Multiple Mailboxes, Log Out

Mar 23, 2008

Can I have 2 mailboxes that download from different email addresses? I don't want to log out and log in as a different user. Ideally it would work just like the identities in Outlook express or something close to that.

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Email Passwords: Set The Mailboxes

Mar 23, 2008

Vista Home Premium x64, Office XP with Service Pack 3. I set up my Outlook? 2002 (10.6515.6626) to do my email but it will not remember my passwords. Every time I open the program it tells me I need to enter my password. I do so and I check the box to remember the password. It does the same thing when I go to send an email. It does the same thing if I go in through "Tools - E-mail accounts" and set the mailboxes up all over again. It will not remember my passwords.

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Viewing Other Users Mailboxes On Windows Mail

Jun 9, 2009

I recently purchased a new PC with Windows Vista (R) Home Premium + Windows Mail pre-installed. I set up Vista with two users, both on administrator status. Both users use the same common email address & ISP provider to send & receive emails. When either user connects to Windows Mail the new emails download into their user mailbox & the other user cannot view them. I wish to configure Windows Mail so emails will download into both users mailboxes at the same time, irrespective of which user is logged on. This is required so either user can view all the emails received & can reply to any of them.

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Multiple Emails

Feb 19, 2009

I have been using Windows Mail for about 18 months without having this problem until now. The day before yesterday I reset my POP3 password, and ever since then I have been receiving multiple copies of every email. I have three separate user accounts (let's call them Tom, Dick & Harry), with rules set up to put Tom's mail in a folder called 'Tom's Mail', etc. This has always worked just fine. But after I reset the password, I started getting three copies of each email. They still went to the correct folder, but I got three. As an experiment, I added a fourth user account (Bill), and now I get FOUR copies of every email, still going to the correct folders.

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Multiple Games Not Run?

Mar 23, 2008

I tried browsing the forum for something to help me, but nothing seemed to fit my problem. And yet games like Doom 3, Counter-Strike Source and Crysis can't run on my PC faster than 10 FPS on their lowest settings. tell me why my5 year olf P4 2gHz, 1gb SDRAM, GeForce 2 (128mb) with XP can run all of those fine and why my 1 year old PC cannot- and what I can do to fix this besides changing my OS?

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Show Multiple Accounts?

Aug 6, 2009

I have been using vista for years but just now am finding it necessary to make a second use profile.

Im using vista x64 and even after I have made the new account and can see it under "user accounts" in control panel it wont show up on the screen when I press "switch user" or "Log off"

How do i get the second account to show up?

EDIT: I just deleted and recreated the account and its fine now.

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Multiple Apps Not Responding..

Sep 26, 2009

I've recently built a new PC, and this is the first time I've gone for vista. Was previously an XP32 / Ubuntu fan so this is new to me.

I have a rather strange issue that I can't pinpoint the cause on.

After some time (maybe a few hours), firefox will stop working. It doesn't crash, but it just won't load any pages, it just "hangs". The same thing will happen for IE. If i close firefox the window closes, but its still in task manager.

I can't kill the process, well I can click kill, but it doesnt go. I can't load up firefox cos its already running (apparently), and I can't shut the system down, presumably because of this firefox process still running.

I get the same with uTorrent, after about an hour it stops responding and prevents me from shutting down the system.

At the moment I have to just switch the PC off at the mains, and I'm not sure this is a healthy practice.

I was running Avast, Zonealarm. but I have since uninstalled those. I still have the same issue, even if i disable the windows firewall etc.

Any ideas? I've tried googling but it just returns threads suggesting to uninstall antivirus/firewalls

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Multiple Wireless Network Of The Same Name

Jul 24, 2008

I connect my laptop (Thinkpad X60S on Vista Business) to a WRT54G linksys wireless router and let's say my SSID is HOME.

My problem is this: When I try to connect Vista sees 3 and sometimes 4 networks of the same SSID, e.g. HOME, HOME (2), HOME (3) and HOME (4). It is the same network. Why is this happening and how do I solve it?

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Multiple Desktops In Ultimate X64

Jul 29, 2009

Is it possible to enable multiple desktops in Vista.? Also can I have seperate desktop backgrounds on each monitor (2 or more).? I have no problem doing this with XP.

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Multiple Email Accounts

Oct 11, 2009

I'm trying to set up my Windows Mail for multiple email accounts, but it's combining all the messages together. All the messages from all the accounts are going into one main local Inbox in Windows Mail. I want to keep the messages and individual folders for each email account separate. How do I do that?

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Opening Multiple Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista and Adobe Photoshop configured to open picture files. I am trying to open several files (jpg) at the same time, selecting them and using the File-Open option. Problem is, that option now only works with up to 15 files; it disappears with 16 or more. Same with the "Open With" option. This was not a problem with XP. Does anyone know if there is a setting to change this limit?

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Multiple Instances Of App And One Db Across I7's Processors

Mar 8, 2009

I'm trying to run multiple instances of a single (statistical) application on an Intel i7 machine so the instances can take advantages of all the processors. I have one wrinkle where I hope all the experts here would be able to help out. This application uses an MS Access db where all the data is stored. Ideally, it would be great if Vista and i7 would parallel process one instance of the app and the single db across all the processors. But after reading what multiple processors really means for today's apps, I realize that multiple processing/threading is an application issue. This is a statistical application that's not programmed for multi-processnig/threading.

So far, I was able to run two instances of the app against the single db. One instance as the admin user (I'm not sure if my terminology is correct) and another as admin. This is within the same user account. Both instances run different statistics against the same db on different processors. So i'm maximizing two processors.

Now can the experts out there tell me how I could launch two more instances of that app while still using the same db? I tried launching a third within the admin user accout but it said one instance already running. So I tried launching the third as admin but again said instance running. I also created another user account and ran it but it couldn't open the existing db. It need another db. I tried running as admin and still same.

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Multiple Email Accounts Through Cox

May 16, 2008

I have a main email account and multiple aditional accounts through cox. In windows mail all the accounts appear but only the main one recieves any mail. I can send mail from any account just not receive.

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Multiple DOCUMENTS Folders

Nov 23, 2009

I built a new computer and installed clean Vista Ultimate 64bit. I had backed up all my documents to an external drive. After installing Office 2007 on the newly rebuilt machine I opened the Documents folder and copied all of my documents back. However, now I have 2 Documents folders, one with only the Desktop.ini in it and the other with ANOTHER Documents folder with all of my documents (basically a DOCUMENTS folder under a top level DOCUMENTS folder). Why is this happening? How do I fix it so that I only have ONE Documents folder?

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How Enable The Multiple Identities

Mar 23, 2008

In Outlook Express i had an option of creating identities, which seems to be missing in Windows Mail. How can i enable that option? I know i can use different accounts but i'd like to separate the mailboxes more.

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Multiple Select Inability

Mar 23, 2008

a solution to the "multiple select" problem in Vista? I'm referring to the inability to use "Shift-Select" and "Control-Select" on groups of names or files in Vista without loosing some of the selections.

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Installed SP1 Multiple Crashes

May 26, 2008

In the last few weeks, my Vista pc has been crashing an average of 3-5 times a day. No apparent cause - it just up and reboots. It doesn't matter what software I am using at the time, or even if the computer is in standby mode. It just restarts itself with increasing frequency. Is there a way to figure out what the heck is causing the crash? I have updated every driver I know of, and keep Vista updated (yes, I have installed SP1 - maybe that's the problem).

By way of additional information, I have had this pc for a little over a year. It worked fine for most of that time, with only the usual intermittent windows crash. But over the last few weeks (maybe a month or so), it has just started crashing like crazy. I'm at a loss of what to do other than scrap Vista and go back to XP, or try one of the linux variants. I would rather get Vista working, since I paid for the piece of junk. But I am about ready to try something else - it couldn't possibly be any worse.

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Multiple Contact Folders

May 29, 2009

I posted this in the mail forum and then found this group. Please excuse the double posting. hen i moved to vista windows mail from xp outlook express, I combined 3 identities address books. I made contact folders for each one. However, when I try to select recipients the total contact list appears. Is there a way to just bring up the contact folder I need when creating emails?

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How To Scan Multiple Pages

May 27, 2008

How to scan multiple pages and save as one single file without document feeder?

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Does Recognize Multiple Cores?

Mar 23, 2008

i recently got the ASUS M3A mobo with the AMD Phenom 9600 and 4 gigs of ddr2 1066 crucial ballistix ram from a friend for a steal of a deal. It has been used, but all working on a windows XP machine. He moved over to Intel and installed all of this into another box for me, and i put vista on it. However now, i am only seeing 1 cpu no matter what program i use(task manager, cpuid, pcwizard, HWMonitor) and the ram is running at ddr2-800 (pc6400).I updated the bios to beta version 0601, was running 0301(initial release).

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How Run Multiple OS's Operating System

Aug 15, 2008

I am considering installing a second operating system on my computer. I am currently running Vista HP x64, which is great, but I would still like to have the simple Windows XP available just for the sake of accessibility. I already have a bit of an idea how I would go about this, but I haven't done it before. When I installed Vista, I didn't notice if it gave me the option to customize the size of the Windows partition Vista was to be installed on like other versions of windows do during installation. I'd like to know from someone who is running multiple OS's how to configure my hard drive's partitions so that xp can be installed as well. Should I uninstall Vista and install xp on half then put vista on again or do I have other options like virtual computer (of which I know nothing and heard about on another site). Anything I should know?

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Signatures For Multiple Accounts

Jun 1, 2008

I am trying to set up signatures for 5 accounts. I have followed the instruction given by Microsoft, but either I get the default signature on all 5 accounts, or no signature on any account and no option to even insert the signature manually. Anyone had this issue and found a solution?

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Multiple Monitors Update??

Sep 18, 2009

Windows Seven OS. From Home basic to Ultimate have their Multi Monitors features right? Is there any future update of that Multiple monitors features for Windows Vista Users?

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How To Delete Multiple Profiles?

Nov 12, 2009

I've had a search and can't find out how to delete multiple profiles in Vista Business 32-bit. We have 20 machines in each lab, and we need to delete all profiles on each machine except for 2 profiles. How can we do this without deleting each profile one at a time? The profiles are all stored locally, and there are about 150 on each machine.

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Multiple Printing Not Working

Jul 31, 2009

We just purchased two new Vista machines (1 laptop, 1 desktop) for our church office, both running 32 bit Home Premium. I am running an account with (as far as I know) complete admin access. We have a network printer which has its own IP address assigned by the router. All three pieces of hardware run through our WRT54G router. I have tried to install the network printer on both machines. With the laptop, Vista's "Add Printer" wizard found the printer and installed it without a hitch. The laptop can print perfectly fine.

However, the desktop is having several printing issues. First I attached an HP USB printer to it. Vista seemed to install the drivers just fine, but I didn't do a test print to make sure that it worked. A few days later I tried to add the network printer as I did with the laptop, but things started going bad! If I select the option of installing a local USB printer the wizard hangs and tells me its "not responding"............

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Using Multiple Graphic Cards

Mar 29, 2008

I've got 2 displays atached to my ATI X1950XT wich has 2 DVI connectors. Now the thing is that I would like to install a third display using my second graphic card ( NOTE! its different ) its a old PCI with only one vga but how do I install it in VISTA? Does Vista support multiple graphic drivers?

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Add Multiple Addresses To E-mail?

May 27, 2008

I have an address book of nearly 1000 names and I would like to send an single email to everyone on my list. It is simply not practical to hold down the control key and click on every address. What else can I do. There is no "select all" button.

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Multiple Monitors Resolution

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Samsung LCD 720P HDTV 32" that I have been using as a secondary monitor. I just bought a new computer (HP Elite M9060N) with vista on it and a Geforce 8500GTS NVIDIA card (factory installed). When I try to extend my desktop onto my tv (using Dualview) it doesn't fill the entire screen. It leaves a black ring around the outside. I've tried adjusting the resolution, but it doesn't work. In addition to the ring, the resolution on the tv looks horrible. I have the refresh rate maxed out and tried flip flopping which monitor is my primary but just can't seem to get it to work. I'm also using a Samsung LCD 20" monitor and connecting my extra monitor with an HDMI cable.

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Multiple Received E-mails

Jun 26, 2008

I receive multiple e-mails from the same sender. Example, the same e-mail is received a thousand times.

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Multiple Security Are Not Installed

Aug 28, 2008

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit and I am having several security problems:

1) Many updates are not being installed. There are two recurring error code numbers: 80242016 and 800F0816.
2) I've had my computer set for automatic updates and always after "Configuring Updates" I get the "Startup Repair" screen. It does its thing for about five minutes and I am able to successfully log in.
3) I instructed Windows not to automatically install updates but to download and notify me before installing. However it keeps trying to install and going through a "Configuring Updates" loop (at seemingly random times) followed always by the "Startup Repair" problem.
4) Security Center now tells me that Windows Defender is out-of-date (anti-spyware) but when I try to update it tells me it "can't update definitions".
5) Beside the "Updates were installed" line on the main updates screen I have the word "Never".
6) Once this morning after going through "Startup Repair" and logging in I was presented with a blank light blue screen! That freaked me out. I feared a total crash. However I was able to manually shut down and successfully log in.
7) Security Center is prompting me to turn automatic updates back on and update my alware protection (i.e. Windows Defender).

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Cannot Open Multiple Files

Mar 23, 2008

I've been using Vista x64 Ultimate. upgraded to SP1 (windows update offered it). Now, I've noticed a problem where I cannot open multiple files (using explorer) at the same time if they are of different type.

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