windows mails could nto be started. initialaze junk filtering, you computer may be out of memory or you disc is full. (0x80004005)" once that message is gone another message the saying "windows mail could not be started because MSOE.DLL could not be initialized" i am not using google toolbar or McAfree or Nortan, i am using AVG How could i fix this problem?

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Can't Open Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Frequently I can't open Windows Mail. I discovered that it's still running in the background under Processes but it's not showing in Applications. The only way I can open Mail is the shut down WinMail.exe in processes. Does anyone know if there's a fix for this or is it just one of those glitches that Vista has? This only started happening a few months ago.

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Windows Mail Cannot Open

Oct 21, 2009

When I am on a website & hit contact us, I get a message saying windows mail cannot open because another program is using it. maybe a virus scanner. I get a error 0x800C0155,2. Also something about MSOE,DLL can' find. What do I need to do to correct this?

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Windows Mail Will Not Open

Feb 25, 2010

W. Mail sends this message - "This application has requested the run time to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application support team for more information." I have tried everything even going through the laborious Help procedures offered

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Open Folder In Same Window?

Sep 19, 2008

i can't get my vista machine to open a folder in the same window. Since about 3 days ago, my folders open up in their own windows and to my knowledge, nothing has changed. The option is checked in the folders option area, but no luck. Even tried numerous registry entries with no luck as well. From what i've heard, this was an old vista bug from pre-sp1 days, but i can't seem to find a fix if any.

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Open Window Size 1/4

Nov 12, 2009

Running Windows Vista and Internet Explorer. Don't know what I did, but now when I open a new window with a link off of my homepage it will open a new window at only about 1/4 size. How do I fix it to open a full page?

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Cannot Open The Window Not Enough Memory

Apr 11, 2008

I just started using Windows Mail today and haven't used much memory but when I click on the "create mail" tab to write a new email it gives an error message saying it cannot open the window because there is not enough memory.

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Can Not Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 5, 2009

Recently I can not open attachments in Windows Mail. I'll get the message :WindowsSystem32xxx.xls or xxx.doc can not be found. How can I solve this problem, in the past I did not have this problem....

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I Cannot Open .doc Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 10, 2009

Right out of the blue I cannot open attachments with a .doc extention..I can open PDF attachments but not .doc. I use Open Office latest version. I can however save these attachments (usually resumes, I am a recruiter) to a folder on my desk top and view them from the folder. When I do try to open these resumes within windows mail I get an error window that says "c:windowssystem32 henthedocumentname.

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Windows Mail Wont Open

Oct 6, 2009

widows mail could not be started the app was unable to open windows mail is is currently being used by another program.. what is wtrong with windows mail

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Cannot Open Jpg Attachment In Windows Mail

Apr 9, 2009

Incoming jpg photo attachments cannot be opened. When I click on an attached file, the message "Windows can't find jpg file" appears. Get the same error if I want to open an outgoing jpg file. Have not made any changes to the computer other than adding IE8, but this problem occured before installing that. Reboots don't help and haven't found anything in troubleshooting that addresses this issue.

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Attachments To Open On Windows Mail

Apr 15, 2009

I am having problems getting attachments to open on my Windows Mail. This started about a week ago right after I had to re-install McAfee Antivirus. I thought it had something to do with that so I went into it and disabled the email scan. It did not fix the problem. I also had SpySweeper installed on my computer but was told that with McAfee, I did not need it. So, I uninstalled it and it still didn't fix the problem. I also went into tools>options>security and made sure the option for "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus" was not checked and it isn't.

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Cant Open Attachments In Windows Mail

Apr 22, 2008

vista/windows mail/office 2007 all installed. Error message to set associations in control panel. Have done this many times and seems that the correct icon is listed though when I go through the "change file association", the check box for "associate all the time" is greyed out so I cannot check it. If I save the attachments to the desktop, they open just fine but I want to be able to open them in Windows Mail. I saw the fix for .doc attachments. Is there one for exe also? Would I have to fix each extension/file type that I wish to open while in Window Mail.

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Windows Mail Attachment Does Not Open

Jul 29, 2009

Recently my Vista Home Premium's Windows Mail developed a(nother) new problem. When I click on an attachment, it does not open. My left click is ignored. I keep current with upgrades. This laptop has always had a screwy copy of windows. I'm looking forward to Windows 7. I hope it has drivers for my 2+ year old Acer Aspire 5610. But I'll lose about 20% of my apps, because I either don't have the CD's
anymore, or I downloaded the app.

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Cannot Open Attachments In Windows Mail ...

Mar 23, 2008

I have been reading all the messages from other who cannot open any attachment in Windows Mail. I have also tried all the suggestions but so far nothings is working for me. It doesn't seem to matter the extension (.jpeg, .htm, .wmv, .gif) none of them open. My screen fades out and I get "windows not responding" and have to close the program.

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