Missing Task Bar After Update Sp1

Mar 23, 2008

Anyone know the problem the taskbar disapear after install vista SP1.

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Task Bar Is Missing

Mar 23, 2009

I have a system in which the Task Bar is missing - but the start button is there - only the bar is missing - or you can say i cannot see it.

What will be the Fix for it.

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File->Run Missing In Task Manager

Nov 25, 2009

I lost my desktop and Task Manager. I could still see my start menu. I followed instructions on the forum to enable my Task Manager again using the admin cmd prompt and running a script ws... vbs something. Now I have Task Manager but when I click File, the only choice I have is Exit Task Manager. I thought that if I kill the process Explorer.exe and restart it, it will restore my desktop icons and the task bar at the bottom of my screen. I killed the process but couldn't restart it. I did a shutdown from Task Manager, but on reboot the problem still exists. I already tried system restore and have run a full norton scan.

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Missing Desktop, Taskbar, Task Manager, Start Menu

May 31, 2008

So basically, a few weeks after i got Vista i tried to install Stellarium (freeware astronomy program), which crashed my computer. I restarted, and after typing in my password I get "My Documents" open on a black screen, nothing else, no taskbar or desktop icons or anything. When i try to open the "taskbar and start menu" icon in Control Panel, nothing happens. Also, when I Ctrl-Alt-Del the usual screen comes up, but the task manager is no longer an option, and i can't think of how to access it or my taskbar. I've installed all the servfice packs and they haven't helped.

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Java Update Icon Appears In Task Tray

Mar 30, 2008

Shortly after installing Vista Service Pack 1, I discovered an icon in my task tray that urges me to update Java. I am a user only. Don't even know or care what Java is unless it's needed on my pc. I don't do games or other resource-intense stuff like music. I do do a lot of photos, Word docs, and financial things. Do I need this update, and if not, how the blazes do I get it off my task tray?

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Blank Box Task Manger Stop Update Process

Oct 29, 2008

running vista home prem. when i go to windows update I just get a blank box. the only way to close it is to go to task manager and stop the update process . there are no error messages

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After Update: Part Of The Toolbar Is Missing

Mar 23, 2008

Every time I install recommended updates when I restart my computer my shortcuts are way smaller. Part of the toolbar is missing to the right and there is a black stripe about 3 inches wide down the left side of my screen. When i uninstall it is fixed

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SP1 Fails: Missing Update KB947821

Mar 23, 2008

SP1 fails and tells me I'm missing update KB947821. I have now installed it successfully four times but SP1 fails and gives me the same message. What should I do?

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Mail Images Missing - Windows Update?

Oct 15, 2009

Having had no mail problems previously, following the installation of 16 Windows Updates today I find that suddenly none of my Windows Mail messages contain any images (not even a red X). I've checked the security settings, but they haven't changed. The only Windows security product I'm using is Defender's Firewall, whle virus and spyware checking is from AVG (Free). I'm running on Vista Home Premium SP2 (32-bit).

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Update Vista Message Missing File Empvgscxaus.dll

Mar 23, 2008

i recently got a hp windows vista notebook, (i am new to windows vista) after setting it up i connected to the internet to get software updates and once i was done this message came up (error in C:usersownerappdatalocal empvgscxaus.dll - missing entry:run) since this has come up, now when i log into windows the message appears instead of the main background with no desktop icons, so nothing is starting up has anyone out there every heard of this problem or have i done something wrong in the setup stage.

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Scheduled Task - States Task Ran - No Results

Mar 8, 2009

I have a bat file that runs without errors on the command line. Uses robocopy to back up document drectory. The scheduler history states it started, action completed with an error code 16 (don't know what this means) and task successfully completed? But I do not think it is actually executing the bat file.

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Cannot Delete Task In Task Scheduler

Mar 9, 2010

When I open task scheduler a pop up says "an error has occurred for task MCVsurveyReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid.". It repeats 4 time when i click OK and is followed by 4 of "an error has occurred for task MCVregistrationReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid". And finally by "an error occurred for task reminders - username Error message the specified account name is not valid"

I think it is something to do with a task to register my vaio or take part in a survey but I cannot get rid. It is in task scheduler local and there is no delete. I found a similar situation on the vaio site but cannot find now.Found it http://club.vaio.sony.eu/clubvaio/gb...7&lastpage=yes

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Memory, Can't Right CLick, Missing Menubar, Missing Menu Commands

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc. Like...

Can't Right CLick
Missing Menubar
Missing Menu Commands
Thing won't open
History Dropdown list in IE Messed up!

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right? What's the cause? How do I fix it?

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When Try To Install That Update For Windows Update Get Error Code 80070643.

Apr 11, 2008

That is the message I get from the icon in my Vista tray. When I try to manually check for Windows Updates I get the message that I need to "first install an update for Windows Update". When I try to install that update for Windows Update, I get error code 80070643. There is a lot written about Windows Update error 80070643 having specifically to do with restarting the Office Source Engine for Microsoft Office 2003. HOWEVER, I do not have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on my system and this is not my issue! I am quite fearful at this point that I am vulnerable to all sorts of attacks considering that I haven't updated Vista for about 6 months now. This is not good.

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Java JRE6, Update 10, Downloaded And Installed The Update

Oct 22, 2008

As far as I can determine, this update (released 22Oct08) does not work, at least not with Windows Vista Home Premium. I had update 7 running, and got an update notification for Release 10 earlier today. Downloaded and installed the update, tried the Java test page, Firefox (both 3.0.3 and today's Minefield beta-test for Firefox 3.1) hung. Tried the update in IE7, that, too, hung.

Went to Control Panel, clicked on the Java icon, had some problems opening it; when it did finally open, I went into Advanced and found that Update 10 was not recognizing IE. Opened IE, redownloaded the off-line update, to see if that worked; answer is, no, it still did not recognize IE. Back to Java, found the off-line installed for Update 7, removed 10, reinstalled 7; Java works once again. In the midst of this aggravation, trying to figure out what the problem was, I did find one link to an article that said Update 10 had been delayed due to some unspecified problem. Seems to me that, at least for Vista Home Premium, there is still at least one unspecified problem with Update 10.

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Windows Update :: The Page Failed To Load, Update

Oct 13, 2008

when going to the windows update window,i get a white blank page and it says "the page failed to load"i did restart, same issue.

what is it all about?

and another thing, i don't have a Floppy drive in my computer however a Floppy A: drive is present in "Computer" how can i remove it from the list?

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Configure Windows Update To Update All Microsoft Apps On Your PC

May 6, 2007

Microsoft Update was first released a few years ago for Windows XP and Server 2003 as a great way to update all of your Microsoft software installed on your PC. Not only would it update Windows, but it would also update Microsoft Office.  Are you a Microsoft Outlook user? If so, Microsoft Update would even download updated junk mail signatures when they are released.

In Windows Vista the new Windows Update application is no longer web-based. Microsoft has built-in the old Microsoft Update functionality into the new interface but you need to turn it on before you can use it.  Follow these steps to turn on updates for other Microsoft applications: ...

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Launch Win 7 Install From The Update DVD And Repair (Update)

Oct 21, 2009

Is it possible, in case of major failure, to launch Win 7 install from the Update DVD and Repair (Update) the existing defective Win 7 version ?

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Does 5th Windows Update Automatically Uninstall SP2 RC Update?

Apr 26, 2009

I understand that Vista SP2 RC update has to be uninstalled before installing SP2 RTM update(when bcomes available). Does 5the Windows Update automatically uninstall SP2 RC update or does it has to be done manually?

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Windows Update Fail To Update

Mar 21, 2009

The last time an update was installed was in January..since the next time i was offered an update, Windows Update or any of the programs that use windows update fail to update. Also i can't download the updates manually..standalone msu installers also dont work.. windows defender, IE8 installations also fail to update. And unfortunately i have deleted the recent system restore checkpoints before i knew about this problem. Windows Update gives error 80070002, i have tried the "solution" to delete temp update files, and all other solutions i could find on the internet. Windows defender gives the same error.

The updates can be downloaded from windows update, but cannot be download (not even manually in .msu package) I also lost many shortcut files of MS Office (the icon turned white and they lost their target). Some shortcuts of 3rd party programs are also lost (which were supposed to be in c:windowsinstallerlabla I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 (SP1 came with the ssytem when i bought it). This is very weird. I have no other choice than to reformat drive and use recovery disk.

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Task Icons Do Not Appear

Feb 25, 2009

I don't see my sound mixer / aim icons or any other icons anymore in the start bar.

I do see the clock & date, normally under that i saw for example the icon for external drives, processes, my virus scanner, etc. but they are gone now.

First my taskmanager was disabled, but i got it to work with the tutorial here on the forum. But still no icons.

Is there anyone that could help me getting back my icons?

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Create A Task

Apr 16, 2008

I have been trying to figure out how to create a task in Task Scheduler.
I would like my machine to create a restore point daily. I am ok until the
Actions dialog.

Quote: When you create a task, you must specify the action that will occur when your task starts. Am I correct in assuming that I can create a task that will create a restore point
on a daily schedule for me?

As y'all are aware it wants me to specify the name of the program I want it to run.
I have no idea of the name of the program that creates restore points.
And I have no idea where to find the name.
I have been using this tutorial but I need the name of the program.

Task Scheduler - Create Task

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How To Run A Task When Shutting Down

Jun 1, 2008

I wish to run a task (to dismount a network hard drive) whenever shutting down. I have noticed that the Task Scheduler has a trigger called, 'On local disconnect from any user session'. I have setup a task based on this trigger, but it doesn't execute when I do a shutdown.

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Can't Alt+tab To Task Manager

Jan 23, 2010

Just about 1-2 weeks ago i was sitting comfortably in my living room gaming away when i noticed the game i was playing started having problems. In the mist of playing my keyboard locks up and mouse freezes and i can't move my character at all. I can't even alt+tab to task manager to fix the problem. I noticed the windows vista error sound play and then a few seconds later the game resumes normally.
I thought it was the particular game, but when i ditched it and started playing navyfield i noticed the same problem occurring there.

Anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem? I was thinking driver related problems or possible graphics since the problem never occurs outside of gaming. When the problem happens the green lights for numb lock etc.. quickly off and on. I have disabled trusted installer thinking it was lag durring game and that cause the information to pause....I have recently reformated my hard drived with the disk that came with the computer and did a full installation of windows updates.

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Cannot Use Task Manager

Mar 29, 2008

why i can't use my task manager?

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Av.exe, Indicated In Task Manager As gav.exe *32

Feb 20, 2010

the infamous fake "Vista atnivirus 2010" somehow got into my system, with its unstopable topups that would never end until I did this. the program was av.exe, and is indicated in task manager as gav.exe *32. This is a hidden file in the folder (user)/AppData / Local. To resolve this issue, I did the following:

1. Start task manager.
2. Right-click the file in task manager
3. Select the option gOpen containing folderh.
4. Close task manager.........

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Task Scheduler Is NOT Available.

Feb 21, 2009

I'm trying to back up my file, but in the process I was asked to start the task scheduler. when I do start the task scheduler, I get the following message: Task Scheduler is not available. Verify that the service is running.! I tried command prompt as well but I get nothing.

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Task Scheduler Won't Run

Apr 16, 2009

I want to automatically log off user after idle for 10 minutes. The problem appears to be that Vista won't go into an idle state. Lots of stuff running in background, and even my time clock on desktop I suppose keeps the PC from not idling.

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Icon In Task Bar Has Red X

Jun 26, 2009

I'm running Vista home premium and IE8. I connect to the internet with dial-up. When I'm connected the computer icon in the task bar has a red X on it. If I place the cursor on the icon it says "not Connected". If I right click on the icon and select connect to network the window comes up and shows my connection and states that I'm connected with the option button to disconnect. Why does my system think I'm not connected. Also before when I would close IE I would receive a window asking if I want to disconnect. I no longer get that window either. Having dial-up this is a pain do to the phone line being tied up and sometimes not knowing it.

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Task Bar Freezing Up

Oct 31, 2009

when I turn my computer on and windows loads I can't click on my task bar it's froze up... So I hit Cntl alt delete and hit switch user but click on my same user I can use it. My desk top I can click on... Also when I am online my computer freezes up too I do same thing and it unfreezes. I am running windows vista home premium 32 bit..Dell XPS m1530. I have ran my avg virus scanner and it shows no viruses.

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How Can Task Manager

Jul 3, 2009

I no this may be a nooby question but my task manager is all weird, its stuck on ythe process window and i can change it.

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