Multiple Monitors Resolution

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Samsung LCD 720P HDTV 32" that I have been using as a secondary monitor. I just bought a new computer (HP Elite M9060N) with vista on it and a Geforce 8500GTS NVIDIA card (factory installed). When I try to extend my desktop onto my tv (using Dualview) it doesn't fill the entire screen. It leaves a black ring around the outside. I've tried adjusting the resolution, but it doesn't work. In addition to the ring, the resolution on the tv looks horrible. I have the refresh rate maxed out and tried flip flopping which monitor is my primary but just can't seem to get it to work. I'm also using a Samsung LCD 20" monitor and connecting my extra monitor with an HDMI cable.

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Multiple Monitors Resolution: Doesn't Fill Entire Screen

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Samsung LCD 720P HDTV 32" that I have been using as a secondary monitor. I just bought a new computer (HP Elite M9060N) with vista on it and a Geforce 8500GTS NVIDIA card (factory installed). When I try to extend my desktop onto my tv (using Dualview) it doesn't fill the entire screen. It leaves a black ring around the outside. I've tried adjusting the resolution, but it doesn't work. In addition to the ring, the resolution on the tv looks horrible. I have the refresh rate maxed out and tried flip flopping which monitor is my primary but just can't seem to get it to work. I'm also using a Samsung LCD 20" monitor and connecting my extra monitor with an HDMI cable.........

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Dual Monitors: Can Edit Resolution In 1 But Not 2

Mar 27, 2008

My graphic card is NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT WDDM. One old LCD monitor which is non PnP and one new 24" acer LCD monitor which is a PnP monitor. Both monitors displayed the boot up information from the BIOS when booting up. The old monitor screen became blank when the Windows "welcome" message appeared. The Windows system recoginsed two monitors presented one PnP and one non PnP but can't recongised it under the display setup monitor. It only display 1 multi monitor on NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT and 2 general non PnP monitor on NVIDA GeForce 7600 GT. I can edit the resolution in 1 but not 2. I tried to swap the cable slots between the monitors and the new one always became the main monitor.

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Multiple Monitors Update??

Sep 18, 2009

Windows Seven OS. From Home basic to Ultimate have their Multi Monitors features right? Is there any future update of that Multiple monitors features for Windows Vista Users?

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Multiple Monitors: Does Not Detect Second Monitor

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently purchased a new quad-core, Vista PC with dual NVidia cards. I am trying to set up multiple monitors, but the second monitor does not seem to be recognized - although the display under control panel sees two monitors. When I connect everything and reboot, the second monitor stays in power save mode. I am guessing that the PC is not really "seeing" the second monitor and the two in the display is a mirror, but am unsure on how to verify this. Is there a way to force it to detect the new hardware? Windows Vista helps and support says it should auto-detect, but if it does not, I cannot find a work around to force it to see this new monitor.

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Display Background Image Across Multiple Monitors

Mar 18, 2007

I am a multi-monitor Windows Vista user ever since I got hooked on multiple monitor at work. Two monitors make doing multiple tasks at one so much easier.  If I am working on an article or trying to be creative in Photoshop, everything is just much easier because I always have multiple applications open at once.  One feature that I wish I had as soon as I purchased my two monitors and hooked them up was the ability to stretch my wallpaper across both monitors.  I wanted to use a very large and wide photo as my background that would like cool displayed across both monitors. Something like the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco or a cityscape.   After installing and uninstalling Ultra Mon, a third-party shareware utility that I heard is great for multi-monitors, I wanted a easier solution and not something that I had to run in the background.  A few weeks go by until I accidentally stumble across how to natively stretch your wallpaper across multiple monitors.   Follow these steps in to display a large image across multiple monitors: ...

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Extended Desktop To Multiple Monitors When Screen Saver

Apr 23, 2008

I have a Vista Ultimate laptop connected to two monitors. I can extend my desktop to the second monitor just fine. But when I come back from a meeting, and my screen saver has been on, my desktop is no longer extended. Both monitors show the display for monitor 1.

The setting is still correct under Display settings and I can fix the issue by changing Monitor 2 to be the main monitor and then switching it back to Monitor 1 being the main monitor.

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Same Display On Two Monitors

Mar 23, 2008

I have two monitors: both work fine. However, somehow, while attempting to get the external monitor to display and not the laptop's monitor, I ended up with an extended view of the desktop on both. Laptop is Vista Home Edition.I followed the link to set up Dualview, but there wasn't anything in there
to tell me how to reverse it.
I don't need the desktop to be extended across both monitors.I simply want the external monitor to display the same thing as my laptop or have the laptop monitor be blank. I need an external monitor, because the screen on the laptop is cracked.

My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite and within one week of buying it at Best Buy, the screen cracked. (It was in a metal laptop case and did not sustain any trauma, so there is no reason for it to have cracked. Best Buy basically told me to stuff it and tried to charge me for an estimate when I brought it in for other problems with it. Toshiba has yet to respond to my letter about the problem.

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Crossfire With Two Monitors?

May 29, 2009

A co-worker just told me that if I add a second ATI HD4850 card to my Gateway FX6800-01e computer, and crossfire them, I will loose my current dual monitor mode. In other words, he says that crossfire allows only for one monitor! Is this a correct statement?

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Setup For 3 Monitors

Mar 11, 2009

My boss would like a TV connected to her PC which is already running 2 monitors. She would only use the TV when giving a presentation or training. I was wondering what would be the best way to go about this - a) buy a new video card with 3 outputs, or b) just buy another video card. If I just need to buy another video card are there anything I need to consider?

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How Do Multible Monitors

Mar 23, 2008

i have my main monitor and to the right of that i have my secound montior but i have to move the move poiter to the left for it to show up on the secound monitor. so i need it to be oppisit.

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Sidebar - 2 Monitors

Oct 19, 2008

I run two monitors with my desktop "extended" over both. All has been well with the Sidebar sitting pretty on my main monitor (which, incidentally is on the right-hand side on my desk). However, I suddenly found, upon booting up one morning, that my settings had disappeared. I have reset them, but I now find that the Sidebar is sitting on my No#2 monitor, which effectively means that it is in the middle of my desktop, if you follow me. This isn't a show-stopper for me, although I sometime don't switch the No#2 monitor on. I'm trying to find a way to reposition the sidebar, as all I seem to be able to do is turn it on and off.

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2 Identical Monitors And Different Resolutions

Jul 28, 2008

I have two identical Syncmaster 205BW Monitors running on my 9800GX2 card. I want to run at 1400 x 1050 as that looks the best and font size.

BUT monitor 1. has a top available resolution of 1400 x 1050 at highest 32 Bit (slider is hard to the right). This is the Main Monitor.
Monitor 2 does NOT have 1400 x 1050 available and I have to run it at 1440 x 900 and there are more available higher settings right thru to 1680 x 1050.

Note when these same two monitors were connected to my previous 8800GTX on a Vista 32 bit system, they both ran fine at 1400 x 1050.

I have latest monitor inf from Samsung.

I note that in Control Panel/Personalize/Display settings, there is a ghost 3rd small monitor icon showing as 'Default Monitor' and it is greyed out. Not sure how to remove this or if it has any bearing?

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Monitors Not Working Properly

Jun 1, 2009

I've tried several things like updating the Nvidia drivers and still it don't put them in power saving mode. I don't know what else to do as it's frustrating to come down in the morning and see that the damn things have been on all night!

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Dual Monitors Taskbar

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using multimon taskbar 2.1. My second monitor is above my primary, so I move my most out the top of my primary to reach my secondary, and down my secondary to return to my primary. So in Display Settings, my monitors look thusly:


In order for multimon to work, it says they must be...............

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Supports Dual Monitors?

Jun 6, 2008

i'm planning on getting the ATI Radeon X1600 Pro AGP and i'm wondering if it will support dual monitors through the vga and dvi input..

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Recommend Dual Monitors?

Feb 21, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista 32 bit Home blah, blah, blah, with a NVIDIA GEForce 6150 graphics card. I have 2 monitors, but believe I need to purchase another video/graphics card. Anyone smarter than me out there (that was meant to be self depricating), that could recommend a plain jain, cheap graphics card so I can hook up my second monitor? I'm not into gaming, just love having two monitors at work, and once you have two, you can't handle one, right?

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Video Cards And Software And Run 3 Monitors At Once

Aug 10, 2008

What video cards and software would I need to run 3 monitors at once? I'd like to keep running dual monitors, but also output to my tv as well. I have an GeForce 8500 GT on it right now and 2 open PCI express slots.

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CPU Temp Monitors Give Different Readings?

Oct 17, 2008

I have a couple..

RealTemp & Core Temp.

They both give different readings.

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Microsoft Programable Mouse For Two Monitors

Aug 11, 2009

I have two identical monitors for one computer running Vista with two identical graphics cards. My arrow indicator jumps to the wrong monitor screen and is hard to return to the intended original monitor. Can the Microsoft Programmable Mouse, or other mouse, be programed with arrow indicator to left monitor/arrow indicator to right monitor switch? How? I have a Dell mouse now.

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10 Monitors On Windows On 5 Graphic Cards

Aug 22, 2008

Is it possible to insert 5 graphic cards with dual DVI outputs in order to display Windows Vista desktop on 10 monitors (5 cards x 2 outputs)? What I need is a one big desktop that is stretched to all 10 monitors. And I need configuration of 5 monitors in one row, so I have two rows with 5 monitors in each.

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Monitors On Two Cards Stop Working

Sep 12, 2008

I used to run three monitors on two cards, one pci and the other AGP. Somewhere along the line, (maybe when I went to XP64), this stopped working. I now have a PCI express card which cheerfully runs two monitors but if I put in an old, dual monitor PCI card it doesn't seem to be recognized. Is this a known issue and is there a way around it?

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Dual Monitors In ATI Radeon HD 3200

Jun 19, 2009

I've got the two monitors hooked up to the splitter cable, I open "personalize" display and it tells me monitor two is "not active". It does, however, display Monitor 1 as a clone. How do I activate the second monitor so that when I extend the desktop I can open up windows separately? Something in the driver configuration I'm missing?

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No Video Output With Dual Monitors

Mar 30, 2008

I have a Nvidia 7800 which i recently hooked up another monitor too(dual dvi) I now have no video from media player, quicktime, etc.. Only web based video works(which is weird because the web based video is running wmp. When i unplug monitor 2 the video works fine again, after a reboot and the like of course. Anyone know wuts going on here? Sound and everything else works fine, its just showing a black screen on the players.

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Dual Monitors: Different Background Display Possible?

Apr 22, 2009

I have NVidia video card and 2 monitors. Both monitors are set to mode: "Configured indepedently from each other (Dualview)." Everything is fine, except that both monitors use the same wallpaper. Is it possible to set up a different background display for each monitor?

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Do Not Screen Savers And Turning Off Monitors

Apr 14, 2010

My Windows Vista Home Premium continuously freezes after a short period of not using it. It can vary from 30 minutes to an hour or two. I do not have screen savers and turning off monitors or hard disks on. I've checked a couple of the forum threads here(Windows freezes in idle time).

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Independent Desktops Connected 2 Monitors

Nov 27, 2008

i recently connected 2 monitors on my computer. but i play a lot of games and they are played in fullscreen mode. i also talk to some people who dont have mics on skype or aim. but when i click on the other desktop to talk to someone on aim, my game minimizes. i understand why this happens, cuz the other monitor is just an extension of my current one, but i still would like to keep my game in fullscreen mode when i click on my other desktop, any help on doing this? i also noticed when i play certain games, i cant get my mouse to the other desktop, anyway to make it go and stay on the game as well?

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Video Card:run Two Monitors, 1 Digital And 1 Analog

Jun 27, 2008

I have a Pavilion a6460a. It appears to have a Geforce 8500 GT 512mb Video card. There is no Analog connection. I need to run two monitors, 1 digital and 1 analog. Will the Dual Link DVI with some kind of an adaptor run these two monitors?

1 NO?
2 Inadvisable? (I don't know what "Dual Link means")
3 I need to change my video card

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2 Differing Nvidia Cards.running 3 Monitors

Mar 2, 2008

interested in running 3 monitors than SLi. I have 2 differing nvidia cards here, a 7300gt and an 8400gs. In theory they should work in the same system no? If I make the 8400 my main card and the 7300 my secondary 2 wide screens off the 8400 and an older 19" non wide off the 7300 should work right?Worked in xp I think. but get gave me a 4.3 for my 7300, and a 3.5 for my 8400.

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Nvidia GeForce 8800GT And Dual Monitors Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I seem to have a similiar problem. I'm running Vista Home Premium with Nvidia GeForce 8800GT connected via DVI to two ViewSonic VP2030B Monitors.

For some reason I cannot get them into dual mode.

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Graphic Card Support Dual 1920x1200 Monitors?

May 29, 2008

I would like to have two 24" monitors, each setup at 1920x1200 resolution, on a single PCI express 16x graphics card, running Aero across the 2 monitors. Is there any graphics card out there that would support this scenario? Can't find the answer in any of the graphics chips manafucturers' websites

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